Witcher 3 - B&W
Don't worry mr. Marketeer. I'm gonna get it some day when I'm not busy.
The bar wasn't set all that high to begin with.
I can't wait to watch someone else play through it.
Also check 'em
He said he was going to play it eventually not that he didn't like that game. Did you not read what he said?
Is there a reason to wear armor other than fashion?
That armour in Witcher has always had stats, user.
You should stop taking tips from JIDF on how to shill, CD Projekt Red.
I know that, but is the armor in the DLC actually better than main game armor?
Regardless of whether it's shit or not this is just the most retarded thing to complain about.
I've seen a few screenshots from other threads that seem to indicate it is.
Its the canonical continuation of the books as said by the writer himself.
The DLC adds GrandMaster Armour/weapons at least I heard it does so I'm guessing it's better.
Whats wrong with the combat?
The game is based on the books you fucking moron!
But it's just mass effect with melee combat.
I've never finished the based game because combat has no depth whatsoever.
I just want a simple yet engaging combat like M&B.
I sad to think that there are a generation or two that never knew what an expansion pack is but do know what DLC is.
Patches aren't DLC
Expansion pack or not, it is still content that is downloadable.
I forgot that 3/4 of Holla Forums are autistic fucks.
I dowload the expansion pack and that makes it DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT How hard is that to understand?
Are you being serious
Detlaff is fucking incredible, new vampires are actually challenging and Archspores fuck your shit up if you are a quen shitter.
Geralt's leather jacket from 1 makes a return, only now it is retardedly a "Grandmaster Manticore school set"
Why they made a new school just to bring back a piece of clothing I have no idea.
To be fair they also called their bundle an 'expansion pass' as opposed to DLC pass or whatever.
DLC refers to a specific type of minor content pack. Which can, and often does, come on the game disc at launch sometimes without needing to purchase/download to unlock, ie quests because you preorder a physical copy that are there from the get go which are described still as DLC.
There's too much cinematic to really enjoy witcher at all, 1 was fun but past that, 2 became a snorefest real quick.
And fuck 3, don't even want to know.
I guess all games are dlc now, since you can download their content online :^).
Perfect summation for the state of this fucking industry. Vidya should just be put to sleep like a sick dog, fuck this.
Well, in Blood an Wine they seem to have realised that Quen makes the game a fucking cakewalk, so they designed enemies and certain items to make it matter less. The boars charge at you, knocking quen down with first hit and doing a couple more after that. Scolopendomorphs jump out of the ground and have a certain parry pose, if you hit them at the wrong tim you will get fucked. Archspores shoot poison at you, explode flowers near your feet, jump inbetwheen the flowers and there are usually multiple of them, which means usually you won't even have the time to put up quen. Bruxas and Alps teleport around you, attacking quckly multiple times and breaking your quen to shit. All vampires, including Fledders and Garkains have a scream attack which knocks you back and stuns you no matter if you have quen or not.
Also a certain gameplay mechanic is introdused with Arondite silver sword. When you hit an enemy you get points which boost your damage. fast attack gives 1 point, strong gives 2. If you are hit you lose the points. 10 is the maximum amount of points, and if you kill an enemy while your sword is at 10 it permanently boosts the damage, allowing you to essentially level up your sword.
Yes, they are.
Looks nice. Maybe when the modding tools come out we'll get Witcher 1 in 3's engine.
fuck off with you people and giant penises as trees
I'm torn on that. One one hand, the graphics and combat are a lot better. On the other hand alchemy is complete shit in 3 and it doesn't have drinking games/rings and has incredibly bad skill and leveling system.
Yes, ripping off the books. As in, most of the game plots are directly ripping off plots from the fucking books, instead of being "a canonical continuation of them" AKA new plots set in The Witcher universe.
Oh, you know, everything?
It also doesn't have dice poker. I miss dice poker.
In the Witcher 2 you can drink some hallucinogens and see a bunch of mushroom dicks and a giant chicken.
Yeah. Gwent is better than dice poker because it relies less on chance but man they didn't have to throw it away completely.
In TW2 they fucked dice poker by making it one round, since poker is all about controlling your losses.
You should calm down, user.
How is this bad?
