Seems like whatever user talked about the deep state holding a large sacrifice soon was right.
14 young girls missing in DC within 2 days, police refuse to issue amber alerts
Double posting because 14's a pretty cool number.
Oh shit
Gotta check the pizzagate thread for satanic holidays
I remember when I was bluepilled and had no idea that we live in a Dystopia. It really makes me fucking sad
Still too late for Rockefeller, kikes
It wouldn't be a proper send off without a sacrifice
Passover is coming up, is it not? Traditional day for Jews to sacrifice Christians and use their blood in Matzo.
Yep, passover is April 11th.
Just a matter of days before corpses are found?
aren't some of them cannibals
my theory is they probably think eating other humans makes them superior like some meat eaters believe eating cows, chickens etc shows superiority…just a theory
This is actually interesting, 14 people go missing at the same time.
Too bad they are negras, even the liberal media ignores something like this
brb killing myself
The groids in the community are pissed, and rightfully so imo. The cop in that video was being really evasive, either he knows there's a crazy human trafficking ring in that town or he doesn't know, but senses it's in his best interests to stay stupid.
I bet you half the dc police force are nigs, they will blame white people for it anyways
Don't derail a pedogate happening thread with your vegan faggotry. But yeah cannibalism, rape, pedophilia, etc. have occult significance of some sort to these filthy kikes.
What user? It sounds more like tying up the loose ends.
The pizzagate scandal is probably about to go in the open soon, considering the 3/22 attack and the kvetching overdrive in the recent days.
Also Seaman and other PG researchers are doing a march on Washington to investigate PG tomorrow I am hoping that controlled op fags and inarticulate autists do not ruin it but with this happening literally the night before and half of DC's nogs riled up about it could be what breaks open PG and sends it into critical mass. Looks like the timing of kidnappings with satanic holidays and passover backfired on them bigly.
Political nogs are more redpilled than you would believe.
They know something stinks, and it isn't them.
It sounds a little bit civvy but the smart ones deserve their own slice of the USA.
Maybe they can keep New Orleans.
Forget about civic nationalism D+C, the urgent matter is the kidnappings and if nogs can be mobilized to expose PG then that is all that matters. SJWs can also be involved because of muh uninvestigated kidnappings of POC. This could be the match that sets fire to the pedogate issue and brings it to the masses, bottom line is that its a shot at bringing mass awareness to pedogate. I am not a civnat by a long shot but that is not relevant here.
And so we gotta rile up the nogs.
We need an ebonics translator, and some pictures of the missing girls.
Direct the nigs to all the places we've looked into.
That way, crazy conspiracy theories are suddenly aligned with a large crowd of chanting groids.
If it's true, we fix it.
If it's false, we have a "human" shield.
They're still semi-feral subhuman monsters but it's almost pitiable that they're universally stupid enough to be used like this.
i haven't kept up with them because i couldn't read through my own rage and now there's three miles of posts to look through. anyone familiar with it know of any?
That sort of puts jew pedos out of the question. The talmud says in numerous place that negroes are beasts of the field, so they wouldn't want them for blood and surely no one but niggers would in interested in them for sex trafficking.
Get out retard, you're not welcome.
Yep, its terminal.
Great connection user. Kikes trafficking blacks, as American as apple pie.
If it happened at such a big scale I'm sure they wouldn't want them in America, what if they're exported at a higher "price" as they're (figuratively) American? Cheap bribes for commie Niggers, maybe?
Look at the post you replied to. Don't read it, just look at it. Now look at yours. Notice how you couldn't even write using paragraphs - years of reddit will do that. It may be true that I can't force you to lurk more and you can circumvent being banned, but I promise you the day will come when user makes an imageboard that you can't invade, and you and all your normalfag "complain about niggers while being an imageboard nigger"-friends will be left out in the fucking cold for good with whatever communities you stole.
Nobody said anything about allying my dude. Rather disseminate info in packages tailored to the respective groups "outrage flowchart" to set multiple snowballs in motion.
I have a bad feeling the kikes are going to try to pin the blame for this on whitey and get the nogs all riled up again.
Think we should do some outreach to the nogs, make sure they know it's the kikes?
