What if someone, inspired by the communist manifesto...

What if someone, inspired by the communist manifesto, decided to kill their factory owner who happened to be Friedrich Engels, thus Marxism was never developed?

Juicy af

D-don't say things like that!

Engels was a huge faggot who never wrote anything insightful so nothing of value was lost

What if a bunch of Marxists killed future French Revolutionaries so we never even escaped feudalism?

He literally funded all of Marxs work you dumb cunt

Really makes you think.

Someone else with a thirst for analysis would have come along eventually to question why capitalism never delivered the brotherhood, equality, and liberty that it promised.

How could he have read the Communist Manifesto and not realized who its co-owner was?

Engels was a p good boss from what I've read.

History would be pretty different and socialists and commies would have gone down somewhat different roads?
To be honest someone doing a proper analysis of capitalism and proposing decent ideas on how to move past it would happen eventually, look at how many people have written books "expanding on" marx etc etc, those people would have likely tried to create their own theory rather than expand marx's if his wasn't around.

He still didn't write anything good, prove me wrong.

The right would rant endlessly about Cultural Proudhonism or Cultural Kropotkinism. In most minds, Marx is just the boogeyman.

The Labor Theory of Value (and more importantly/meaningfully the idea of surplus value of labor) alredy existed and would be associated with other thinkers. Materialism and dialectis also already existed, Marx's specific take on things would filter through from some other direction.

His contemporaries say otherwise. Besides, even if he was a good boss, so was Henry Ford and all these others. That doesn't change the fact they should be killed in revolution.


I'm sure you'll be posting links and citations to these assertions

Engels got funding from the revolution from the banks.

History says he was a muh privileged layabout heir and never laboured with his proles.

He also got funding for the revolution… From banks. Now why the fuck would he or they do that if it meant their end or deaths if they didn't get something out of it? Figure out they were only using the proletariat to amass power like any other. Never trust a bourgeois.

A lot of what Marx did (for his useful works) was the compilation and careful re-analysis of the work of hundreds of other people. It was bound to happen by someone autistic enough to do that sooner or later.

that's not how it works, if marx and engels didnt developp the theory someone else would have

What if some faggot went on Holla Forums and asked retarded questions?

Well it wouldn't be Marxism would it

According to Marx, violent socialist revolution is necessary future.

What revolution? Engels wasn't involved in any, as far as I know.

You are clearly REKT dude. Please go back to your cave.