Jewish treasury secretary acknowledges Trump's Aryan genetic superiority
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so in other work, kikes are sucking his dick
anti trump le zionist maymay shills BTFO'd once again
Need any more proof that kikes are the ones behind the vegan faggotry?
Down with the vegan agenda.
Not a fan of meatloaf myself but at least (((Mnuchin))) is providing some amusement
I still hope he gets turned into a lampshade come second term
lampshade during Term 2: Electric Bugaloo confirmed
Bloody hell that was weird.
Goddam high meat holy fuck
Is that MilkVarg?
This is the new Jenkem, isn't it?
You'll losers don't even eat high meat.
Now I'm craving meatloaf.
Your quads suggest it's lampshade season. Or nipple belt season
A Jew praising Trump as an individual for his inherited stamina and work ethic = A Jew praising Aryan genetic superiority
What in kek's name?!
Kek, these snarky media kikes are so thoroughly shitter shattered I love it.
Meatloaf confirmed as the official dish of Hyperborians
God damn, that's intense. Campworthy, for sure.
what the fuck am i watching
fuck i gotta try this
This guy's eating liquefied rotten meat?
So he made himself homemade meat yogurt.
Meatloaf is shit, guys.
Meatloaf is Aryan and redpilled
I pity you for your sad life
Hated it growing up, hate it as an adult. Shepard's Pie is where it's at.
Is that a nipple belt?
If you haven't had a pasty, you need to get right with God. Get one of these motherfuckers slathered in enchilada sauce + cheese, and a big dollop of sour cream on top.
You need some haggis in your life.
That explains the weight loss
Shepards Pie is fucking delicious
My thoughts exactly. Everything about him simultaneously impressive and ridiculous. He's made from trolling atoms.
Cheese n bacon meat pie nigga
It all makes sense now.
Is this supposed to make me hate Trump?
The guy destroyed his field of work for like 5 decades, he has earned the right to tell people how smart he is.
Can anyone explain to me why meatloaf is the go-to "boring" food? I've never really understood that.
If you mean why it's a go-to food it's because it's not really boring but comfy. It's comfy, traditional food - typically in the Midwest and many states on the East Coast which has/had high pockets of German and Dutch. Basically it's a cheap, few ingredients, high protein, almost universally tasty dish. It cemented itself as more of a generic comfy American food sometime in the last century because of all this.
If you mean why people look down on meatloaf as a boring food…cheap, few ingredients, muh high meat content.
Stupid jokes about it by Jewish writers in TV shows, cartoons, and movies. It was constantly mocked as a bland and repetitive food as far as I can remember, it's actually an amazing way to cook ground meat with little effort.
Meatloaf is now the official food of Kek.
Because poorly made meatloaf tastes like fucking nothing.
I just came in here to say meatloaf is amazing. People who say meatloaf is terrible, boring, etc… either have never tried good meatloaf or more likely have never eaten meatloaf at all and are just basing their opinion on depictions from hollyjew.
Milkvarg is the hero we deserve.
I've eaten meatloaf once in my life. I mostly tasted celery salt. All in all, 5/10, but there's no doubt in my mind that an excellent meatloaf could well be a cuisine. Not my sort of thing though. I think it's more of a midwestern-type food?
And you faggots thought MilkVarg wasn't /ourguy/
It's a real fucking shame. I feel like there are so many better options, but salted tomato paste seems to be the most popular.
Genetics confirmed to be antisemitic.
Whilst the normalfags are starving to death in the happening we will be feasting upon our rotten chicken and getting our meat-high.
I wonder how much shit he'd get if he wasn't a Jew.
genetic superiority = the divine bloodline
Wouldn't that make Trump Jewish?
Master race foods comping at you!
This guy's immune system must be built like a fucking tank
The fact that MilkVarg is healthy is amazing.
Truly the Ubermensch.
let's be honest here. We're a clever, icy, northern latitude people. We've been abusing those close-to-the-hemisphere squat brown small braincase folk as slave labor since recorded history.
guys i love meatloaf.. but seriously it isn't healthy to eat every day
we need trump for another 20 years.
FYI, mr meatloaf was a faggot.
tv is controlled by jews.. what'd you expect..
wholesome 1950s america?
Nigga, everyone's mom makes the best meatloaf.
i wonder what kind of healthy whitehouse food is tho.. is whitehouse meatloaf the worlds most redpilled food? can we get access to the recipe? someone txt trump and find out.