Dodged a bullet there.
Bet it's a serial killer.
You misspelled Africa.
That said, if half-apes manage to uncover the Moloch cult through sheer 'groid rage and go full Planet of the Apes on it, I'm laughin'
This shit just started trending on twitter, lads.
#missingdcgirls ←- chimpout coming soon?
INB4 someone says shit about twitter. Where else do you expect us to relay messages to nogs?
Aren't they all way older and blacker than any pedo would be into?
Maybe not for sacrifices? Who knows.
I should've disregarded your post entirely for being a civic nationalist plebbit cuck.
Yeah basically my point was that moloch pedokikes are bigger fish to fry than random nogs and they can be incredibly useful right now.
Black twitter is all over this shit now. Celebrities even chiming in. Chimpout is expected. Blacks weaponized and demanding investigations that start to destroy the DC pedo rings. Could be a happening brewing. Fire up those twitter accounts and start signal boosting. Here we go!
You're missing my point. By stupidity or for 0.02 shekels I can't really tell.
Drop redpills on the common black twitter hashtags also, I don't know shit about black twitter or what kinda tags they use but anyone who can be arsed to find the nigger memestreams to exploit is much appreciated.
Jesus, I have no sock as a nigger for this occasion, only leftist ones to get a-rabs and leftist riled up against the jew. I'm going to make one quick and see if I can redpill the shines on Jewish Ritual Murder and passover….
Dropping pizzagate infographs and redpills on the #missingdcgirls is ideal at this point, if you can make that connection click among nogs and normies it will blow a whole lotta pizza parties out of the water. Requesting any concise infographs/memes on Laura Silsby
Which is why everyone here who can should go on nigger twitter and see if we can get them to start naming the Jew.
What gods would be pleased by black sacrifices?
If anything, it's Boko Haram in the USA.
Nordic Gods.
Hebrew Gods.
All old pagan gods.
Nigger names are as amusing as ever.
Working on it. This shit is about to blow up. If twitter tries to remove this hashtag and "shut it down" the chimps will go apeshit.
This is one of the greatest opportunities for PG to explode onto the scene.
Plenty of the more-based nogs supporting trump now 'cus they got burned on the promised gibs from king nigger and hillary hated nogs so.. they ain't happy at the dems and pedos already. That's about 20-30% or more now, that's a pretty critical mass who will be engaged over this matter.
There are codewords for sex nigger slaves in the various leaked emails. Easier to kidnap, lets face it, black parenting is mostly non-existent on average.
Most are 16 and some are 18 so it's not even hebe-range and of the black one (the majority) nearly are a pure nigger. One mystery meat.
How do you even make a twitter account without being banned right away because you didnt put in a phone number?
Specifically infographs on the Laura Silsby trafficking case and her connection to Amber Alerts would be perfect right now.
I use google voice and it works for me.
I had legacy accounts before they started that shit. I'm sure an user in here knows a way to spoof a cell number and get a txt. Whoever knows, help an user out.
Doesnt that require you to actuall call somewhere with a real number? No way im doing that shit.
There is also a nigger reddit. but they banned me a while ago for posting pro trump comment once kek.
880k subs.
Enjoy concern trolling them. lmao.
P.s. feel free to link threads created so we can brigade them up. Just remember to go and click around and vote other shit randomly first to avoid reddit anti brigade cuck alogs.
This will do in a nutshell for redpilling but more deets would be nice without being to wordy.
fyi the smith sighting was of one man by a couple each giving a description which is why there is two photos of similar looking persons. that said, could still be either of them and the wiki entry, pic related, could be wrong too but there needs to be clarification before being taken as evidence. also, it should be pretty easy to know their whereabouts the day the kid went missing due to their passports and public schedules etc. I see this being posted all the time and it strikes me as being the easiest thing to dismiss because of the discrepancy not being acknowledged.
Yeah they autokill new accounts if you push a trending tag…
Moloch cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows.
does that mean we could steal moloch from the kikes by making the holocaust real?
i thought the new reddit ceo removed coontown
This is a good chance for the right to make moves on the black community. Or at least for them to separate themselves from the liberal left.
