Anyone use a microphone when playing online games? What has been your experience using one?
Anyone use a microphone when playing online games? What has been your experience using one?
ended up taking my dad's identity
No, ever since my father told my mom that i sound like a girl on the phone i haven't used a mic or a phone. It's fucked up.
When I used to play online I hated using a mic, makes me uncomfortable as hell. I also hate talking on the phone.
Any other form of communication I'm fine with though.
speak with full lungs and be confident in every word. it always helps if you sit upright. remember, if you make a fool of yourself, nobody will remember
child confirmed
that makes it better
if it's an mmo they give you shit
I've recently been trying to get in the habit of talking through voice chat as a way to break the ice. In my experience everybody stays silent until somebody starts talking. I like to use different voices when I get bored and grief Gmod servers though.
Speak up and stop mumbling by practicing it on the people you meet. It's worked for me I dunno if it'll work for you. It's a matter of building up confidence.
Single player games are better, anyway.
I use mine online, but mostly I'm in a private group chat with friends. When pubbing on TF2 I will talk too but that's mostly on servers I already frequent.
No, for that exact reason.
What happened to me? I want to go back.
It's this place.
I own a high quality mic and I used to talk a lot in online games
I stopped using the mic after realizing using a microphone does absolutely nothing but distract people, if you need to give direction it can be done more clearly in the text chat
people who use mics are attention whores who contribute nothing
People claim that I sound like a girl. I get added constantly on steam too.
Socialization is just one of three appealing factors. The other two are purely functional: hands-free communication, and rapid communication for high-speed games.
That highly depends on a genre of the game. Typing wouldn't be a problem in an MMORPG but in an FPS it could be inconvenient.
Post a sample of your voice. Say something cute.
You can't go and say something like this and not provide a vocaroo sample, nigga.
Learn to touchtype you raging faggot. If you can't 150WPM+ you don't know shit about vidya
there are actualy games where you need to keep keys pressed
public sdk releases for them when
What a painful world
tfw typing of the dead overkill was hamstrung by the poor design of house of the dead overkill
Mostly just used it to talk to friends while we played. Would occasionally join the public chat to abuse bad players, or make fun of small children.
My nigga.
Step it up.
Only with people I know and for voice macros.
My dad told me that like what? 2 years ago. I have gotten a lot better it seems, i might have enough confidence to use mics again now.
Pretty grown up huh, im proud of me.
"A, B, C, D"
Letters aren't cute?. Huh i dunno what to say.
That was an amazing thread.
Say something flirty you silly :3
Well yeah, it's far easier than stopping to type
When I was a kid I used to love to play Counter Strike with my mic, I couldn't play without it, then I got a little older and started playing Halo 3. I would instantly mute everyone, every time. I hate mics and I hate niggers and faggots spamming the mics.
You don't sound like a girl
Just a fag
You sound like you had enough
That's the most bizarre greentext I've ever fucking seen.
I have a gravely deep voice, so whenever I use a mic in a game, it tends to illicit a very annoying response from people.
I would usually end up with at least one friend request a week while I was actively playing online games. It sucked, honestly.
Same here, actually, except I still think I sound like a little kid tripping over every word he says.
post voice.
Sums it up fam
what steps are you taking to unJUST yourself?
Now post a sample of your cock
feels bad, man
Trying to get a job, shit aint easy with crippling social anxiety.
Nah, i have phimosis so no.
that's rough buddy.
I-I-I'm sorry user
post it anyway
Ya bet, i might die a virgin.
I bet it's some ooga booga gibberish.
I'm jelly
Quads confirm. You're fucked user.
But why don't you just get your dick jewed?
what happened to all the Holla Forumsrigins and not the edgy MAYMAY posters.
I used to back when I had friends to hang out with (they all fell for the 3D meme) but I don't anymore. It used to feel like a group of rowdy shitposters walking into a vidya server and having a grand old time, but without them it just feels pointless since there's no one to bant with, especially since any good old-fashioned trash-talk and jokes are now seen as "toxic behavior" thanks to the thin-skinned faggots who take online games way too seriously. It's a damn shame too. Some fun things happened over voice chat, like when we overheard a dude getting his house burglarized over his mic. Shit was magical.
did he ded?
