hello fellow lefty, how are you doing ?
Hello fellow lefty, how are you doing ?
Why not post an average girl? But of course, we must pursue and worship the most attractive women possible right?
Fuck that, I say equal dickings for all proletarian women.
Vanguard deserves better than average.
Really makes you think
its a random image, calm your tits
Truly the opposite of a leaders duty. A leader does not eat until all his followers have eaten, he does not rest until all his followers have rested. A leader makes sure all his followers have the best pieces, and then settles for what is left himself.
T E R R O R & V I R T U E
no, they don't.
Then you will not be my leader.
White women won't exist under communism
Leadership is not chosen, but appointed by the greater revolutionary spirit comrade. Divine right of collective leadership, have you ever heard of it?
A prominent conservative politician hired me so I can beat her up an sex her inappropriately.
She is the family values and fuck workers type and now, as I know from first hand accounts, a fucking hypocrite. I am so fucking torn.
Take evidence until she fires you then leak that shit.
I fail to see any downsides here.
is she hot? how old?
Yes, well I'm not terribly disappointed by that, my ambitions lay elsewhere.
But observably what you are describing is not behavior exhibited by people refereed to as leaders, at least not outside mythical texts and propaganda.
This. You are a true comrade of you think like that.
I too can lie on the internet.
best robe in the game
pix ?
Can't do that. My reputation is on the line. I have to be clever about this
Middle aged, 6/10
You have my loyalty