The liberals are using them for their own sick twisted needs. They don't care about your ethnicity. The right actually does care about ethnicity.
Just business as usual.
lived in dc area and there were alot more kids missing than just those and weren't put on the news all races included damn whale shit trying to pull race card all the time
Sorry, by nigger reddit I meant /blackpeopletwitter.
/niggers/ aka /coontown/ was pretty much like pol on reddit but only against niggers and kikes. And yes you're right it was banned in the Pao Wars/Reddit war 1/the fattening. Now it's on voat but has been shoad 3x already due to faggots getting into moderation.
We need to let the kikes and CIAniggers fall on their own sword with this one. Push the race BS into overdrive to help move PG.
At worst we get more people sick of chimpouts. Win win for us.
I think this could be closer related to the black market for organs than pedo rings.
You are now aware that Blacks are over represented in serial killer stats.
"vår jevndøgn", spring solstice, pesach…
Go back or learn how to fucking type, you mong.
"vårjevndøgn" was monday 20. mars 2017 kl. 10:29 UTC
That would be a satanic kike day
Yo, got a thread going on halfchan. Would be nice if you stopped by and dropped your 0.02 shekels on the matter.
I think we can capitalize on this incident and blow this up, giving us SOME shot at re-branding pizzagate and actually see some action taken.
I doubt the cosmopolitan jews care what the talmud says. They want the blood of young virgins and sex slaves they can torture. They've been stealing children from Haiti so I'm sure they'll take some niglets in America too.
Nothing cool here, goy.
Type "Online SMS service" in a search engine.
Might take a few tries before you get a number they will accept/ haven't banned/ hasn't been used.
This is high sacrifice season user. Equinox was just a few days ago.
Im only finding websites that either let me send sms messages but they dont give me any numbers to work with or are made for using with pre existing phone numbers. Am i retarded?
I thought this too until I found out most of the Franklin victims were black.
Agreed. There should be a hierarchy of enemies, and right now allying with nigs vs. jews would be a smart strategy. The "muh civ nat" posts may be ideologically pure, but they're dangerously close to D&C.
Here's some ammo:
Once the Jew has been defeated the enabling of Niggers will be greatly diminished.
Wasn't there a connection between Planned Parenthood and Moloch sacrifices?
ver·nal e·qui·nox
ˈvərnl ˈekwəˌnäks,ˈēkwəˌnäks,ˈekwēˌnäks/
the equinox in spring, on about March 20 in the northern hemisphere and September 22 in the southern hemisphere.
Why can't people in power positions do something for human for once. Stop going by the arbitrary rules and do what the fuck is right. How are we in this much of a dystopia? That the rules and guidelines themselves regulate humanity out of the process.
I heard its white supremisistsususuttsss snatching black girls for rape rituals.
The march equinox was on 3/21 ; 3/22 is the beginning of the new season.
There must be a reason why they don't issue amber alerts for these girls. Maybe they know they are runaways? It seems all them are nogs?
What was the recent Jewish Holiday?
They don't leave corpses. Lye and basements.
There was an amber alert in my city last night.
Lye still leave skeletons, unless they have bone crushing machines.
"Apr 21-26 - Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim"
I wonder how many of these women have been to Planned Parenthood D.C. Maybe that is the vector where they are being selected for whatever is happening? Wonder what the FBI is going right now besides spying on Trump.
And redpilling the nogs is fine, but 14 in two days is a pretty good start no matter how you slice it.
http:// livingresistance com/2017/02/06/dc-police-chief-mishandled-case-multiple-men-raping-11-yr-old-child/
Human nature. Especially when a small group of godless heathens is allowed to obtain an inordinate amount of wealth and power considering their lack of contribution to the world. Those who work in order to eat couldn't imagine this level of depravity, which is also human nature.
Note the difference in Trump and all the other layabout billionaires, Trump works hard all the time. Unsurprising that he would still have a good heart and mind remaining uncorrupted even in the presence of these demons.
no, fuck that nigger
He's quoting canon of Khorne, the god of war and bloodshed in Warhammer 40K.
Those girls will be sacrificed to moloch/baal/lucifer, the god of the jews in the coming month.
