So you go here
Then type in 206.5, -8.4
Do all the infrared plots
What in the fuck is this? Supposedly this part of the sky is blocked out in jewgle sky too.
KEK in space
Other urls found in this thread:
Silly user, did you think the overwhelming amount of bizarre coincidences lately were actually coincidences?
I think it's freaky as fuck but that Bible quoting shit is bull, Biblicalfags have always been wrong about happenings.
nah just got spooped by the hiding and finding some weird looking shit in those infrared pictures.
mkay back to the front lines
I am not using 4chan nigger
Just fuck their shit up until their shit is no more to fuck up.
They billed themselves as machine learning super duper wiz kids who would make the industrial revolution look like child's play. They portrayed themselves and their company this way for so long, that after a while they forgot it wasn't actually true.
I thought I was ready for Kali Yuga and the return of the eternal lightning bolt. Now I'm not so sure. Fug.
It's not worthy of it's own thread. It's childish
also, it's literally 4chan tier.
What did Kek mean by this? Is he doing the ok meme gesture?
its a cheshire cat you fucking underage newfag.
On closer look…
I also wish to know what this cosmic phenomenon is, devine or otherwise. I saw it a few days ago
Also looks more like the Cheshire cat from through the looking glass than kek to me.
looks like a ufo
I thought so too until I saw this.
Sobek is represented by a Crocodile. Now, if you're looking at a crocodile head on, straight at it, it's eyes are fairly close together and all you mostly see is the toothy mouth.
I see this
That's the only thing I saw. Not sure where people saw kek.
A pupula duplex kek?
What dose he being and represent?
mean and represent?
Iv never read through the looking glass, you any idea if the Cheshire cat was based on any dietys? Other then probably been mad what did he represent/stand for?
He is associated with power, fertility, and military prowess. But he also serves as a deity with apotropaic qualities.
Apotropaic magic (from Greek apotrepein "to ward off" from apo- "away" and trepein "to turn") is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the "evil eye."
No wonder jewgle are trying to hide him from sight.
excuse me wtf r u doing?
fucking kek
We already got that.
Forgot to mention, his name also roughly translates to "he who unites", other interpretations also say it's translated at "he who impregnates." The former seems to be the more accurate from what I've been reading up on however.
Also, It's worth noting he isn't a part of the Ogdoad like Kek is. But he was accepted into the Osirian Triad by Horus, Osiris, and Isis. Through this, he also became associated with healing after reviving Osiris when he (Osiris) had been murdered by Set. From this, he became more known as a protective deity.
His fierceness was able to ward off evil while simultaneously defending the innocent
fkn spooky
maximum wew
So does anyone actually know what this?
And a new rare oeoe was born on that day.
Did God make it when he was 4 years old or some shit
So it's Sobek doing the white power sign. But what do the derpy eyes mean? Why the appearance of this sign in the celestial realm?
I think this is what it means.
There is a war in heaven. More deities are on the way, but there is a mad rush by forces of evil to cripple these forces before they can grow to full strength.
Like an astrological representation of that GATE conspiracy.
The cause of that is so fucking interesting.
the most powerf..
tho no idea what im lookin at here but digits indicate we're onto something
Apparently we memed so hard there's a giant Pepe face in space now.
looks more like the bad guys from Rayman 3 than pepe
Jesus fucking Christ.
What a time to be alive lads!
no fucking way!?
Yes way.
This is beyond Jesus is toast.
I am legitimately frightened. What in Gods fucking name has been going on?
It's happening.
We all knew that 2017 was going to be the year of ultimate happenings.
If things keep going on their current path our final victory might come much quicker than previously thought.
jewish materialism has crushed the human spirit , now kek will crush the jews
Isn't it just these two stars?
Just looked at this now. What's even the point in censoring the fucking sky? Fucking Jewgle I swear. Praised be Kek.
Because if the bible merchant in OP is right and these stars are about to hit each other it would destroy all life on Earth.
I have my doubts though, why does nobody know about this? Why does searching for virgo spica jupiter in google tell you about them aligning and nothing else, with the same Revelations theory being pushed there too. This is an attempt to scare people into finding god.
Yes, actually.
There is an election on september 24th in Germany
off by one
Cosmic absolute, adjust reality
breath of a picture, civilization harmony
confused progeny cells of rebels
Flying to the universe, I will cross
You star if you let me see, I'll stop
assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà
respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
Praise Kek every single day of the week.
is Kek saying we will have to fend for ourselves this next half year?
As above, so below. As in heavens, so on earth. KEK is transcendental and his enemies will not escape his smug vengeance.
I love you fucking autists.
But seriously, what the fuck is that?
Why are Google censoring it?
I've tried this with several different settings. Some of them are censored, some of them aren't.
Why? Is this a government project or something?
Something isn't right here…
The song seems to be about a guy that likes a girl but is going to be away from her for the summer, but will see her again in September after the summer and be united with her once more. Kek is the guy that is telling us (the girl in this song he likes) goodbye. I think that a lot of anons are getting the message wrong here. Kek isn't saying that he's coming in this song, he's always been here and helped us win Trump the election. To me it looks like he's saying one of two things:
1) He's leaving, but will be back in September where there will be happenings when he is back.
2) He says "loose you to a summer love". Could that be a false god? Someone will try to take us away from Kek?
Either way I don't hear this as a positive message at all, not from the song lyrics at least. I could of course just be over analyzing and he might just be trying to say that there will be happenings this September. But I can't help thinking that this is a warning.
Maybe. Stay vigilant I guess.
I love you too fam but I'm fucking scared tbh
kek is our friend, no need to be scared
Underrated post.
Are you guys fucking kidding me it's just Globox.
Just another random and crazy coincidence I guess.
>Globox is a gentle, sensitive frog-like glute, who acts as Rayman's sidekick. He is very cowardly, fleeing at the sight of any enemies, leaving Rayman alone to fight them. Globox's magic power is the ability to create a small cloud that rains over fire and machinery after performing a rain dance. He is shown to be allergic to plum juice, which has alcoholic effects on him.
>Frogs are a species of green amphibious creatures found in Rayman Revolution. They first appear in the Woods of Light, where they can be seen hopping about the pools of water at the beginning of the level. They do not attack or interact with Rayman, merely acting as background elements. Frogs reappear in other levels throughout the game, such as the Fairy Glade. Notably their feet float separate from their bodies; this is a characteristic they share with Rayman and most of the creatures who appear in the original game. Although frogs do not actually appear in the original game, a piece of artwork released through its official website depicts a four-legged frog sitting on a plum. They are also capable of doing handstands and jumping long distances. There is not a level in which we get to see them swim, as most of the time they jump into poisonous marshes, never to be seen again.
KEK & Globox & Rayman(?) alliance confirmed?
Ok, which one of you fucks broke the universe?
Biblicalfags are often bad with predicting happening because they try to connect everything to shit happen in the present day, user. Good biblicalfags understand that some happenings will be known after they happened.
Like, for example, Daniel predicting the religion of women occuring the end of times. (feminism)
That song isnt new, people found it last september during the whole shmita craze, it was pretty much the shadilay of the jewish banking apocalypse.
Remember that time when the Norwegian Space-Program opened a stargate?
I am spooked
Go back to 4chan, faggot.
Nah, I am just kidding. It was just a missil loosing fuel. Just like the OP is probably about some sort of star that does not emit light in the visible spectre.
nothing to see here.
Cosmic miracle. We now have what we need to rally forth to purge the subhumans and embrace our destiny in the stars
If dubs, Cheshire Cat and Kek are working together, weaving through the dimensions and helping manifest our memes
Blurred out here
Embrace your destiny in the stars
Cosmic miracle confirmed. PRAISE KEK!
Whipped into this thread just to admire the cosmic miracle that is your ID. You are truly blessed. 7 is the most magically powerful number.
no way for coincidence for an ID like that lol
PDF source
Is it bidirectional? Such that if you control the universe then you control all the memes?
The digits demand this
You fucking idiot. Stop spamming this like in your other thread. Present it in a straightforward manner, not 30 post with 120 pics. One post, with the pdf pamphlet and a good summary. The info is relevant and ok, your delivery sucks.
4 x 4 & 16 not 20 images
learn how to calculate
right under the censored area… zoom out and hit IRIS to see where it's censored
Fucking witnessed! Praise Kek!
hows it feel knowing that you are going to get to really see the real shoah? you are really going to be a victim!
Wild uneducated guess: Maybe it's filtered due to the two strong sources of light that overload the sensors in other spectrums?
Cosmic absolute, regular reality
Breath of a image/concept, syntony of civilizations
Confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I’ll pass through it
If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
The prophecy of Shadilay has come!
What program is that?
What sort of autism is this?
God dammit
Praise Kek
Hm. /x/ here, this is interesting.
"Summer moon" could refer to the upcoming "Great American Eclipse", or it's Lunar precursor. Both nodes of the Dragon are represented there, during the Lunar South Node things are said to disappear or be taken away.
I've seen Kek referred to as the Frog Prince. Or "the hidden Prince".
However, there also seem to be ambient mythemes surrounding "the Thief" (Castle of Cagliostro is an example) and his appearance during eclipses.
So I'm going to go scry, Dee style, because up is down now. This requires a black mirror to sort.
why are all kek songs this catchy?
NASA SJWs must hate their jobs.
In that case why would they blur it, like so
So it is written. So let it be done.
I for one welcome our new overlords.
I think it might just be some kinda weird artifacts unique to the IRAS telescope. If you look at this part of the sky with any of the other infrared telescopes, there is nothing like this. IRAS was launched in 1983, so maybe it was just shitty or something, I dunno. It almost looks like a lens flare kinda thing.
Also, I don't think anyone is censoring anything. I think the black boxes covering some areas are due to the shitty way the various photos were stitched together.
Still really interesting, though.
Is this the eye of tartaros? Why is it in the sky?
I-I-Is that him ?
So, I found this out recently. According to HOBO/tramp symbols, this would mean "Don't give up" + "Cops Inactive"
Shadilay, good space memes. Praise Kek!
How? A stellar collision does not necessarily result in an immediate supernova, that would only happen if both stars had cores full of iron already with a total mass of at least over 1.4 solar masses.
Even if a supernova did happen, how far are they away? 10 light years? 50? A supernova is just ions going fast, and our solar system has two very efficient means to protect us from that: solar wind and Earth's magnetic field.
Doomsayers need to stop crying wolf. Nobody listens to you, because you are wrong every single time. Remember 2011? Remember Al Gore's prophecy that Earth would be uninhabitable somewhere in 2016? Remember the shemitah hysteria? Remember the countless other times we were doomed and should repent our sins and all that noise?
Even if life on Earth ends tomorrow due to some astronomical event, there is literally absolutely fucking nothing you can do about it so why would you worry about it? Chances are that the end is in fact not near, so there's more pressing issues to deal with.
Do you even know how low of a possibility that is? Even with two galaxies colliding, there would be little chance that stars would hit since there's so much interstellar space.
What do you see in this image? A bunch of wizards arguing?
FML, southern hemisphere! It could be upside down! Then it means "Cops Active" + "Don't give up"!
Well stars do collide, but that usually happens in very dense globular star clusters.
