Martin Shkreli to buy 4chan
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We will never have nice things ever again.
There is no fucking way that's actually happening
Dammit forgot to turn off name smh
isn't this that cunt that hiked that one drug because latestagecapitalism
We could have stopped this.
halfchan couldn't get any worse
that's what I thought
and yet over and over again, I'm shown what a naive fool I really am
All the scum of the earth orbits the same centers of online activity.
monetized memes. capitalism and ideology in action. wow.
dat webm dough
remember when it was about anime
I want Snacks back
This is what happens when you turn your back on anime. We need to remember to always post anime so that this tragedy does not repeat itself here.
Jesus Christ
Newfaggotry made flesh
got these off 4/b/
Revolution obviously
I hope someone kills this man by raping him with an AIDS-ridden cock.
What's the problem? You'll found out Shkreli is based if you watch the various interviews he's done.
not even Holla Forums is this cancerous, surely
This is a great example of capitalism; hoping to make Holla Forums into a profit making entity, not because it would help mankind, but because it might make money, and it would make money by hurting our species.
Michael Bloomberg is charismatic to
I love this.
I want to see this scummy CEO fuck over Holla Forums, then watch the backlash.
I wonder how he could fuck up 4chan.
r/drama is loving this, r/SRS is shitting their panties over this!
Normies deserve a gulag
How is this a bad thing?
Cuck/pol/'s tears are going to be legendary.
I hope they dox and harass the shit out of him.
You're basing your opinion of him on single news story that went viral. All he did was take advantage of incompetent pharmaceutical companies. The drug that he hiked the price of is still free for people who can't afford it.
I've seen the interviews. He's a sophist and I'm not taking his word for it. Regardless, he's a literal venture capitalist why the fuck would we like him?
Meaning they have to jump through a bunch bureaucratic hoops to get it. Also, buying up all the rights just so you can raise the price is still a scummy thing to do by many capitalist standards.
Soundtrack for this and the thread.
he's literally porky you fucking idiot
How is fullchan even financially solvent anyway?
I know there is far less traffic then halfchan but that can't be the whole story.
Here guys use this.
Fuck fixed it
Because he's smart enough to take advantage of the system he lives in.
No, you can actually call him and he gives away for free.
He's just screwing over pharmaceutical companies, why are you upset about porkies fighting other porkies?
Who is he exploiting?
post it here
You didn't deny that he is bourgeois. You can't, because he very clearly is.
All you're doing is defending him as a bourgeois.
nope, it's not his fault, it's just the conditions he was born into it's true! and it won't be his fault when he's up against the wall either.
Go back.
Taxpayers/insurance payers have to pay for it faggot
I never said he wasn't bourge, but he's clearly not responsible for exploitation.
Yes, blame capitalism you idiot.
Except that's his cover.
The number of people who have had to call him has flooded his voicemail in the past.
Most people just wind up filling out a form because it takes so long for him to respond.
He runs a pharmaceutical company…
I could care less, the problem is the side effects of creating monopolies.
he's literally killing people by overcharging for medicine
we're reaching levels of apologism that shouldn't even be possible
The demand for this drug very low, filling out a form to get free drugs isn't as bad as you're making it seem.
Yes, and he's screwing over other pharmaceutical companies, what's the problem?
What's the side effect? People still have access to the drug and pharmaceutical/insurance companies just end up paying more.
He's only shifting money around, he's not exploiting workers.
fucking kek
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
Apparently Marxism isn't yours.
holy shit this picture is fucking painful
He couldn't change the structure of the companies even he wanted to; board of directors, investors, and such would have a problem with that.
Literally cucks
Point wasn't whether he could change it or not.
Besides, he continues to valorize what he's done anyway.
any new tweets or streams for either jmoot or shecrelly?
You literally cannot make this shit up.
If Moot walking out didn't signal the end of 4chan as we knew it, then this CERTAINLY does.
I feel bad. I want to go back to to 2007 again. I'll even settle for 2010.
What went so horribly wrong?
Why would you fags care.
Holla Forums memes are objectively trash, and belong on a site like 9gag.
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not.
They've somehow become even bigger bootlickers since moot left.
Old Holla Forums wouldn't have accepted this, especially because he's a jew.
Kind of disappointing.
My point is you're trying to pin him down on something outside of his control.
How does one man ensue so much butthurt?
They do realize that as a businessman, he will have to bend to political correctness to make money, right? Their board will he shitcanned in an instant.