In the comments below one of the ebonics vids about this someone mentioned that the same thing is happening now in the Bronx. No details just that. Anyone know about that?
What jewish holiday are close to right now?
Purim was just a few days ago, but lots of stuff goes on around the solstice that we don't know about. They could be used for sacrifices and not necessarily cannibalism/blood drinking.
see OP vid for the explanation from leo
September 23, 2017? What's going to happen?
An anonymous needs to get this shit on An user with video skills could rip the video in OP from YouTube add I'm some Pizzagate redpills into the video and it would shoot to the front-page of WSHH. I'm not joking.
Then, niggers will really be pissed. They would be repulsed by that faggot Podesta's artwork and since niggers are already predisposed to conspiracies, you can redpill the fuck out of them and they'll believe it because they're skeptical of white people in government, plus niggers generally hate pedos and faggots.
I'm not even fucking around, this needs to be on all nigger sites, redpill the fuck out of http://, http://, http://, http://, http://
Plus post shit to Professor Griff's YouTube or Twitter. Get fucking King Islamic Nigger Louis Farrakhan on this shit. Drop mad fucking redpills. @reply nigger entertainers on Twitter with this shit, or retweet the LL Cool J shit to them.
This is a big Pizzagate redpilling opportunity.
Niggers can't and won't be redpilled.
What the fuck do you think you're up to?
Errrr OP said "young girls". One of those negresses look like they're 50 year old crack whores. Another one looks like Michael Obama. Only the first one looks to be teenaged.
There are quite a few nig vids of this and every one veers into whitey's fault territory. DL Huely is on it and some other rappers too. Someone should try and make a vid with some pg red pills and try to teach them but wshh will probably blame whites too. I'd try getting Tommy S. to do a vid on it.
what the fuck am I watching
Since when is Robert Mercer a jew?
or Joe Ricketts
or Richard Uihlein
is this what passes for shilling these days? or just disinfo for no reason
Coincidentally Hillary is ready to come out of the woods…
Did they check the street corners? "Missing" is not meant to include shacking up with their pimp.
On social media the people lamenting the disappearences of teenagers have been louder recently. There is this girl in germany, and an other in belgium. Fuck kikes must be desperate. Maybe desperate enough to get caught literally red handed. Don't worry schlomos, you won't suffer anymore soon enough. All your problems will be solved by the ultimate, final solution.
Dr. Tony Martin's video going viral in black communities would be great, also spreading info on pizzagate. Remove a minion, and turn it against them with truth.
Has anybody done a 14/88 of that?
Spring equinox was on the 20th or 21st
Breddy gud resource. Gonna use this on the Hotep Kangs I meet.
More for the Kangs. Good stuff.
fuck they're pretty QT too. 2nd girl is waifu tier
If more black women were attractive like this they might be less hateful and the fathers might stick around.
If black people end up leading the charge against the pedos, publically taking credit for all the work user has done over the past few months (years)…
I will be embarrassed to be a Caucasian American. It is so frustrating to see the pill and television tentacles wrapped so tightly, even around people we know and want to love :( We should have had the rank and file conservative Americans up in arms by now. Hugely depressing. What is going on, chimp out white man!!!???!!!
Yep. They use them because nobody will care if they are missing. 14 in two days is too blatant and noticable, though. But they are desperate.
Mulatto Butt!
Fuck off, reddit. A "smart" nigger is dumber than an average White. All non-Whites should die.
Reported for beastiality.
Aw shit, now I'm in love. Just look at her, pure beauty and elegance.
From the video, it would appear the missing girls are noglets
That's why nobody cares
DC…district of dead, raped and abused children
I'm pretty sure that chick is Bengali and NOT a sheboon. Chicks like her are a dime a dozen but nine times out of ten they're literally jihadis.
Police chiefs like this refuse to act because they have something to lose.
We need to feed this fire.
ty janie pawle kurwa
Cook bones long enough in the right way and they become soft enough for even the densest bones to become consumable by dogs.
DC is 95% niggers
They will burn the place down if driven to rioting
Those three gods are completely different from each other. Stop mixing them up shill.