Losing control?
Doing anything fun this weekend?
Losing control?
Doing anything fun this weekend?
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Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
Castle is making a 4am picture. >>>/4am/1352 If you want anything to be in it or you want to discuss what the picture should look like, please leave a post for him. We also have a meta thread up. >>>/4am/1382 If you wish to discuss the board in general do it there. >>>/4am/1652 We also have a DnD thread up right now, check it out if you're interested.
Whelp, what did you do today?
dnd time niggers
ill bully you nerd
These sunburns hurt so bad. It feels like Hell whenever I move my hand or lay my neck back. Just let me die.
Whoever the doodle guy is, thanks for the art, its been six months since I got new shit
Morning everyone~
This kidney stone thing is killing me. I'm on a pill to make me piss more to get it out, and every time I go I freak out a little more each time. I'm going to have a phobia of toilets by the time this is done.
In better news my final Ritsu figure came in today! So if I get the house to myself today I might post pics during tomorrows thread.
I am never doing this Rabbit shit again. Fuck this, fuck everything.
Played about a dozen NES games. Pretty fun but I can't find one I want to really beat.
Are you the guy I told rabbit rabbit was a curse last month?
I am so sorry your body hates you hopefully it over soon
Been sleeping a shitton for some reason. I guess it's because I felt like shit for the last few days. I was watching a few youtube videos on how to get your life back on track and felt better though, and was going to try to figure out wordpress and get into making websites.
Calm the fuck down, I'm sure the kidney stone passed already.
Not really, going to be studying for my last final. I've been procrastinating on it, but I'm making slow progress. It's due online monday. Probably going to be hardest final. The good news is that I got an B in statistics and an A in social psychology. I hope I do well on this final, if not then it might fuck me over a bit.
Yes, I was foolish. I thought maybe it would work this time, but I was horribly wrong. Lesson learned, I am never gonna trust rabbits with anything ever again.
git gud fgt
Fun? What is that?
You must feel a rush of adrenaline every time you gotta piss. Must be nice feeling something.
Battlestation pics, let's go
Oh my God what have you done?
Must be nice.
Didn't even realize what time it was.
Hope everybody is feeling comfy this morning.
Going to jobhunt later today, OH BOY.
at least most of my room is now organized and now I'm going to try and draw all the characters I made in SCV
You guys aren't playing during thread hours are you?
Me too. I just want to get it over with so I can drink myself into oblivion after.
Good job on trying to get yourself out of the hole user.
Sorry for being late. I was too busy helping to show the Cheeseburgers our TACTICAL SUPERIORITY
good luck
we can do both at the same time
So who else is enjoying the liberal tears?
also Muhammad Ali just died
Have fun
Pic related
Touhou games are fucking hard as shit.
I also used Nico Nico Douga for the first time, it was, well, an experience, I'll call it.
Hope it won't hurt too much, but a kidney stone never killed anyone.
Hope it passes soon.
I went and saw Book of Mormon the other day. Spent over half my last paycheck to take me, my brother, and my dad. It was real nice. Just got over a pretty disgustingly low depressive swing that came about a few hours ago, so now I'm just sorta… Here. Not really feeling anything. The only friend I have told me last time we talked that I've been way too rude and negative lately. He asked if anything was wrong but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to trouble him.
A bit of writing for something that will never fucking come to anything.
Thats like hoping someone wont die after chugging bleach
wow, RIP. he was one of the good ones.
Wouldn't I have been screaming and shit while passing it though?
They gave me an official hospital piss jug and a filter to see if I passed it but I said fuck that and just piss in the toilet.
Also you better get to work on that final shit nigger.
I warned you bro!
Showing my entire room is too personal so I'm going to line my figures up against a blank wall or something.
I'm absolutely terrible at bullet hell games. Never ever will I play 2hu.
When aren't they ever not shedding tears?
What's so special about today?
What is the "Rabbit" shit?
.^) >:^(
Evening everyone, what are you all drinking tonight?
I mean if you cursed yourself the first time why did you think it would be better this time?
Yeah no mines made out of cardboard boxes at the moment.
jobs are too hard to find good luck anyway.
Liberal tears?
And thanks user.
Morning Mugi!
I feel awful. I have a figure for everyone in the k-on crew besides mugi, I'm thinking about going and ordering one soon.
Liberals decided to to show their tolerance and open-mindedness to Trump supporters!
as if they will be able to see it with all the clutter
I would have said the same thing half a month ago when I had to do all nighters on a regular basis to not fall behind in my classes I fell behind in one anyways but its just depressing to be honest.
Thanks, I just wish I started sooner.
Hm I dunno. I don't remember screaming when passing my kidney stone. I don't think I felt anything.
I'm working on it, it's just a lot of shit to cover. The teacher is cheeky cunt.
Hello, has everything alright
I finished painting all my SPESH MARENS and CHEAS SPESH MARENS and I think I may have an Interview down the trasck
Is your dick numb?
post pics
From what?
RIP in piece fellow pro-segregation of the races man
Shooting games tend to be memory based which demands a lot of repition. Really never got into them myself, but 2hu's are cute so would play.
Started on vodka, but riding the buzz with shitty beer.
I'm using a TV tray and a wooden board underneath an old wobbly table that could collapse any day. I have to repair the TV tray every few weeks since it collapses sometimes.