Is it finally happening?
Because businessmen have no principles other than money, right?
wew lad
Yeah i dont know if thats sarcasm but right exactly
I never said that it wasn't outside of his control.
I'd even have sympathy for him if he inherited the company like Engels did.
But he started this business so he is somewhat responsible for the exploitation that happens under him, and he obviously has no intention of using his wealth or power to support an overhaul of the system like Engels. Instead, he valorizes it like a quintessential porky.
A good buisnessman, yes.
As long as it turns a profit.
Right, I forgot that they are glorious Job Creators sent from god to save us from ourselves.
Basically t-shirts, hoodies, and caps with memes.
god bless
that fag is an attention whore without any moral.
he will destroy 4chin
it has been preordained by Kek
you cannot stop it, it hasn't even begun
Make 4chan great again.
Actual successful troll. i hope user destroys him.
and where do you think the extra money comes from? the profits of the insurance companies and their executives' pockets?
Why are you rustled by this?
This is the end lads. The end of 4chan.
what an idiot.
He doesn't even care enough about the site to know who owns it now.
These are great, by the way.
Utter cancer now controls 4chan and Holla Forums is loving it.
who sent him the dick pic btw?
looks more like a disformed clit tbh
Christ, Holla Forums is retarded
Okay, you need to leave.
literally who
All these lefty cucks worrying about 4chan makes me laugh. No wonder you're still gommies, you're either underaged or are massive cuckolds bereft of anything that could be called taste.
It's funny because if it was George Soros you would be doing the same thing we are doing on this thread
4chan's still a good place to discuss shit like anime and other shit
i mean where else can i go ? most of Holla Forums's boards are deader than an Indonesian communist and most of the people on those dead boards either moved to reddit or 4chan
You forgot to shoehorn in 'my wife's son' and Palmer Luckey frog memes
Have you been in cryostasis since 2009?
Holy shit does he even browse 4chan? It is like whatever he knows about 4chan is seconday information
We need to prepare for this, and get as many lefties here as possible if happens.
kekking hard
he's just trolling
Nah, I've watched this guys stream.
He's pretty transparent, and when he does try to troll it's pretty obvious
2016 was a mistake
i really think this was some sort of accident or fuck up, like a time traveler from the far future went back to 2015 to stop a great evil, but messed up somehow
and now we're in some sort of weird offshoot timeline that's drifting off course from the optimal timeline
and the universe keeps trying to correct that course, but it keeps overcompensating and screwing up the timeline and the universe even worse than before
this may explains the rise of trump and the alt-right, pepe's influence in the us elections, colombia voting no on that peace treaty, brexit, the stupid em-drive that nobody can explain that's literally just a microwave in a cone, and a whole bunch of other shit
It's a gimmick, how is he supposed to answer all of these calls? The medicine is not a rare treatment by any means. Just because he is honest about being an asshole doesn't mean it is justified.
Also, he was arrested for fraud by the FBI. Just a thought.
At the end of the day he's still porky but honestly he's a pretty cool guy.
He doesn't necessarily do it personally (although I've read he will respond to you) you'd contact the pharmaceutical company he owns and jump through a hoop or two but they're actually pretty effective at responding quickly and distributing the medicine for free to those less fortunate.
The co-pay that most people pay is $10 even, the hiked up price only effects the insurance companies and big pharma.
Big pharma routinely fucks over the American people in MUCH MUCH MUCH worse ways than this, why do you think the media jumped all over Shkreli? Not because all the major news outlets and federal government suddenly cared about sick and needy people (lol that'd be the day amiright?) but because he actually did something to piss off the other porkys in the pig pen.
I would be careful about quickly jumping to conspiracy theories. Perhaps this guy is just a greedy douche?
This isn't the 19th century anymore, you can't change anything without shooting yourself in the foot. Quit being so mad.
I'm not arguing that what he did was justified I'm still a leftist and he is fundamentally holding the medication for ransom from people who need it we are in agreement there but for a capitalist he actually is doing something okay.
What's a conspiracy theory? Are you claiming that big pharma doesn't routinely fuck over the people or are you claiming that porky doesn't run the media and would have an incentive to make an example out of the guy who hurt their pockets?
What did they mean by this??
Thinking that the media jumped all over him because he was actually the good guy, or at least, not the real bad guy.
I'm not leftist either way, just tired of conspiracy theories.
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