Tripfaging is a form of Indentity politics.
Agree or disagree.
Tripfaging is a form of Indentity politics
I don't know but Griffith gets me so wet…
Tripfagging isn't really politics, just identity. Ideology flags are the same.
It's not political in the slightest, so not sure about that. It is an expression of ego (as most things are), and it can lead to an unfortunate obsession with defending "yourself" instead of (in a strictly anonymous discourse) what you actually say, though that can also express itself anonymously - it doesn't constantly reinforce itself by seeing your "brand" (your name) reflected back at you and judging how well you 'flow' in a thread, spreading and defending your image.
There is some validity to it, though - for official purposes. As in, it's good that some of the more 'famous' faces known from leftypol have an ability to officially make their word known, via a tripcode.
I personally would prefer discourse being nothing but an anonymous shitstorm where at best you can discern a little bit via styles of typing, and stances they they take - preferrably not even that, where the focus is entirely on the argument, and nothing but the argument.
There's plenty of issues with anonymous discourse as well, for that matter. Very vulnerable to exploitation, sliding, brigading/raids. But I find it preferrable to the wretched egocentric nonsense that continuous names and solid, static 'personas' tend to foster.
In that sense, I guess you could say identity politics and tripfagging can at least share - an overlap - a motivating factor, in its essence. That doesn't make them the same thing, though, unless you want do deconstruct every action and every institution and technicality into its lowest deep down motivating thought. (which gets you exactly nowhere)
Wow is that the guy from Yu Gi Oh Abridged Series?
Kinda unrelated, but I always found the parallel between tripfags and Reddit novelty account names to be interesting. It's just a way to give what you post additional pre-context.
Trans Socialists need to speak out more.
kys plz fam
oh oh someone here didn't read Lacan
Sigh, I can't get away from boipussy anywhere on Holla Forums
Shittu tasteu famalamu
Post kik and/or boipussy then faggot, i'm hard over here
Sorry friendo, if you are a trap man you won't like my fat ass.
you'd be surprised
You asked for it.
Griffith did nothing wrong.
Passwords are theft.
On the contrary: Tripfagging is the Nietzschean ideal of the Ubermensch rising above the rabble and claiming their own values and individuality out of the liberal herd, who internalize and reproduce Christian slave morality of weakness and humility.
kys you filthy liberals ;^)
If /idpol/ does not hurt the class struggle in any way I don't see why we should bother with it
of course most /idpol/yps do interfiere, but thats not my point