Thank you

I looked and looked. Holla Forums was full of right wingers. r/fullcommunism was tumblr with a red veneer. No one seemed to know who Tito even was. I was lost. That is, until I found Holla Forums. This newfag finally feels at home. Thank you.

Oh and have this tearful Tito I drew.

Other urls found in this thread:

welcome new comrade

your tito looks great!!

please bear in mind there is considerable bullying of titoists and market socialists in general here, so be prepared to put up with that

it's all in the spirit of good banter though, so don't take it personally

welcome home

I bet he will go back to his grave tbh ._.

glad to hear someone likes it here. People can get very negative about this board after a while, but I'll admit I really like this board as well.

Thank you! I hope to be active on this board for a while.

Oh I'm well prepared for the banter. Thank you for the warning though. The fact that people know about market socialism at all here is awesome. Being ridiculed for my view is a welcome change from "Huh? What's that?"


>We went from hosting the Olympics to this??

I can understand the negativity. I've seen the alternatives on Reddit and Tumblr though, and I'll take open hostility over the Orwellian groupthink and shunning on those places.

You're welcome

here's a little mini-masterpost of some Holla Forums-affiliated media from across the web

our facebook page:

our magazine:

various twitters: (shameless self-plug)

Holla Forums discord:
this invite is set to expire in 30mins to avoid Holla Forums getting their greasy hands on it and raiding, so if you see this after it's expired just ask around and someone else will send you an invite. there's also another discord called The Gulag, but that one's more of a seekrit club deal, you've gotta know the owner revan to get in

Holla Forums youtubers:

hope all this stuff comes in useful!

this list is by no means exhaustive by the way, the rabbit hole goes far deeper than this

but i'm just putting the stuff i think is most relevant to a newfag

Ohhh boy. I'm gonna have a field day with this. Thanks!

This. As much as people trash this board, it shits all over any other online place for discussing leftist politics.

also it has a modicum of self-awareness, and much better memes than anywhere else

Make sure to create at least one thread a week in the format of "what will X be like under communism"

kill yourself filthy Titoist

as if on cue

I had to ruin it somehow

Nah dude. I'm too busy being filthy.

Ruin? I quite like your shading style.

Titoizam idalje koci danasnje jugoslovenske komuniste, stvarno nema gore ideologije sem kapitalizma koja je mogla da zaposedne balkan od Titoizma.

What is SKOJ's position on Kosovo?

Lenin's just jelly Tito can do revolution better than him.


The citizens of Kosovo have a right to independence, but it should be realized that the current 'republic' of Kosovo is nothing else than NATO occupation of the land and citizens, it is illegitimate. People always harp on about the Serbians there being occupied, but in reality all the citizens of Kosovo are occupied by NATO forces. For independent Kosovo to be a consideration the people need to be free of NATO first. So we are against Kosovo, but not because we do not recognize it's right to independence, but because we do not recognize the current puppet government as anything independent.

Also, there are quite large protests and demonstrations against the government of Kosovo but it is difficult to get any news as it is a literal police state. Phonecalls outside the country are very restricted and depending on where you are in Kosovo there might be martial law.

koji ste vi rak majko mila

bark bark chained dog of the imperialists, based imf loan man

Jeli? A sta si ti uradio da se usprotivis burzuji u nasoj drzavi, druze?

I jel si ti iz Marks21?

lol jebes taj aktivizam koji uzdise titoizam, manifestaciju kasne modernizacije na nasem podruciju. Jebes tog "socijalizma" koji izrabljiva radnicku klasu tbh.

nisam trockista.

Welcome matey

o cemu ti pricas? SKOJ i NKPJ je protiv Titoa. Priznaje njegovu ulogu kao progresivnu silu u Jugoslaviji ali tu se zavrsava, svi sem naj starijih clanova koji su 80+ godina se protive Titu i njegovoj politici.
Svaki nas protest je uzdizao rad i studente, i cak smo organizovali studentske proteste. A isto smo kroz nase proteste i akcije digli glas o rehabilitaciji Nedica i Draze, i upadali na NATO i EU skupove svaki put kada su bili govori integracije. Ni jednom nismo pomenuli Tita na nasim manifestacijama.

gde pobeze? Zar neces da me optuzis Titoizma?