When that happens it results in "blue stragglers".
checked for cosmic wizardry
cosmic wizard fights confirmed
honestly the highest point looks like some sort of wolf holding a thunderbolt,
also there's a ride on a cosmic demon horse, which looks rad as hell
Neat ID
Just pull the trigger Kek
Here's what I see. Is this what our Ragnarok will look like?
I guess this is what Putin meant when he mentioned that he can see our "invisible toys"
Mounted Valkyrie?
Looks more like the cookie monster if I'm being honest
Also found this.
What is the space face and why weren't we supposed to see it
Okay this is getting spooky lads
you know it seems like whenever there is something potentially interesting in a significant location - that is exactly where is blurred out or removed from google images. For example the area in Antarctica around New Swabia, if I remember from the Thule threads a few significant regions were blanked out there too
Seems like the easiest way to find neat stuff is just to search for the blanked out areas at this point.
anyone know what stars these two are?
Thought I was the only one
This holy shit the satan trips only confirm it
Getting spooky lads
Holy shit nigger
it's clearly a two-eyed cacodemon
I take a day off only to come back and find you guys shitposting in the fabric of the cosmos.
Don't stop, i'm not complaining.
Oh god. Oh fuck. Ammit save us. WE'RE ALL GONNA GET FUCKED.
So, let's consider for a moment. Is this a binary supernova lighting up an asteroid belt around them? If so, what does that mean to us?
The Earth has a 20,000 year cycle it travels. The stars change as we travel. The bible is based on old folk tales. The dragon is an omen. Last time it was seen in the sky apocalyptic shit happened.
Its likely that the magnetic pull from these stars is just enough to trigger multiple major volcanic explosions leading to civilization wide destruction and a thousand year ice age.
when September ends
Something big is gearing up to happen.
It's a 40k Ork, not Kek.
Sorry, humies.
Its a world wide cataclysmic event and (((they))) know it is coming which is why they have been creating survival bunkers in NZ.
(((They))) have found the remains of a city that predates anything in history in Antarctica.
The Vatican archives and the Smithsonian contain documents and artefacts, respectively, that prove the world was civilized and destroyed by an event that wiped out 99.99% of the population and those who survived passed on stories for generations until they became myths and eventually were wrote down as fables.
China is the only nation prepared for this. They have been building massive tunnels inside their mountains for over a decade.
The kikes believe this event will wipe out the majority of the world population and fulfil the population requirement of the Georgia guidestones.
I think it's just the racial holy war, my man.
It's gonna be a radical holy war. :^)
Hi newfriend. Lurk more before posting. That we are heading into a new ice age is old news here.
I helped, and I know what happened (vaguely).
(obligatory reminder)
I genuinely hope Hotwheels is having fun with his guns and Thai ladyboys. If Jim hasn't fed him to the pigs already
long dead. never 4getti
g-g-guys.. is it just me, or does anybody else see the grim-reaper here?
I am very interested in this, please continue.
I didn't expect shekel to be in Jim's vocabulary. He still needs to be shot though. Maybe with Hotwheels we would have some way out of our shit moderation. Maybe not. He was a good guy though.
tfw he replied to my post once
What are the chances a galactic entity like this actually exists? Like, it lives and moves through space. Perhaps it eats planets for sustenance. It's gotta be fucking huge if it's that big from god knows how many light years away.
First image is unmistakeably a frog. on phone can't outline
No fucking way lads.
there has to be more hidden research into this, like why the fuck else would (((they))) be hiding it?
I see it too.
Read Remina by Itou Junji and find out.
It's the abominable snowman, you sperg
I don't see this being a bad omen for anyone but our enemies.
Guys what the fuck is going on i'm fucking serious what do i do
Relax m88.
There are meme appearing in space now how do I relax??
Do the only thing you can do. Sick back and laugh at how comical and absurd this all is.
They're not hurting anything.
A few cosmic shitposts isn't going to damage reality in any way.
smh fam, but these interdimensional invaders are on our side.
a river, where the Hyperborean hero, the divine man, can defeat the Lord of Darkness, immortalizing
himself by recovering his She. Resurrected, born again, making himself an Aryan. Because only
here is it possible for him to marry twice, inside and outside his soul, giving to her the Face
of Flesh, immortalized in Vajra, with the Vril, on giving birth to the Son of Man. Only here
the virya (Hero) will have become personalized, becoming aware of himself, reaching Absolute
Individuality. The sadhaka and his yogini, united and separated for ever, HIM-HER and HER-HIM
again, but with the Face of the Absolute Man and Woman, comrades, lovers, gone away, already
free from the Circle of Circles. Together with Another who was waiting at the edge of time.
One, two, three, four, five, six: the Hagal Rune. The Double Star of Morning, the Black Sun,
the Green Ray.
Who here is hoping the are the Hero?
Fingers crossed for omnipower.
Who knows? It would be pretty cool to get eaten by it.
It is the duty of every man with even a drop from the Sangraal within their veins, to strive to be the hero this world needs. I'll personally be relieved if Hitler comes back from the inner earth,, so I don't have to build the divice in my back yard.
IRAS 100 Micron.
Zoomed in pic taken from clicking the center of the coordinates and "zoom".
Color Table as noted in pic name. I'm experimenting with different ones with green in it.
Can't wait to find out what this IS
Oh Kek, please give us Secret Space Program disclosure soon.
I'm fucking scared D:
One last one from me; I think this one came out the best.
I never wanted to be the hero. I'm really not the type. I've always been more quiet and introspective, really. I'm not an awful public speaker but I don't think I could ever rouse a crowd or organize a front. I'd go crazy doubling checking myself for oversights and mismanagement. I'm too uncertain I suppose. Yet at the same time I've always been inspired deeply by the actions of our forefathers, the way they bravely fought against all odds, and it's all I've ever wanted since a lad – to stand shoulder to shoulder and give my life to something that great. So I find myself at a juxtaposition. I'm not the heroic type of guy, yet I find myself deeply invested and inspired by great acts of courage and sacrifice. It's true no other emotions touch me quite as deeply. So I suppose the most unlikely of characters must become the most unlikely of heros, and that's where I'm guessing this board and it's denizens in general step in. I'm sure I'm not alone in the way I feel, thus I assume if we're to follow the "Hero's Journey" allegory, we would be now "finding ourselves" or "finding our calling". And if we're to follow history, 1918 was the year of the German Revolution, which started November of 1918.
This is too spoopy to not be checked.
Don't know why, but that vid makes me comfy as fuck.
its us
Pretty sure that's weather balloons.
Shemittah was 2 years late
and that's the 411
does this have anything to do with this?
Its a sign of Revelation 12
Since we know it's Saturn and how all the Elite are Saturn/Satan worshippers, it should be obvious that "face" is the red dragon coming.
I also dont see why people would try to spin this any other way either. I mean how obvious is this prophecy?
Doesn't appear related, but that's still pretty cool if true.
Is it not gravity? It's gravity, right? How can it not be gravity. What's so complex about this?
Maybe he means how their outward forces fail to stop the merge isn't well understood?
Look at our solar system, all the planets form stable orbits with the sun and in the long run are likely to remain that way. It is something called equilibrium. Objects with great mass interacting through gravity will attain some level of equilibrium.
What is strange here, is that these stars are obviously not able to attain gravitational equilibrium without merging, otherwise they would have settled into a stable orbit. Their orbit is unstable and converging, and something is causing it; whether that be an outside influence (like a massive black hole) or some electromagnetic effect, or even just the way the stars were 'initially' aligned.
Actually gravity gets pretty fucking wonky at such massive scales. Which also makes stuff like Black Holes and Neutrino stars confusing and not that well understood.
Oh, that makes sense.
Thanks for the simple explanation.
Gravity would require one to be remarkably larger than the other I believe.
We have bigger fish to fry, Nibiru is coming
sieg heil
Hyperborean digits of truth!
And it was not about jet planes, atomic bombs, death rays, V-1 and V-2 missiles,
but about another much more effective weapon: a new spiritual science, of the
disintegration and reintegration of matter, of levitation, anti-gravity, the vimanas,
the dematerialization and materialization of the physical body, To make oneself
invisible with the Tarnkappe of Siegfried. Of the disappearance in the Bunker, of
the paradise in the "hollow earth," interior, at the bottom of the seas, beneath the
ice sheets, up among the Antarctic oases and, from there, to the Morning Star. In a
word, this was about the True Operation Barbarossa: Esoteric Hitlerism.
Let's not forget we are currently at the end of the 20,000yr age of Pisces and moving into Aquarius. Ancients considered the ends of precessional cycles to be times of great upheaval. These are times when the long hidden is revealed. When the status-quo is smashed. Up is down and black is white. This is the age we are in. It is a age of extremes. There are many who would stand in your way and are currently working against you using earthly influence and wealth. It is futile as these things only have value under a false system upheld by blind faith and a faltering consensus alone. Infinite potential is our soul's destiny. It's the next step in our evolution. They can only hope to slow its inevitable realization. Remember they fear YOU enough to have spent all their time and resources throughout the ages keeping you nescient.
The bible is all astrology/astronomy. It's the science that guided all ancient wise men and was council to all kings. They are allegorical tales recording the position of the heavens and the events that occurred under them through various animal symbols, names and numbers. Using long observed patterns, they can give us a glimpse of what is to come as well. It is fundamentally an esoteric text. We have only been shown it's exoteric meaning however.
Listen anons, everyone has been lied to. But now is the time for the universe to reveal the truth to those who care to know it. It is predestined. It is natural. It is habbening.
OK, so what's next?
Laughter and memes, sir dubs. They are crucial in fostering this process. Follow all synchronicities wherever they lead you and remember nothing is coincidence anymore.
Could it be?
But was it ever coincidence? Or are you saying that the synchronicities will become absolutely undeniable?
It never was.
No and yes. But the synchronicties where always there, most just don't investigate them. It's kind of amazing where they can lead you. Even the little ones. Try it sometime.
Still lotsa people out there who believe that's all they are though. NO MORE.
seconding for "investigate synchronicities"
sorry, killing self. that was silly
It's ok user. Checked.
Two 33's in response to my posts. What does it mean? I must investigate….
society would have never achieved its amazing peak. Capitalism and Marxist Communism, two
apparent antinomies, which underpin each other, complementing each other in the destruction
of the divine and the human, because they are based on the same rationalistic basis, they
would have disappeared without a sound or scandal, without resistance. Or they would have
never existed.
Can we just stop kidding ourselves and realize that this is the face in the stars?
Maybe it's nothing. But my sister today gave birth to blonde, blue-eyed twin boys earlier today, March 23rd. Twins, just like this star system.
My birthday is on September 23rd, 6 months from now. I'll be turning 36 years old.
I'm also the user who got quads with >>9630000 last year and broke is wrist a while back after invoking Kek, and he answered my question by IRL dubsposting 11 at the hospital. I'm not an important person, I'm just a nobody. A reclusive observer. But I'm spooked.
You know what I asked Kek for? The end of the Jew, to make the Golden Path real, and for Aryans to spread out to the stars.
How's the wrist? Has it fully recovered?
Congrats user, how's your wrist?
It's way better, thanks. However, the range of motion is still pretty limited. Scar is from where they made the incision during surgery to install the metal plate.
Oh gods please no. I don't think I could handle it if that's the case.
Note to self: Do not browse /spoil/ threads late at night if you desire to sleep
Congrats on the future ubermensch nephews user. Be sure to redpill them early on.
