Why do SJW's believe the Wage Gap exists because of hatred of women when in reality it exists because of maternity...

Why do SJW's believe the Wage Gap exists because of hatred of women when in reality it exists because of maternity leaves?

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It's mainly because men are working in more risky jobs like mining or welding.

Because miners are known for their frivolous wages, sure.

Because that's how identity politics work; it tries to liberate identity groups from identity itself via identity groups and therefore becomes meaningless. It creates vague groups ("heterosexual white men", "black lesbians"), gives them a monolithic identity and then sets them up against other groups rather than unifying them to actually liberate them from the capitalistic concept of identity. Ergo, problems women face are the results of men, problems blacks face are the results of whites and so on.

People who believe the OP picture need the gulag immediately


paternity leave didn't remove the gap. exploiters are likely afraid the woman would eventually leave her job permanently and feel burdened by having a woman on board in male dominated vocations.

It's a lot of factors but motherhood certainly does play a role, as do women choosing different careers. I've never heard so-called SJW's deny that. What they're saying is that these issues cannot be separated from gender by some warped ancap-esque conception of voluntary personal choice. People are not payed for domestic work, a responsibility which usually falls on the shoulders of women. Traditionally feminine jobs in most cases are not the sort of jobs that pay big bucks. Most people don't deny that there are a number of factors involved in the wage gap. They simply ask whether sexism plays a role in these factors

does anyone have the edit where the boss and the guy go out drinking and visiting strip clubs while dumping all the work on the woman

Gender is false category

Fuck off nazbol

thats where you belong

this tbh

If anyone has to be purged it's reactionary jerks to whom there's nothing worse on the whole wide world this inane sjw feminist phantasmagoria.

omg you stupid piece of shit, nobody literally thinks it's because of hatred against women. maternity leaves don't even exist mostly in the united states and women still make less money, but I still can see how retarded you are to use the words "hatred of women" to show how of an illiterate piece of shit you are.

women's introduction to higher-paying jobs is still a relatively new thing in capitalist societies and they're mostly refused to get equal pay even if they do the same job and take the same amount of days off. you can't have a truly equal, socialist economy without realizing that.

Humanity is a false category :v)

shitposting is false dichotomy


Eliminate identities. Class unity now.

Is that why you and I are sharing colloquy through this false economy?

Don't worry about it comrade soon we will breakaway from this false autonomy


The goonsquad just reeks off of you, you know?

wew lad.


fuck off muke

I've explained my feelings on the wage gap. I don't think it's necessarily just some ebil ess jay shit. that being said, it's amazing to hear a literal nazi have the gall to call anyone else reactionary

Correction: women earn less money

Best back up your claim with citations, fam. If this is the case, we would expect more women to get hired than men.

nice to hear that from a redneck potato obsessed with an sjw conspiracy

Yes, because SJW's are a real group of people who we should totally care about


How is it a spook to ask for evidence of your claims?

he's just a newfag that doesn't know that "spooked" doesn't mean "I don't have to substantiate my claim"

Both sides are incorrect to a degree. Differences in occupation/education/etc play a role, and so does discrimination on racial and gender lines. Here: pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/01/racial-gender-wage-gaps-persist-in-u-s-despite-some-progress/

Yes they do. The common myth spread by the media is the "wage gap" is caused by some kind of active discrimination against women which is completely untrue. The wage gap is mostly caused by life style choices and the type of jobs men and women work. It also creates a work place death gap. Where men die 98 percent more in work places accidents compared to women. Which nobody ever talks about.

Where the fuck do you think you are? Go on r/socialism of you don't think SJWs are real.



Good post, balanced and non-spooked.

Thanks m8

It's just like I said no power that's it's caused by any kind of active discrimination.

