What are we gonna do about the inevitable influx of refugees shitting up the board?
migration to bunkerchan when?
What are we gonna do about the inevitable influx of refugees shitting up the board?
migration to bunkerchan when?
Other urls found in this thread:
what did they mean by these?
newfaggot detected
So why is 4chan doing worse than before despite ever-increasing traffic? Is Hiroshima just trying to squeeze more money out of it?
We are going to open our hearts and show solidarity with our fellow channers, of course. They are fleeing from the oppressive Hiroshima Nagasaki regime.
Who the fuck clicks ads on 4chan?
So weird to think that a popular website like 4chan can struggle to make its economics work.
But what has changed to make Hiro need a new strategy?
More traffic, probably due to Holla Forums. The new visitors are unlikely to click ads.
more like the influx of Holla Forumssters who will see we're the 4th most important board in here.
It's always had a tough time because it's primary use demos were first underagebans with no money and then #lazymillenials with no money, and all the while home to nerds whose primary interests didn't lend themselves easily to monetization in the first place ex:
etc. to say nothing of boards like /tg/ where because of the dynamics of the hobby the majority of content is user generated anyway, and all the tools necessary to do so are either inherent or to be found online or otherwise for free, and the fact that it has/had the reputation for being the sewer of the internet.
I have no idea what sort of faustian covenant moot had in order to keep it going, because 4chan and profit are choose one and only one.
TBH it can only benefit us. When Holla Forums grows we grow, but when it contracts, we don't. /leftpol/acks have no where else to go.
good. Holla Forums needs some users
I almost never go to halfchan anymore. This is pretty much the only board I regularly go to between 8 and 4chan,mostly because it one the only now sjws controled places for leftist discussion. Chans are just filled cynical, bitter, ignorant, meme spewing man childs who don't facilitate interesting or helpful discussions. It used to be funny but a few chuckles isn't worth wading threw the sea of shit and wasting your time. There are just so many better things to do with your time.
I hope we don't get influx of Holla Forumstards coming in. Almost every thread here will have a naziflag poster reminding us all how bad niggers/joos/wymens/ are and it usually is worse whenever the post count spikes. Expect to see muh 100 billion, Karl Marx never had a job, don't take my toothbrush, and why do you want to flood the west with Muslims threads soon.
I haven't been back since the Holla Forums exodus. Honestly, I don't miss it. 8ch was way better the first few months, though. We didn't have tryhard retards trying to fit in everywhere.
He fucked up.
The ads at the bottom of the page no longer display properly, so he's effectively halved 4chan's ad revenue.
Now if we could just get rid of that piece of shit Moot 2.0 ruining Holla Forums maybe 8ch could be an enticing place for people to migrate to again.
We should have already moved to bunkerchan tbh.
I knew one day they would pay for their fursecution.
Why would they deny this level of financial intensive autism…
Not one step back.
rapefugee reporting in
where da 8ch waifus at
redirect to 7chan and once they are purified by the janitors bring them to 8ch
Is that place still run by salty ancientfags?
Pls no!
Honestly i feel some new blood could be good, even if it is former Holla Forumsyps.
I swear, these people are so retarded. The porn boards are probably some of the biggest revenue generators on the site. And there are so many people suggesting that the archives should be removed, and slow boards deleted, when that has nothing to do with bandwidth.
Capitalism is incompatible with the internet in its rawest form. Torrents, imageboards, etc. The capitalist wage system and intellectual property are designed to destroy the real internet culture.
Which board is that on my dude?
4chan doesn't seem to have a meta or offical news board.
If you combine that with the possible flux of normalfags in January…
Never mind, I found it on /qa/ board.
I'm sure he will just pump more ads, the pop ups will make people leave by their own will.
Ad block killed 4channeru.
You can't maintain the massive traffic it has without getting revenue from it.
Nah we are pretty chill now. A lot of the mods have even comes to terms with the fact that overaggressive moderation (like banning people for using greentext improperly), while really funny and feels good, hurt the site in the long run.
If /lit/ finds its way here, I think we can actually increase both the quality of the board and amount of resident comrades here.
If they cut boards, they will cut /u/.
What they fuck will I do then? /leftyu/?
The closest thing you'll find to a woman on 8ch is are crossdressing homosexuals.
Holla Forums refugee here. The DNS transfer to "EU" bullshit got me thinking about cybersecurity, and after rediscovering the world of Tor, I have happened upon you board.
It's kind of interesting to see a political board like this with some relatively cerebral discourse, as opposed to the general circle-jerk of "Shoot the niggers. Gas the kikes. Trump for POTUS." to which I've grown accustomed. Or maybe it just looks that way as an outsider.