Video games themselves are DLC by that logic
Did anyone find a steel sword better than Blave? Something along the lines of a steel version of Aerondight?
I'm prepping my save for new game plus and so far it looks like these two are the best.
And then read Dandelion going full Freud on you in the journal.
Does this shit happen in the middle of the main quest or after? I have never ever bought or downloaded expansions that happen prior to the end of the main quest. I already finished it, I don't give a shit what happens in some side-country because it'll by definition be meaningless to the whole.
They're self contained stories
They have no impact on the main game
Both expansions are way better than the main game as well
What is this? Morrowwind?
Geralt will comment on having defeated the white frost to Regis if you completed the main quest already. Your choice of lover will also settle down with Geralt as said in the end of the main quest, but at his vineyard.
I tried to like The Witcher on several occasions, but holy hell the gameplay is so shitty in all of the games, it feels like I'm playing a MMO alone.
Is it still a pile of shit performance/optimization wise?
my buddy with two 690s could barely play it so probably.
Alright lads, the difference really isn't that fucking hard to get
minor content addition that is usually downloaded alongside the game, e.g. master armor set of faggotry
Adds several hours of gameplay to the base game, expanding its content significantly, usually sold on a separate disc, e.g. W3: Blood and Wine.
tbh only an idiot has two cards because SLI is shit tech that barely works
(also those are so fucking old)
might have been 790s i cant remember.
I'm gonna get it you piece of nigger, just not yet.
Trashed it is then. Fuck CDPR for putting their focus onto consoles and le good DLC instead of actually fixing the games performance problems and combat.
Everything is DLC!
Your mom downloads my dlc into her base game everytime!
An expansion pack is a physical package. Downloadable content is content you download. It's right there in the name.
The expansion takes place a year after the original story. Geralt will say he found Ciri and fought the hunt even if you didn't get to that point yet. It is essentially an epilogue.
Oh shit user, my mom has HIV.
Get yourself checked.
doesnt he die in the bad ending?
He commits suicide by Drowner
then how does he live in the expansion?
To start the expansion you need to take the contract from the noticeboard on oxenfurt. I assume to do this you need to be alive.
To be honest I have no idea since I never got the bad ending.
GTX 960 runs it pretty well, though with a SweetFX mod (Mine is E3 2013) it barely manages 60 FPS, frequently dipping just below it.
Probably heat issues causing throttling as it's summer after all.
"you are no one" hurr durr, faggot elder vampire. I could get your stupid ass home but clearly you just want to wait at that sealed dimensional gate like the idiot you are.
Plus Ciri showed up at Corvo Bianco for me. I could literally just take her to his dumbass and she could just blink him home.
Truly, vampires are retarded.
Finished it yesterday, great expansion.
vampires can't die, elves can
Did you make her queen? I made her a witcher and I never saw her in Blood and Wine
They can die, they just have to do it themselves.
It's also not like a human couldn't just keep them in a perpetual state of regeneration.
Vampires are just really powerful on the level of Geralt or an exceptional human mage like Vilgevortz.
I'd say a higher Vampire would fuck Eredin right up seeing as Geralt kicked his ass rather easily.
Vampires can be killed by other Vampires or rendered incapable of regenerating without another Vampire.
Just turn one into Jelly and dump the remains in a Volcano and problem solved.
I think that she shows up if you don't romance anyone.
And does she show up as Empress?
Geralt kicked the shit out of Dettlaff too rather easily in my case.
But in any case, elves and humans can cross dimensions, yet vamp gramps just keeps hanging from the low gravity ceiling instead of trying to warp around himself.
I think it's Dandelion who shows up if you don't romance anyone and Ciri is empress.
I honestly wonder why Anna Henrietta can get cross with you when you're daughter is her leige lord.
Is Ciri ruling Nillfgaard during blood and wine? I mean some other user said that takes place a year after the main game.
When Triss came she said she got bored of waiting for me in Kovir. And Kovir is where you and her move in the ending of the main game
It takes place whenever you do it. If you've finished the game there are references to that, if you haven't then those references aren't there and the final quest bugs out.
Kill yourself nigger
If you liked the base game you would like it even more, if you didn't it probably wouldn't change your mind. Just like with pretty much any other expansion pack ever made.