Are you voting for her, Holla Forums?

are you voting for her, Holla Forums?

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I was looking forever for a younger pic of her

based op

Would hit tbh

It worked for S[weed]en

she managed to stay hot for the next 48 years

Kek. Never and even if I did I wouldn't vote for the green party. There just a bunch of pathetic opportunists.

dicks out for Harambe


I'd hug her

I might, since the party is officially anti-capitalism
Probably still voting for whatever socialist party is on the ballot

It's one half asses bill. The party still has the same Social Democrat platform it always had. It's still decisively pro- capitalists regardless of what they say to try and lure in S█████ supporters.

Would join weird 70s cult with tbh

she's attractive but I don't like her stance on nominating Eric Snowden to officer or her support for Russia's actions with Crimea.

Does this story have any substance?

Of course I'm voting for her comrade.

Yes but I still wish she would go a bit further supporting the Greens' anti-capitalist platform. This is a definite improvement from S█████' lip service to co-ops at least.

Don't be critical of B████ ██████. He's giving us progressives a voice in the Democratic party where otherwise we would have none. If he didn't play ball with the democrats they'd black ball him like they did Ralph Nader.

Looks like it's a Ukrainian liberal site that got butthurt that she refused to shit talk Russia and flex NATOs muscle.

Think of when "left" imperialists like Nick Cohen say that American leftists are defending reaction in the middle East for opposing the Iraq War. Pure cancer.

As the saying goes, "the main enemy is at home".

Green Party isn't perfect, but they have a better shot of getting 5% than any socialist party currently running. It's a step in the right direction

Watch how fast the Democrats ship him off to a farm once Hillary wins.


he's a fucking traitor who needs to hang

Are you serious?

what this guy said


She's hardly better than Hillary, yet there's no tactical advantage to voting for her

The Green Party officially is also in favor of not putting black women in office.

No I'm voting for Hillary.

The most important thing is to stop the lunatic from gaining power.

the fuck otta here

He did good, but I think he did it too rashly and stupidly.

He should have waited for a government scandal then released it.


Thats not VERMIN SUPREME 2016

Careful! That's a hate symbol categorized by the anti defamation league now

and his name is Edward

Le national solidarity > class solidarity meme

u wot


If I were American I would.
I'm mortified by this shitty belief that doing so "splits" the vote. If you said I should vote for reagan to prevent bush jr from getting in I'd slap your shit.

I'm sorry, but how exactly does it stop lunatic from gaining power?

Hillary's domestic policy isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be, only her foreign policy is(which is abysmal by all standards of the word).

Keep in mind, Trump is 4 years the supreme court he puts in is there for….. a long time. Not to mention the Gerrymandering the GOP instilled is up for renewal under the next president(and this is what has been helping them win those congressional races!).

Wait, what? Source?

I know Jill's VP is kind of a "hotep". If he was a woman hater I wouldn't be too surprised.

unironically this

a centrist liberal is always better than a right-wing autocrat

$0.50 have been deposited in your account.

Who let the SocDems in here?

idk who she is but I'd gladly vote myself into her

The 2008 election:

He's a token jiggaboo. The Green Party hasn't stopped being white supremacist.

Her pandering to anti-science nuts is pretty bad but overall she's nice. I've gone back and forth on whether or not to vote for Hillary but Jill's vandalism stunt is almost enough to get my vote because I'm shallow.

The fuck are you babbling about?


Why is she so cute bros?

don't have a source, but she's pretty much "we cant have nuclear shit because bad for environment and could go boom boom :🍀🍀🍀("


Her stance on nuclear would be spot on if not for the potential of thorium nuclear power. I think it's more of a case of widespread ignorance about that option.


I'm not finding her point that time and again the real world becomes a laboratory for potentially hazardous technologies when it shouldn't all too unsympathetic.

she thinks wifi fucks with your brain


her voice is hot tbh

Pretty interesting paper, give it a read.

Jill Stein loves her some Kat Dennings

They seriously couldn't find someone who had his shit together?

I'm still confused user. Elaborate further, if you can?



Shaking my head

I'm electing myself for dictator. If you're reading this, tom, I haven't forgiven how you treated me in high school. Yes, I am coming for you first you fucking cunt.


Stein is a doctor, of course she's gonna have reservations about things which could potentially cause injury to humans.
She's still leagues better than Hillary "sprinting into nuclear war with Russia" Clinton or Donald "kill everyone who isn't a property-owning white" Trump.


Have you heard him speak? They couldn't get someone who could speak better?


G R E A T M A N T H E O R Y!!!

Aye what're ye talkin' about sassenach? These good people are just followin their hearts and picking the better candidate, begorrah.

And what does that have to do with "white supremacy"?

I'm actually pro-Trump but this cartoon makes no sense. In order for progressive radicalisation to happen, the more extreme candidate needs to win. Trump paved the way for Duke and Duke paved the way for the alien, so voting tactically to stop first Trump then Duke then the alien would have been correct.

get out

God I really want to fuck Jill Stein. I want to watch her chiseled jaw move up and down while she talks about eco-socialism with me inside her.

That's probably unironically one of her best positions though.

More like watch how fast he has a heart attack.

OK but on the other hand we're continuing to power society with shit that is killing the ecosystem and need to switch to something else fast. Is thorium really a worse option if it helps slow climate change?

He's a token Great Society radical. He's not meant to be taken seriously.