Rank the Death Wish movies for me?

Rank the Death Wish movies for me?

1 > 2 > 3 > 4.

watch rageaholic's review of them, he's so badass XD

I was looking through Bronson's imdb and I don't think he was in anything where he didn't have the starring role. That's impressive. It either means he had the sense to turn down shitty roles or anything where he's a side character or he was just THE GUY.


okay, one movie.
It's a pretty immaculate record, all things considered.

I'm about to marathon every charles bronson movie from the 1980s. What am I in for?


Death Hunt > Death Wish

Every Charles Bronson movie from the 1980s.

What's death hunt?

A Charles Bronson movie from the 1980s.

Yeah, not big on Westerns. I think I'm gonna skip that one.

Regardless, don't skip it.

vigilante movies are trash. no exceptions.

t. fag that told the teacher about his bully instead of punching that faggot square in the jaw


1 > 3 > 4 > 2 > shit > 5

Bronson bump

What is it about series that start in the 70s, survive the 80s, and take a total shit in the 90s? Why were the 90s so horrible?

He was well known for being the eternal support role despite his talent, what are you on about, he even hated most of Hollywood for being blackballed due to his finnish looks
He had a couple of starring roles at first, 2 maybe, the most famous one being Machine Gun Kelly in 1958, which nobody saw but was a hit in Europe
Hence why he was asked to work in Europe, namely France and Italy, where he got his first big hits, THEN he got starring roles in America, mostly thanks to the britjew Winner
AND THEN after Death Wish, already at 45, he got the big lead career, which he did only shit roles with the exception of 2 or 3 movies: 2 westerns and maybe St. Ives.

Saying he was a prime lead role man is a bold lie, his support role shenanigans are famous, basically half of his career, he appeared in The Dirty Dozen, Magnificent Seven AND The Great Escape, along with being the menacing injun in plenty of westerns, rarely if ever at the center, even when he usually stole the show.

*blocks your path*

1 = pretty kino, somewhat missed the point of the book
2 = nobody asked for this shit and it wasn't necessary
3 = nobody asked for this shit and it wasn't necessary, but revels in its own schlockiness that it's pretty entertaining

he gets qts

You're high
2 is the best one.


Good tier:

Okay Tier

Shit tier: all of them

I bet you like Drive

And the Dirty Dozen

You should also watch Mr. Majestyk.

it's pretty good
