this is some cringe
Pol screen shots and other dumbshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Leaving my cringe here
Got this pure autism/ideology like two weeks ago…
four years later this is still my favorite
Kinda leaving out the fact that Ludwig worked for the Austrofascist government there, buddy.
This meme has to stop.
Wow this explains why Holla Forums is filled with retards
does anyone have the humans vs orcs one? I thought i saved it
Debunk this
deserves its own thread
I can't think of any other "intellectual" I'd like to see exterminated as much as this retard.
Branco is probably even worse than Ramirez and McCoy
Okay well maybe McCoy
This thread is hilarious.
Is there something wrong with dissociating nazi imagery and nazi ideology ? I mean, they had cool uniforms back then.
Wondering why he has a french flag though.
Is Hoppe a Holla Forums user?
Next comment
Trotsky invented racism u guiz
Vichy governement.
I literally do not understand the logic behind this argument. So does racism not exist at all then according to them?
okay i didn't want to post responding to this but
i couldn't resist.
Vichy gov't officials didn't wear nazi bracelets, nor did Nazis wear Vichy decorations. This is retarded.
Diagnosis: autism.
I'm still not sure if this was made by a polack or a really good satirist.
Good, he should have been suspended for trying to extort his classmates.
This always cracks me up.
Fuck me that image
it's like this shit was originally made up as a joke and they just started believing it
my fucking sides will never recover
Same. This is my second time seeing the image but I can't stop fucking laughing.
Post yfw this is actually true
lurk moar
unlike all the other words which were bestowed on us from above by god himself
Ford only adopted standards that unions later pushed to make universal… and he only did it because he was an open fascist that wanted to fight the j00s.
If you walked in on some one with this on their wall you'd call in some mental health proffessionals
I perfectly know what it is and my point still stands.
Also, this thread was quite amusing
oh i love you Holla Forums
also someone should have showed them the article about the nigerian britbong immigrant kids
Nvm, i see what you're talking about.
What I find entertaining about Holla Forums, and the new "reactionary (counter)-revolution" types in general, is that for all their talk about superiors, inferiors, IQs, and so on, it is precisely they, by which I mean whites who typically have no college education, or attended a mediocre college, who are entering the ranks of the inferior. The economy selects increasingly selects for intelligence. Whether you have 85 IQ or 115, if you aren't smart enough to get into a decently-ranked school, your economic prospects are not exactly good. And yet, they choose to punch down at the weak instead.
Yeah it's not that all men are interchangeable, it's that race plays a little part of what you are (it's still a material condition) but your wealth, your positions, and your parents matter much more.
that's pretty bad but we need to scale the quality back
Their hygienist/muh fun stuff worldview is also pretty ironic for guys on 4chan.
furries just goddamn furries also i doubt they only wear cause its cool
he was one of rothbards buddies, he is a fascist
except his rightwing deathsqaud dream team is privately owned
i would still argue that natural ability is far more complicated than they will ever admit. two of the most brilliant people in human history could still have useless retard babies if they were genetically predisposed to it, their fetish with race couldn't even be defended as a necessary evil
Race is a pseudo-science in itself, though eugenics needs to be debated with a leftist point of view I think.
As for natural ability being much more complicated, of course. But the Holla Forumsster mind is very narrow, and can't grasp cuck things like nuance and critical thinking amirite
There is actually a similar dynamic at work here, in my view. Most of the obsession with fun stuff and hygiene comes down to this:
The typical Holla Forumsack is just not competitive on the dating market, and women are going to choose Chad over them. Holla Forumsacks are typically not elite men. Women would prefer a non-serious relationship with Chad to a committed relationship with a Holla Forumsack. It's free-market Chad-ism, which makes Holla Forums's simultaneous rage at women and fervent support of capitalism deeply ironic.
eugenics is much easier to debunk practically than morally because even if we assume there are no ethical dilemmas, it's still a fucking costly and destructive way to get rid of inheritable defects that doesn't even work
we'd just end up as beautiful inbreds like dogs
what their impling is that the word racist was used to browbeat the oponents of communist's into submission.
so this means that anyone who calls them racist for using the word "nigger" 20 times in a post is part of "le ebil cultural marxist conspracy against teh H-whyte man
…fucking Holla Forumslacks man no critical thinking
Fucking hell.