Water. I didn't realize I got paid today until it was too late to buy any alcohol. Shit sucks.
Feeling pretty good after a close win. Felt good getting that on the edge victory.
If your friend cared enough to ask and not just start ignoring you then you should consider letting him in user.
At least the lying (((media))) aren't calling them "trump protesters" this time like they usually do. Makes it sound like his followers are doing it.
My room is all that dirty you know.
Well hopefully thats true. It did sting a little when I peed yesterday so maybe its already done!
Sure hope you pull through.
I don't own any figures sadly.
I should probably buy one some day, but I don't know shit about buyfagging and I don't want to make a sour purchase for my first time.
You know I think we may see a wave of Libtard Suicides soon, I mean they're resorting to physical violence when we just ignore them and laugh, they almost have nothing else to move up to except Sudoku
You say "rabbit rabbit rabbit" first thing in the morning when you wake up, and you have GOOD LUCK FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH. In theory.
I guess I thought maybe it could double-curse me and end up being good luck instead of bad luck this time.
I've spent the last few months constantly looking at classifieds, and there's fucking nothing. All the inexperienced work is for chicks or foreigners. No one in my family is willing to help me find work, but expects me to do so, even though they all received help to get their jobs. My only option is an employment agency, but the last time I went to an employment agency they just jerked me around for a few months before telling me I could work unpaid at a rundown supermarket for 3-4 weeks.
Funny, my parents and their parents never had to work unpaid, entry level jobs, and if they did they wouldn't have considered it a fucking "privilege". This shit is beyond infuriating.
They're Crap
Playing 40K right
Went to a character bash at my local Games Workshop, came 2nd in one of them and last in the one after that
I don't know about you guys but I'm pissed the fuck off by this.
Fuck off homosuck
It's okay buddy, we'll still love you
I really like banpresto stuff. Just cause it has a ton of variety and is a decent price. They have like a bazillion k-on figs too.
Isn't all that dirty. I cleaned it up plus the trash is only ever in one corner anyway. The other 90% of the room is just full of figs and games and cards and other crap I collect.
I don't get it.
Gonna have to fight for dominance, especially since Ritsu keeps hijacking images
What faction?
I'll never have enough expendable cash to play 40k despite how much I actually would enjoy it.
This tbh fameruru
Literally free leverage for the Trump
liberals are played themselves
You can't really lie when photos and videos exist of it
I've passed kidney stones twice in my life. It fucking sucked
I guess you've got a point. Though at this point I'd hate to just bring it up. Maybe if he asks again I'll try it. I dunno.
I'm moving soon, I need to scrounge enough cash for an AR someday, get a new job that doesn't suck quite as much and also several dosages of whatever Michael Kirkbride took that gave him the mental drive and ability to conjure forth all the crazy old Morrowind lore
I also need to rewatch Lain
Nah I'm good.
Eat more salt and drink more water
Footage of the lulz. I don't give a shit about liberals or conservatives anymore. I just think this whole thing is entertaining as fuck.
Played Blood and Wine today, pretty fun.
After a rough patch things a back to normal with girl friend. Have a great job interview next week. waiting for the universe to kick me in the balls.*
I meant to say less salt but whatever
Relax. Just some paid agitators unwittingly intensifying the civil war that is inevitable as every democracy throughout history has demonstrated. Defend your waifu and try not to get involved.
I bought the Starter so Dark Angels/Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines
The only thing they can do that can hold politcal weight is commit mass sodoku but thet'll fail as there'll be less commies to vote in the long run so MAGA happens
What does the "AR" in AR-15 even stand for?
It certainly can't be "Assault Rifle" since not all ARs are assault rifles.
We have 3 really. Though the other very rarely shows.
You should! Maybe hes the type to bring over a few beers when you are done and spend the evening just trying to get you out of your rut.
I fully expect liberals to go full allah ackbar when he wins.
ArmaLite Rifle, I believe?
You know you'd think the first time you forced a rock through your dick you would think
maybe I should drink water
please make this happen
I'm surprised that they still have K-On merch in stock
I mean the last time anything K-On aried was what, 2011?
because people are idiots.
Overdose on cough medicine and spend a week on nothing but /tg/ and /lit/
Who's the third?
I'm not a burger so it's not like my opinion matters when it comes to burger politics. My political views would align pretty well with the libertarians. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the salt that flows from the libtards.
I want to play IG but I know how fucking expensive they are. I just want to roll up in tanks and laugh at the Tau.
I'm probably going to buy the Imperial Navy ships when the Battlefleet: Gothic line up comes out.
Watched a lot of movies with friend, ate homemade poutine he made me and trained too much again. Think I injured something.
Sell drugs hobo. Trump will need your support with your criminal empire.
I love the Bernstein universe
I don't think hard drugs and guns go well together.
Mugi is cutest k on tbh.
IG is the giant walkers right
Well, K-On is also the objectively best moe SoL show in the entire history of japanese cartoon animation so it makes sense.
They actually make new figures every once in a while even. 5 year anniversary stuff and the like just came out not too long ago.
And think about how much of that stuff was made back when k-on was hot. Tons of used/unsold stuff on the market.
This explains everything!
Are you trying to trigger me?
I'd like to hear all about your political views!