Hello fellow half/pol/ diaspora. I made the transfer about half a year ago and can recommend it. I'm much less of a racist cunt than I used to be. Granted I've been a leftist for far longer than that, but It feels really good not being subjected to cuck-porn every day, and I almost don't miss Anzu at all. She doing alright?
What we lack in news and happenings, we make up for in our ability to read works larger than 15 pages.
They'll see the board name, think "tumblr lmao" and fuck off forever in an instant.
At most we'll get a small influx of /lit/ users, and they will integrate just fine.
I don't fully agree. It does make for better conversations and a more enjoyable atmosphere, but with out the news and happenings "we" still aren't as relevant as Holla Forums, in the sense that we don't have much influence on the public opinion compared to them.
As a imageboard that is, the AFK left is still far more relevant than alt-right and other semi-fascists.
We're not doing too bad. According to this graph, we're roughly as popular as Holla Forums was in mid 2014
They're just masturbating to a zeitgeist brought about by a change in material circumstances. It's nice to see Hillary yell at a frog, but that's basically the exploding van bit but with some billionaire money behind it.
Exactly! All we need to do now is produce memes. We should have shitpost general threads to contain the cancer and produce them more efficiently.
The AFK left has been completely taken by idpol and became a joke in the mind of the average person.
Reformism is to blame for all this. Leftists have become so soft on the powers that be in the hopes of achieving reform that it has now fallen to the right to express the people's frustration with the powers that be.
I can't believe this is the way it's ending. I mean I had some vague idea that it would die, but I did not expect for a second that it would come in the form of getting turned into an astroturf farm for the interests of capital. Or that it would happen so fast. I'm still kind of sad, it was good for a while.
/lit/'s a scumbox full of hipsters and pseudointellectuals
Just like Holla Forums :^)
Agree, lots of potential.
not saying it's enormous, they aren't the shadow masters they like to believe, but it's there and it's more than we have.
Taken over by idpol, yes, to a certain degree, but still relevant. B████ called himself a socialist and people liked him, Corbyn became leader in labor, it's not all gloomy.
This is too hilarious to even be mad at.
it gets worse
Took the words right out of my mouth.
Laugh at them and label them cucks & faggots.
who dat?
New OC
full size 4chan doom porky
4chan and image boards in general have completely lost their edginess when the new and current generation of users a.k.a "stupid kids" decided to abandon the glorious Nihilistic channer culture of the past to embrace cuntservatism.
They think they are being edgy and against the status quo but in reality they are just being stupid and used as pawns by the status quo.
This. We need new blood to keep from being disappearing up our own ass and REEEEEEEEEEing at everybody who questions the status quo.
Mods actually just cleaned the place, but yeah, we're a lot less of a circlejerk than Holla Forums.
Unlike /lit/, leftypol has a shred of self awareness.
I honestly feel bad for /a/ now.
It's the only board I still visit 4chan for. It'll be a sad day when it goes.
Where the fuck else am I going to discuss anime, seriously?
here ?
Anybody want to start a betting pool as to who will join the Legion of Doom next? My money's on Tipper Gore or Adam Sandler.
That is some high-quality OC.
literally two of the most despicable people on the internet.
Where else am I going to talk about comics and cartoon?
Holla Forums is the only place left to talk about animation and the only place left where to talk about comics that hasn't been taken over by casuals.
Is this real life?
I can't believe the image had to be posted twice for me to notice this. "Troll culture" really has become the 'how do you do, fellow kids' of conservative lolberts and neoliberals in earnest now, hasn't it?
This is like the 'wow, much spending' and 'i can haz senate' thing that went on during that last round of burger elections, except this time they've got Holla Forumsyps eating out of their hand.
I'm having my doubts.
Let them come, were already covered in new fags constantly, now we can convert them.
What happens if 8ch gets the same massive traffic?
After so many years Holla Forums does something good for once
"Welcome back, old friend…"
i'm somehow inclined to actually think this is the case. Furs have disposable income and like spending it on the stupidest things.
Who is this guy again? Name sounds familiar.
The big pharma tycoon that rised the price of an AIDS pill by 700%
Can someone give me a link to hiros thread?
And the worst part is how /a/ is the board least critical of 4chan as a whole, so there is a chance they buy it hook, line and sinker.
Then again they through moot still loved them, and hiro is a eleven and the creator of 2ch, and that guy is a porky who wants to transform 4chan into a giant Holla Forums, and probably partner with fakku and funimation and ban sadpanda and loli threads.