They put twice as much effort into these mental gymnastics than they'd need to just think critically…
Yeah but what about "soft" eugenics/favouritism like aborting down syndrome babies, detecting "talents" early in school (some kids are tested as soon as 10 years old), and the most extreme versions like transhumanism ?
Cognitive dissonance between personal life and ideology is pretty common though. See the temporarily embarrassed millionaires and the opposite champagne socialists.
Depend on how you define eugenics. You have the remove inferior part and the promote superior part.
In the XIX,eugenicist century, you had great improvement in public infrastructure and salubrity to improve the People, strenght of the Nation (i.e we needed millions of healthy conscripts to make this imperialism works…).
The first half of XX century pushed eugenist logic to its very limit, hence why it have bad press nowadays.
people should always be allowed to abort, period
honestly this just fucks kids up and makes them off themselves by college age
by an absolute strict definition, all medicine could be considered eugenic
The US is officially communist now
Are these people fucking stupid?
Did we win guys?
i came across this after i searched azi furrie
*nazi furrie
(looking for cringe)
telling a child they're talented repeatedly is emotionally damaging but differentiation is vital for longterm scholastic success.
t. a fuckedup gifted kid who spent too long in "dumb" classes.
you want more
(midway gives up on giving arguments and claims america is a communist country)
alos the founder of the alcu associated with communist at one time, so we must give up our love for civil liberties, cause of one mans hypocracy
Honestly you could make this chart about anything. I'm sure you could somehow link a chinese high ranking politician with being a direct descendant of Genghis Khan therefore Genghis Khan started communism in the east or something. Or the fact that David Cameron is like the queens 3rd cousin or someshit. Humans are remarkably related to each other and each others actions.
Remember this stat you need seven degree of acquaintances to connect any humans on earth?
Th-these people understand that nobody is suggesting that Disney, Spider-Man, Minions, and Harry Potter are real don't they?
Tbh I, as a white male, identified pretty well with Finn in that movie.
Same here
When I saw the movie I couldn't unsee the staff as a black dick which was both pretty hilarious and annoying.
These demands are all pretty shit tbh.
I'm still getting over the fact that there are people who literally would rather have sex with their sisters than someone of a different skin colour
is this supposed to be cringe?
Its true. To make the chart even better it should go further back before jews and shows how they evolved sumarian/egyptian religions
prove it wrong then, faggot
Move over plebs.
Marx was a journalist and labor organizer.
What's hilarious about that particular image was that Marx was practically born into poverty in comparison to Ludwig von Mises, who was literally born into Austrian nobility. And the "career" of von Mises was limited to "government bureaucrat" and then an "economist" for various think tanks.
i actually kinda like this one tbh
its just that i love how nerds who are OBSESSED with fictional media in any other context who will go on and on about how much it enriches their lives suddenly turn around and use a title like fiction disparagingly when referring to the bible
Daily reminder dipshits like this poster should be banned for having an obsession with boards to the point of psychosis
I'm all for arguing the idiocy of aspects of the right, but this has too much faggotry on the level of subversion, I mostly lurk instead of posting but holy shit whats with the obsession with other boards on here?
wtf Holla Forums is full of edgy pedos though
The right doesn't recognize those as demands. They like to assert that the demands in the CommieFest were literally describing communism.
People visit other boards. Is that really so hard to grasp?
No, not at all, but its cringeworthy as fuck to think people from this board lurk boards like Holla Forums just to get triggered by Holla Forumsshit. Its fucking cancer
I don't think it's because of that. Sometimes you find shit that cracks you up. I mean, look at the rest of this thread.
Posting screenshots of cringeworthy Holla Forums posts, sure thats pretty funny
Deliberately going to boards like Holla Forums to let everyone know how triggered you are? Naw, thats cancer
>implying you're not just assblasted because you're the one who's subject to ridicule this time
People deliberately go to Holla Forums to talk about vidya and run into shitposting. I don't know why you think this is a special case.