Neat Mio, and by extension all K-on grills are shit
but selling pirated DVDs is my spic specialty.
best I can do is do drunken rants about meme magic and sell it on amazon.
maybe I'll get enough to buy Eternian Odyssey and some mac-and-cheese
Honestly I wouldn't mind the liberal part in like 2001-2008 but somewhere in that time they all just shit themselves and decided to be authoritarian fuckbags
well thats not inherently wrong
Shit I forgot Kyoanus really hypes up those anniversaries
Explains what?
Holy shit my sides.
wew lad
I thought Tau was for a while or maybe my memory's shit.
what happened today?
wew how tolerant, wonder how they will spin it to blame trump.
Hopefully just means you will have more money to buy alcohol over this weekend then.
Curses don't work like maths user, they just keep adding to your suffering.
And your family sounds like twats, work is hard to find normally.
Try a different employment agency though, they could be better.
Mio>All other Ritsus
At least we can all agree that Ritsu is easily the worst K-on.
Its true you know!
Yeah I think they released like some cheap crane game figs but also some high quality ones too. Hmmm maybe I should buy one. I have the 5 year crane game Ritsu already.
To be fair when I think big 40K walkers I think Imperuim Walkers
Shame every western party is pozzed. Otherwise libertarians would be good.
Pachinko is pain but they're good boss pics. Besides. Konami was hiring for a big time mg game a while back it won't end with pachinko, even if they won't be as good as kojima.
Shit I just meant weed. I can't imagine DVDs sell for much , even the drunken rants about memes
I'm curious.
I've never seen K-on, so i can't speak on the topic.
You're not implying that you're going to continue playing new metal gear games, are you?
I used to play IG back when the prices were only ball-busting rather than devastatingly apocalyptic, it was cool but nowadays the game just isn't for me; only thing I really liked was the old Inquisition where you could custom-make your own inquisitors with their own special wargear
Too bad /tg/ and /lit/ are so slow I could burn through the entire catalogs of each
I'm no druggie, I just need a little chemical motivation in order to turn partially formed thoughts into tangible text
God tonight is really fucking boring
What the hell people
hahahha the absolute madmen!
Thats not Azusa
Sounds neat
Liberalism is inherently authoritarian. When you understand that it is dressing up mob rule in fancy language you quickly realize any sane and sensible person would want nothing to do with it. Since at least 1789, Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite has been the battle cry of the degenerate losers driven by envy, fear, low self-esteem and every other form of cowardice exhibitted by the modern SJW.
Well from my knowledge that's what libertarians are or are right now. I don't seem to pay that much attention to American politics except for the obvious mines of salt.
I have no context.
I might be thinking of Titans now that I think about it since I remember being pretty fucking anime.
Pretty much this.
I'm already in the weekend catbra user.
You say that as if its a good thing.
Dead thread. Night user
It won't be guranteed good but I'll try
I won't leave, I'll just lurk
I barely watch Anime, I just know Ritsu is Trash Also females are pretty much always bad drummers, they can be good guitarists, pianist and vocalists but most lack the skill for Drumming
Still do it!
You'll probably come up with some wacky modernist mix of King Arthur and Hamlet with themes about suicide, absurdism, religon and loyalty or something!
I rooted my phone yesterday - pretty fun. Gonna try my 3DS next.
I suck and I'm not hiding it.
Gotta finish EoSD someday.
If you're bored, just bring up something interesting to talk about so you're not bored anymore.
It's simple.
Don't tell me Konami Actually did it
I salute you Wizard, you'll be doing a service to the 4AM thread.
They need to go back.
Because you aren't American.
Why do You capitalize random Words?
Even you know Yuruyuri was a better show than K-On.
They remade MGS3 in fox engine for the sole purpose of pachinko.
We need you to post user! Whats the most autistic thing about you?
Nah, the characters in YRYR are pretty shallow and feel like little more than just their running gags.
My phone has proven unrootable due to its chinese custom ROM, that's the sacrifice I make for battery life I suppose
Oh I've got plot and themes and characters and all that good shit, I'm just missing the mental layer between the things I know and the projection of said things in textual form
Meme magick, the bizarre cross between semiotics/propaganda (Edward Bernays style), quantum mechanics, and esoteric/arcane knowledge of ancient societies; good stuff
Pretty shit reason m8
I bet you're a spic. Not a true American hiding behind the RED, WHITE AND BLUE!
Sure, I'll rent it to see if its good. The fox engine is amazing afterall
Well in kirkbrides case he claims a bottle of jack Daniels tho I suspect shrooms or some type of psychedelic .
Who knows, maybe hell hire kojima.
Don't do it. You already look Muslim, don't give the government cause to send drones after you they're way too twitchy
Man you must a missed the shitstorm. They even made the pachinko bids in fox engine. And they used the final scene with the boss and Jack saluting at her grave. All in fox engine.
I'm Tor, I was diagnosed with assburgers last year
Get Monster Hunter 4 and Animal Crossing so we can play together.
It's current year Konami you dummy.
I'm a Wizard, they can't get me. no jurisdiction.
I voted Trump and have a kidney stone from an awful all American diet. I'm the most American!
They won't.
If you insist user, I wouldn't want to breach your privacy and all, however if you're ever ok with telling us, then please do!
