Colombian referendum voters reject landmark peace deal with FARC by 0.24%

really though, did they not run any polls on this first?

I guess we should be happy with this but FARC seem to have pretty much run out of steam anyway, at least this way the comrades got to live normal lives.

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This the only time in my life I voted and it was fuckign worthless


As far as I remember, the referendum is non-binding. Also, it seems that the turnout was pretty low.

1. Does this mean the govt. is just going to throw away all the negotiations now and start slaughtering FARC members who came out of hiding?

2. Why the fuck would someone put a peace treaty up to referendum?

No, Neither side has confimed anything and people is speculating that they will either go constituent assembly like farc wanted or the govt and the rightist opposition will try to fix their differences.

Also its not a referendum but a plebiscite

What's the difference?

I don't know

What I want to know is what Farc is going to do with their coca fields.

they are going to burn them now, right comrade? Now that they don't need this capitalist billion-dollar enterprise because they don't need to fund combat, they can do away with this obscene method of acquiring wealth, right?

FARC will have no way to lay down their arms now so this kinda means their revolt isn't over… but like I said it pretty much is anyway.

Already talked about, they will reproupose them for other crops.


That is actually a historical high

So was it just a peace agreement or some kind of power sharing agreement? Was there a list of left wing reforms or demands that the FARC made that were included in the agreement? Why would porkies want to shoot it down?

Basically it allows the farc to become a legal political organization that will have to get power by their own democratic means and sets new plans to prevent violence from taking over the political field.

52 years of armed revolution and communist agitation out the window because it had stagnated and was close to running out of gas.

And that's how insurrection ends, not with a bang, but a quiet dissolution into soc-dem party life co-opted by lgbt and antifa activism.

You're not colombian you don't know what you are talking about

Fuck those voters and the bourgeois, bloodthirsty government that brainwashed them

A plebiscite is a non-binding referendum.

Even if "yes" had won, the government has no need to act on it.

It was a symbolic vote.

Good. Fuck these scumbags. Give it any name you want, the results are the same, always. If you think you're beyond rapproch and can bypass mutual consensus with violence, congratulations. Now you have to murder everyone because fuck it, who cares about humanity and persuasion and mutual cooperation. Ew what nasty ideas. Just fucking kill everyone. Ideas magically dissappear that way. I mean, it's not like they are preserved through contrast of our own. Yeah kill em.



why would anyone think that farc is good in any way

if peace happens will FARC splinter into about 10 maoist/stalinist/anarchist etc factions like all other left wing rebels do?

who are you hoping rises from the ashes?

Im far more colombian than you'll be, will you non-colombian penis head.

Give it a few years, a decade maybe and you'll see former hardened guerrilla warriors doing nothing but pandering for soc-jus college kids and getting nothing in return.

Come at me twerp

Ah no pues parcero, lo que faltaba pues.

Este sitio es para mayores de 18 años


si no la muestra no la tiene, vayase pa la casa

Getting a rebel group of any flavour to sign up for peace means they lose.

The status quo wants to be steady, the rebels want to rock the boat… So let's both agree to keep things steady.

t. gringo

So do porkies oppose it because that means that the FARC will actually be able to get some meaningful reforms in? Is this proofs that socdems and demsocs were right all along, and that porkies fear reform more than they fear revolution?

I love it when leftists get salty when the masses reject their idiotic ideas, than all the bullshit about "worker revolution" gets thrown out the window in favour of violent revolution by an elitist vanguard that will happily kill as many workers that hate your ideology.


Should we support Farc?

I know they're commies, but from what I've heard mostly they just sell drugs and abuse poor villagers.

kek, estamos en octubre por si no te has fijado

That is what foreign press wants you to believe

but thats wrong you dumb faglord

t. uribist

Can someone from Colombia tell me what reasons people could have for voting No, other than wanting a bloodbath?

I'm not from Columbia but mostly people don't want to give them amnesty for all the kidnappings and such

not from colombia, but while the majority of the voters voted no, the majority of voters from areas concerned with the farcs voted yes
and there was a huge amount of abstention (62.6%), prolly due to despair imo

based on what I've read about the no vote so far it's mainly people concerned that the FARC won't be punished for kidnapping or drug trafficking.
Nevermind the fact that a yes vote would make the FARC no longer have to rely on drugs and kidnapping.

Uribe's campaign started under tha basis that because he didn't stick to this agreedment he will not be judged by a provisonal court and face jailtime if an investigation by a for the historical truth shows up his paramilitary and drugtraffic connections.

uribists are extramly hypocritical because Uribe made a phony peace deal with the paramilitary that included impunity and the legalization of racketeering

Thay're just lain old anticommunists that insist crime its okay when they do it

Their "revolt" died long, long ago. Now, they are just another cartel

t. uribist

t. faggot

confirmed for uribist
please read a book and return when you have a real argument