Image board, more like image bored

image board, more like image bored
you fuckers better be doing your part to get new posters. I mean it's not like I'm not doing my part, I've told a couple people in the Weinstein-pedowood threads on r/the_donald about Holla Forums and must've been banned at least a dozen times this year on 4chan mentioning Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Where else should we recruit?

your mom's bunghole

Tumblr, stormfront and Holla Forumseddit. It's time to cuck this board to pieces.


recruit any redpilled people you know irl. recruit on redpilled subreddits. recruit on 4chan where relevant, like people complaining about their moderation and/or cucks populating the board. recruit on Holla Forums in hollyjew threads.

What the fuck we dont want redditpol here you fucking alt right sjw

pls this board is bad enough already, we're 50% cuckchan and you can tell, don't make it 100%


i agree. we have enough commies here already.

uploased to hugelol :^)
upvote me to the top :%) :%) :^)


can you link these? maybe we can mass upvote them and get them to reach front page. honestly we need to be more organized about this.


Holy fuck you faggots better stop rn.

By this time next year we will be the top board.

I would upvote these but I don't have a hugelol account.

you can just use temp-email dot org

it takes like 10 seconds to make one.
You can even use a fake email address.

Only fatties care about user count

uh oh, i did it again :XD

upboated X3

we have some tough competition

fuck off we're full

literal cancer

he's not wrong though

yes he is, loki is a shit character with no purpose

such an angry little man

t. didn't watch Thor 1, 2 or 3
the only movie that wasn't begging to have more Loki in it was maybe Avengers, but that's because it was a shitty Joss Whedon flick

hey faggot I have seen 1 and 2 and they were shit. the entire franchise is shit with no stakes or tone progression so who the fuck cares about more garbage

you have no taste tbh

all the more reason for you to want a Loki film. Everything was bad about them except for the Loki parts.

>>>Holla Forums is dead
>>>/film/ is the place to be

Holla Forums is redditchan you know

No you have no taste every single capeshit film is bad

Every super hero up until Iron Man 1 was good.
Also the only reason there's been no good MCU flick is cuz Loki never got lead

Super Mario Bros. wasn't too bad

super mario bros is the original "ruined my childhood" meme and I like it for pissing those manchildren off

As a person who doesn't like superheroes or comics, the only good superhero movies were the Nolan Batmans and the Spiderman with Willem Dafoe. Everything else is boring netflix-tier shit with a big budget.

Doesn't know the first rule of the/tv/ club.

Summer child reported

Holla Forums spotted and reported for ban evasion.

So should Holla Forums.

okay which one of you immature mother fuckers posted this:

>>>Holla Forums937515

the Reeves Superman movies were amazing. Burton Batmans are overrated and boring so I never rewatch them. 2000s X-men movies, Toby Spider-mans and the first Jessica Alba Fantastic Four were perfect super hero flicks,

Nolans batmans are shit

ur shit m8

I forgot about the 2000s X-men movies. They were pretty fun.


They're pretty bad movies so no


Does it count when most of the posts are one sperg tho?