Then I'd like to hear all about it!
There's a difference between autistic and gay.
Well in german grammar you capitalize every noun of the sentence.
I believe there are a few other languages where this is the case as well.
It's a hard habit to break I admit.
Fun fact: New Twin Peaks is gonna have Michael Cera, Trent Reznor and Eddie Vedder in the cast for some reason, but not bringing back Lara Flynn Boyle (which is good because she's a cunt)
Yes but are you white?
I'm just going to call you a faggot and leave it as that.
I really want to learn German.
Stop causing trouble you.
howd they diagnose you?
Which is why I rent! Not worth a buy most like. I'd say pirate it but the treaty thing will be out by then prolly
O-okay. Just wear your trump hat when you do it. For safety.
You obviously have autism and not gayism
They said mean things! THAT MEANS we are allowed to attack them!
Its already Saturday night for me
Man thats a cute mugi.
And I guess that makes some sense. Thanks mugi!
The whitest!
Except for like maybe a tiny bit of injun blood cause mountain folk but considering I'm blue eyed blonde hair who cares.
I'm wearing it right now.
Ok, well have a nice day user!
You must be autistic to not get that I was calling you gay.
I thought she wasn't in the new series because she's been slowly melting since the 90s.
Don't put yourself through this user. This world would be better off without snakes.
Good luck with that, the grammar as well as the exceptions will fuck you in the ass hard.
The harder a language is, the more rewarding it is if you finally understand it though, so if you really want it, don't give up.
I am you fucking idiot, what did I just say
You can already speak English which is Germanic, so German shouldn't be so bad.
Don't worry, just gotta get a nice fat micro sd first.
I'd like to play some other games with you, if you catch my drift
I'll just wait until he gets more shit for the Rhodie camo.
You know you want Joey's dick Tor.
Royal children's hospital in melbourne noticed that I had autistic tendencies
I have What is known as Autism, Do you Know what Autism is ritsu, I have Something Called Autism
That you have autism and not gayism.
You must be a little bit confused you faggot.
Can I play too?
Same here.
It's like you're not even white. Get out of here you fucking redskin faggot. Go run a casino you fucking tard.
luv ya bae xoxox
I don't know why but I fucking adore a German accent. Still maybe one day when I'm not a lazy fuck I will get around to learning it. I doubt it will be useful though.
Oh? And what games might those be?
You never know konami likes money. And if this pachinko shit falls through kojima will be lookin pretty.
Good! Trump-san will protect you
Maybe so. But there must always be one Big Boss. And if Rising is canon worlds going to shit
Wait you're gay, autistic or both?
Yep, I lost clue of what's going on
Threes a crowd
That would ruin the surprise
Nice to know, but I'm actually not German, I just am Autistic
I wish I could get that sweet sweet casino money.
Is your waifu german? Or that weird anime fake german?
I doubt kojima would even accept.
It's cyberpunk, schway as fuck, I'm gonna be the next William Gibson and be swimming in Hugos no I'm not I'm going to daydream about writing this fucking book and continue to not do it
Maybe someday she will finally melt completely, worst girl of the series
Fucking savage, if I wasn't a poorfag I'd get the whole set
What're autistic tendencies tho?
Okay, gotcha. You always struck me as aesexual anyhow.
He would. Even if he hates konami MGS is his baby
We're calling you gay.
What games are we playing?
I've been learning Japanese at a casual pace for about 6 months. It gives me something to do and helps me appreciate weeb content a bit more. And that grammar is convoluted as all hell. Surely you can pick up German if you put some time in.
Gibson is a radical leftist cuck though. His writing was great through the 90's but he sort of lost his touch after that, and now he compensates by tweeting shit about white privilege all day
What surprise? Is it tekken 6?
That means you're not invited. Go away.
Lucy a best. Audrey close second.
I just woke up at 4am. Am I allowed here?
I have a hard time learning and paying things I'm not interested in, but I'm really fucking good with things I actually like
I might be asexual, I only get off to hentai these days and I hate every human being
Oh, okay, whatever
Hes been sick of it for over a decade now and is getting tons of money and freedom thrown at him to do whatever the fuck he wants. He wouldn't go back.
You're not going to drop it are you?
I do want to learn nip since I would find it infinitely useful. Too bad I'm usually too busy or too much of a lazy fuck to learn anything on my own. I need to drive up some motivation to do shit rather than shit around.
I guess monster hunter and animal crossing. You can join if you want I guess.
Yeah sure, fuck it, come on in
meh, the episode will start in a few minutes
good morning, friend, how do you do?
No!!! Doesn't he see he is now a tool of the government/megacorps he warned us against? Bill, why?
It might be involved in one of the surprises
You'll get nothing out of me. I'm cool as a cucumber.
There's also a gun show going on so I'd rather spend money there.
Sounds neat!
What does Schway mean?
Can you at least tell me what you're gonna do?
I meant other than those 2 games, I want to know what you're doing other than that!
Never ever. You can just tell me in private and I wont mention it to anyone!
Whats going on in your life user?
I don't really know what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I'm wasting it but I just don't care.
Fuck off bel
Well how come I didn't see a thread on it, when was this
So you're an NYR fag as well?
Dekinai-chan can go fuck herself.
Someday I will see posts complaining about shitty meme-filled commie subs and laugh like a madman.