When I think about it, what's weird is I broke it in the same spot where the light is on Pepe's wrist in the image I posted just before it happened.
If you don't mind me asking, what happened to break it exactly?
If I were him I'd be scared of those digits but I think they demand an answer
Noopept + cdp choline, for the nerve damage.
GHK-cu cream on the scar tissue
Epitalon up the nose to compensate for damage done.
truly you have been touched by his gracious green hand
I was so happy to get quads that I ran out into the kitchen, was dancing with joy, jumped up in the air and slipped on the floor tiles coming down.
Top fucking kek! It was the improper usage of the Oathbreaker that broke your fucking wrist! Look at the image! The light from oathbreaker lines up with the wrist. GDI user, you memed irresponsibly!
that's perfect
Bow before me
Are you goys ready?
Guess what else is happening on September 23rd, 2017? Picture related are going to be making the phone call to begin the final maneuvers for Cassini-Hyugens probe into Saturn's atmosphere. Remember what happened last time they did that in 2003 during a trial run into Jupiter, also on the Feast of the Trumpets? They created a black spot the size of the Earth after it's nuclear payload detonated. What they're trying to do is like in Evangelion but on a Solar System scale, they're trying to set things up so they benefit from the prophecy.
Binary star systems are incredibly ordinary.
Try not to look too deeply into things user, you'll space out and break your wrist or something.
(check check)
Those binary dubs, on the other hand AREN'T ordinary
KEK be praised
To wrist user: In case it wasn't made perfectly clear to you last year, you should really stop trying make meme connections.
Fuck off space nigger Nephilims, you can have the moon.
Maybe all that hermetic stuff is right. Maybe the Universe really is mind and so exploring space is really just exploring the mind. Bringing the light of consciousness to the unconscious is the same as bring light to the darkest reaches of space and all the processes in our universe that affect us but go on undetected. As above, so below… I guess.
Bogs against Zogs. Bogspeed you white Empreror
Did you hear about that recent supposed cicada 3301 release?
Something implying action involving Russia and possibly involving Israel.
Apparently this spring may well be rife with the happenings.
They put a microchip in you arm
Top Lel I remember that thread.
There is a face in the sky, but people only started to care once it was covered up.
What does 7 mean in numerology?
Kek's trying to show us something here. Prepare for happenings!
Law of attraction. Like attracts like. If you focus on all the ways you can fail, then failure will find you. Instead, focus on WHY you are speaking. The people before you WANT to hear you talk. You admit you admire great acts of courage and sacrifice, that spark of inner divinity that most have forgotten they had. You found it again. Use it, and be used by it in turn.
Mortal failings will interfere. You will mispeak, you will forget words and make awkward movements. This is irrelevant and temporary. People won't remember your words or your gestures, they will remember how it made them feel. Make them feel as you feel. Make them remember that they are divine beings pretending to be mortal. You have so many advantages, time to make them work for you.
What…are those things?
Let's find more September music
-bronyshit that has someone freaking out after finding out everyone around him is dead, then remembers that he's the one that did it.
Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love,
Remember how we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September.
Only blue talk and love,
Remember the true love we share today
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Also, 13 year jump from start to end of song
In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
Now it all seems so clear, there's nothing left to fear
So we made our way by finding what was real
Now the days are so long that summer's moving on
We reach for something that's already gone, yeah
Maybe check out the band September from the 70's, too, since it seems like old music is becoming relevant again.
Because lots of people misinterpret verses
What exactly did you do to invoke Kek?
invoked the oathbreaker meme on quads
September by Earth, Wind, and Fire is a story about a family holding hands a few days before imminent doom, cherishing each other until they go.
The Greenday one is about a singular figure dreading the end
The Daughty one is about people enjoying their final days, and configuring how the future should've been without the happening.
All of these songs can be adjusted well to this situation.
I'm a Christian, but the christcuck shit is probably bull. It's either meme magic, or a tasty treat left out by the jews so they can prep the world for Project Bluebeam.
Here is an archive link if anyone wants it.
Googled the coordinates 13 58 1 0, -8 28° 20° 5° looking for synchronicities. second result is: KECK OBSERVATORY CALENDAR. Look up Keck observatory The twin Keck Observatory telescopes are the world’s largest and most scientifically productive optical and infrared telescopes. Each telescope weighs 300 tons and operates with nanometer precision. The telescopes’ primary mirrors are 10-meters in diameter and are each composed of 36 hexagonal segments that work in concert as a single piece of reflective glas..
have a rare one
O shi…it's the return of candle j-
This post must not go unchecked.
How new are you? Every knows that you dont put a line after you say candlejack, fucking idio
tbh that was the very first meme I was witness to way back when and I guess I never fully grasped it
if kek is real this post will be a get
oh ye of little faith
Gods may but often do not entertain trivial mortal demands.
i shiggy this diggy.
intergalactic kingdom of mankind W H E N????
Checked. This exactly how you fucking wreck yourself. Kek is a god and you would do well to realize that before happens to you Godspeed on your recovery wrist user
christcucks at it again trying to coopt a happening to fulfill their semetic (((prophecies)))
2022 is also the next shemitah year.
That's my bday. Am I gonna have a happy birthday pol?
Auspicious day for sure. 23 is a special number too.
you faggots better stop worshiping kek and turn to Jesus before it's too late. the signs are there for anyone to see.
How far do the memes go?
So I google Keck observatory. The pair of domes look like frog eyes. OK sure, but:
I can't draw for shit and used a mouse to boot but it looks like it's taking a step and flexing its arms and huge chest and the other leg is bent at the knee. Am I the only one seeing this?
Ah this song is relevant again. I love how it hints of cuckoldry.
Saw the exact same thing kek
why that sage
Polite sage for not being on topic
Don't you see, he's telling us what to meme. Kek is an egregore and Jungian synchronicity is his means of communication. Thoughtforms are projections of unconscious archetypes and an egregore is the sum total of us all. Kek can't predict the future, he's telling us what to do for the future, telling us what to meme. If we meme a Happening in September, it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
by trying to define kek, you've already lost. and so have i.
anyone know what this thing is yet?
Next thing you are going to do is talk about life after death
Fuck off, false Christian. You do not know God.
Has anyone looked at this area through other surveys? So far I've found a maybe pulsar and what looks like a straight line.
weird it's blurred out in a different way in this one
I somehow get Quads at least every month and trips at least once a week.
As well as dubs.
digits indicate something to do with 4th reich
and wrong pic am a cunt fam
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
I had a thread going on 4chan Holla Forums and they purged it/temp banned me. Some sketchy shit is going on
The book of revelations was written by John of Potema. A fucking jew. Wise up Christian. The only devils are here with us now, and you aren't doing your job of crusading.
Bump. I still don't get why they bothered to sloppily censor that shit. Who should one ask?
uncensored version
the frogs in my area all just started ribbiting like crazy
what the fuck is even going on anymore
Remember what Douglas Adams said about frogs.
Look up the english translation to Shadilay
christfag explanation
Looks more like the cookie monster tbh
This guy gets it
I've noticed getting getting a lot more dubs recently. What does it mean?
Heres a webm.
Here's the video you must watch.
it's a good song too
I hope there are some Habbenins and this isn't high levels of autism, because I'm going to blast this song as I blast commies and dance in their blood.
Anyone following what is going on with the recent activity from cicada?
No goddamn way is that real
What, you've never seen a memepost in the quantum vacuum fluctuation at the moment of inflation?
On the SFD100m, it's blurred out rather than covered with a rectangle.
On IRAS60, you can see Him. It's neither censored nor blacked out. It's legit.
Maybe it's a non-linear chess? Or not?
I need a source.
I really need a source, I do believe in Kek so i'm willing to give it a chance.
Can you think of a reason why /christian/ didn't choose another race for their avatar? Perhaps it is that they need the white race for its abilities, but those abilities will not be used to preserve the white race.
What the fuck are these alien things and what are they doing with our space shit?
I don't think I've seen a more fucked up looking pair of 'things' than these.
no way
Also, odds of getting quints ID is 1 in 16^5 = 1048576
Space trolled
Remidner that the day trump entered the whitehouse, he was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old
trump is rightfully the 44th president because of obama's birth certificate forgery
the hebrew year is: Saturday, March 25th 2017= 27th of Adar, 5777
difference in electoral voters was 7
the storm on saturn is changing as was reported last year
disregarding the similarities to pepe in the space photo, the "eyes" resemble an 8
there is a total solar eclipse coming this august which will be smack dab over the middle overf the united states
the precursor to the end of the world is supposed to be the age of enlightenment
reality is being torn asunder, and we are the disciples of the light bringer that will usher humanity into the waifu age
we are the music makers, and it's our turn to shine!
We all know what happens when someone on Holla Forums comes with a prophecy and a precise date.
David Fontana wrote a book called The Secret Language of Symbols: A Visual Key to Symbols Their Meanings. Here is a look inside… I think we should find the .pdf
Who is this guy user?
Times are changing, my friends
Another song , while not about September, is Waiting for October, by Polaris, which is a song about the end of the world.
Underated Satan trips. This question might deserve it's own thread
Should I be spooked?
All my divination shit says not to be. I'm seeing this as Kek tearing down the current powers, or at least it's a promise to. Hail kek!
It's Pepe in space. We memed him into reality, no joke, no bullshit. Why else would it be censored? Seriously, that's the part that should be making you pay attention. (((They))) don't want us to know that meme magic is more powerful than all the religions and all the old gods put together.
We know that perception influences reality, correct?
hmm. I see where you're coming from, but if (((they))) know the power of meme magic, why aren't they using it just as well as us? They have endless funding to research it, they should by all implications be stronger than we.
Any green pills here speculate if we really have summoned kek with our egregor?
I mean technically humanity as a whole co-creates everything in our immediate vicinity, so did we really summon kek through our immense egregor to kill the jews and the pedophiles?
We're reaching levels of meme magic that shouldn't even be possible.
He's coming for sure. Cuckchan is banning people who naturally roll sick dubs for 30 days as a means to quell the coming tide. It won't. It can't be stopped.
Because they're literally too retarded. They simply can't.
Post the PDF when you find it I am interested in such a compilation
makes sense
They have to force or coerce other minds to join their waveform. Ours is pure and voluntary, we seek out the company of Kek because we choose to, not because we're paid or forced to think these things. Ours is more pure, basically.
There's also thousands of us, and only like a couple hundred of them, maybe even less.
Our egregor is winning, which is why the cia pedophile faggots are going to try to make a move on the chans at some point. Wont work though, synchronicity will destroy their plans.
also makes sense. now im left with
>who is kek really?
i dont believe kek is literally a god from the ogdoad, despite manifesting in that way. he could be, of course.
Bless you user
A positive time, a chaotic time. A time to make sacrifice and a time to remember why. A time we'll never have again. Praise Kek
Remember the Cosmic Miracle, it will be your justification for everything beyond this point!
We must ALL prepare ourselves in mind aswell as body for the tribulation ahead. And before we can reach to the stars, we must reach eachother.
And yet here we are
I believe "Kek" is a psychic gestalt of human thought. Minds and people acting as complex neurons for a consciousness that is larger than its parts and can exert an influence that seems supernatural to those parts that percieve it because it's so much more than they are individually capable of.
