Realize that the German left assisted Hitler's rise to power by opposing the parliamentary centre-left and the German...
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Read Zizek, anarkiddie.
The Nazis were a mass movement, with its own militia and party structure, its own propaganda apparatus, financers, military people and a lot of high-caliber individuals backing it up. The threat was palpable to anyone who cared to see it, even if Stalin wasn't among them.
But Trump is just one dude, one lone wolf subverting a party. He doesn't have his own organization to take over, and for the most part he doesn't have an agenda. Hillary is definitely the lesser evil if you go with that shit, but Trump is not the threat liberals want you to believe he is either.
Obviously Trump isn't the same threat that Hitler was, but that doesn't mean he isn't extremely dangerous, his campaign has quasi-fascist tendencies both in the way it appeals to parts of the masses and as an historical process. You're wrong to say the Trump campaign doesn't have " its own propaganda apparatus, financers, military people and a lot of high-caliber individuals backing it up". It has absolutely all of that, and it's a threat to anyone who gives a fuck about liberty.
Just for the fact that Trump Makes so many assholes misserable, that alone is reason enough to vote for him.
But why? Because full communism is still decades if not centuries away and being ideologically aligned with it does not give me the immediate gratification that a collective liberal butthurt does.
Besides, not american.
As opposed to whom old chap? This is the American rome, it is still an empire no matter the caesar. For someone who sticks up for radical changes, you sure seem attached to scraps of illusory liberty you don't have unless you pay.
Tbh the most dangerous thing about Trump is his unpredictability. He is a pig-headed oaf with a cartoonishly huge ego and the maturity of a screaming kid on a plane. The danger with him is that we have no idea exactly what he'll do or how he will react to outside stimuli or the pressures of the presidency.
I would probably vote Hillary if I were American, but only because I know that with her we get 4-8 years of status quo with the slight possibility of some watered down socdem reforms. With Trump it's a mystery, but it will be an embarrassing and potentially destructive mystery.
Obviously the illusory nature of our present liberties doesn't mean that we should subject ourselves to an even worse state of non-freedom. The right-wing demagoguery of Trump will lead to things worse than they are now. I don't want to see mass deportation forces, an even more erratic foreign policy, and more intense crackdowns on press freedom and minorities than we see today.
I completely agree. It's that sort of mentality that makes him fascistic too. The idea that him and himself alone is the light to lead the American people back to greatness. The parallels with 20th century fascism are so pronounced I think it's dishonest to pretend they aren't there.
His campaign has only Fascist tendencies for people who don't know what Fascism is, because he's firmly entrenched within a tradition of chauvinistic populism that conservatives and liberals alike are more than happy to use in order to mobilize public opinion, but don't want to be individually associated with. Did Trump create the hysteria over mexican immigrants? Did Trump create fear of foreign countries and a sense of national weakness? Was he the one talking about Russia, terrorists, and China all these years? No, because the people who did it were the organs of public opinion that also give us all the "legitimate" candidates you've been voting for all these years.
And please, do tell me what is Trump's propaganda apparatus and who finances him. What significant media outlet is even praising him? Breitbart? Which high-profile general or figure of influence has backed him? What about the people behind his donations, have you ever compared it with Clinton's? It's almost like the entire system against one man.
I'd also like to know what you mean by "as an historical process" because the historical circumstances are absolutely nothing alike. Fascism arose when local big-property bourgeoisies, who don't even exist anymore, were threatened by domestic labor issues and foreign financial dominance in Italy, and later in central/eastern Europe when the middle-class was struggling in a period of crisis. Trump, on the other hand, is appealing to working-class morons in a period of recovery who have, mostly, rightful complaints about companies using cheap labour abroad.
On the other hand, he's a total idiot, and won't be able to maneuver himself into a position of dictatorial power the way Hitler or Mussolini did. If he were elected, there's no way the democrats would compromise with him on anything, and even many Republicans would probably oppose him too. If he did win he would more than likely be a lame duck and lose in 2020, possibly even to Clinton if she decided to run again.
TL;DR you're absolutely OK with everything you claim to fear, you just want it do be done politely and discreetly, without the media reporting it too much, with respectable, clean-cut academics from nice universities and high-budget think-thanks drawing the plans, and with the president saying one thing while doing the other.
Holla Forums and leddit are trying to convince us to go along with their meme candidate
almost every regular poster knows the election is retarded
all memes aside I don't see why a tactical vote for a less awful candidate is something we should disagree with
I plan to vote for Hillary but that doesn't mean I endorse the shit she does. I just don't want Trump to be president.
Everyone knows that the media and establishment favor Hillary. Did most of the German media praise Hitler? Did sections of the bourgeois not wish to prevent his rise to power? Fascism is usually something the bourgeois accepts when popular pressure is too strong. The tradition of chauvinist populism you refer to includes fascism.
So fascism arises when the status quo economic system is viewed as intolerable by the working class, and proposes false solutions to the problems it faces so they don't move towards genuine working-class self-empowerment.
Look, I accept the dire nature of how things are in the U.S today. My point is that a Trump presidency would only make such things significantly worse. Obama and Clinton are awful, but Trump is a different animal entirely.
Even so, the majority of their attacks on Trump are based on his own actual statements.
But this is comming, what makes you think that -for instance- clinton isn't the same? She's in bed with everyone and their mothers in terms of oligopolies and foreign powerplayers.
A Clinton victory will continue the exact same policies that have taken momentum since GWB and BO. Civil liberties wil continue to be curved by her, yet you fear Trump's curving specifically, why is that?
The same thing can be said about clinton's "left" demagoguery, as you know, american democrats are status-quo enablers exactly like republicans, the only difference is which sectors of society they momentaneously administer morphine to for a few years.
Assuming you're a illegal this should't concern you much, but of course you care about whatever you want, I don't think I have much to say about this.
Erratic? Are you sure? US foreign policy is anything but erratic, it's clear-cut interventionism to benefit multiple oligopolies, plain and simple, whoever climbs the ov office either does as the money tells them to do, or they do not. We'll see.
Freedom of press, that's cute. America has no free press. All major outlets are mouthpieces for capitalist institutions. The only American free press is independents, but yeah I can see how THEY could get culled eventually for reporting too much, but again, why fear trump specifically? Hillary is just as likely to attact free speech to curve criticism.
, if it's about all the blacks killed by cops I think that's terrible ofc but there's also a lot of media fuzz over it, black-on-black crime is far more urgent cancer that's tearing inner cities, but it's not fashionable for the media to adress this topic because it could lead to people into understanding the true root causes of a system that keeps blacks under the poverty line by fracturing their comunities and condemning them to a life of welfare and low chances of social mobility because rich politicos can use them to syphon tax money from and for them.
but i don't think either of them would be anything short of a disaster
Hitler arguably wasn't fascist either, he didn't establish national syndicalism as defined by Giovanni Gentile.
I don't think Hillary would be substantially worse than Obama. If she's president and center-left supreme court justices are nominated, things will be slightly better for us.
All but one centre-left party enabled Hitler to become the ultimative Führer while communists began beta-testing the concentration camps
Unlike the Nazis, Trump has nothing to replace this void with. The Nazis, when ascending, could count on everything from paramilitary to wide-circulation newspapers. Trump, I ask you again, has what? Who's leading the death squads and marching the militia into the senate, Milo?
Nope, that's just regular elections you're describing.
I wonder just how many german communists and Italian anarchist said that when Hitler and musslini respectively consolidated power.
I wonder how many said that to their comrades as the firng squads took aim.
Trump is a very serious situation, you fear him yet you continue to treat him like an idiot child with a revolver that may or may not be loaded. Why wont anyone learn from history?
But how tho? All the things Trump threatens to do are already done, he's just impolite about it.
Because Trump looks at all the shit that Bush, Obama, and Clinton have done, and decides that it's too soft. He wants the police to crack down on protesters like they good ol' days, for example. You can point out how bad it is now all you want, I still don't see the point in rooting for someone promising to be even more extreme than the U.S gov't is now.
Has a thought-out purpose, yes, but I think they have made some very uncalculated moves in the past, like their protracted wars in Iraq and Vietnam, their support for jihadist warlords which backfires on them, etc. Regardless, Trump's foreign policy views are a loose cannon. He said he would've fired on Iranian troops for hurting American feels.
Of course, I agree, but Donald thinks he should have to right to sue people in the media who say mean things about him, and shut down the internet,etc. I feel like I'm making the same point over and over again. I don't understand the accelerationist position, things getting worse won't necessarily be in our favour unless we have a broad movement that has chances of taking power.
Seriously? I mean you do understand the job of people like Obama is to further the interests of predator industrialists and the capitalist order? These people don't make anything better for you, they give you a pacifier so you quit your whining while they do bussiness AND YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE THAT THE PACIFIER GETS SMALLER AND MORE TOXIC WITH EACH PASSING ELECTION.
Again, Im not american. The people who'll suffer trump's onslaught first will be the dumb, the limp-dicked and the masochists, essentially scum that doesn't ammount to revolutionary potential. lapdogs who beg the govt to make it easy for them and them alone, because they've grown infatuated with capitalist tall-tales of boot-straps and college education.
All these so-called leftists (liberals) they stand at the brink of their own reckoning which they created and now they can't even concieved why it happened, how to stop it and why it didn't stop when they called it racist… And that is just so incredibly funny i just love it.
I'm not American either, but your notion that Trump should win because >liberal pussies BTFO xDDDDD
is a bit silly.
Why is it silly? If someone unwilling to fight properly, they should get out of the way or die so that the willing and able can take their place.
Look around you right now and see all those liberal leftist parties fighting the capitalist status quo on its own terms… And at the back who is trying to get their voices heard? Who has the vision ane the goals? Who knows the problems and the solutions? Who is willing to lead a charge against capitalism? People like us, who are ignored and shouted down in favor of more "reasonable stances"… Well look at them now, running scared all over the planet, unable to stop one man.
Trump could take us down a more dangerous and expressly anti-left path
I can't see Hillary banning communist organization