Is that image supposed to make me feel better about you not telling me what it is?
I'm good. I made an omelet with leftover taco hamburger and cheese. Never did hamburger in an omelet. Big success.
Whoops my replies are in reverse.
Schway is just the /cyber/ replacement for cool
But there was a thread.
Have no fear Satan.
No, quite the opposite in fact.
I know and it makes me sad but as much as I hate what he has become I am forced to acknowledge the literary impact he had on the genre, maybe it'll make a comeback now anyways and be revitalized with the fresh impact of tech savvy nationalist anime fans
I'd be hesitant to ever buy a gun not in cash from someone I know with no paperwork but that's just me
It's just a term associated with cyberpunk shit to refer to something as really cool basically
You have a gf and are always talking about looking for work. As long as you keep going out and trying stuff you aren't wasting your life.
When did it happen, might of been that night I was out
Videogames and lewd online activity.
I either play Overwatch or Tropico 5 while alt-tabbing to f-list
Eh liking only hemtai means you do like a body. So maybe just 2dpd preference.
And that doesn't sound autistic just sounds normal for everyone. Unless you're interested in it learning anything is a bitch and a half. You're prolly just normal.
I see it like a man who watches someone get with his ex. Sure you don't want her but you don't want him to have her either.
Yes. Watch out for the gays tho.
Gun shows are awesome can't wait for the next one in town. Wanna see some more lever action beauties!
Check reply count. Should be something like "are you ready?" Or put in #fuckkonami in YouTube.
I can try teaching you what I know. I do have a good gist of the basics. It would also help me since it would be an excuse to study. My weakest area is vocab, but I've got a new technique that will level me up over the next few months!
It depends a lot on the stall. I got both this nugget and this model 10-A without having to fill anything out.
Sometime less than a week ago. A lot of my time on this site blends together. Don't forget that I wake up when the sun is off
Well I guess you have no choice but to add me then, oh well.
Its not like I want you to or anything!
Sounds pretty fun user
Sounds shit.
There are three very important things you have to remember about Gibson:
1. He grew up without a father figure;
2. He spent most of his late adolescence and adulthood hanging out with literal draft-dodging hippies in Canada;
3. The first time he laid eyes on the woman who would later become his wife was when he brought coffee up to his friend, who was too busy having sex to get it for himself. The girl his friend was having sex with - the girl Gibson brought coffee after she was taking his friend's dick all night - later became his wife.
Gibson is (was) a fantastic writer. He was very creative and his style was incredible. The problem is that his entire life has been setting him up to be a huge cuck. He actually refuses the idea that cyberpunk fiction is inherently dystopian because "only white people would find such a life dystopian; black people in Africa would love to live in one of these so-called dystopias!"
I feel like this all the time but I just continue to push through. Try find a goal to accomplish at the end of the day and try complete it. I'm terrible at taking my own advice.
I don't like talking to anyone outside of here unless it's vidya.
But i don't want to tell you to begin with. This is just a way for you to try give you my shekels isn't it?
I should know these things, what a shitty owner I am.
I've been looking for a job for almost 2 years now without luck.
New years resolution.
Well I guess that puts in between Tuesday and Friday
Sounds legit
Nah I only semi joke with people about that most of the time. Not my fault people end up buying me stuff.
I legit have no clue how old my cat is. She was my grandmas, went stray, then I found her and took her in later.
At least you are still looking.
Better than me. I don't know the age of the rest of my family despite living with them.
Anime makes you gay
That explains this entire thread.
Prolly yea
What a shame
At least maybe sometime in our lifetimes Cyberpunk 2077 will be released I hope
Not if you watch shows with 100% female casts!
Eh, not too much
I dunno man. You do that and you act gay a lot. Even more than me.
K-on doesn't make you gay it just makes you retarded.
He's right. Everyone who isn't of European stock seems to love the idea of strong government that does everything for them. This is why Pan-European Global Supremacy is ideal, and why ethnic segregation by province is a good way to maintain the colonies. Only western Europeans seem to be cursed with a Faustian soul that drives us to want freedom.
This is true.
I'm still not going to add you.
Is there an info-graph or a guide on this cyberpunk shit?
It sounds cool.
But I was already retarded before I watched k-on
Shhhh don't fight it
Why don't you add me instead?
Hell is other people.
Episode is up.
time to discover autism
Yes, I understand that. But this would be for Japanese learning which is a different kind of game. Well, if you want, the offer's on the table. you can find me pretty easily.
This offer goes out to anyone in this thread really.
getting fucked by gargoyles
What kind of stuff do you hear?
And I thought we were friends.
Fuck, I know that feel really fucking well
I'm fighting it. I will win.
What is your steam?
Sure, what's your steam fam?
I would but I've learned that meeting people here has been a pretty bad experience unless we're drawn together by the power of memes and shitposting.
Ah, no actually, but I did start learning conicidentally at the end of last year. It had nothing to do with the NYR. Good luck to you in your studies though!
Same. Surprisingly I'm the guy who helps all my friends out despite being hopelessly depressed, completely disillusioned, and jaded to hell and back.
The worst part is that no one is willing to accept the sheer vastness of racial differences.
Every morning I wake up to the sound of my housemate eating a big bowl of rice and tuna, hacking up tons of phlegm, and jingling his keys.
