how do we make yugoslavia great (as well as exist) again ?
How do we make yugoslavia great (as well as exist) again ?
By ressurecting Tito
Fund SKOJ and NKPJ.
IMF loans
kek this
It got hopelessly poisoned with nationalism, religion and foreign interests.
Gain power somehow
Hold massive neurenburg style trials to easy the ethnic tensions within the country
Actively destroy ethnic identity
Implement titoism again.
Position mixed army groups around the country in order to prevent any kind of ethno-nationalist takeover. Actively encourage mixing of the population. Eduction.
You couldn't sound any more Jewish if you tried.
we don't. Od Vardara do Triglava, od vasingtona do pekinga, crveni bajrak neka vlada hehe
t. yugoslavian
and so you implemented the very system that allowed systematic exploitation of other nationalities by one nationality.
The original communists that the king and Tito purged would have had you against the wall.
this tbh, but I'd put the exploitation of labor at the core of our critique. Titoism simply wasn't socialism and market "socialists" should read more Marx.
le joos XD
I'm not saying it didn't work, it's just wrong.
Europe will never be unified unless the Jews win.
US isn't a nation, don't really care about them. I'm a Brit and I don't believe in the so-called 'white race'.
Titoists denounced Marx even back in the 60's, quoting roughly, "you could justify any ideology with Marxes writing"
take your yugo goggles off and actually read a history book. Yugoslavia had and accepted NATO agents because Yugoslavia was a NATO protectorate in the balkans, taking loans, subsides and protection in exchange for being a soviet opposition state. It was an unofficial NATO member.
The moment they outlived their function they were put down like an old guard dog.
Iz koje si partije
Have Stormcucks ever stepped inside a university? Do they really believe that lecturers are all cultural marxist zionist globalists?
nisam clan nikakve partije, ma da najvise simpatiziram trenutno sa partijama/kolektivima komunisticke levice, odnosno s'ICT-om, pojedinim kolektivima ovdje u mojoj okolini itd
Not a stormfag
Not all profs are Marxists but a disproportionate number are
And you can fuck off, tripfag
get a load of this cuck
Trebao bi da se uclanis u neku partiju, da stavis teoriju u praksu. I kad kazes 'kolektivima komunisticke levice', jel mislis levi samit ili levica Srbije?
Ja sam SKOJevac, i evo vec tri godine ima kako sam clan. Jako je dobra partija, redovno organizujemo proteste i organizujemo studente protiv bolonje vec dve godine i protiv privatizacije skolovanja jos pre nego sto sam tu. Sto je meni najbolje od svih partija sto sam obisao daju ti knjige na ruke, prvi put kada sam se sreo sa ljudima vratio sam se kuci sa tri knjige, dve od Marksa i jednom od Engelsa.
Sta si citao do sada druze?
Yes, there was subversion, but it was the consequences of Tito's policies that caused this subversion.
*tips tinfoil fedora
Ah yes, its totally tinfoil when the USA pushed the IMF into blocking off IMF loans and then funded right wing nationalist groups.
Nice strawman jpegs there.
I actually didn't come to places like Holla Forums until AFTER I became Nat.Soc. but I guess you can't comprehend that, huh?
The sixties are over, Marxism is now irrelevant in almost every field except for sociology. Have some stats for Clapistan
I read books, faggot. Including leftist ones.
I decided that leftism is better than capitalism, but that it's still fundamentally retarded.
You're using the NEETsoc flag and claim to hate capitalism and leftism. You're definitely a stormcuck.
You can fuck right off
end thyself, Holla Forumsyp
Based Posadist
Grow tens of thousands of Titos from whatever cells of his remain. Using Tito Army, reconquer pretty much this entirety of the Balkans and Baltics.
I'm well aware of your definition of capitalism. It's a retarded definition.
What is our definition?
What's yours then?
Yours, I believe, is any system with private property (putting it simply, I know it's more complex),
Mine is, roughly, a system where the primary goal in society is the acquisition of capital above all other concerns. But it's a loose definition.
Our definition of capitalism is a an economic system dominated by the M-C-M' circuit.
Multi chip module circuit?
Differs from person to person I guess.
Kill the USA of course.
The Marxist professor in the 21st century is an absolute myth. No, not even a disproportionate number of them are Marxists; they are extremely rare in the Western world and have been for some time.
And when they are Marxists you get level headed, reasoned adults like RDW. The white muh privilege feminazis are mainstream American liberals.
Exactly. There are hardly any Marxist professors; the right just likes to shout down anyone left of centre-right as Marxists to witch-hunt any sane people out of academia.
Straight from Wikipedia: Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.. Even the retards here can agree on that.
I think this is more a case of the ruling ideology having become so pervasive that people are no longer able to perceive it, and thus when they see something that explicitly breaks from it, they perceive it as a major political trend simply because they do not realize that what they perceive as neutral and normal is in fact an explicitly political position.
This is like seeing a splash of red in the middle of a blank canvas, only it isn't blank, it's all white paint, and the little splash of red shares a space with a whole lot of something else and isn't dominant at all.
Money - Commodity - Money'
It describes the process of placing money (M) into motion as capital via the purchase of means of production (C, including labour power) to generate profit (').
Read Capital, niggas.