I'm just saying, you don't see Holla Forums or Holla Forums picking out random threads here and linking them.
What are you talking about? I see that all the time, followed by raids.
Does anyone really raid this place though? I never see any raids here, just a few Holla Forums posters every now and then
They don't try anymore, but they'll dump their cuck folders from time to time.
Try making it through this.
I kind of miss checkers.
The last part of this(traditionalism) doesn't seem to be making a coherent point. I guess that's what esotericism does too rhetoric.
i have a masters in political science (florida southern state so i see some lolsy shit sometimes) and one time a 40 year old fbi classmate came in with a chart that looked EXACTLY like this explaining why islamic terrorism was caused by social media. his argument was that no one could build bombs without issues of dabiq magazine being spread by left wing social media sites. i didn't even try to refute him because its obvious he's a crazy person
I'm still trying to figure out what arrow connects to Keynes. Seems like he was just thrown in there.
this is true though
I'm collecting for this year
I need to pick it up though because I only have a month left
fuck off muke
no one is going around pretending harry potter isn't fiction
Why are Yanks such retards?
The 8 hour work week was mandated by law in Victoria, Australia in 1916, under the Eight Hours Act, after FIFTY FUCKING YEARS of Union activism.
kys fam
So Holla Forumsyps acknowledge that blacks have historically bee treated like shit by whites and still are to this day, yet still they feel that whites are the ones being persecuted.
Humans vs orcs
Fuck nuance, y'all.
Holla Forums on their safe spaces
would taking down one of those soda towers be considered disrespectful
More of Holla Forums defending their safe space
Stephen Meyer, "The Five Dollar Day: Labor Management and Social Control in the Ford Motor Company, 1908-1921"
Read this.
That just looks like self-aware humor.
Nazi furries are my favorite furries. They manage to make both groups look worse.
Keynes was homosexual, so he connects to homosexual agenda which connects to radical homosexual agenda which connects to Church.
Ergo Keynes is Pope Francis. Your welcome.
Holla Forums should make a version
yeah just flip it around
Just need to change the titles, maybe some of the text a bit and replace the pics with Stirners tbh. It's pretty much a 'how spooked are you?' chart
Lol, trying to justify being lazy hippies by demonizing people who would have you earn your keep.
lol. I remember back in high school, they actually tried this shit, they let a woman in our football team because of women empowerment and shit. ok, no biggie, everything's fine. most of the guys took it lightly in practice with her so as to not hurt her.
fast forward 2 months later, she got her hip broken during our practice. I think she was on her period as well so the bruising was more severe. School got sued by the parents due in her injuries. I don't know what happened but i think school settled it out of court
holy fuck is this nigga serious?
This should be easily settled between the insurances from the school and the parents. Can't believe Americans are so lawsuit-happy, it must drown the judges in futile cases.
In here (France) we have much less lawsuits and tribunals are still crowded as hell.
It doesn't make any sense at all, though.
Fancy name for a bourgeois/capitalist revolution
A quick look at history proves that authoritarianism irremediably breeds corruption, general disregard for the base and other fundamental problems that will lead to the capitalist stage
It's basic historical materialism tb'h
I wonder which one of these the guy who wrote this considered himself
They at least concede taking pride in something they didn't do and being isolated from others.
Here is an enlightened memester
When you have neither substance or style you can always claim quantity
I don't see where he's wrong
Sounds like the intro to a fetish porn film
I fucking wish
"your cup which overfloweth has just filled up with piss"
This is a fantastic sentence.
fresh from /mu/
My sides
Pol is weirdly prevalent on cuteboys/
Is he wrong? That describes pol in a nutshell. Pic related
Literally a "how much of an uneducated NEET are you?" chart
Possibly a bastardisation of pic related rather than a French flag.
I've got a couple.
There is a kid in my ag class that wears rebel flag shirts and trump hats unironically to class and I believe has sever low functioning autism. Ill try to get a picture today. He wears my little pony plushies clipped to his backpack and weighs probably 80 pounds. I would be big bucks he uses Holla Forums pol. I would ask him, but he mumbles to himself all the time and has the worst school shooter vibe imaginable.
