Is Denuvo cracked yet?

Is Denuvo cracked yet?

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Wow, doomguy is black behind that helmet. Even with a helmet they had to make him black. The blacking won't stop

Yea I hope all the one of those good games get cracked so that Holla Forums can play it.
Warhammer total war

huh i never realized that there was a visible face in that render

not sure if i can confidently say if he's black or not due to the color

in the opening scene (i saw clips, haven't played the game yet) when he breaks off a table you can see he's white though so lets not freak out

Is this the designated shill thread?



That doesn't prove he's a pure Aryan though, so he might as well be a mixed race shitskin. When will this fucking SJW agenda pushing stop?

Yes, someone asking if DRM is cracked so they can pirate the game is shilling.

it doesn't prove he's mixed either

looks like they went with generic white guy palette because after this he throws on his suit and you can't tell anymore

the game appears to be riddled with problems but you might be stretching this one

Why are you so fucking anxious to play a 1/10 game?


It gets worse.
My mouth can make better music than this.

i like this track, but i agree the e1m1 remix is fucking awful

Has anyone wrote any fan fiction about the naked doom guy strapped to that alter yet?


Doom really should have stuck with metal instead of shitty BWAAAAAAAMP music

But Metal is so 2000 you NERD, all the cool kidz want the wub wub and woof woof now.

I agree strongly, but for some reason Mick Gordon keeps getting work. I can't understand it.

here's a good remix to wash out Mick's bullshit


Is it better or worse than Moom 3?

Denuvo is basically a polymorphic virus, and will only be "solved" by writing an antivirus program that removes it via heuristic detection.
It would be very fucking funny if the crack looked a lot like an AV and supported definition downloads etc..

every game is cracked before release


o shit got me there

this needs to STOP

Game has signature checking for all data files. That means no mods are going to be possible on uncracked versions.



Holla Forums STFU, nobody likes to hear your whining.

Worse. Doom 3 didn't have progression systems, QTE cutscenes every five seconds, ebin arrow in the knee references, or intensifying wubbeth. Plus it had a public SDK release.

I like them, they're a good source of SJW salt.

Basically, Doom 3 wasn't Duke Nukem Forever 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I'll give you the rest, but you're a fucking retard for thinking there are "QTE cutscenes every five seconds". Maybe you should play past the tutorial part of the first map, scrub.

Thanks, Todd. I'll be sure to give all my money to Zenimax so that I can discover that the Glory Kill™ system doesn't actually exist. I know I'll be putting my funds in the right hands.

user, work on your damn backlog, learn moonrunes and play even more vidya not availabe to the west
why do i even bother anymore?

vote to delete thread?

need 10 yes replies for it to take effect.

>not learning Russian so you can play STALKER mods also all the stuff about Russia's rich history of art and literature in general

That's even more funnier

Oh, yeah, I could talk about how it doesn't really feel designed as a game at all, if just saying that makes any sense, but without having a way of putting it beyond that of muh feelings, what's the point?

Just watch a bunch of videos on Doom's gameplay design and then compare them to what you know of Zenimax Doom, I guess.

how about just a sauce on that image?

Oh, these are put very crudely, but you might find them informative still.

It's Quake 4 with Doom 3 graphics.

Oh, Christ, no.

I like this one better.

>Limited installs will make a return.

Why cant we just go back to the glory days where the drm is just asking for the disk?

Or when they'd put a riddle or a little game on the booklet, which you had to solve, to get a code which would confirm that you had a legit game.

I like pointless but endearing shit like that.

Because then people would just google how to solve it.

Don't crush my dreams fam.

Cracking the drm on this piece of shit isn't even worth the effort.

Better. Seriously, only complete retards can say that Doom3 is better than NuDoom.

Most comments here are from poorfags who cannot afford the game and shit on it instead.

Thanks, Todd, again.

here the stigma of the shitposter, if you don't talk shit about the game you are a shill.

you faggots are hopeless, stay retarded

K. Ill be here playing my good games on the cheap/free.


it's shit


wow, those are nice posts from faggots who obviously didn't play the game. The essence of /v

He's wearing a helmet with an orange visor, so his face looks darker because you're only seeing the orange spectrum reflecting off of it. That's how light works.

Make another (215), faggot. Do it.

They describes exactly what is wrong with nudoom and you know it. Next time, maybe you should actually try posting a counterargument instead of spewing ad hominems.

Doom is pretty much a perfect game due to it's simplicity. Is it even possible for any New Doom to be better then the original.

what would they have to do to please you fagots.

If Denuvo v3 were cracked (or "tricked" as other Denuvo versions have been by emulating the authorization process) then pirates would probably be playing Just Cause 3 not Doom 4.