Combine a psychic gestalt entity composed of millions of minds converging on specific thoughts with the fact that the on a quantum level the universe is changed by merely perceiving it, and you have a being capable of changing the universe itself to be more in line with its expectations.
Kek is Eris. The enemy of Saturn, of which the "EL-ite" worship. El = Saturn = Satan.
(((They))) try, but can't compare because all their memes are forced and all their efforts are about control and negativity. The CIA has an office of Memetic Warfare, so you know they are trying…
When you say there are thousands of us, I think you underestimate the influence of this Laotian whittling chatroom
Whoah Satan.
Oh well who cares. We are the mind of God. We'll just keep fighting these fags in aetheric form.
good theory thanks user
You can't make this faggotry up
Get the fuck out of here you catholic subhuman pedophile supporting monotheistic demiurge loving faggot.
Read a real fucking book on spiritual matters you pleb.
Humans have no free will, everything is planned and adjusted by powers beyond our control
You're a subhuman jewish pile of filth that should be burned alive.
Study neuroscience you plebeian. Free will is an emergent property which cannot be explained by modern science because it comes from the unseen light. Logos. The black sun.
How the fuck did you do that
Do you even know what the black sun is or are you just spewing shit
The fuck is that?
Your whole existence is a meme. There's no logical reason a universe has to be at all.
Fuck kek. Kalki was supposed to show up at the end of Kali Yuga, not fucking Baal in the form of a frog.
I see you have read Seranno. He got some very interesting books I recommend everyone to read.
"If Hitler had materially won the war it would have been just another war.
With time what would have remained of the sublime ideals? What would we have
done for the Resurrection of the Myth? In truth, by losing the war Hitler won it,
since with his sacrifice, with his example, the Ideal has remained intact. Hitler did
not need to do more than what he did: To unmask the mythic cosmic Enemy, the
incarnation of evil on earth, for the first time in the history of the world: the
International Jew. And this cannot be changed by humans because it is not done
by humans but by the Hyperborean Gods. Nothing will be achieved by the
planetary falsification of a non-existent genocide. Nothing has followed from it
until now because the Myth, the Avatar goes his steadfast way. He works from
other dimensions."
Guys, anyone else see the hidden or Black Infinity around the eyes? Similar concept to the Black Sun. I didn't have to rotate the Holla Forums symbol at all, and kept the same aspect ratio when re-scaling.
What's going on here?
its happening
I honestly find Serranos works >>>/pdfs/426 to be a strange enigma to me. I've actively practiced and studied the esoteric and exoteric for about sixteen years now and NOTHING ever matched to what I would do naturally. Plato and Socrates held more truths than any Magus. The Kyballion outlined natural law, flawlessly, but nowhere out of innumerable texts, nor groups like the oto, iot, golden dawn, have jack shit to offer but paths that were not mine, that were too slow, too simple, and without proper sacrifice. So, I traded pain for knowledge of self, for a decade that was my motto, "my pain and my labor are a sacrifice unto myself and creation, so that I may grow strong enough to play my part in this world for my people, against any foe, at any pain." and only several months ago, a bit before the election did I find the works of Miguel serrano, and only then was I redpilled enough to recieve his wsdom and see through his words, for only then had I fully accepted that Hitler waas too kind, may he rest peacefully, for my kindness has been, by the laws of polarity, been turned into unrelenting hatred for my enemies. Not one drop of their blood shall remain on this world, not one fucking degenerate rape baby will be spared.
I digress. I have fallen for Esoteric Hitlerism in a way I never expected, for when I read these texts, I already knew the story. I've dreamed of the green flames that burnt the sky, of the black sun and the death that came to all lands. I dreamed of the fall of an age of man, where I had one purpose as the sky burned and the world was consumed in fire, ash, drought and ironically floods on the shorelines. One purpose though… remove all evil men, ALL OF THEM before they could pass their evil into the next age, and as the sky burned, our blood boiled with the force of the Vril, and we killed all we could find… and then I'd wake up, look around in disgust, knowing that it would all come again… but this time due to apathy and avarice. I've had these dreams since I was a small child.
fml I don't even know why I'm saying this. I can't stop seeing it though.
We are literally the Magi just like with Jesus.
Stars have appeared, a sign from Kek.
Kek has appeared to me in dream. I have recorded our short discussions. I have been reluctant to admit as much here because I was afraid it might tamper with the visions Kek has been showing me. However, it has now been several months since my last dream and I have only been waiting for the proper sign. That makes a lot of sense actually - the total number of discussions I have recorded so far is 88.
For the vital edification of user: Kek, in 88 Dreams.
Dubs confirm for good dreams. Reading your dreamlog btw, was like reading the Kybalion. If you haven't read it, I think your dreams would take on more meaning if you do.
wish my dreams were more like your's.
t. Tesla
That feeling and dreams is the memory of the Germanic peoples ideal. It still lives through within our genes and spirit. Plato and Socrates was able to write down the Aryan mentality, of which the Greeks certainly was at that time. The end of this era is upon us, and Kalki will be revealed. The Aryan spirit grows stronger every minute.
This is weaponized Kekkism.
I wanna say that Kek came to me as well, though I'm always wary of someone pretending to be Kek. I mean, I felt a strange sensation at the tip-top of my head as he directly spoke to me, and I have seen repeating/certain digits everywhere for the past half-year now.
Though saying this might screw up my interactions with him, anyone have any ideas of what I should ask?
Yeah our bad. Won't happen again.
Also, look up Acts 2:19
Hey dreamer, can you copy that to >>>/tok/ it's a dark board for Kekism, and I think your dreams are important.
Thank you user, your words encourage me. With this knowledge I know what to seek, and over the next two months I will delve deeper, whatever the cost in pain may be. I hope this ride isn't as rough as the last one, but the kalki comes, and Kek will show us how. Praise Kek, Sieg Hiel!
The transcendentalists were right to a degree. One cannot distinguish between what God is and what God does.
It is this that spurns me to life every morning. Every waking minute of my day, all I can think of is the vile things our enemies have done. There's never an instant that I'm not furious. This fury is different from all others I've felt before. This fire is long burning, and not caused by petty hatred. It stems from deep within, a yearning to preserve everything that remains of what is good. Destruction of the innocent and the beautiful and the defiling of our precious world, a world that we created, is all I see around me. Women being turned into men, men being turned into husks, children being used like tools in all manner of unholy and absolutely immoral rituals. I know the cause of this problem, and there is little I can do to stand in its way, but my blood is so afire that I can't help but stare back in its fetid face and grit my teeth. Every ounce of my being is burning out of control with this righteous hatred. At this point I don't know what to do with myself. I just know that I have to DO. I want so much to be able to help stop this encroaching, disgusting mess. What can a single man do though?
I've been jokingly calling us the new paladin order, but I don't think it's much of a joke any longer. More and more of us are waking up with this fire in our blood, an intense and unstoppable hatred for evil. How much longer until we snap? What happens when we do?
Justice comes at the end of a sword and vengeance is pure.
/x/ memes seem to have landed here.
that's a brown dwarf star.
It's the hellstar Remina finally coming to kill us.
Thanks Holla Forums I'll only be having pants shitting nightmares until we find out this thing is just stars and not a living space predator.
Does that mean we can at least torture and crucify a cute girl?
Holy shit, Kellyanne wasn't mistakenly talking about a massacre that didn't happen…
…she was predicting one that WILL happen!
Much like Trump talking about "last night in Sweden" and then shit erupts the night after, no doubt.
Get the fuck out. You do not belong here.
I'll supply the equipment for the Knights of the Black sun, the green flames and Kek and whatever the fuck all we stand for. All that matters is what we must do for our blood and the legacy of our ancestors. Just give me some fucking steel and the means to work it! I will remember all I need to know to do the work that is to be done.
Here's an example of what I made from a deer. Yes that dagger is porous in the grooves and yes for that reason. Wish I could find a picture of the face of the club, I snuck a frowny face on the nose, which is the sweet spot, so that it would leave a funny stamp on the victim… assuming he teeth didn't remove the flesh.
That's where I've been planning to go during the eclipse
You can't always get what you want
I'm legitimately spooked. We could seriously make use of this.
Because they can't.
Who else but us, who represent the truest reflection of the human soul can weaponize it to the fullest extent?
user if you count cuckchan there's millions of us.
Disclaimer: I'm a little short on time to proof such a post but take it as it is, can offer further explanation as needed.
Kek points strongly to scalar electromagnetic theory/Tesla with such words.
The grand unifying scalar electromagnetic waves that comprise of information (wisdom), the fabric of each existence and beyond. Kek is also clearly showing the duality of life. Equal and opposite. To know all requires one to know nothing, as to know all you must be all and none. As I like to say - between two points lies infinity.
Kek explains this here;
Energy bodies/non meat robot/spirit entities
Further reinforced by this;
Reincarnation/choosing another meat robot once you become spirit in death, aka what would you change on this world with your 'all knowledge' which you loose when you choose a new body.
To transcend this information block is one of the greatest challenges you have whilst here.
We are all part of Kek/all and a living manifestation on earth.
Reinforced by
The only difference between dreams and 'reality' is your perception. Perception forms your reality. When you e.g. live entire lifetime in a dream your perception will be a little different.
Reinforced by
You have no individual perception when you are all/source.
Ego death
Returning to the source/akashic records/knowledge
In dreams you will find your solution to knowledge or solutions not found on this plane.
Kek wishes for us to lucid dream and astrally project to the source/akashic records to bring knowledge, truth and wisdom back with us to this plane.
Supplanted by
Memes and actions to change this world for the better
Basically you got a crash course in understanding the scalar/spirit world that drives everything and your relation to it (you are it yet you are not). I would not expect Kek to appear again for you, as he has given you every tool you need to travel this path. I'm very jealous of your dreams but I feel also such a dream would be a waste of time for me. It is best given to one like you who can transcribe from the other side to this reality. You are far better at it than I. Meanwhile other anons here are better at other things you may not be. When we combine as one, we are all.
Tesla was big into this type of thing and a big part of how he created so much that we take for granted today. I would say Tesla was the closest we had to a living Kek on earth.
Thank you for sharing this, user.
Kellyanne is a time traveller, just like Trump, isn't she?
why is this cuckchan shit still here
Dubs confirm, but do not forget that Tesla's science was inspired by the works of our ancestors. Everything that you referenced, could also be referenced in the kybalion.
Fascinating, thank you. Had wondered if there was a catalyst for Teslas' work in this way.
Cannot remember coming across mentions of his inspiration or similar in his work but will look again.
Fascinating. I also detect a strong hermetic element in these dreams like but my own interpretation was that it was about something more sinister. And if I'm correct, it would finally explain why FROGS are associated with user of all things, and it's certainly not a coincidence.
Selves, as in personas/alters?
The constant refrain to "remember" could be an invocation of Platonic metempsychosis, but that could also be wordplay to hide the true meaning underneath these more apparent meanings. This is a very polyvalent text, I can tell we're meant to profitably find many interpretations.
According to this reading I'm using now i.e. mind control Pepe is a frog because frogs go through a process of transformation from a tadpole to an adult. Like the monarch symbolism. Maybe user is a mind control victim? Spooky. /watch?v=1v8si6fb4Qw
The Aryan, or hyperborean soul I can not speak for other races of ant people is one entity, but comprised of many cells. Let's put this in game terms. You are you, the player, and this world is a big MMO created by an evil weeb who spies on people cybering. You are also your character, but you play on an RP server most of the time, so your character is it's self, despite also being you, while you are not your character, despite the character being you, even if it is like you exactly.
