Video Game Product Ads

Basically product promotion with video game character.

Bonus points for old commercials

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if you didn't see this commercial a million times as a kid you don't know shit about videogames.

oh christ this one takes me back



We could probably fill this whole thread with Cowadooty ads

Fucking loved that commerical

man what happened

5th and 6th Gens had the best commercials

people forgot what fun is, even if its just fun covering up a PSA or commercial




On a completely different note, SKITTLES game

I thought this thread was more about video game characters and properties being used to help sell a product, not a product being made into a video game to help advertise the product.

The Pokemon Poptarts was the best

Shame they'll never make it agian.


user you're missing the point of the thread

I never got past the first level. I couldn't find the fucking bird thing to give to the lady so she'd open her goddamn door



Was that Mayumi Tanaka as Link? I can't quite nail down Wario

I guess it's fake, but I like the idea.

fuckin weeb



I feel like I missed out on something

Pokemon poptarts were amazing!

I'm always amazed at the disparity between the adverts and programming of the US amd Canada. It's ridiculous since Canadians want and can buy the same shit as Americans.

I feel like advertising has changed from putting the product in your face to relaying the product to your face




advertising is more passive and soft now because men don't watch TV anymore.

I miss the 90s

there was a commercial with mariokart 64 and the kids in the commercial play the game with their feet while they drink something.
I dont remember what it was.


Or weren't American. Whichever

Doesn't sound like her

video games

it's a common phrase you piece of asshurt newfaggot filth.

Somebody's projecting

Haha oh wow

I got a box filled with ants, and my mom never bought me that cereal ever again.