Eh I played NuDoom through in its entirety (Thanks Volvo for Family Sharing :^)

Its alright, the progression system is a bit meh, and some of the maps are just a bit shit tbh. One area says 'secret found' when its literally the only way to go in the Lazarus place.

On the final set of levels, last Mars and last Hell levels I got so bored with the game I almost just put it down, theres at least 2ish hours of padding near the end before the disappointing as all hell final boss comes around and you just kill it without taking 100hp damage.

Also the soundtrack is just awful. Industrial metal thats more sound than music can go fuck off and never return pls

So, y'know, not worth the buy. Maybe if it was 20ish bucks I'd say its worth for the single player, but eh I dunno.

Then why make a new one at all, if you know you can't make it better than the ones before it?


Thats rich considering that SJW's are too afraid to come to the big-meanie place Holla Forums because of those garsh darned Goober Gators.

However, if they actually were a good source of SJW salt, they'd grow some balls and go out from Holla Forums to sites like Tumblr, enrage the fuck out of them, then come back with screenshots of said salt.

Until then they are nothing but annoyances that do nothing but whine about how no ones paying attention to them.

Then how about you explain why those posts are wrong, fag.

After a while they get worse than SJWs.

Hey sorry I was just typing it out as I thought of it. Ultimately it'd be up to the consumer, plus I'm terrible at writing reviews for stuff.

So, my final opinion with 0/10 being Sonic 06 and 10/10 being no game thats come out yet Or Beths opinion of Fallout 4 :^)

I'd give it a 4, below average, especially given its price. Not that it matters since sliding scales are stupid.

1f9eb0: They're a good source of SJW salt.
f51c87: Nuh uh! (he said saltily while posting a self-capped salty post)
You're not very good at board D&C. Please formulate a working strategy & stop embarrassing yourself, (1)

Like clockwork.

Oh no.
I didn't impress an insignificant user on a thread that will probably not exist tomorrow.

Spare me.

user who cares, hes just a white dude and he shoots demons.

Haha, that's cute you think that.

Is this the part where you take off your mask and say you were an SJW all along? 'Cus I'm already bored with this thread.

I take it you aren't very smart or well read.

Niggerjew detected.

Kill yourself.

total war warhammer cracked when

just as bad as the feminists

get out

Not much that's for sure.

That's it really.

That's Don Cheadle you idiot.

just download zandronum with the doomseeker pack
you'll have a better time playing that than this shit, you know, a game where the BFG has an actual use?

This is all I want Denuvo to be cracked for. Can't justify paying that money for a game that's known to run like ass on every rig, without first being given an opportunity to try it.

Would you play a Doom game if Boris made all the music for it?

I don't exactly like stormfagging on Holla Forums, but come on now.


low effort
Incidentally, I was at cuckchan a couple of days ago and counted at least 17 Onlywatch threads

it depends
nuDoom is more 'fun' than Doom 3, but at the same time nuDoom does barely anything fucking original or better than the games it is inspired by to the point where you keep wishing you were playing OG Doom, whereas Doom 3 is alright for a spooky corridor shooter

i don't want to play Doom HD, just do something different with the Doom formula instead of dumbing it down
like Doom with grappling hooks and flying enemies or Project fucking MSX

He's white. In game he looks much more fiendish like the joker.

Glad I know about these guys now, thanks user!

Why haven't you reported those threads Holla Forums

fucking report them you nigger

All these threads hoping denuvo gets cracked, even though "denuvo is a sign that a game isn't good", just proves that pirates are just casual poorfags who protest too much. You're all so excited to play Doom you can barely wait. I remember it being similar with Fallout 4.

Somewhere out there, Todd is so happy his fans are able to enjoy his game regardless of financial struggles.

He's so perfect. Do you think Todd will send me a sample of his semen if I ask nicely?

Even fucking Brutal Doom is way better at this point. vid related

DOOM 3 did it's own thing but it wasn't that good and the execution wasn't that good either, it reeks of "engine guys makes a game to demo the engine", it has a few mods that make it marginally better, RoE is way worse somehow.

nuDOOM is ridding on the fame of faux oldschool shooter that have been released recently it doesn't try anything special but it does it somewhat well with it.

I'd rate both around the same for very different reason, go play something better.

No, but fortunately you aren't missing out on much

I agree, sounds bad man


PB with any of the reworked map pack is also a way better game.

Each game with Denuvo works in a different way, this means that there's no outright "crack" for Denuvo; instead every game has to be individually cracked.

Nah, a lot of people just have an overwhelming urge to play shitty games in order to confirm that they are in fact shitty.

The best DRM is being a shitty game.

Project brutality is what brutal doom should have been and much closer to what doom 2016 should have tried to be.

Its a great mod.