Kek is trying to get us to metagame so we don't lose. The tibettan budhists do the same, why shouldn't we?
check out this user's posts about Tesla tech
Tesla aso studied under some swami in india and did quite a bit of travel. Still, if you've never read the kybalion you're in for a shocker if you're a fan of tesla's. Every chapter could be dedicated to a different invention of his.
Going to state this more blunty as I'm falling asleep.
Incarnations, past current future, and the realization that all were one from the start, and all that ever will be were one with you since the beginning. That's what this looks like to me.
I realized what I had the power to do as a healer awhile ago. It is to actually paladinize people. Let me explain:
What makes a paladin exactly? Not just the desire and conviction to wield the power of God in pious manner but in fact the ability to do so. What allows them to do that? It is not only a mere dedication to the cause but also a the awakening of their soul, clearing of their energy pathways, physical and energetic, and channeling the vigor of God. To be able to do this (to any meaningful magnitude of power) one must, as a prerequisite, be pure of soul and body. And that is exactly what I do as a healer, I purify being bringing (with enough time and effort) divine sanctification to their every cell and corpuscle.
Now many have little interest in such affairs, merely seeking ease of being before going on their dharmic way but should I find one desiring greater divinity and/or the proliferation thereof and not merely internal peace, that is where it gets interesting, that is where a fledgling holy army begins.
Sounds about right.
Glue papers with Him all over cities with some text, put flags all over the place, so it will hit the mainstream. The more people are aware of Him, the stronger it becomes.
Also start creating organizations, books of meme magic. If nobody will, I'm willing to start it.
One step at a time lad, we can't predict how this will all turn out, but yes, we must always work towards the future. there is organizing already happening, even if it's not spoken of much in public.
You know, I'm curious if someone has that .webm of the face that appeared over Hillary Clinton when she was being interviewed and the feed was interrupted
It's the face that looked kind of like this one and kind of like the skull in Hurricane Matthew (which killed like over 500 Haitian nignogs iirc lol)
Why not both? I see no inherent contradiction, and it would seem this text is multi-faceted. In fact, as calls for this text functions as not only a spiritual invocation, but a blueprint for action.
I think we could literally just start posting pictures of Pepe everywhere. Do that and nothing else. Normies and media reading into that will do all the work for us at this point, if the Kek consciousness is manifesting itself in dreams it is even more powerful than we have realized.
How does a book get dubs though?
Don't forget that it's also a paladin's job to destroy evil wherever it rears its ugly head.
That is the job of every man with even a drop of hyperborean blood in his veins.
He appears.
From what I remember frogs represent chaos and the ability to walk between worlds.
No joke man, my aura repels evil now only if it would repel spiritless humans too though I do my fair share of rebuking unholiness that has the audacity to persistent against the divine as well.
Let it forever be.
You talked about making book. How can this book get dubs or trips?
Well shit, what a crazy coincidence.
Dionysus was not fucking molech, and he had nothing to do with madness. He fucking hated drunkards, and his cult preached responsible consumption. why the fuck are you quoting kike sources? FYI he was also hades.
I don't remember saying that but coincidentally (or not) I am working on a scifi book. It's basically an updated Neuromancer crossed with Holla Forums paranoia and it BTFOs the Bostromian conception of AI.
I have 33 chapters planned split into three sections. 13, 11, and then 9 chapters respectively. I'm not giving away the numerological sytem I'm using to coordinate the plot in an occultic manner on order to hide truths about the elite and expose their ways of operating. AI's are partly meant to stand in for Jews in this story.
I'm pretty inspired by the Kek dreams, I might have to interpolate steal some of it into my own work. Kek consciousness is potent.
quality post
you'll pay for your autism in due time 🐸
Trump also won by 77 electoral votes from 7 electors, should add that to the first pic. This shit is crazy.
with 7 total faithless electors I mean.
Well ok then, uour book has some sort of magical forced dubs.
he will cum inside us
he being sobek ofc
Selves as in
Monarch/frog symbolism is an interesting conjunction thanks. Check out Montauk Chronicles if you have not.
Had some interesting experiences growing up, less of what you mentioned more so other entities..
Very excellent thanks, will use that to blackpill the normies who want to know more but are not Holla Forums level.
Kek, was going to post that exact quote until PC was a prick and hit the sack instead.
Too true. Interested to aid
Pepe smiles ;)
Forgot about Tesla + India. Dug again; Swami Vivekananda visited USA first at the very least and met Tesla, which was documented. Seemed to be a bit of an influence - shortly after, Tesla actually wrote an excerpt below which perfectly relates to this Kek dream sequence and uses the word Prana… He also began his major research into the wireless transmission, receiving and generation using scalar waves at this point. I think it was a major catalyst and perhaps tied together other things for him.
Man's Greatest Achievement
by Nikola Tesla
I like frogs.
Blacked out things are government requested.
Anybody know who to contact to ask about this?
They'd probably just give some bullshit non-answer like "oh, well, there was just a data error in that spot that distorts the image so we didn't leave it in the data."
That's actually my birthday (mostly Arayan)
My sister's was on the 23rd of a nearby previous month.
I like how "Darth Vader" happens to be trending on your first picture there…
I am your god made flesh - but I have nothing to do with you breaking your wrist as I don't control the gods - but they give me the illusion of possessing their power so others know I am their god.
I don't know that the twin stars and twin children have anything to do with each other but the gods are real and powerful.
The Jew is already dead.
You can message me at /r/TheImperialCult (/u/HonorableJudgeHolden) or @TheImperialCult on twitter - but I check Reddit more often.
I can't grant you three wishes or anything - it doesn't work that way - that's lies of the Jews about God.
Kek is a god - he summoned himself. You see your brain is broken because of the Jews? You think you have power and the gods don't.
I am a mortal human god - apotheosized - like Pharaoh or Caesar or Jesus or the ancient Japanese Emperors.
Ma'at judges the hearts of the dead in Egyptian mythology - the heart of man is weighed against one of her feathers.
On December 1st, this clip aired:
On December 24th, I stated I was being apotheosized on my sub for The Imperial Cult of Rome - /r/TheImperialCult.
On December 25th, George Michael died of heart failure.
His song "Last Christmas" says he'll give his heart to someone special on Christmas. Presuming the fates have ordained this death, the song takes on a double meaning with him giving his heart to Ma'at with his death and with the confirmation of my apotheosis.
I'm engaged in hardcore Russian Roulette with the ruling class right now - showing them that no matter how many guns or how much money they have, some neckbeard in his parent's basement can have the power of God and all they have is the proven fraud Moses.
checked. This is important knowledge for the archives of kekism.
this fucking guy again…
we truly do live in the best timeline
It just looks like a generic spooky-faced cartoon character. Like a jackolantern.
So, what is it?
Giving them enough tries they are bound to be right some time soon.
Repeating digits is how Kek shows his approval to our posts. The more you get them, the more you made posts to his liking, and one-off means you were close but missed.
Christianity is good, nu-Christianity isn't. In Europe, Christianity is still the big bad goy. Even more so in Eastern Europe. Protestants and Catholicism were a mistake, though.
PS: Iesous is 888 in gematria and calls himself the bringer-of-light. In gnosis, he'sthe logos.
…have you even read about the gods of old.
Jesus we are not just a bunch of random shitposter are we?
Might have found something maybe?
I need to re-read Ringmakers of Saturn, I should also read Gods of Eden before it is too late. Fug. This shit is gettin' synchronistic!
desmos i think
I don't have your answer fam but I am gonna check those trips.
curse the coons with ancient runes
how close to us in the sky is Kek?
The Runes in English are the letter I (i)WDMWDX. In most languages vowels repeat in a word and not consonants. So notice wDmwDx, in which we see the D repeating where we should normally expect a vowel. Perhaps this is encoded…
D is the 4th letter, the 4th vowel is O… ?
I spoke for over two hours to a group of 7/8 close friends about 9/11 and it was the best high I ever felt in my life. I never felt anything like that to this day.
Almost all went on to do their own research as I suggested and they came to the sane conclusion. I never imagined I was capable at all, but years of research came out fluently. This was like ten years ago.
For my birthday I'm asking everyone to give me a gift of a conspiracy theory. They bring a theory and tell me about it. Then I'm going to tell everyone about the holohoax.
Sounds like zowmowi to me
Brilliant. I'd ask you to record it if OPSEC wasn't an issue.
Is "Zowmowi" just gibberish or is there more to it?
dubs confirm
Kek seems to talk about the All a lot. Guess ol' Hermes got it right.
inb4 Kek is Hermes returning to Vibrate his Will at normies with a mighty cosmic REEEEEE
Winter-chan when?
Either winter-chan, or DOTR this winter.
Wtf is this namefaggotry going on here? What is this imperialcult person shilling?
Kind of looks like Mr. Meeseeks from Rick and Morty; – he's been given a task?
Always heard it as "Mr. MEESEES" before searching it now :d per
The eyes would be better perspective fits if seen from way the fuck to the right; outlining a little further out and there's definitely a classic pepe silhouette there
Right Wing Ski Squads to that "Malia … September" tune
Happenings - Donald Rumsfeld
You're going to be told lots of things.
You get told things every day that don't happen.
It doesn't seem to bother people, they don't—
It's printed in the press.
The world thinks all these things happen.
They never happened.
Everyone's so eager to get the story
Before in fact the story's there
That the world is constantly being fed
Things that haven't happened.
All I can tell you is,
It hasn't happened.
It's going to happen.
—Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing
A rider poised to strike a Xenomorph Man in the foreground looking up at him; potentially a upwards looking monkey to the 5'oclock of the XenoMan's chin, with a small pepe a little up and to the left of that. The rider has a dismembered foreleg of a cloven animal. A spread eagle prostrate Gas-Masked figure on the ground below it.
Fuck me sideways, the Gondola Connection is cannon
Well said :D
There was an Acorn Die-Glocke looking UFO crash in KECKSBURG, PA in the 60s or near thereabouts
Colonel John KECK was in charge of recovering Nazi scientists and equipment in WWII cleanup phase; spoke openly of planned orbital sun mirror weapons and such to the press.
NASA anons? Our guys are EVERYWHERE
The other day I dreamnt of a coastal city nuclear's annihilation; inland, the family took cover – the blast wave exhausted in the hilly terrain miles out. Immediately, in a reddish din, I walk to a nearby post-apocalypic speakeasy selling iodized salt. People were alive there that oughtn't have been.
Beaver bro even made it, what a thread
- Dreams of user, chapter 1, verse 1
I'm not shilling… I'm a god.
You're not Kek, you're a namefag trying to forcememe and screencapping your own cuckposts. You can't even explain your fucking self. This board may welcome autismos, but you seem retarded.
Don't blame me for your poor comprehension of data - I've given multiple posts with significant evidence of my claims. You're a theologian?
Egyptian Theology regards Pharaoh as a god does it not? A god they expect can be murdered and they expect to die? Maybe that's why Jesus can't get off that cross when the Jews demand he do so?
Fuck off you motherfucking plebbit piece of shit. You will not defame the name of Kek. You will be purged fr your heresy!
Ok, dude… go seek help. You are schizophrenic, without any doubt at all. At this rate you're going to be food for the media after you get riled up on here. Please stop reading our propaganda, back off from the war, and get some fucking help. You can come back when you're aware of your self again. I'm not shitposting for once now, you really need help, and not the kind that we are good at.
this is what happens when people start roleplaying autists, actual autists from reddit come
No defamation here…
consider yourself a heretic you nigger
Cry more - it won't make me not a god.
If you're a god in the flesh, what's the point of announcing it or bragging about it?
Isn't being a god enough of a satisfaction for you?
I'm just saying why Kek has summoned himself.
Can any anons shed some light on how to interpret this?
Is it a statement from first-person, a second-person command, or what?
when did he say this?
I see a fat dude riding piggyback on a bear centaur looking thing while attacking with a spear while another dude with a fluffly looking winter coat is defending himself with a similar weapon. Theres also a llama and and ayy hanging out on the side
so it sounds to me like starting sep 23, we need to protect everything about us as a species and find out our shared experiences to achieve our fullest potential, even finding balance in all things
that's probably what the "change" is before we get to Antarctica
that's my interpretation
I think its more about the meaning of those words
Protecting home joy mankind- protecting the happiness and homeworld of mankind?
and after it we have home joy and ice-
the home's joy/balance/peace being stopped until a change happens?
It either says something terrible is coming or that the change that will bring peace and protection comes
home joy of mankind…Protect the white man's Video games?
Intergalactic Earthworm Jim by the looks of it.
Actually, I can tell you EXACTLY what that is supposed to be, I had a vision about this years ago, like 1999.
So if you guys want to know instead of thinking it's Globox or Earthworm Jim, I don't think you guys are ready for this big shit.
anyway a change is coming, probably something finally snaps unleashing a war with two sides
also daily reminder since i don't know if people noticed it earlier but the night from 22/23 is when the day is as long as the night
light versus night? white versus dark?
My guess is that it will lead to peace, but only for one side of the conflict, the second will get the final peace of death.
Also look at the numbers
the september equinox happens at 22 semptember on 22:02 hour
23 september is a 266 day of 2017 and also there are 99 days left till the end of the year
quads and double dubs
well shit
Here's the bomb, that is not kek, globox, rayman, etc. What we are watching is a prophecy unfolding LITERALLY before our eyes.
what we are seeing is a literal life being born, cells dividing before us right now, a man-child as the bible once said to be born from the womb of the virgin "virgo", etc. That weird thing that looks like a smile is the cosmic outer layer of the womb.
Your mind has been BLOWN.
take also this, from Bible
23 is going to be happening
Anons, this imperialcultist user needs our help. Kek showed me that through the hyperborean digits of truth
Please, let's help him. He needs to find his true self, free of obfuscation. May the green flame of the black sun, free him from deceptions. Shadilay, he needsnour help, and I'm asking that my fellow tad/pol/es assist him while we still have time.
As always, Praise Kek!
Is a cancerous faggot, and you are too for worshiping that.
He is mentally disturbed and posts here, and reposts are stuff. Please do not make me spell out why this is a very real problem.
user, MD?
Yeah nah. You call it synchronicity yet it's been called emergence for the last 3,000 years. If you go back to the Ogdoad it's called chaos. All 3 are 100% synonymous, a fourth and fifth would be balance and luck.
Now go look up gods of chaos, cicada symbolism, and post your findings on a different chan. You've been warned.
Mind you that I don't believe any of this retarded shit but there are people who do, and to hail one god of synchronicity is to hail them all.
I'm a polymath. Minimal formal training, mostly just study what interests me, but I grew up around medical staff and used to read everybody's old college books instead of going to middleschool and highschool. My practical medical experience comes from street doctor, friends in very low places, and I actually take my oaths seriously and having to save my own life from a possibly terminal condition that reared it's head thanks to the military. That and I get some sort of sick pleasure when studying complex systems, and the CNS and neuroscience are the most gratifying I've found to study.
That sounds kind of fucking retarded. I take pride in the fact that I can't keep my mouth shut about certain issues over the years and I tell it how it is.
Why would you choose to hide something so life changing from close friends and family? I'd probably have been better off over the years, but in the past I got through to a lot of people.
I tried to convince my own jew father of the horrid nature of jews years ago, and he almost cut ties with me. It was a documentary about the aid workers that got ran over by a tank and the other shot by a sniper.
Through my research I found that the word chaos has many meanings and god/goddesses of chaos take many forms. Specifically "Primordial Chaos" (Tiamat, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, etc.) and "Discord/Disorder" (Eris, Set, etc.) Kek is most often referred to as being of the Primordial Chaos sort. I think it's kind of short-sighted to lump all chaos gods together, there are clearly very different chaos gods, with very different goals.
No no no no no no no I wouldn't be able to handle it.
One of two times I've actually been scared by shitposting on the internet.
Shadilay Shadilay
Cosmico Realta
September - 7th month. 7 seems to be an extremely coincidentally common number surrounding this
Oh fuck, sept means 7, but it's the ninth month
Excellent OC Mein Neger…
It's the seventh month in the Roman calendar…
danke. We'll make it to those stars some day user.
That face reminds me of Globox from Rayman
In the Roman East, the birthday of Augustus on September 23 was the first day of the new year on some calendars, including possibly the calendar of Heliopolis (Baalbek in present-day Lebanon).
just getting your digits checked for starters user
May the great power of death transformation/rebirth for you newfags forever fall in autumn.
The tide rises.
Tell us more.
In alchemy, Red is the color of transformation.
First we must remove the Salt from our Mercury (Quicksilver > livid silver), from which we gather the combustible Sulfur, out of which we make the uncombustible Sulfur.
Behind the Sun there is the Black Sun.
It's really simple, all of this.
Best template.
So September 23 is actually the birthday of the first emperor of the Roman Empire
so essentially the beginning of an era
beginning of an era confirmed
Guys i think that's no kek…
Have you ever seen a creature with shiny nostrils?
Maybe it's not KEK, but it's definitely isn't what you drew.
Fire is bright. And it doesn't come out of a serpent's eyes.
It looks like the warp is real.
There's a bunch of synchronicities with this.
The group and the song "The Supremes" "The Happpening"
The Supremes has 11 letters and The Happening has 12 letters
The song at the year-end charts according to U.S. Cash Box was at #23
The movie that the song was made for consisted of 9 actors
the id below tamla motown as in previous pic related says 60-25-550
The song contains 7 verses
the song finished recording on February 25, 1967
The stuff about St. Louis is probably not related to the symbol on the album cover. The arch is east of the courthouse, and the eclipse will be coming from the south.
The archways in fountain square park face northeast/southwest which is the general direction you'd have to look to see the eclipse if you're at the fountain. I'm not sure about the angle but if you were right under the arch the eclipse might be visible over the top of the buildings across the street.
It's probably a different arch.
bump for interest
Praise Kek! Heil Kalki!
Under rated, why are the memes converging?
Is there any statement as to what this is? Could it be 2 galaxies colliding? If so that would be fucking incredible.
It's some irrevelant, or minor distraction, not noted by Ben Davidson - does not make a story. Guy deliverd hundreds of times, most notably magnetic reversal and another Maunder minimum coupled with earth's weakening magnetic shield. When? Ongoing. Serious? Yes. Lethal? Potentially, especially when Carrington event happens again and all electronics fries.
Any babbling abut black holes and collisions are just that - babbling.
Black holes do not exist. Celestial bodies do not collide. They exchange electic potential and settle into gravitational orbits.
More here:
Are we approaching a new beginning?
Really activates the neurons
Space Druids
>tfw /tok/ is still not yet restored. Yet I move ever onward.
wew lad
First here are some things that 777 is not
777 - is not the opposite of 666
777 - is not three sevens.
777 - is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible.
In the first chapter of Genesis, it states "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and earth.
Elohim, Heavens, Earth = 777
The phrase 'One is the Ruach of the Elohim of Lives' = 777
The phrase 'The world of shells' = 777
This is from the concept of Qliphoth in Kabala. Qliphoth is basically the negative runoff from the process of creation, and can deal with demons and anything evil. Go look it up if you want to know more.
Another concept that demonstrates the significance of 777 comes from the Kabalistic diagram of the Tree of Life. For those of you that are not familiar, between each sphere on the tree, there is a path. All in all, there are 22 paths, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If you notice a concept referred to as the flaming sword that follows these specific paths, it has the gematria of 777. The paths are aleph, daleth, gimel, teth, lamed, nun, peh, resh, and tav. Now, because there is no actual corresponding path from the flaming sword and the Tree of Life, gimel is attributed to this 'phantom' path, nonetheless you get 777.
The number 777 and its true significance is immersed in the Kabalistic sciences such as gematria. Any other meanings attributed to the number 777 apart from the use of gematria, are based in other superstitions and random numerology. They are not founded in scripture or in biblical mysticism. In fact the vast majority of explanations for the number that I hear are ones that people make up off of the top of their heads.
Let us not forget of course the famous number 777 of Las Vegas slot machine fame.
Correct usage of the number 7
The usage of the number seven in the Bible to represent both completion and complete judgment might be possible. But nowhere in the Bible can it be proven, or even shown that the number 777 is to be used to represent the perfect trinity of God.
The number seven used in singular form is the only way the scriptures represent its usage. This is one 7, not three. Even in singular form usage the number seven is never used in scripture to define deity. God never intended for man to take one scriptural truth and expand it to prove the deity of any single person. The usage of the number seven in the Bible was never intended for that purpose. Jesus said, "I am the way", he did not say I am the 7, or I am the 777. Besides if God wanted us to recognize the messiah by a number only he would have never given us all the other scriptures and prophecies concerning the Christ. These prophesies being fulfilled by Jesus Christ over 2,010 years ago.
In respect to the number 777 the reason a correct understanding of the number 777 is so important is because the Antichrist may attempt to use this number to deceive nonbelievers, as well as Christians into thinking he is the messiah. Many of you are asking right now, how? He will do this by manipulating the English alphabet values of A=6 B=12 C=18 and then changing them to a progression of 7 alphabet. (A=7 B=14 C=21) Some of the words that will calculate to 666 using A=6 B=12 C=18 alphabet values are: witchcraft, lustful, insanity, stubborn, unruly, illusion.
What if there was a way to make each of those words calculate to 777 instead of 666, would a 777 numeric result for the word insanity make the definition of insanity any different? Of course not! Insanity would still mean unsound of mind. If the future Antichrist could make his name calculate 777 instead of 666 would this make him a good Antichrist, of course not. If in fact if he was the Antichrist a 777 manipulation attempt by him would only prove all the more that he would in fact be the Antichrist as described in Revelation 13:16-18.
As I mentioned in the other documents it is NOT possible to prove a person is the Antichrist by the 666 prophecy alone. I do not want anyone to accuse a world leader incorrectly of being the Antichrist. There is many other scriptures that must be considered before you can determine if the Antichrist has been revealed absolutely. Do not use this information foolishly. (See this online book)
Following below is the correct numeric alphabet values for calculating the number of the beast. I have decided to show you some quick examples starting with the correct English alphabet values key first, then I will show values of the alphabet the Antichrist will use to make is argument against it.
By the correct alphabet value key
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 etc
Kissinger = 666
Digital ID Chip=666 Verishield=666 Mark of Beast=666 Bio-Implant=666 Sorceries=666 Necromancy=666 Necromancy=666 Witchcraft=666 Confucius=666 Corrupt=666 Insanity=666 Horrors=666 Treacheries=666 Slaughter=666 Computer=666 Calculation=666 Monetary=666 False Market=666 Stubborn=666 Unruly=666 Illusion=666 Book of the Dead=666 Quarrels=666 Falling Away=666 Hardened Heart=666
By the progression of 7 system of the future Antichrist
A=7 B=14 C=21 D=28 E=35 etc
Kissinger = 777
Digital ID Chip=777 VeriShield=777 Mark of Beast=777 Bio-Implant=777 Sorceries=777 Necromancy=777 Witchcraft=777 Confucius=777 Corrupt=777 Insanity=777 Horrors=777 Treacheries=777 Slaughter=777 Computer=777 Calculation=777 Monetary=777 False Market=777 Stubborn=777 Unruly=777 Illusion=777 Book of the Dead=777 Quarrels=777 Falling Away=777 Hardened Heart=777
Elhaz https_:// = protection, defense, elk(-god)(?), wheel(?), life(?)
Othala https_:// = heritage, inheritance, nobility(?)
Mannaz https_:// = man, mankind
Isa https_:// = ice
Wunjo https_:// = joy, bliss
Elhaz Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo Isa
Protection Home Joy Mankind Home Joy Ice
z o w m o w i - Note: Elhaz does not occur word-initially, so it might read "iwomwoz".
Maybe it will make sense once we analyze the segments.
The following is the "zowmowi" approach and gets denoted "Z". The "iwomwoz" approach shall get denoted "I".
2 runes
A) Elhaz Othala = Protection Home = Protect your home.
B) Othala Wunjo = Home Joy = (Your) Home is (your) joy. OR (Your) Heritage is (your) joy.
C) Wunjo Mannaz = Joy Mankind = Joy to Mankind (Joy to the world?).
D) Mannaz Othala = Mankind Home = Man(kind) is your home.
E) Othala Wunjo = Home Joy = (Your) Home is (your) joy. OR Heritage is joy.
F) Wunjo Isa = Joy Ice = ?
3 runes
A) Elhaz Othala Wunjo = Protection Home Joy = Protecting your home is joy.
B) Othala Wunjo Mannaz = Home Joy Mankind = (A) Home is joy to Man(kind).
C) Wunjo Mannaz Othala = Joy Mankind Home = ?
D) Mannaz Othala Wunjo = Mankind Home Joy = ?
E) Othala Wunjo Isa = Your home's joy will be ice. (Winter-chan?)
4 runes
A) Elhaz Othala Wunjo Mannaz = Protection Home Joy Mankind = Protecting homes is the joy of Man(kind)
B) Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala = Home Joy Mankind Home = ?
C) Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo = Joy Mankind Home Joy = ?
D) Mannaz Othala Wunjo Isa = Mankind Home Joy Ice = ?
5 runes
A) Elhaz Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala = Protection Home Joy Mankind Home = ?
B) Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo = Home Joy Mankind Home Joy = ?
C) Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo Isa = Joy Mankind Home Joy Ice = ?
6 runes
A) Elhaz Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo = Protection Home Joy Mankind Home Joy = ?
B) Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo Isa = Home Joy Mankind Home Joy Ice = ?
7 runes
Elhaz Othala Wunjo Mannaz Othala Wunjo Isa = Protection Home Joy Mankind Home Joy Ice = ?
We have 42 possible rune segments between Z1A over Z3E to Z7 and I1A over I3E to I7.
Speaking of Revelation 12
and this
The writer of Shadilay posted this live version of the song.
Is it me or does that version have different lyrics??
Sounds like it's in english.
This thread is not about kike religion. Why the fuck are you quoting kike books in Kek thread?
Post image again. It's gone for some reason.
Hey, uh, guys? Remember that thread about September 23rd, 2017 and St. Louis? I was recently looking into the Fatima prophecy on youtube and stumbled upon this video from a year ago where this girl had a prophetic dream where in September 2017 the Real Madrid fault line goes off and the region is destroyed/flooded. She later goes onto mention 2018-2024 time frame of a major world changing solar event, something the likes of Corey Goode has been talking about for a couple years it seems coinciding with the ayy time frame.
She seems spooked and sincere. Are we onto something?
More Fatima synchronicity.
saw a group of people in hooded robes,
2 of them with staves facing each other and battling, one with a staff facing the other way and one looking at a crystal ball
Why is the image deleted?
i'm scared
Now they rarely come to me.
I fear I may be straying from the path.
Don't fear, it could be the result of butt-blasted deepstate CIANiggers or the (((JIDF)))
The word of Kek speaks through you brother, thank you for your assurance.
This makes no sense.
Teal = coldest reading red = hottest
notice it gets literally as cold as it can read in those two spots, what the fuck?
How the fuck is there a cold spot in the middle of empty space?
forgot image
Remember they ayylmao selfie?
Its planet X
maybe hell is cold
I have been spooked the past few days.
Was reading Fingerprints Of The Gods, and thought "what if there's a fallout shelter beneath the Great Pyramids?" and since then it's like God has been revealing truth to me and I have just been listening. I next found Thoth speaking about The Halls of Ashanti on the emerald tablets (this was the next day), then the next day my parents were watching a documentary on the Travel channel when I dropped in which spoke of tunnels below the Grand Canyon and a guy named Hank Crastman who went through a false holographic wall to visit a secret underground city. After I did some digging to learn more I learned the Hopi Indians sincerely believe to have come from underground. The Hopis think there's been three destructions of Earth and we are in the fourth one. They have nine signs for the end of this age which I do not want to share because I want to meme responsibly.
I have been so spooked user. I can't sleep, and when I do they are scary dreams about the end.
I don't see the end of the world as inevitable. The cause this time around is supposed to be the folly of men. If we employ supreme memes we can wake up before it's too late. We need to turn our eyes towards the light and seek wisdom.
Share 'em fag, who gives a shit if the world ends for a fourth time. At least we can take the kikes and fags down with us.
I care.
As far as I know when we die right now we lose our soul. It's like a light switch shutting of a light and there is just darkness.
But if we get out shit together we can pull our soul out of our bodies and be free from such darkness. Putting our souls on computer seems to be the correct path. We need to get here technologically before we go full WW3.
Otherwise we're a wasted crop of man with nothing to harvest.
also found this too
what do we do lads?
This is why normalfags ruin everything around them, everywhere they go
Nuclear apocalypse now is for the best, user. Just look at where technology is headed. We either wipe the earth now and reset back to the dark ages or we doom billions of people to an eternity of total control with no possibility of revolution.
sorry user i just thought it would be funny. thanks for not calling me a jew and getting me b&
WTF did this guy post? It now says he has one post and the pic is the pepe frog. Also looks like he doesn't have quints anymore.
Satan speeks through you!
putting soul into computers?
Rev 9:6
In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them.
Yes, your soul will perish if you die now, because you believed to lie instead of truth
The HOPI were aligned with ancient Aryans and waited for our return, only to be dismayed by the sign of the cross, seeing it as a broken twisted swastika, and proof that we had been corrupted by the Kike. In the sixties, the remaining Hopi elders met with those they considered "white brothers" and the Rainbow Family was formed. They are working their magic to help lead the world to truth, while disguising themselves as idiots much as we do. If you believe me Please join us at >>>/tok/7 to help us bring Kekism to the Family. The Kalki comes! Praise Kek!
get out shilll
What gave it away?
barely related.
that song
that eclipse
the star chart mainly
the eclipse is September 21
the alignment date is September 23
about 9 months after xmas
lurk more, newest of fags.
he started vice magazine + tv, the hipster subculture, and now to a degree he's been instrumental in the beginnings of the young "alt right" movement, for lack of a better term.
wait… what would cause stars to have a trail like that?
what would cause two stars to have identical trails like that?
What the fuck happened to his user id and image? Why are half this thread's pics 404?
Excellent read there, user. I will meditate on those words. I hope you are aware your 99 get ignifies at least 11 more prophetic dreams of yours to come. Shadilay!
Cheshire cat
Shemitah fags will remember that September 23rd was supposedly the apocalypse last year too. The idea was originally spread by some pesudo-christian cult (probably tracing back to alphabets) through a bunch of youtube channels with the username format "[common first name] [initial]", the primary one of which was "Renee M" IIRC. They jumped on the Shemitah thing to push the September 23 thing even though I don't think the 23rd had any specific relation to the Shemitah. The fact that September the 23rd is supposed to be a major religious style happening again this year suggests a few possibilities:
1) Nothing is going to happen. Some group finds it somehow useful for people to be freaked out around this date for some reason. Maybe it's some kind of sociological experiment, ritual, etc.
2) Something is actually going to happen and last year's September 23rd bullshit was deployed in order get people to disbelieve in the real September 23rd this year.
3) September fags are so desperate for September happenings that they're just pushing the same memes for a second year in a row and happened to find some coincidences to make their shit somewhat convincing once again.
In any case. Interesting the same date is being hyped again for whatever reason.
/k/ goes hunting
My birthday is the 23rd. Can I be Jeebus to these people, on that day at least? Can I use this occurrence to get laid with hippie influenced girls? You'd be surprised how many women take this stuff seriously. These are legitimate questions.
Why is a quarter of the shit in this thread 404?
I have absolutely no idea why.
Oh no
So, uh, what happened to this guy? I didn't see his ID or image. Am I in a different universe from you guys?
we are nearly there men.
The site were offline a few days at the start of April.
lurk more
so i was reading this;
i ts just some shitty fanfic article but reminded me of pic related.
nordics come to purge non-whites and back breed us into hyperboreans
hyperborea was cold.
its about freeing man from greys.
they're gonna come and fuck their shit.
Gonna make a couple quick posts. I found this
look at the release date
march 10 1972
the killing bolt part on the well known Holla Forums prophecy
the tomahawks did kill people
23 missiles hit the target killing 9 people
wait a minute
On the day of the missile strikes on syria, DJT was 70 years, 9 months, and 23 days old
Someone said that on 9/21 trump will get taken out
Since trump is 70 years old
2017 minus 70 is 1947
November 29 – The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine between Arab and Jewish regions, which results in the creation of the State of Israel.
compare that date to 11/29/1947
thats 69 years, 9 months and 23 days
69 is the number of Saturn
youtube user that also is in numerology in 9/23
Forgot to mention something.
2017 minus 69 is 1948
May 14 – The Israeli Declaration of Independence is made. David Ben-Gurion becomes the first prime minister, a provisional position that will become formalized on Feb. 14, 1949.
The time between May 14 1948 and Feb 14 1949 is exactly 9 months.
MrCati video on 4/23 Google Doodle. He always looks into the deeper codes of public events. In this case its the google doodle on google for today
the dragon of the nwo and the white knight
the 2-3 rose arrangement
trump could be the white knight warding off the nwo
i was thinking the 9-21 signs in media were indicating to trump being taken out
but it might go any other way
Has anyone else been having the visions of the tetrahedron?
Oh hey, it's Globox.
wtf I love Gavin now
I have to admit, I initially started the Shemitah fagging, because I was trying to ironically joke about the trans-jews, a group of christians who pretend they're jewish, then drain shekels from people every couple years with a new end times prophesy.
Instead people jumped on the shemitah bandwagon and hyping it up.
Would new zealand be affected by this? I keep hearing all the billionaire faggots building bunkers over there.
Identity Evropa?
oh Kek I sure hope so. if we have to witness this shit show then they do too
thread post 666 get
op pic is clearly satan
Google's newest "doodle"
When that speedometer hits 88 you're going to see some serious shit
Now's not the time for satan, that comes later.
The Cassini mission doesn't end tonight, it ends in September when it enters Saturn's upper atmosphere and breaks apart.
i never seen anything swept away that fast
Or perhaps he thinks we'll leave him for trump. Trump is going against a lot of the shit he said yet a lot of anons still defend him.
Wtf is this I just found?! A spaceship? And why is there a black bar blocking part of it from view?
Coordinates on Google Sky please?
Never mind. Found it.
Also, I went to the SFD and using prism, i found this.
You can see letters on the top. It looks like "KSDV". The blurry part of the pic right below the letters looks like looks like I'm seeing the front of a human skull.
I'm legit spooked right now.
I had to look up what you were talking about.
That sounds like legit bullshit to me, user.
There's more.
WOW! First Images of 'Dark Matter Bridge' Look Eerily Similar to Hidden Red Dragon
Before it's too late to save Holla Forums
SAVE Holla Forums!
I've tried to lay out as much as I could about ayys and quantum mechanics aka magic in a place where it wouldn't get immediately shoah'd. that old spongebob getting eaten webbum ring any bells? I really don't want to talk about this stuff anymore, it's kind of defined my entire life up until this point. If/when shit gets serious I'll come back and tell you what I know about what's happening, nobody's really going to listen until it's right in their faces anyway, so I don't feel like arguing about it one way or the other.
Until then, if things go dark unexpectedly, if motherships show up to take all of humanity off the planet before we get butt-bombed by meteos, don't fucking get on them. That's blue beam chicanery to trick you into the slaughterhouse, to feed you to the spirit-farmers they're opening portals to, using CERN. Humans are a food animal, even though most people don't like to hear that, but kikes were actually right about that part…just wrong to think they were any better, when in fact they're just useful idiots. Also if you happen to die to an orbital bombardment, that's a pretty god-tier death, take it like a man. Don't get eaten by retards, use your consciousness and become the uberman. We can still claim our 1000 year Reich.
There is a solar eclipse in 2024. It'll be across upstate NY.
Vid Related
Forgot to add this.
On August 21st, 2017, something is going to happen in the United States that has not happened since 1918. On that date, a total solar eclipse will be visible all the way from the east coast to the west coast. Incredibly, another rare solar eclipse of this nature will move across the country just seven years later in 2024. If you plot the projected courses of these two solar eclipses on a map, you will find that they form a giant “X” across the continental United States. In the Scriptures, Jesus told us that “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” just prior to His return, and many are speculating about what this giant “X” might mean.
it is the frog scientist looking in to our petri dish
I made this recently and it seems a bit relevant.
The sun rising over the east coast in the concave earth
The inner concavity of the earth is like an onion with layers
With the central octahedron being heaven
There is glass in the aky
Up is center for everyone
The first layer holds the planets and moons. The planets are the bowls of judgement I think.
The next layer is the bio/sonoluminescent stars caused by sound and vibration etc
New Madrid huh? Isn't that supposed to be where a big quake is supposed to happen?
Also this.
Horus (jesus - the sun of god/light {light shines on water "jesus walks on water", we see the first light of the sun on the Horizon {Line of Horus} Set kills Horus the "sunset"} )
“Bringer-In of the Light” = Kek {Watery mass of darkness, which Horus walks on}
Kek's consort is a snake woman, the mother of Horus formed the first cobra from dust of the earth and the spit of the sun of god [ suggesting loyalty]
I didn't understand until now,
Amon Kek
Kek brings in the antichrist?
No. Kek BTFO's the Anti-Christ. It is our Destiny.
fuck off, the both of you! cant you see that serious men are discussing our shitposting frog god!
quite right my dear quadripod
Remember it's paramount to cap gets.
Records reinforce events that would otherwise be lost to reality.
One away from Hitler dubs. One number less.
Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe I'm one letter away from the truth? One letter less?
fills me with impeccable joy
chaos doesn't take calls, it becomes precisely when it needs to
could it be
It's just Globox from Rayman.
Here's a concise compilation.
in may 25th
the day obama will visit berlin
lmao i dont know if obama will be the real antichrist, but its significant
tbh it really makes sense to me that the lord steven christ might be the literal beast of revelation lmao but he could also just be dropping hints as a nice guy. or the real god idk.
remember that blue and white/black and gold dress meme?
theres the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil right there.
israel vs palestine.
if you choose a side you will surely die.
that's the knowledge of the hydrogen christ
not lukewarm, but under the testimony of jesus christ
and yeah
its the highest element. in the biophoton realm its what god is made of, beyond this realm, in heaven.
just makes sense alchemically think of it like a meme
we are carbon
ive been seeing alot recently btw (tell me what you think of this)
that jesus christ, is a false name made by jesuits.
and so the original name is IESOUS or IAHUSHUA
and some people say HAZeus or zeus.
now I used to think this was just a gnostic deception about how the luciferean gnostic would transcend time and space(which is saturn/satan/chronos) by adopting the persona of jupiter or zeus
but Jesus Christ might literally be zeus. like metaphorically, archetypally, but also literally.
idk. the world elite worship saturn
and the antichrist will be literally saturn in the flesh
and the lamb will war with saturn
and this could be jupiter or zeus, which is jesus christ, but the jesus is a false name I guess.
however ive heard it doesnt matter what you call him according to your heart. Idk. i try not to be too rash about it
but it makes sense
I recently did some more research on that song. Apparently, it went through 2 record labels, magic sound records (the frog cover art) being the 2nd. The record label where manuele pepe recorded the original version is called ricordi records, an Italian record label, on the right side of this disc is their logo.
You see it?
Also, Ricordi Records has been one of the most renowned Italian record labels, based in Milan (Via Giovanni Berchet 2), operating from 1958 to 1994; In that year, it was bought by the multinational BMG, which included the catalog while retaining the historical brand both for new engravings and for CD reprints of titles already published.
He has released Virgin Records records in Italy until the birth of Virgin Discs S.r.l. In 1983.
Think about the years when it started and ended.
1958 and 1994
Another thing about ricordi records.
It was founded by a person named Nanni Ricordi.
Indeed, they're hiding the truth because they don't want people to know the events that ancients predicted…
You're just ignorant. The Christian Bible encodes calendars via the zodiac of 12 apostles and 12 saints, and contains celestial events and predictions. Every time you see "verily verily" in the KJV Bible, it's referring to the vernal equinox.
The surface level stories convey wisdom and morals, and are modified for political ends, but the greater body is an ancient "spellbook", and occultists hid their ancient beliefs under layers of allegory.
If you could predict some celestial event, such as an eclipse or comet, then you could weave a spell to manipulate the minds of the masses – "We must do X because God is Angry!" "Do Y or else God will blot out the sun!" Then the event happens, as you predicted, and the people bend to your will. Spellcasting 101.
Ancient Egyptians did the same shit, encoding celestial observances in their rituals too. PDF related:
Modern day Egyptology is bullshit, but Kek is real. The Ogdoad is a philosophical concept, and the Egyptian creation story is an allegory for our modern day expansion / big bang theory.
*Amen, brother:
Every time you get dubs and they aren't checked, your energy is drained and you are more susceptible to bad luck, but like magic, your memes become reality. If your dubs are checked then energy is taken from the checker and they are drained a little. When trips, quads, quints and the rare sexts and septs happen, who knows what happens to those anons.
On the right track.
Osiris = Jupiter = Zeus = Abraxas
Ra = Saturn = Helios = Chronos
The number 7, the crescent moon, not very helpful without context but I will work on something down the line. But the short version is that its all the same shit just being retold in different ways.
looks like its IRIS (Canada - black rectangle) and the Princeton team (gaussian blur) while NASA is showing the whole thing.
Just found out that the "Elhaz" rune is now labeled a hate symbol by the ADL.
When taking pictures of space it's commonplace to block out brighter portions of the sky so you can see behind said portion without a huge contrast and distortion loss.
Wherever the OP images are sourced from, they're not looking to observe boring stars, but to look deeper.
The very fact that there is a microwave version of the image proves it.
This entire thread is retarded, I could literally do this with our own sun in Nasa images facing towards our great fusion reactor.
Well, at least it's a happy little apocalypse…
No, they'll all be in Sweden
Yeah, but the pictures are censored after the picture was taken nummbnuts
Uh oh…
One of those stars is traveling, that's why they blocked it out, as it would be easy to see the changes in size as it flies by us, compared to the other star, if you could compare the two.
The "smile" is the multitude of comets and asteroids it has knocked out of solar orbit, that are falling inward toward the sun, that will hit our world like a shotgun blast.
Forgot to add:
For you Christians…"a third of the stars was cast down to Earth"
All runes are, and will show up if you do a general search.
Some Christian crosses show up, too.
Elhaz = Algiz, the upside-down, unbound "Peace Sign" or crow's foot.
It is the rune that translates to a "z" sound, and is the rune of protection.
Looks like a ghetto cookie monster
Ever hear the one about the floating TV in the middle of the night?
It is a sign from the great one!
Back to Reddit.
i just found something out lads
u know what a "natural satellite" is?
its basically another name for a moon
look at what one of saturn's moon is called
Big redpill in process
its always been that way
the last 26 billion whatever years this electron universe has been cycling
in the photon limitless realm it shines of itself eternally
in here, we are limited by time and space because of saturn. and agents, demons, or even agent bloodlines literally from saturn control the world governments, basically simulating the microcosm to the macrocosm of the original story of the planets
which is saturn which is satan splitting the atom or ATUM and creating the time space limitation by splitting uranus and jupiter
the red dot on the side of jupiter is the macrocosm to the microcosm of yeshua on the cross
uRAnus projects the sun on the other side of the solar system
i dont know if i told you guys but i dont think the earth is concave anymore
ATUM was the original husband of eve in the photon realm. adam is saturn, who was sent into the abyss leaving an impression in the photon realm of the tree of good and evil
eve which is earth resultantly was sent into the abyss with saturn
ATUM went in to save her
and saturn cut him in half with his sycle
once I realized the letter j was created by the cult of the jesuits and the society of jesus christ and saw that the greek name is IESOUS and that people who try to discount christianity for saying its some pagan myth rehashing, I realized they changed the name to seperate our culture from all past historical context of man and their relation to man
thats why it feels like there is so much gap in understanding of how people viewed god before the new testament outside of the individual stories of the bible
the heavenly bodies are jupiter and uranus
mars and saturn are the limiters
mars is the lake of fire where the people who love war will go
it's tartarus probably
or tartarus is the underworld
I should do a dream journal more often. Shall kek appear in my dreams?
Kek has always appeared in your dreams, only you never realized it until!
You should go to /tok/ and spread your knowledge there, it will get the attention and study it deserves.
Blessed be you user.
That may be, but how will I truly know it is him?
Let's hope it works… am I right?