Update: The FACT center took the flag and stream down at the advice of police, following illegal trespassing.
For the fourth time, Shia Labeouf and co. claimed the “He Will Not Divide Us” stream had found a permanent home—and for the fourth time they were proved wrong.
The Liverpool, UK, location for the protest livestream has been compromised, with members of 4chan’s Holla Forums board scaling the roof of the FACT center and attempting to tear down the flag. Labeouf and his artist friends thought the flag was safe on top of a five- story building in a different country, but again they discounted the power of the Internet.
Before faggots will shriek at you to get back to the containment board, I want to put that the occasional update like this is appreciated to those of us who don't frequent /hwndu/.
Keep up the good fight, anons.
Carson Phillips
I 2nd this.
Brody Flores
Where next? They launch the flag on a satellite? At any rate, happy hunting /hwndu/.
Anthony Rodriguez
Weren't those /ourguys/? I didn't think they were halfchanners.
Brody Brooks
Shia on suicide watch
Liam Wood
Combined effort. Liverpool anons were recruited from both sites.
Ryder Perez
Capture the flag world champions
Joseph Cox
thats the joke. 4chan gets all the media attention and we stay out of focus.