He is part of the cool kids progressive club. He even forced KI developers to self censor a sexist costume.


t. retard

Stormfaggots, everyone.

Keep trying.

Every time.

Why don't you follow your leader and kill yourself?

Neo-nazi stormcuck.

I'm not sure why people want to play nuDoom so badly. It's painfully average and doesn't really have anything going for it, nor is it that shitty that it'd be entertaining just to see how bad the game is.

Both of you, kindly shut the fuck up and realize you're only having the SAME goddamn useless arguments that devolves into nothing but namecalling every single fucking time which does nothing but derail the thread and is not entertaining to read at all. Do you two consider yourself high-quality posters who contribute to the board?

shit thread, dance for me

Shills and legitimate retards.

I knew that the community would shit out a better nuDoom as a .wad and for free.

Will you niggers stop arguing about doom shills/gamergate/pol and tell us the status report on Just Cause 3's and the new Hitman's denuvo cracks? Do we have any time frame at all?


Never ever.

Even if denuvo was cracked for just cause 3 you will have severe performance issues.

JC3 might come after DOOM, Hitman will never be truly cracked because most of the content is online only.

Seeing these armor screens, i was thinking how they could have made a cooler game like Metroid with the armor playing a bigger role.
But no, these fags are so focused on easy money they just waste all that effort remaking some old ass meme franchise with zero orignal tthoughts.


I used to want it cracked purely to see if Snapmap could somehow salvage this trainwreck forgotten game, but even that is garbage.

a-are you implying those are the same people?

(dubs trips of truth)

This album is the embodiment of old doom.

Who cares? All the games that use denuvo are shit.

It's different people calling it shit and wanting it cracked.

Holla Forums is 90% reddit/normalfag cancer now. Just look at the catalog
Fucking cancer.

Have you ever check the Overwatch or UT threads?
They're 90% shitposters telling people to leave. The fucking Overwatch general was only made so shills would stop spamming them.

He's right, most people in htose threads are shitposting, people shitpost whenever those games are mentioned.

There are some games that you can't even talk about on /v without inviting a swarm of shitposts and some games like halo deserve it because they are shitty and ruined the industry but others like splatoon or melee, or rocket league don't, sure those games are casual but its not like they did anything to hurt the industry or anything.

In the case of melee, its more the sabotaging of smash 4 that makes people shit post against melee. Melee is pure autism.

Yes and it's called Quake

seriously, jumping + vertical levels + vertical aiming. That is all the features that you could use to improve DOOM, all this shit needs is to look nice and run on a good, easy to use engine.

I want to play it to see if it's good.
The last game I pirated (Divinity original sin) I liked so much I bought 4 copies to give to my friends.

Fuck off. I'll take mountain dew before the wii any day.

It's amusing when neofag has better threads than this place. Their niché jrpg community blows this place out of the water.

Sadly it's also riddled with SJWs.

But I want to play Total Warhammer.

Don't really give a fuck about the denuvo games so far but I will when DX4 comes out.

Pick only one.

3DM has chinese qts working on it.

you mean there are threads about videogames here?, instead of threads where we cry because games are bad and about muh industry crash?


how is it better if its riddled with SJWs?

Fucking shame too, Because the the music in KI ranged from "Awesome" to "He's slamming his dick on a synthesizer"

Because, surprisingly, the SJWs keep out of the Japanese game threads and mods tend to kill anyone who goes nuts.

If you want to talk about TitS or Baten Kaitos neoFAG is a better place for it than here. Hell gamefaqs talks more about games.

Make that two, you fucking faggot

Take Doom's design and remake it in the Geomod Engine of Red Faction.

The failure of Doom 3 and NuDoom is that they concentrated on graphics, instead of level design, enemy design, weapon design and physics.

3DM are shitty drama queens and scene groups are a bunch of autistic assholes and mostly dead, don't hold your breath. Most warez groups with actual talent got raided by Goldberg's FBI goons.

Is there a sexy doom mod?

I mean like, where your dick is the weapon, and you shoot jizz at enemy monstergirls. But if they run your health down to 0, then you get nice lewd CG kind of like in Eroico

Or you could do it like Eroico where you're the girl and the monsters are trying to rape you, unless you kill them.

Not Eroico, I meant Kurovadis. My bad.

ya its called HDoom

Not quite, user, look at the whites of his eyes. I severely doubt that he's actually black, but the picture definitely has a black man. It's probably just a shitty render.

Would be pretty funny if it turns out to be a stockphoto

But weapon and level design are fuckin good in NuDoom. And physics are decent. I'll admit enemy design is hit and miss (imps are cartoonish while archvile is pretty fuckin glorious), however NuDoom improves on the stampile of shit that was Doom3.
Seriously, that game was a boring horror glorified benchmark worth maybe a single playthrough and nothing more.