Dunno, but dindus were involved so he potentially could have died
I hope he lived though. Getting wasted by trashy coons has got to be one of the shittiest ways to go. I like to think that he silently hid in the restroom as the baboons looted his house. Or maybe he managed to find a gun and he proceeded to go Zimmerman on the nogs. This was way before niggers learned to play the dindu nuffin card and long before Tray Tray got wasted so he could have done it. Either way, pray that server guy survived his close encounter with the apes.
This game made me realize all online games are trash.
I chortled. I hope he lived, but if nothing else, at least he got to live on as a pretty funny joke.
Just gotta practice, user. What's your mother tongue?
I turn voice chat off in every game. I'd turn text chat off if I could too. The culture that currently surrounds multiplayer gaming is cringeworthy and spoils my enjoyment of a game.
Remember this gem?
Yes, because it was already posted in the thread, you gibbering nignog.
tfw deep voice
Just noticed now.
I hate random faggot talk, the only times I'd even consider using it is when I'm playing with friends only. Seriously fuck voice chat.
I remember talking to this one fine soundin' black chick and her friend while playing Call of Duty Zombies and the friend was tripping on acid next to her friend while they were playing split screen the whole time. Wish I had kept their tags
My Steam friends list is always full because people constantly add me after hearing my voice.
I appreciate the gesture, but hot damn I can't play with 300 people in 20 different games at the same time.
I play Arma II and III and commander the shit out of my squad using military terms. People think its a meme but they usually play along and we're having >fun
I like to call people nigger a lot
is your mic quality good and im not talking blue snowball im talking XLR chord condenser/dynamic mic with an audio interface good
I don't talk to people in real life, why would I do so in a video game?
u wot
I was not racist before I started playing CSGO.
Well now I have to hear your voice fag.
They probably all added him because they thought they were hearing steve urkel.
AKG Perception 220, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, though I didn't buy them for gaming, it's for actual voice work.
Tits or gtfo
I always use it when im playing with friends on pubs or with randoms not so much
Also English is not my first language so sometimes i get nervous that my pronunciation is not good or etc
I have a mic, but i bought it and never even used it in months, never put it on even once.
I have a $150 microphone.
I don't use it because I hate 90% of everyone who plays games.
I've made groups of friends numerous times over games. 99% of them are cringy autistic retards who link me memes on skype, and the other 1% are the coolest people I've ever met.
The 99% vastly outweigh the 1%, so I just stay quiet in games now.
It is glorious. With a deepvoice you automatically have people hanging on your lips.
Sidthistlewits, is that you? I'm American and understood all of that. Must be the Bong blood in me.
I see what you mean.
Speak up you cunt
You just sound like a faggot.
I don't know why but hearing people speak, regardless of context, irritates the shit out of me so I just mute everyone the moment I hear a voice in any online game.
Your voice is cancer
Never speak again.
You're just jealous because he gets propositioned for hot /cuteboys/ RP sex all the time. This is probably not an exaggeration, is it?.
I did back before the big esports craze hit gaming. Voice chats have been nothing but cancer since. In EVERY game for some fucking reason. It's like eports attracted pretentious douchebags to multiplayer gaming.
It's true that it's normally not worth it, but you fags have missed out.
I am generally fine with talking with a mic. I once pretended to be a russian who barely knows english when playing CSGO just to fuck with my team.
Well, you should start speaking with a mic in order to become more fluent in english.
If I was in this situation I would have yelled NIGGERS as loud as I could or played the Nig Tales theme over mic
A lot of the time I just say really gay shit, especially if it's a shooter like America's army or insurgency with a few rednecks. It pisses them off so bad and I usually just respond with "How will you ever find a nice guy to bring home to your parents with that attitude"?
Half of the guys can't stop laughing, half of them are getting platinum mad.
Nothing but good experiences.
Sure if English isn't your first language some faggot is going to make fun of you one day or another, just tell him to fuck off and resume talking with people.
