This guardian writer seems to think so.
Is being fat an identity and how does it scale in IDpol?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Now, my dear fellow fat people. I know that you have been taught not to think of yourselves as a group, because the diet industry makes billions of dollars from the notion that each of you is just an individual who has temporarily failed to be thin. "
So #FatforJill?
Why would you make an identity around being unhealthy?
Because essjeedubyas are retarded
Well, being a repulsive fatass is in fact a material reality.
Fat people rising up?
They can't even get up from their seats!
Thank you everybody, have a good night.
u forgot to add
*ba dum tss*
I know part of me definitely gets #FatforJill.
Is having big bones a demographic? Born that way, am I right?
Is SJW wordfiltered or something?
A lot of deleted comments under that article. Apparently people haven't become completely insane yet. It's funny that having your comment deleted is now the measure of sanity, but we do live under liberal and moral totalitarianism.
And then people wonder why the far-right is so popular. The left has been completely coopted.
Yep. The Left can't stand it when people actually think.
"fat rights" or whatever this is getting at are weird but ectomorphic nerds need to stop pretending that body types don't real and that some people have a harder time losing weight than others
i think the reason youre all so triggered over shit like this is because you really know how easily this could be you
yeah "lol landwhales" is really deep and thought-provoking
The fact you are trying to sound like some leftist moron defending people being fat says that you want to blame everything on "global capitalism".
Even if people shovel burgers, coke cola, chips in their mouths, it's all capitalisms fault, instead of personal responsibility.
capitalism and ad industry hijack personal responsibility in any way they can. yeah i know its easy to be complacent and project about fat people but maybe you should think a little deeper about this
We're triggered because this is drowning any kind of actual politics. This is on the same level as pseudo-feminists wanting Hillary's vagina as the president at the cost of completely discrediting any kind of fight for equality.
At this point we might as well declare politics dead. The American presidential election is the perfect manifestation of this: vapid liberal establishment vs. right-wing clowns.
Try reading the ingredients of a TV dinner. Note how little time families have to prepare food with all members engaged in labour. Look at the price of fresh produce in comparison to processed crap and takeaway food.
These factors are nothing to do with our economic system?
People can still buy fresh fruit and produce at grocery stores. I make a little more than minimum wage in Canada, yet I can afford fruit, vegetables and some meat.
Can you afford enough for four people?