Still better than my old housemates who would have huge parties every week.
Agreed, apartment life simply may not be for me (until I move into a nicer cheaper one that I can deck out how I like)
Just play shadowrun. Should give you an idea
Try being quiet while in bed with someone. I really shouldn't be awake.
How do you let people back in? I feel like I'm talking to people, and I've even made people worthy of friendship, but there's always something holding me back. It's an empty pit that goes away for awhile, but it comes back eventually.
Hate to kick you while you're down but "hell is other people" means struggling while seeing yourself as an object in other people's consciousness, not literally "everyone else sucks."
No, it's the opposite. I'm the one that has to be quiet because they are a fucking normalfag - and none of my friends are. I don't want to piss them off saying off colour shit and the like.
I also can't do anything lewd either because no one wants to hear that shit.
I can hear family from the other side of the house. It's fucking awful.
I'll have to install it.
he's a bard and got fucked like a dick
I've got the same problem. My flatmates complained to the landlords because I stayed up until 2am going on racist rants with other faggots from here.
Good thing I didn't get kicked out.
Are you the dude who was agonizing over sleeping with his best friend? Did that work out for you then?
Describes me to a T except add a deep hatred for idiocy and/or not listening to what I tell you.
I just wanted you two to post your steams. kek. Time for others to bully you faggot.
You didn't take the bait.
Well he's an early level bard. Shit's kind of expected.
If you don't care that much about being a good person you can always partition yourself emotionally: craft a new, fake version of yourself and only interact with others through this facade
It doesn't always work out but I wouldn't be surprised if it's what most people do
posting on imageboards makes you double gay.
You just gotta learn to hope for the best. And enjoy time you have with them while you can. I've lost every friend I've ever had, but I liked the time I had with them.
Why not build a make shift sound proof wall using egg cartons and shit?
Nah, that was another guy.
I've been through more or less the exact same thing but I'm not the best person to give advice because I've basically just given up.
he could have just used vicious mockery
I do not have that many egg cartons man.
If you are even slightly more cognitive than the average joe, more than half of the world population will never be able to understand you due to their mental insufficiency. Dealing with idiots is inevitable, you must learn to speak in a way they can understand or you'll never get anywhere.
That guy who's making a painting at /4am/?
Since when is saying "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world" something a leftist cuck says
Gibson had a father though and what does he have to do with Canada, he Grew up near the Murray River, not the Toronto Poz
Eh a lot of that is idle time I also play or do anything to distract myself from the endless depression so
Theres gotta be some way to get them in bulk.
I always offer to teach you. You always decline. If you want just ask and I'll get you started with some simple "My Cat is Eating" stuff and go from there.
I'm only really using it because I'm waiting on a friend to get enough money to actually be able to afford anything
I had 300 hours on a Gen 3 Pokemon game doing nothing but grinding. I didn't even trade or do battles with other people because I'm too socially inept to be able to interact with people without either being in a situation where we're forced too see each other or there's a layer of anonymity
Doesn't everyone do that to some extend? Theatrum mundi and all that jazz.
How do you say my cat is eating in japanese?
I can't say I've had the same experiences as you. Granted a few…Well, the offer still stands.
So you can't bring girls home? That's a shitty rule.
How's your DND game going spider bro.
Why not just buy your friend wtv you're waiting on?
Nyan mogi-mogi purhaps
I also hate going out and making food when she's in the kitchen. Fuck my neurosis.
It's not enforced like that- and shes even said I'm free to- I'm just not a quiet lover.
Doesn't live in the same country, I have only ~300 dollars, he needs computer parts rather than games, shit like that.
The last geneticist who found intelligence to be heritable was blacklisted and forced to resign, and this was years ago. Of course we can talk about animal and plant breeding and eugenics without any controversy at all, but when you discuss human genetics in the same way you are declared evil! Well, the heretics of today will be the heroes of tomorrow.
Spoilered so I don't really "steal" this from Mikuanon.
If you refer to yourself as a young male
Fuck off ISIS
And that is why I have an issue dealing with most normalfags. Because if they can't understand what I'm saying then I'm going to become frustrated. I've been working on it mostly that's what I have to do as part of my job so I'm making progress.
Thanks but I'm going to still have to decline. It's a rule I've been enforcing.
Your tumblr-tier four frame gif is no match for the vastness of my power.
I wish I could just completely disconnect from needing to socialize so much. There are many times where I would rather be alone, but there's an itch begging me to interact with someone.
If I had to make myself fake, I'd rather just quit talking to people. Unless it's for job since that's a prerequisite.
But what means what and how do you even say that in english and I don't consider myself to be young.
The Codeword is 1488 lets make America once again Great
That's what bugs me the most. Most people speak of the friendships that lasted their entire lives were made during their early childhood. All my friends ended up moving away when their parents found jobs in different places.
it just kinda sucks I'll never know what having a friend like that would be like, ya know?
I've had enough of these games.
You will meet our demands by the end of the day.
Bring me the one they call Mark.
You have 24 hours.
what made you decide to quit?
Its hard, really, really fucking hard, its tiring, its exhausting and just when you think you've met people that ate better, different they show you they are the same assholes.
But you keep trying, I know I do.