You will never met those people, stop caring so much.
If you are insecure use a different email and nickname for everything so you can just disappear.
Really user, stop giving a shit about stuff beyond your control.
Holy fuck, how have I never listened to this one before?
How do you become such a huge pussy?
I'm only anxious on the phone
Not even a normalfag.
The good days never end, my friend.
People ask me where I'm from and what accent I have because I have a speech impediment.
You lucked out in a sense, then. You don't sound retarded, you just sound like you're from somewhere else. Where are you from?
Southern US
N-no bully
A person once asked me if I'm from New York or somewhere near it.
I burst out in song on random servers.
I also do duke nukem impressions when I get sick because it sounds great.
That's not nice
I get sexually harassed as a man by men
Man the fuck up, then, pussy.
Yeah, I do. All the time, because I'm not a bitchboi or a squeaker.
k-kill mee
I dont have a mic and I play TF2, it wonderfully works well and is audible, even if there is a bit of static.
I'm talking to people on Teamspeak right now as I play Runescape.
It was awkward at first but I got used to it.
I bought a mic nearly seven years ago.
I have used it about three times.
One time of which was an accident so I had to quickly leave the server and wait until the next day so hopefully people had forgotten about it.
Safe to say I made a good investment choice.
Why are 2D cucks such cowards?
Because they are mentally defective.
I only use it for short periods of time, I'm constantly paranoid of the quality being utter shit as well as my stupid accent.
The only time I use the Mic to say stuff like "Sentry ahead, be careful" or "There's a spy up your ass".
Other than that, I don't really see a use for it and I have music that drowns everyone else out.
I have a monotone voice that's still somehow high pitched. I know how dumb I sound but I mostly stopped being too conscious about it.
As long as you're not a horrible memer who can't shut the fuck up people will tolerate you.
I've just gave up on using my mic. Plugging it in and going "Hey how's it going" or any other form of greeting is more often then not greeted with silence anymore as half the pub team is in parties, sometimes with people not even playing the game. The few times you do get a response it's either a black guy or a squeaker. Kids are always dumb as shit, black guys can be chill as fuck though. So for the most part I just join the masses of grouped chats and just stick to existing friends.
Same here.
Same here.
Except I got my friend to go on mic for me at one time as an April Fools joke no one will realize. Luckily, I don't get asked on for voice chat for it all to matter much.
I talk in game since it usually helps when everyone knows what the enemy is doing. It's fun talking to people and joking around with your team just like it's fun calling baddies trash in allchat,
I don't talk online and I get annoyed when other people do.
This isn't fucking X-box live, nobody wants to hear your prepubescent voice cracks whining about some fucking game.
We play on PC because we're antisocial twats!
I only ever talk publicly if I'm already in a group with IRL friends, mostly to trash talk or be a giant whiny baby
Holy fuck how is it the first time I've seen this
10/10, Wales.
because Mumble and Skype both suck and Discord is a shit meme
I know it's the internet and all, but don't act like a fag.
Teamspeak works, but you need a server that isn't run by gaylords.
Shit even works past a bluescreen, it's magic
like Mumble worse
i wonder if the autists working on Tox will ever fix their broken groupchats, or if Matrix will evolve past "muh Internet of Things" fad
Okay, how is Teamspeak actually bad? I'm genuinely curious, it seems perfectly functional to me
>you sound like you have the downs
I don't because I find talking to strangers really tiring and distracting.
I do remember the first time I ever spoke to someone online. It was on the original Xbox.
I get what you little jittering faggots mean when you say that you're nervous of the thought of speaking. I was nervous as fuck. When I got my first mic it took me days before I decided to finally use it.
You just gotta fucking do it. Once you do, you'll quickly lose that feeling.
I've made many good friends over the years. It greatly helped me mature as a person, and to refine me into what I will surely be for the rest of my life.
I'm no memelord spergonaut; I have no particularity with my voice beyond, perhaps, peculiar pronunciations and sentences.
When I get sick, my voice gets so deep that I sound like a frog: I can barely speak.