Post it
Pls post.
We should have a faces of Holla Forums thread :)
I doubt pol made this.
This is accurate and very well done, they most likely added the cringy paragraph at the end and "claimed it".
Not just sex, we are talking BREEDING here. They would chose a deformed nuclear inbred baby over a healthy normal half Asian baby.
i remember cuckchan Holla Forums had a faces thread and it was mostly spics and fat whites kek
He is part of the Charlemagne Division of the Yiffen-SS
1st French 33rd Waffen SS division Charlemagne.
Usually lauded by /po/lacks as being 'brave', it was a pretty mediocre unit.
Also, more cringe.
Please for the love of god post pics
hey guys did you know that lenin created communism ?
furry sex slaves for glorious Yiffunism
reminder these demands were made in the 19th century
wtf does pozzed mean
Literally "to be infected with AIDS", in practice it was Holla Forums's favorite buzzword before "cucked" caught on (but it was never quite as popular.)
Means you got aids, pozzed as in HIV positive.
Synonymous with cuck in rightwing world
what's up with right wingers and public schools?
serious question
kekking hard at that mean ass nigger in the corner
Fucking shit.
Is it bad if I think Secret South was better?
Black Soul Choir is great but Secret South has so much more fluidity and isn't as top heavy.
Capitalism has made it easier for EVERYONE to relate with robots. Remember what the word robot derives from.
I don't even need to. Ford could have given full health care, a free car, and let every worker get a blow job from his wife. "The worst slave owners were those who were kind to their slaves." Capitalist concessions may content the worker, but in the long run completely sedate them, like treating farm animals well, so they perform better for the farm owner and farm hands. Fuck Ford.
Tbh, my sister is really hot tho
Dumb dumb stupid stupid dumb idiot Trotsky dumb fuck idiot dullard stupid butt penis
You don't live in America do you?
Didn't Hitler rant about the need to reinforce familial bonds?
This is from the thread about the Podesta email leaks.
Apparently it contained some shit about Extra Terrestrial Intelligence and Zero Point Energy and now they go full retard about aliens and shit
rly maeks u think
this kind of blatant porkyprop makes me fuckign sick
Who the fuck actually believes this
Fucking how
She should work for Cracked.
Check this out guys.
>>>Holla Forums6266634
I guarantee her business is struggling and she's desperate to drum up attention, hence the AMA. Still disgusting how people buy into the entrepreneurial fairy tale.
Freud would be having a seizure right now.
Religio-what? Stop making shit up you leftist pinko parasite.
vivian is a cute
Did I just travel back in time to 2014?
Microsoft installing tiolets yo
that's not real
Poor Momiji ;_;
bump with content
that pic is pol in a nutshell: does no research, accept bourgie propaganda at face value but still thinks he's being rebellious and intellegent
Okay you filthy rightist fuck
This place has anarchists (and their divisions) ML'S, Leninists, left-communists, Useful Idiotite s (the most controversial) market socialists, and a few people from other libertarian Marxist tendencies, MLM's and a few Trotskyists plus other rare ideologies.
All these people constantly fight. This isn't an echochamber and we're constantly having our discussions diverged from Holla Forums
It turns out America has been communist all along.
What a tweest
Is anyone familiar with Matthew Heimbach?
I didn't need this
Don't forget about the 2nd amendment
always thought the image of fully shut blinds reflected in a framed photograph of milo's face was pretty good.
Holy shit
isn't #8 something along the lines of "forced labour for(pretty much) everyone"?
I don't get how mongoloids can look at this quote and think margss wanted to take their freedom away from them.
Whoever made this needs to spend three years in a Honduran factory.
not to mention
I guess righties don't like to read
Make a thread if Shillary wins, i am capping a couple of them so we can make a good collage.
It really is baffling how these cretins don't understand the power of the electoral college.
I feel bad about how many anime girls are being used by trumptards. Like an innocent pure 2D girl would support a Chad asshole.
No you are just too dumb to Google words you don't understand.
Will we witness the death of the GOP come November?
If Trump wins yeah we will.
If Hillary wins the GOP will become much more stronger.