You could always fulfill those requirements by meeting with people in a very specific setting that pertains to a hobby of yours. For instance a jam session in a bar or something. You don't even have to talk most of the time.
Hey mark, wanna watch Umaru-Chan with us?
The only real kind of lasting friendship is relationships honestly. And well modern women and all
No, no. You need to say that we have his waifu, and if he doesn't agree with our demands, she's going to die.
lel I'm back tracing your router IP. You can't change that so you're fucked. I'm going to get the US to bomb your ass Jihadi John.
That's kind of hard for most people I've met.
Y-you g-got the w-wrong waifus
No one cares about them
Bring Mark. If not, she's dead.
There was this girl I worked with who said she was smart. I asked her why, and she said because she read the dictionary a lot as a kid.
I tried explaining some of the insights and observations I made to her, and she got a blank look on her face and didn't understand a word of it.
If someone says they're something, like smart, funny, or awesome, I'm finding it's usually the exact opposite.
I ain't about to break down a grammatical lesson here since it's hard to format
watashi no neko wa tabemasu.
So? Just cover your mouth or bite a pillow. Seems like you're over thinking it.
I don't believe you
You should add me! Not really. I play nothing but mgs or ds3 lately. Its quite dull
It shouldn't be as hard as it is.
So how are you supposed to teach then?
I've had so many bad experiences from socializing, often with people who I don't like a great deal to begin with, and the people I do like end up leaving at some point or other. It made me lose my energy and personality, and I just don't think it's worth it.
Socializing is just something that happens to me now, rather than something I actively take part in.
He's already on cancuck's welfare system, so I don't have to worry.
Just do it already, faggotl
僕 is "I" when you are a young male, pronounced "boku"
猫 "cat" "neko"
の "no" in this case modifies the second word with the first word, so it can be interpreted as "cat of me" or "my cat", saying that the cat is yours.
は pronounced "wa" in this case is the topic particle marking what's to the left of it as the topic of the sentence, i.e., your cat.
食べる means "to eat" "taberu", conjugated to the enduring state of action by converting the past form 食べた to the te-form and adding いる.
There you go, I felt autistic for a moment but I'm bored as shit right now.
Isn't te form a command? Oh god i hope I didn't fuck up somehow.
People like those should learn a lesson in humility.
care to share a story?
Bed and floor is creaky. I like it getting rough somewhere along the line.
And even if I got past that shit the person I'm seeing can't come over anyway
Hey I knew what taberu meant! Thanks mugi!
Those vids payed off!
I do karaoke every now and then. I'll just stick with that.
But I'm not that interesting.
Can someone tweet mark about Jihadi John's request? I mean he's fucked but it should be easier if he just helped out. My backtrace will only take two hours.
It shouldn't but there's some things you can't tell a friend. Like I can't tell them I browse the anonymoose hacker website known as Holla Forums or about my delusions of being in love with a 2d gril.
Same except it was 375 hours and it was HGSS
that sounds pretty brutal. When you learn to trust someone, and then one experience spoils the whole relationship.
do you have any personal stories you'd be willing to share?
Instant messaging is more convenient.
You could tell me! You won't even post about that in the thread either, you stopped yourself the other day.
Me and and Mikuanon talk about our waifus with each other autistically all the time.
The average joe is a dumb ass, I work in retail and I have seen first hand how stupid 90% of people are.
I probably made my best friend in High School, since he is the only person I still talk to weekly.
It's weird to think that if HG/SS didn't come out, gen 4 would have been the worst gen.
I don't think he's awake.
The te-form has multiple uses, when you see a bare te-form it's usually a shortening of [Past Verb]てください, being a polite request.
The te-form has many more grammatical uses though.
What grammar source do you use?
I haven't even had a real relationship with a woman. Imagine my surprise when I come on here and discover most women are already ruined in the west and the few good ones are taken.
I just realized the time and now sleep is overcoming me.
night fams, hope we can all have a productive day and work towards tomorrow.
A-are you me*
That still sounds pretty fucking gay fam.
Did you shit in a shower?
and who said that? I just said it would be less optimal if I visited you rather than you visiting me due to those reasons you listed. I want to see you more than anything. If you'd rather I visited you, I will.
Cya next time hobo~
That's why I always say I'm quite dull. Either I'm wrong and they underestimate me or I'm right and everyone likes being right!
Everyone likes it rough. You just let the bed bang against the wall or against a wall for silence. Sounds like you're just shy really.
Just imagine how dull it'd be talking about all that normalfag stuff like soft kitty, homunculi, game of the ones and Lovecraft.
Nite hobo
anybody want any doodles tonight?
Hospital here. How are you lot doing this evening?
I pissed in a sink before
Yeah, but I want to travel anyhow, like I said.
I'm gonna draw all the pre-posed porn for money. Get $$$ off furfags for their shitty OC's.
Draw Tamamo.
Sounds pretty boring.
Dying slowly like everyone else here.
Some people have luck with christian girls I've heard.
I'm dying hospital!
Not really but I have a kidney stone, any tips? Oh and how will I know when its coming?
requesting Arthur fucking his mom while crying about the inevitable heat death of the universe
Close enough.
Close enough
I've only just started memorizing the various te forms so its functions are still over my head.
So you have boko and no, what does piko mean
Isn't Pico his name?