All this. Abolish all identities.

maybe to your lungs senpai, but only if you don't ventillate
i don't do it because i have shaky fingers, but that has nothing to with my double x chromosomes.

when i lived in texas i was sexually harrassed and passed over for promotions while the only female senior employee. likewise i've found over the course of my sorry excuse for a career that my requests for more meaningful, challenging work or consistently denied & when i perform poorly as a result it's because i'm a lazy asshole with a bad attitude or something.

career choices can also be understood thru the lens of sexism; i've learnt mechanical things for work but this is despite my upbringing. my mom thought she was preparing me well for the real world by forcing me to attend cotillion and national charity league i'm not joking.

i feel somewhat vindicated that no one cares that i know not to wear white after labor day but also really mad at my parents for literally chasing me down in their car to make me wear nice dresses and talk weather with lobotomized southern belles.

Read the last paragraph.

this is a good post and i'd add that i agree with the sjws that no one takes housecleaning or prek education very seriously. it's hard to do these jobs well, or at least exhausting and thankless.

taught prek classes for years and had to eventually disengage to deal with how frankly shitty the lifestyle of an unmarried (ie no rich husband to leach off of) single woman responsible for others' shitty reproductive choices is.

i can't even get hired anymore as it seems employers are turned off by my utterly apathetic & unnurturing attitude which btw is directly a result of working in the field.

Blau and Kahn point out, however, that there are both portions of this “unmeasured” difference that could be due to factors other than discrimination (e.g., gender differences in behaviors like risk aversion or negotiation)

Are you fucking retarded? The damage you do to your eyes alone. Not to mention the significantly higher risk of industrial work place accidents.

Most risky manual labor work doesn't actually pay that well.

Ah, that sucks. Hope things work out for you.

Yes, but it's extremely difficult to argue discrimination doesn't play some role, given how well-documented hiring discrimination is.

However, employment discrimination overall is not a simple issue to solve either. For example, recent policies where employers can't ask about previous felonies just caused them to assume Blacks and Hispanics were felons and didn't hire them, even when they ended up had a clean record.

No it's incredibly easy because there's no proof of it. If they could pay women less for the same work. Then they'd use female labor over male labor. Single Childless women make slightly more then there male counterparts in some cases.

This could easily be spinned back by the feminazis: men, whom own all of the wealth, are such ebul sexist pigs that they'd prefer to hire no women, but have to settle for the rate they hire women at currently to compete economically.

It sounds like something they do. They manipulate any data to reinforce their crazy patriarchy conspiracy theory.

Typical American political meandering. Still though, actually proving discrimination in the workforce is notoriously challenging.

Yeah . Discrimination isn't as blatant as it use to be. You couldn't even debate of a women in the 1920s was paid like shit. It was just a fact. There really isn't any substantial proof of some kind of wage gap caused by systematic sexism. At least not a blatant one like feminists and the corporate media want you to believe. Like this ad for example

I agree, but a lot of major business owners really are these crotchety conservative old men, so being mistreated for sex or race is inevitable. It goes both ways, which means we can't dismiss the feminazi reasoning out of hand, nice as it'd be.

There is also the fact that these retards accuse any sort of de jure inequality of being outright SuperHitler malice when it's often a simple matter of oversight, incompetence or greed. Maternity leave is a major cause of the wage gap, and even has some detriment to male workers that are fathers, but they think it is because of sexism when porky is just miserly as fuck and doesn't care about your babbies.

Not just them. The young silicon valley moguls seem to have the same attitudes. They're just far better manipulating the situation. Usually by using career feminists as a shield from criticism.

maybe before visors were any good; see link related

it pays well if you can't afford a college degree

but what I'm saying is that calling them just "personal choices on the part of women" masks an equally important issue which most "SJW's" are concerned with when they bring up the wage gap. Women arguably work just as hard in areas that don't pay as well and thus receive less money. This is, of course, a very general argument, and when it comes to coal miners or whatever other male-dominated fields involve hard work and relatively bad pay, those do represent exceptions. The point is, on the whole, women are paid less than men although much of their domestic work goes unpaid and even the professional work which tends to be female-dominated will often pay less. This is still an issue of sexism however it is one that is inherently anti-capitalist. Essentially women are not paid as much in proportion to what their labor produces as men are because the system of payment under capitalism is altogether unintuitive.

i would have said "irrational" but i think this is overall a good post.
also, if coal mining paid badly in the past it certainly doesn't now. payscale.com/research/US/Industry=Coal_Mining/Hourly_Rate

No it isn't. The problem has nothing to do with any kind of systematic discrimination against women. Capitalists don't pay people for work that doesn't generate capital. Why would they? It makes absolutely zero sense. It's the same reason they don't want to pay for college or streets or any kind of long term investment in society. The careers women pick are not dangerous nor do they generate as much capital is the careers men tend to choose. There isn't some grand conspiracy to keep women down or represents any kind of sexism period. Full Stop.

please go back to Holla Forums

I don;t see anything that has to do with is post that has to do with Holla Forums. The wage gap is bullshit and that has always been the prevalent opinion on Holla Forums. You on the other hand need to fuck off right back to whatever idpol ridden shit hole you came from.

Low tier bait tbh

Don't complain about not getting opportunities when your poorly performing. Maturity is dealing with an issue when you come across one; your actions just made it many times worse.
It is a bad attitude and you are a lazy asshole, you can find another job in your industry or sit tight just like all the other men do; demonstrating a bad work ethic is only going to limit your opportunities further.

Also, most men are too preoccupied with a thing called providing for a family to care too much about "fulfilling work". If you can earn 100k a year slaving for Chinese higher-ups the fulfilling part of your work is knowing your family isn't going to have it bad.



If capitalists could get away with paying women less, they would hire as many women and as few men as possible, assuming women and men could produce profit for the capitalist at the same rate. Shit, there are quotas in some fields to increase the number of women, but women just aren't applying for jobs that often in those fields. Could it just be that men and women have sexual dimorphism, including different hormone profiles that influence behavior? Could it be that men are naturally inclined toward behavior that generates more profit?

Note that "generates more profit" doesn't mean "is better." If that's where you would go with "men do more profitable shit," you are still spooked on capitalist ideology. Getting butthurt about the value of wages is a distraction from the leftist goal of abolishing wages.

good answer.

in your opinion, does it?

Sexism plays a role in everything. The proper question is how much of a role does it play. The common response to when people reduce the income gap to something like 6-8% is that the remaining percent must be sexism. It's precisely the same form as the God of the gaps argument, an argument from ignorance that if we don't know what the cause is, it must be [my pet explanation].

But I don't see why people think that the idea of sexism in the work place is so hard to believe either. Some sargonite liberal dipshit once told me that the wage gap doesn't exist because wage discrimination is illegal. It's just absurd mental gymnastics honestly. The state can't even prevent wage theft how the fuck could it prevent something as unconscious and subtle as implicit bias?

They don't the point is that people complain about the wage gap and point at sexism, when whatever effect it has is small compared to other factors. Factors like different trends in parental leave which are also a lot easier to change than some kind of subtle sexism that few even claim to be able to detect.

The state doesn't prevent wage theft because it's not the purpose of the state to do that. The purpose of a state is to safeguard the interests of the capitalists. Why am I explaining this to somebody with an anarchist flag, you fucking poser?

It wouldn't have to prevent unconscious bias. All it would have to do is look at a company's books to see if there's a discrepancy and fine companies that do at a rate that would make it more profitable to pay everyone equally. The standard you set has nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

uhhh, not entirely…

Feminism was used by capital to push women into the workplace so that they could be paid less then men, and capital could super-exploit them.

dank meme
It was about capital needing more workers and consumers to keep the system running. It's not a coincidence that those movements kicked into high gear after the bourgeoisie started getting squeezed a little by pro-worker policies passed to pacify labor movements. It's supply and demand tbh. They want to saturate the labor market so it's harder to get a job and easier for them to make work shittier.

The "wage gap" is largely an unfortunate outcome of bourgeois service jobs. SJWs point the other way because they are in lockstep with those unions that push high-income service jobs. A major goal of the Soviet Union was to obliterate trade unionism.
There is much less of "a wage gap" in manufacturing jobs – progressives don't want you to know this.

And the phrase "wage gap" is a double-entendre.

i hate these threads

You are the first person I have seen in the thread bring up men.