All me :) great board btw

all me :) great board btw

Meanwhile I've made 20-30 on topic threads

The star wars thread was me. That is my only thread in your picture.

Way to assassinate your own character.

no you haven't

tbh I take back the RLM one at least that's on-topic

Finally, the only pic where she doesn't open her mouth

Wrong the megumin gloom thread is mine and the Is This Kino question mark video of a jew telling the goyim to shut up or bad things will happen.

Go get a life, attention whore

What do you win if every thread on the front page was created by you?

A ban.

wrong, no matter how much you ruin this board mods will never ban because freedom of speech is the greatest virtue on Holla Forums :) which is why it can be ruined for 18 months straight with no end


Post Margaret if you want a ban.

I haven't tried that yet, waifufaggotry is the only faggotry i haven't resorted to
you deserve to be banned btw

Go back to Holla Forums, you dirty Holla Forumsster.

great threads tbh
thank you for your contribution

can you list the faggotries you have tried?
Maybe there's something you're just not thinking of.

Most aren't even too bad, so if you are not lying (which you are), you are just helping.

don't thank me, ruining this board for the cucks who aren't willing to call for banning off-topic posters is reward enough :)

All it takes is someone who made one of those threads to see it and know you're full of shit. Apply yourself/10

Ninja Turtles thread was kino

thanks we try

there is no off topic on Holla Forums

the only off-topic threads on Holla Forums are threads talking about how shit there being no off-topic ism according to based BO

Damn right. Love it or leave it.

You liar I made like 3 of those

Shit board full of /a/ and Holla Forums


Holla Forumsacks who fled here because nu/pol/ happened are good to go.
commies need to be shot.

daisy ridley is shit