You guys haven't taken the meat pill yet? Eat at least 5 burgers every week, along with a meat loaf per week and a big beefy chili.
My Mom has never made me Meatloaf.
Make your own damn meatloaf. Just get some good ground chuck, mix it with some oats and an egg. On top of it spread some Mushroom n' Cream Sauce. Make sure to add chopped onion to the meatloaf as well or you'll miss out on lots of flavor.
Oh, and you bake it for about 40-50 minutes depending on how thick you make it.
Meatloaf are only boring to people who don't know how to cook, meatloaf is one of the most versatile and delicious dishes there is.
Midwesterners actually eat shit like this, apparently. No wonder you're fat.
I have a different, and I think better recipe for you to give a shot, it involves more ingredients and a bit more work but its taste awesome.
-1 egg
-1 pound of ground beef (leaner is healthier)
-chopped onions
-chopped green peepers
-ketchup (maybe 6 table spoons
-mustard (about the 3 table spoons)
-breadcrumbs (Italian flavor is best)
-brown sugar
Then mix all of this together, adding breadcrumbs to help keep it a bit solid and some brown sugar (not to much, maybe 2 table spoons)
You set it aside and mix a bowl of ketchup with brown sugar until it taste how you like and is consistent, not runny or to solid. Don't forget to crush the brown sugar so it all mixes together.
Poke holes in the shaped meatloaf log and drizzle some of it over the top, be a bit liberal when applying.
Then you put it in the over to cook about 30 minutes
Followed by taking it out and reapplying the rest of the ketchup/brown sugar mix all over the top and finish it off another 30-45 minutes.
No worchestershire sauce? Maybe that's just me.
There are people that don't eat meatloaf?
Where? Underground?
Oh shit, you're right, I forgot user!
Don't forget a bit of Worcestershire sauce (about 2-3 tablespoons)
Coastal California. I mostly eat stir fries, curry, and bagel-sandwiches.
What I wouldn't give to have a McDonalds dinner with President Trump
Oh, user, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Read the OP link.
Delicious, cheap and very simple meatloaf to make. Tastes like a big ass italian meatball and goes good with a side of greens.
I think I'll be a bit conservative
taco bowl = mexican vote
mcdonalds = white working class vote
kfc = black vote
Gotta get of the vegetable oil user, it all has tons of transfats after the way they make it. Potatoes fried in butter or coconut oil is much healthier because saturated fat doesn't oxidize.
Made me laugh more than that should have, well done.
I made meatloaf tonight again.
- 1.5 pounds of 85% ground beef
- 1 cup of apple sauce
- one whipped egg
- 2 teaspoons of Worcester sauce
- 1/4 OR 1/3 cup of finally chopped white onion
- 1/4 cup finally chopped tomato
- 1/2 cup of Italian seasoned Breadcrumbs
- 1.5 teaspoons of pepper
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of parsley.
Grease a dish with coconut oil, add some shredded cheese on top - 1/2 cup, heat oven to 350 degrees and cook for 1 hour.
Put on High broil for 1-2 minutes to crust.
Enjoy with some Heinz Ketchup and some mashed potatoes, and peas like an American.
Milkvarg is going all out.
Well that just confirms the multiple Trumps theory even more.
Take the Christian Identity pill. Israelites wuz Aryan.
Why hello, Northern Michigan native.
Fellow michigander here, fuckin love pastiesand its that season right now for them. Checked btw
I'm from nigger villa Flint and I've never had one, maybe I tried one at a buffet once but I didn't think much of it.
Also I'm making Meatloaf now.
Being a descendant of Jesus would make anyone a kike too since Jesus was a filthy scheming Jew
"His feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace" =/= nog. Is that faggotry from wikipedia?
So what do you actually drink?
Makes me want to throw up.
It used to be. Some Wewuzian nigger put it there but it was removed.
t. has never read the Bible
He called out scheming jews daily, even chased them out of the temple with whips. It pissed them off so bad that the kikes got him crucified through the sheer force of kvetching.
fuck i'm so hungry right now
Sure thing user, a good pinch - I prefer a little chili powder, but this is my base for a good meatloaf.
Season to personal taste and enjoy!
checked mr. meatloaf
Insanity. I hope you cook the living hell out it
Fucking ubermensch food right there, never frozen
This faggot's immune system isn't afraid of anything.
Read this for once: