Why is the alt right now making the same arguments as anita sarkesian ?

why is the alt right now making the same arguments as anita sarkesian ?

Because both are idpolers

i dont see the similarities

Reading this article gave me brain damage.

Hmm, I wonder if people would get triggered if you get to play as Klansmen who kills blacks.
Someone should try to make such game and see how many people get triggered by it.

Well there would be moral panic because people could confuse videogames and reality. Which is obviously videogames fault and not bad parenting, poor mental healthcre and so on and so on… Remember Hatred?

The commonality is the sort of cultural determinism they espouse.

t. alt-right

yes, i dont understand what the fuss was about that tbh

But it is free expression.
I don't think it's nice or tasteful, tho.


People would rather the media educate and raise their kids instead of doing it themselves. They already consider education is an affair of brainwashing rAther than teaching how to think critically. So their chidren being exposed to the wrong brainwashing is the end of the world.
That's how i interpret it.


They're the same side of a different coin.



I remember the usual suspects cranking out clickbait shit, and everyone else making fun of Hatred for trying so hard to be edgy that it came off as begging for attention and then the game being promptly forgotten because it was half-assed and boring.

The alt-right has never done anything but churn out pathetic copies of other people's work, with "muh white race" and "cuck" copy and pasted all over it



They did, it was a shitty Doom mod in the late 90s. Like other Stormie maymays, it was only enjoyed unironically within its own circlejerk. MSM tried to tie it in with muh Columbine, everybody else laughed at it and at its creators' obvious saltiness.

Nice cryptids.


Wow, now I want to buy Mafia III.



this is gold
GG- and femi- and full blown nazis BTFO all in one swoop
all by their own doing
toppest kek

Why are you including GG (I assume you mean gamergate) into this? Seems like you have a mainstream based view (where Holla Forums is the core of GG instead of the opportunistic asshats they were at the time, trying to make it political) of what actually happened back then.

Unless I misunderstood you.

GG was a bunch of people suddenly seeing reddit censor everything about ridiculous nonsense and the media en masse putting on a full out "bernie bro" campaign against them.

they also had clear right wing tendencies developing into nazism because of that infiltration

GG in its entirety is a joke, those nazi clowns within i was adressing are just the cherry on top

Because alt-righters are just sjws for the right

Yea… so you weren't around back then, or thoroughly on the "other side" huh?

You have no idea.
Where do you think leftypol's base came from? Those 'nazis' were feeding right into the 'SJWs' all while defending their respective scam artists, liars and opportunists who did nothing but abuse gender and identity issues to grow their own wealth and fame, and censor the shit out of anyone that called them out on it.

The media campaign to try and cement the idea of 'what this is all about' were exactly like the B████ bro campaign, which I assume you are at least somewhat more aware of? If you're not close to what they're discussing it just seems like "extreme right and horrible people vs these good progressive people" right? Thankfully, in regards to the B████ bro campaign, enough people were exposed to it to recognize the bullshit.

That's what happened during gamergate.
And you, clearly, were on the other side of that… so congratulations on being essentially a hillary supporter, retard.

yeah, stopped reading there, cunt
if your going this pathetically low with defamation you can go fuck yourself, you insignificant GG fanboy basementdweller

That analogy is totally sound though. The only difference between the two applications is that (most) women need men, so the risk is worth it for them, but society does not need refugees.

My point was, if you were in any way close the zero point of gamergate, you would never refer to it as how you did. Only by observing it from the outside and swallowing the propaganda, would that be the case.

I'm not a GG 'fanboy' (the fundamental spark of GG, the people on the receiving side of the massive media campaign that blew up against them - with massive little vox like reporter sewer champagne socialists attacking them, protecting their very own personal capitalist sellouts and scam artists - were not wrong, the censorship and attempt to hide up the censorship - and go out of their way to make it seem like it had to do about identity and that everyone that took note of it and didn't agree with it were sexist woman haters (ring a bell?), was pretty damn insane to the point where you wondered what the fuck was going on. Clearly strings were being pulled and media collusion had set a narrative to be pushed (on such a tiny issue, as well? It was ridiculous), and they pushed it… Everywhere.)

Nor am I a 'basement dweller'.

You, were not around at this point in time, or (as how you're referencing the issue) were on the other side, trying to now distance yourself (as I noticed quite a few former people in those groupings did) from the blind group following of what has been referred to as 'SJW's.

Stop reading all you want. You were not at zero point, that is obvious.

yes, i would
i saw the shit going up and down
you're just covering for your own ass making up a story to go along with how you want it to be

that's not how things work, pathetic GG-faggot scum

you are the same as the SJW feminism cancer and you are the same as the stormfaggots

idpol cancer to the trash

Right, so you are either SJW from back then or a stormfaggot Holla Forums user from back then, both trying to make it into idpol…

And clearly not someone who was present at any pivotal moment of GG… where people like myself, and plenty of Holla Forumsers, and what amounted to the base of Holla Forums were going out of their way to stop Holla Forums and stormfaggot recruitment, as well as trying to counter essentially the same tactic Hillary fucking Clinton is using today with 'bernie bros' and 'i'm with her', from the SJW side…


Not only, were you probably on the other side back then, you weren't even leftypol.


GG-faggot got triggered hard
eat shit, idpol cancer

leftypol is not your "liberal GG safe space"
you stupid cunt

it never was, your little story does not hold up to facts

You've pretty much been exposed. No one from back then from leftypol, that witnessed GG, would refer to it as you are.

oh yeah i remember ethnic cleansing now

everyone that isn't a basementdwelling GG faggot would, because it's the truth
the only thing exposed is that you were and are part of GG and can't handle the fact that you are an idpol faggot just like SJW femnazis and stormfaggots


Nice flag, by the way.

nice downvote, GG-cancer

it had people from both the left and right

only difference is that people from the right stayed and people from the left kinda just left it

the "left", and those were literally nothing more than liberals, that i do not consider left, was meaningless
as GG was in its entirety


There's a difference between "triggered" and being reasonably offended by something. And if anything, aside from soccer moms that have never been an achievement of any kind to bother, people would probably be more annoyed by how it is such a vapid attempt to look edgy.

Similarly, the Klan shooting scene in Mafia III is a little pandering.

Do people take that site seriously?

Are you a time traveler from the last decade?

This is actually true. There was a moment in time when the ideological character of the whole thing was up in the air.

This is a good point. Feminism has warped into white male identitarianism.

BTW the Ku Klux Klan was one of the earliest groups to allow women into leadership positions – way before the Progressive Movement or Communist Party did.

They always did.
Different side, same coin, etc…

It had people from the left and the right

So now that it's over, people from the left and the right both shit on it as having not been good enough.