I feel like the democratic party is doomed no matter who wins
I don't see how, the republicans being out of office for at least 12 years would spell bad news for their sponsors backing them, and an overall disillusionment with the American political system.
Guess I'm not the only one thats irritated by this shit.
Holla Forums here, you guys should try listening to his radio show if just for entertainment. I do occasionally and he's always talking about capitalism and wage slavery, pretty leftist economically tbh. If Holla Forums were actually all about economics like you claim instead of SJWs in denial you'd like some of what he has to say.
Was he just ironically praising Pinochet and calling for communism to be smashed, then?
Momiji takes our huge alpha cocks every night and there's nothing you can do about it.>>974083
Yes it is, we're out and we're organized!
I saw a picture of my waifu in a trump hat once and I just about took a fit of rage
If trump wins.
If not they will immediately close ranks and disown him in no uncertain terms, they will change the rules and there will never be a primary challenge against the insider choice again, and the system will be firmly entrenched until the war with Russia.
Trump is right.
Sure thing buddy
Does trump want to look into the negative effects of porn actually?
If so I support him 100%. Pornography is obvious a massive social ill.
It's funny coming from someone who surrounds himself in playboys and women and probably fucks hookers. Fucking hypocrite.
Are those six-packs of coke for $3.33? Fuck me it's no wonder burgers are so fat
The ends justify the means. The ends, in this case, being a totalitarian slave state, and if that meant a temporary situation where people to arm themselves, then Communists had no problem with it. Look at the Soviet Union and China for what really happens to gun owners under Communism.
Nigger the entire raison d'etre of your shitty board is to apologize for and worship the system and the people responsible for your exploitation and poverty. If you had a gf and Daddy Trump came and fucked her while you watched, you'd probably thank him and go brag about it on Holla Forums.
Here, have a comprehensive guide to your own ass-backwards ideology:
>I know this guy said that but he didn't really mean it, I mean look at what these entirely unrelated guys who claim to agree with him did
not even trying to come up with a good argument
Why would I need a better one? Humans are emotional creatures, not rational ones, your love of whatever branch of Maxism or anarchism or socialism you follow isn't because you've "found the truth", but because it fits your pre-existing emotional state dressed up in enough theory so as to convince yourself that you came to it through a process of logical deduction and rational thought
Clearly you understand nothing about leftist thought. I'm not surprised, though.
The core of our philosophy is a critique of capitalism based on the study of capitalism. The core of this critique is that, as the work of people creates value and as capitalism is based on accumulation via private property, those at the bottom will be exploited of the value they create and the system will necessarily fall apart as those who are being exploited will be less and less able to consume and create demand as productivity increases and investment in labour is decreased, thus resulting in nobody able to buy things.
The means to change this isn't some great mystery - it's in fact really really simple: dismantle the social institutions that define capitalism.
The utopian elements are kind of an afterthought. Still, we would all be significantly better off if the extra productivity gained from technology would be used to everyone's benefit so we wouldn't all have to work most of our lives making things nobody actually needs for no real net social benefit.
Go back to tumblr.
And we're still waiting for this "inevitable" process…why? Is it the same reason why the advanced capitalist states were "supposed" to fall to revolution, but actually it was primarily feudal/agricultural states like Russia and China that did?
Pic related. Reason has far less to do with a person's political motivations than emotion and "gut feelings", with most of what we think is rational thought a post-hoc justification for said emotional state.
This is the pic related
that is literally what I did tho
do you think I am some sort spooked little cuckboi like you?
Whatever helps you sleep user
We're not waiting for it. It is happening as we speak and it has been happening for a while. Perhaps if you had ever bothered to read a fucking book or even just turn on the non-infowars news for a moment, you would have known this.
And though you might be a spooked bitch, and though it might be quite common to be a spooked little bitch like yourself, that does not mean that we are like you or that this is something people should strive for. Clearly you're aware of how much you're guided by feels. Why do you give them power over you, then?
start with stirner, then move to althusser and then move to hegel
maybe you will de-spook yourself this way
also downloading the book you posted
you better not let me down
Hmmm…its almost as if all those philosophers came to their theories of the mind before this new-fangled thing we in the modern world call "neuroscience".
