Cartoon Network show reel displaying all the new stuff coming in 2018, clips from all the new series coming in 2018 including pic related. Maybe we should have just stayed in 2017.
what the hell CN?
Cartoon Network show reel displaying all the new stuff coming in 2018, clips from all the new series coming in 2018 including pic related. Maybe we should have just stayed in 2017.
what the hell CN?
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shit wrong link
There can't still be kids watching that fucking abomination, can there?
most kids watch the disney channel, youtubers, or sports. Only adult toddlers who get up in full body pj's still watch CN.
No one is watching it because all they ever air is TTGO.
Nobody watches TV anymore, grandpa. They just stream now.
Didn't Bliss briefly cause a surge in viewership for that one episode? More likely because they were shoving it in everyone's face.
that is a horrible drawing by professional standards
It must be the fucking blacks who are giving them ratings.
Random Vine videos provide more entertainment than CN and I do not even like CN.
Why would anyone care about what you like?
The Power of Bliss five-part marathon did bring viewership up, but it was a ratings flop, since it still couldn't bring the ratings to 1 million. The second season has had some bad ratings for the majority of its episode premieres. Basically, no one is watching the Powerpuff Girls reboot anymore, and some people, but not a whole lot, watched the Bliss event.
That's no excuse when Steven Universe and OK K.O. can pull in good, consistent ratings.
Nobody cares what you think either sagecuck child
if blacks watch cartoons it's anime, and only surface level anime at that.
It's black women, white women, and beta cuck white males who watch CN at the moment and a few kids that like Teen Titans Go.
Is the porn of bliss any good?
Why would you want porn of it?
Don't respond just report and ignore for bait.
One can only hope those three shows are shit canned.
Cape shit too; why Netflix will make a ton if they don't fuck it up with their SJW shit.
Considering who's funding them now, I imagine they definitely will.
I want them to fuck
I can't help but remember the plights of Tara Strong and Craig McCracken and how much this spat in the face of the OG classic back when it just started airing, this isn't even about nostalgia at this point (imo) it's about execution and how well one can pull it off, fuck the whole "product of the times" thing. You either got it or you don't.
>Bunny's name is now "Bliss" and is now this weird ass famboyant NIGRESS instead of a decently done Quasimodo analogy I swear to fucking christ someone was on drugs and didn't focus jack shit when they made this
nevermind the shit they did to Miss. Keen
Did Mega Man come out yet? Also, Clarence is retarded faggotry, and Mighty Magiswords is just retarded.
What the fuck were you watching, OP?
Fucking kill yourself you biochemical accident.
Maybe she was that big of a mistake; maybe her dad couldn't stand looking at her for another day and lost it with brain damage being the result of the assault?
Hey, anyone got the full picture to pic two?
Fucking hell that's a better plot twist than wahtever the hell of a mess nuPPG is