How many hours do you spend a day reading?
Do you read multiple books? Of yes then do you have a specific form of reading multiple books? Theory on the day and fun reads in the night?
What book are you currently reading?
Has all this reading actually made you more bright or just more confushed and did you expect sutch to happen?
Questions related to reading
Two or three hours, sometimes more, sometimes less
I try to read one book at a time because my adhd is powerful and if I let my attention wander too much I never get anything done
The Ego and its Own
My INT and WIS have definitely improved but it takes alot of grinding that READ skill in order to notice.
I try for an hour a day. Sometimes I get more, often I get less.
Not usually, and when I do it's usually 1 fiction and 1 theory.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Not more bright in terms of raw brain power for lack of a better term, but certainly more informed. Reading anti-capitalist texts gave me words to describe my views and situation I would have never had been exposed to swallowing liberal garbage.
No, and I can't remember the last time I read a book. Why do I need to read political books when I already know what my opinion is?
Please tell me you're not a leftist.
He's definitely some sort of 'tist.
I don't measure it.
Yes, I can't stand reading one book at a time, I get terribly bored.
Not really, I try to make them varied. I try to balance non-fiction with fiction, that's about it.
Rest of plato's dialogues
Kant's critique of pure reason
Feral Revolution
Irrational Man
and The Ticklish Subject
Damn, I need to make lit threads again
I don't care about being bright, it helps me learn and I enjoy it =(. I enjoy discussing what's in the books! It usually makes me more confused initially, but as I formulate more knowledge on a subject I can make an informed decision. Just normal.
I read he principles of communism every year…
I try to get in at least an hour or two, but work or other schoolwork gets in the way often.
Typically I try to do one at a time. Although usually I end up with one for pleasure and a couple for school.
Theory or history all the time.
Second Treatise of Government and Arctic Justice (a history book about the enforcement of Canadian laws and sovereignty in the arctic and complications arising from conflict with the Inuit) for school. Going to start reading Plato's Republic for pleasure when I get a chance.
It's definitely increased by grasp of various political theory (especially liberal theory thanks to Locke) as well as history. I recently read an interesting history of geurilla movements which I found fascinating.
I try to get an hour in.
I try but usually regress to one or the other. Though I need to read some literature for school.
Passion of the Western Mind
Aristotle The Metaphysics
Econ textbook by Mr Wolff
1 hour usually, wanna try to do more.
I usually read on the bus to college and before I go to sleep, usually don't do multiple books though.
Just kinda like exploring new ideas don't really feel any smarter save the fact I have a wider vocabulary now
I've stopped reading since school started again
I stopped reading when I realized that everything is hopeless and the meaning of life its to get the most satisfaction out of it in the very, very short time it lasts. Reading is cool but it takes time take could be better spent in things like sex, drinking with friends and getting crazy.
books? maybe about 15 minutes on average? more if news are counted, a lot more if shitposts on image boards are counted. Should probably try to rearrange my priorities.
no, I've tried in the past, but end up abandoning them if I do that.
Snowden files. Wanted to read it before I saw the Oliver Stone movie, but didn't make it in time.
no, I take great care not to read enough to become to bright.
Usually 3-4 hours(this is mostly due to my job as industrial guard who mostly works night shifts).
No, I can`t find concentration for that.
Conn Iggulden`s works currently(war of the roses)
Only on specific topics.
Reading 6+ hours a day led me to Not Socialism
What did you read? Evola and right-wing conspiracy sites?
Not enough. If I take out all the time my mind is wandering while my eyes are moving through the lines, probably 40 or 45 minutes of book reading and 30 or so minutes of news and articles. That's excluding college stuff.
I usually do because I don't have the focus to finish a book. I get sick of the subject after 100 pages or so, and then I often leave it unfinished and move on to another book that seems more interesting.
I'm trying really hard to remedy this and to not move on to a new book until I'm done with the previous ones, and the result is that I've been procrastinating finishing the books I'm currently reading for days.
I've thought about making a little system, allow myself to read three books at once, one fiction, one non-fiction and one History book for college. I think this way I'll have enough variety to not get sick of them.
The only division I like to make is that I tend to read non-fiction on my computer (so I can take decent notes, write down stuff quickly, make research on the spot) and I tend to read fiction on my kindle when I'm on public transport or waiting for something. News and articles I usually send to Instapaper and read on my phone.
Just started Social Memory by Fentress and Wickham, and two books on the Franco-Prussian war for a project.
lol wat
Yeah I think reading makes me smarter. I'm the sort of idiot who reads 20 pages of a good history, politics, sociology or economics book and I'm like "wow I can't believed I've lived so far without knowing this!" and so on. I get really excited about getting more information, wish I had more discipline to make the most out of it.
Name? Link?
Mein Kampf and Evola. Read some books from high ranking ss officers but they were read more for fun
So nothing of substance?
Have you ever read them?
Here you go fam.
Feels good tbh.
I am. Why?
Until i lose interest that means 3min-10hours
Stalin vol1 stephen kothin
I feel like an idiot tbh
;-; k
i reed evola once
His books tend to be fictional as fuck and mythological in imagery with no hard philosophy to hold it up , think of real life me reading "36 Lessons of Vivec"
it was that out of reality
Depends. 2-3 hours, I think. We are talking books, not news/forums/leftypol, right?
Records of 2nd RSDLP Congress.
That's a very weird question. Reading provides knowledge. "Being bright" is ability to use available knowledge. Two different things.
i don't read. the only two books i've read and i've ever needed to read are the communist manifesto and das kapital.
for ideology i just watch zizek videos, marxist philosophy tube, and richard wolff videos.
fuck reading i am a revolutionary and true revolutionaries currently in the act of undergoing revolution don't have time for that shit
Cancer on par with identity politics
thanks bro