Oh what do scientists know, they're just LE SPOOKED AS FUCK REACTIONARIES XD
Again, whatever helps you get through the day user.
If its more comforting for you to feel that you came to your political views through pure reason and logic-based deduction, instead of post-hoc rationalisation, well more power to you
I used to be a determinist, but quantum physicis prove said theory wrong
a living wage
what happened there?
Prices rose.
Damn. How can I become this Rational?
Once again, time for another Holla Forums thread that unwittingly attacks Holla Forums
Allende will never die, fucking classcuck
Nobody acts like orcs exist
Except for pol.
Fuck I remember when I posted that first one. I was drunk as fuck.
Bronies must hang.
Was on Twitter today and saw "Feminism was a corporate hack to halve wages and double the labor force."
Wish I capped it.
My Gott.
That's true tho.
why are you so hateful? ;~;
Wondered how to accumulate capital easily for… revolutionnary purpose, looks like milking autrightists is the way to go.
Plato would be disgusted.
Almost all bronies I have encountered are conservatives, racists, white supremacists, alt righters and even nazis.
but it's true
You mean Blewb? Those guys just don't understand that friendship is the true meaning of proletarian revolution~
Take your autism elsewhere.
Fast forward to 7:30 or so for pure alt right autism and cringe.
Sorry can't copy at specific time on phone.
I would love to see an episode where earth ponies try to overthrow the monarchy. Celestia and Luna would have a field trip while dismembering all those rebels.
Fresh of the press!
Fresh from /x/ of all places
It's always funny when Holla Forumsyps get all defensive about the holocaust and point out that propaganda and misinformation could be spread because Germany and the US/Britain were enemies yet swallow the Holodomor was an intentional genocide story
There's a schizophrenic on Holla Forums who posts page after page of rants about cucking. This might be him, the writing style matches.
This is actually not that much different from "critical analysis" stuff like Anita Sarkeesian does.
Anita's gonna freak.
No. In the US there are only two realistic parties. Mainstream GOP will ditch trump (assuming he loses, which is 99% chance at this point) and carry on like normal and pretend it never happened. What fuels the GOP isn't necessarily agreement but uniting against the common enemy: "liberals" or democrats. As someone living in texas I am surrounded by people who fucking despise trump, but are gleefully voting for him because it's pissing off the "liberals". They'd rather the country crash and burn then give up their "culture". I'm not sure if someone who doesn't live in a conservative part of the US would quite understand how these bizarre people operate.
Lads we've done it. We control Amerikkka now. :^)
I'm so happy this faggot is going to die alone
This. They don't seem to get that exclusion based on arbitrary spookiness or unreasonable standards creates a brain drain. At best he'll die with a few yes-men in tow.
Holy shit. FEELS>>>>REALS as an ideology has gone too far. Destroying a nearly 20 year friendship. Goddamn.
Only in America
should have ended with tendies tbh
I can't imagine the massive upswing in traffic that they must've received from that AMA. Truly astounding, they must be swimming in $$$.
That comment is factually correct. Slavery still exists in Africa.
What the fuck
I bet this guy's worst nightmare is a prostate exam from a black doctor.
Demographics tend to vote for those who give them greater freedom? Stop the fucking presses, fam.
I'm guessing the far ends of nightmare and wet dream are connected in the case of that particular specimen
im posting it here cause i found it to be retarded
>see alt-righters and ancaps arguing about race and economics >>>/ara/5132
I was also perma'd on 8/pol/ for triggering them too hard.
Is that Stefan Molyneux?
I know, just sayin' :3
Ok kiddo.
holy shit thank you, I didn't know this board was a thing
I hate that spooks from the 60s are new again.
most of the people that draw trump or wear MAGA hats are doing so ironically FYI
Surely you're not this dumb?
For one internet pornography and real life whores are two very different vices.
Also, I believe this man has had a major life change over this experience. I believe it may be he is realizing his greatest potential ever, so I do not fault him for his past transgresses.
Hillary's a liar though.
This thread is for screenshots, not OC.
I made a thing the other night that is perfect for this
but they shall save us from deneracy