If we want to communicate our ideas, it's incredibly important for us to learn how to speak, how to write, and how to debate.
So let's use this thread to compile material that can help us develop these skills and improve ourselves in that direction.
I'll start posting with a Hitchens-Buckley video that I always talk about here. I think it's a great display of how to convey radical ideas in a tone that can resonate with the general audience, and also a great example of how to hold your own with two or more people who will endlessly ask you sarcastic, rhetorical questions about your radical positions, which is a scenario many of us will find ourselves in.
Second, I'd like to throw in a speech by Mussolini. It's important to remind ourselves that he developed his oratorical style preaching socialist ideas before 1914, and the tone and cadence he carried with himself until the end owes to this tradition, and that we should dissect it and learn with it because Mussolini was greatly successful as a socialist agitator. I think the best lesson you can learn with him is how to instill courage and a fighting spirit in people, because if you're really going to ask people to fight the establishment, you'll need that, and the tone of a dry academic or geography teacher won't do. He learned this style with the Left and later used these oratorical tricks to instill courage against "national enemies", so we might as well steal them back. To make it easier to digest, here's a speech he made when he and Hitler were beefing where he disses Nazism.
I'd like to finish with Trotsky, whose literary gifts I fear many people here will miss out of dislike for him as a politician or theorist. But I think his hability to convey Marxist ideas remains unmatched. Keep in mind he might have had the most diverse audience of all Socialists, ever: he regularly preached to peasants in Russia, workers in Germany, academics and intellectuals all over Europe, and pragmatic, untheoretical, skeptical audiences in the US and the UK, all with success. I'll leave here two works aimed at introducing Marx and Dialectics to the general audiences.
So chime in, post some good material and let's learn with each other.