We need a new Frankfurt School to figure this shit out.
Working class people voting for a billionaire capitalist that denigrates workers and doesn't pay them and that also...
I just have to laugh at the people who shit on vanguardism, as unlikely as revolution is anyway do you really expect human garbage like the average voter to liberate himself with self-theory or whatever?
It is very simple OP:
What's wrong with shootin up heroin?
Nothing, but lots of people are currently overdosing on it in the US and dying.
It's addictive and can harm your body
But that's another good thing. Dead americunts.
americans rightfully consider him patriotic and racist enough to take care of immigration and free trade. we also suspect that doing so might also benefit himself.
donald trump isn't as evil as the media makes him out to be, he's just more flamboyant about it than, say, $hillary, who is a more quiet and insidious kind of evil.
yeah basically this he's a giant fuck you to the ruling elite. republicans chose him because they knew he'd function as an attack dog and he was right. couldn't stomach watching those beyond terrible republican primary debates, but trump was always impressive somehow.
i read around that he owes a lot of money to russia can anyone confirm?
we need to end all working class sectarianism all together.
we need to abolish this concept of "right and left" garbage. we just need a workers collective that understands that global capitalist free market jew exploitation is not okay. we need a 3rd way.
like maybe convince the right wing racists that hitler was a socialist fighting against bankers and capitalist bourgouise jews and that actually marx was right about everything… then slowly get them to see that its not "DA JEWS" but the bourgeoisie who suck and why they are in literal slavery when we could be building a real brave new world. a new form of communism will emerge and we'll call it super capitalism or something and everyone will agree on it and then porky will die.
anything else will just cause more reactionary hicks
really annoying that lower middle class people want to shit on broke college students or the unemployed, as if they're the problem!
i feel like if people were working less they'd have the time and mental energy to take a step back and realized it's all a pyramid scheme. maybe the NEETs will save us. :p
What, you mean "traditional families are bad, an absent father is better for ego integrity than a loving father because a pseudoscientific cult created by a warped man that wanted to fuck his mother said so"?
You're a retard, Freud never said that it was better not to have a dad.
The Authoritarian Personality - one of the major works of the Frankfurt School - was part of the school's attempts to reconcile psychoanalysis with Marxism.
Psychoanalysis of course being that pseudoscientific cult (see: Freud banishing anyone that dared disagree with himself, the frankly creepy worship of Freud by the original psychoanalysts) based pretty much on one man projecting his disturbing sexual issues on the wider society
I know the Frankfurt School was influenced by Freud. Show me where Freud said "it's better not to have a Dad".
Holla Forums pls
I'd like to point out that the Stormcuck never responded to me.
He's right.
The Left seems to hate the traditional family structure, the West and whatever the West does.
If the working class has to choose between the absolute fuckup the modern left is, and Donald Trump, I don't blame them for supporting Trump.
What exactly is hard? People are not checking his background but rather his electoral promises, which are less pro-globalist than those offered by Clinton.
It's in their interests