I used to have a friend that narrated gay furry fiction in random voice chats. We had a great time, then he died.
A few years ago, I had to leave everything in my life behind, including friends, due to circumstances. In that time, my voice has shriveled up ( didn't know that was possible ) because I don't have much in the way of opportunity to speak on a daily basis. Last time I tried to speak on the only shitty mic I have was after a long day of hard work and my voice was uncaring and high pitched, and someone asked me in that condescending tone if I was 15. For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing for about a whole minute.
I do remember, though, that before I left I was getting a friend request a day no matter where I was or what I was doing. I honestly don't know why. I wouldn't send myself a friend request.
I would like to start talking again. To put some kind of fire back into my life.
what's the point of this thread
Anyways, you should really give talking on the mic a try. When you get in with a good group, it's definitely worth it. When you go through 20 shitters to find that one person worth talking to, it's so very much worth it. But no matter what you do, nothing will happen unless you start talking.
I have talked to many people and have had many good games with them.
A good few people became allies through sending hatemail and eventually joining the fun.
Nowadays i've got 80 random people i don't really know but still know with a bunch of different tastes to play games with so i don't have to bother with the mic anymore, it's great.
muh open sauce software
Fairly effeminate male English voice so either bully or get called qt.
Honestly, I'm not surprised r9k-derivate nu/v/ doesn't use the mic in general (muh channers be awkward newfag meme), but it's so easy and the most fun to be had online gaming. Back when Holla Forums had decent users 10ish years ago I used to voice chat and troll up a storm with the meme team – we'd even hit up WoW guild teamspeak servers and drop bad instructions to grief them during raids, etc.
tfw when me but with chinese, I need to pick it back up
I've started going through the exact same user. It sucks
do you have any chans or resources to help a nigga out?
Anki is pretty much all I have been using,but my main resource is the fact that I have a lot of Chinese friends who don't mind helping me learn
I pretty much use a mic all the time if there's any decent in-game system to manage it. I don't get nervous or anything since they're just random fucks playing vidya like me. I'd get nervous on stage, in an interview etc but not on mics.
But let me get some mic meta on you.
What this user said. Speak with strength coming from your lungs, not your mouth. Good posture can help. Speaking slower is better than quicker. If you're an awkward fuck you're probably speaking X3 your normal speed just so it's over quicker… don't do that.
If you think people are ignoring you/not hearing you even when they're definitely talking among themselves wait a little before repeating the question/statement. Half a minute or so later just repeat that fucking question until you get an answer. If they give you shit about it just say why didn't they respond earlier, is your mic clear enough etc. Don't try to blame them, just be honest.
"Because I didn't hear you."
Adjust your volume.
"Because that answer is obvious!"
Just say ok, ignore it. let people sperg out. They calm quick when you don't fan the flames.
Learn not to take anything personally. Add a dash of mili speak into vocab. Not too much of course but referring to something like B point as Bravo can help with clarity. I've gotten so used to it I just say "Copy" when someone asks confirmation if I heard them or have given me an order. That might be a dash too far of milispeak for some people but I don't really give a fuck. Some people give me shit over it on some games/servers but I just ignore it. They forget eventually.
Don't speak unless you have something to say. It's ok to be kind of quiet especially if the game doesn't even require that much conversation.
In short. Relax, chill out, don't get buttmad over anything, speak clear and slow.
higher audio latency
not autamaticly encrypted
The only thing TS has over mumble is independant volume sliders for individual users in the server. Apparently this is a big deal for people despite me not really ever having to adjust someone's volume.
Not to mention it kind of encourages faggots who don't have their mic set up properly to never fix it. So instead of dozens of people changing the volume for one person who is too quiet/whatever they should honestly just fix their settings so they're clear in every server all the time. Which they won't do if TS users have their way.
its there
At last, someone who isn't a retard.
TFW you're depressed and want to find some new people to play vidya with but the online community is now hidden away on team speaks, servers are auto connect only and the community is so full of cancer even places like Twitch which could have potential are useless.
I just want some bros to play retro vidya with. Is that so much to ask?