Because I'm not a sperg about my wifu.
Yes, then wed argue cause I'd say kemono are best foxgirls just to annoy you.
A contact has probably slid behind my eye. Am I going to die?
Ok I thought it meant dick or something
inb4 wasted quads
Whatever works, we're both at the same level when you look at how much time we spent, if you learned your stuff a bit more casually than me you can freely ask about anything that you don't understand.
Pico is the name of the trap boy.
"My Pico"
So you don't really love her then? I knew it all along
Then I would threaten to kill you until you add -mimi onto the end.
Nice quads.
it's nothing particularly interesting. I'll do a short greentext of it.
It's not a huge deal, but I realized two things from this: she was clearly weirded out and didn't know how to react since he wasn't able to remember that much about anyone else, and also that the guy remembered all those things because he though she was cute and it stuck out to him.
It's just things I never noticed before until I started talking to people more often.
Thanks! I will if I hit a wall!
I will just do it
draw me your favorite facial expression.
I hope your waifu leaves you for another man!
Good news and bad, Ritsu. Good news: you'll definitely know before it comes. Bad news: you'll know from the pain/blood.
Advice: Apple juice (low sugar) and water, large quantities of water. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially avoid soda. Soda consumption can cause stones.
Then you should get started. And I'll try doing some freelance 3D modeling or something.
That is legitimately a much better idea than getting a real job because then you can stay for as long as you'd like without needing to worry about going back to a shitty 9-5.
At least mine hasn't left me yet. :^)
Hard contact or soft?
Also, go to the optometrist. Eyes aren't really my speciality.
j-just until I sort it! It's a temporary name I swear!
Do you think I'll have enough time to take pain meds before I pee the thing out? I got prescribed some and am hoping I can at least avoid part of the pain.
I really am a bad influence on you
Alright that's it for me. Need to get some sleep so I'm not dead tired for breakfast.
See then I'd remind you off the furry pillowy goodness that is kemono boobies
Too much interest or knowledge always weirds people out. Gotta hide your power lvl. Really stems out of being different and unlike the status quo.
Okay, fuck this
This is way to boring tonight
Where the fuck is everyone, it's god damn saturday
Anyway bye fags
How come my dick recoiled as soon as you guys said Kidney Stone
7 inches of agony.
Well, I'm off.
Time to play more vidya and watch more gay porn remixes on niconico.
** ああん?お客さん?
Bondage♂Gay♂Website **
And I fucked up the spoiler, shit.
People don't usually show up on fridays. Kind of weird.
I'm getting a headache, but I want to keep studying. Damn it I hate this.
Last Post
Soft. I decided to wait it out for now and see if I can coax it out. Also thx for the advice
Nite for
I'll have to remember that.
Night, user.
Night mugi~
Was nice seeing you! Have fun
Nah its not boring, its actually been comfy tonight, no drama or faggery
I thought it was a small thing, not a behmemouth larger than my entire cock when erect
later gator
I was half an hour late.
There's the same number of UIDs that there were yesterday.
Don't flatter yourself.
jokes on you, nobody can read kanji anyways
God damn footfags.
Okay, that got a good laugh out of me.
I do like kemono but I like them without snouts and fur.
Truly the best entertainment. But they really are.
9/11. Truly the best brows.
Maybe programming instead- but I'm super shit at it. I need to get disciplined. But the brain is like any muscle, gotta build up that shit.
Also, checked.
No the urethra is 7 inches.
Kidney stones are tiny, but they can have little sharp bits on them, and some people say the pain is worse than child birth.
But I'm always quick to stroke my own ego
My nurse said shed rather have another kid rather than have another kidney stone. Just kill me now.
Any Recomendations
nice trips by the way
At least having a small cock will be good for something
Don't forget that the male urethra is several times longer than the female urethra so the pain will be 7 times worse for you.
I'm sorry user.
Wait until you start pushing out the kidney stone. The overwhelming agony might just make your wish come true.
I'd say take them when you start to go from, "Ow, fuck my dick," to "Pass me a bolt cutter and hail Satan, I'm about to cut my dick off."
Thank fuck I drink plenty of water and don't have a dick that sounds terrifying.
We're going to be watching
Space Battleship Yamato
In about 6 minutes. cytu.be
Join in for comfy and glorious opening tracks.
I bet you yiffed too you degenerate furfag.
Well do you have a urethra play fetish? If so this is going to be heaven. If not have fun enduring the pain.
post-op tranny please go. this thread is gay enough already.
>Don't have a dick
Why did you cut it off
I never understood what yiff meant. I just whacked to the furry titties and called it good.
Don't hit on me silly boys!
How does one get born without genitalia
That's what I told him. He could be warming up his urethra stretching it out instead of sitting biting his nails waiting for the inevitable like a faggy woman.
How is one born with it?
What, do you have a cloaca?
I keep them right next to the toilet for a reason.
It's a short, sharp pain compared to a long and drawn out agony. It's like getting a piercing on your dick compared to rubbing sandpaper on your shaft.
The doctor sticks it on or poke a hole in it before the parents can notice.
I just like the /fit/ maymay
My genitalia is not describable by science. To gaze upon my loins is to induce madness.
I'm just making a joke about the muslims in london. hense the boom.
Best if you don't know then.
He just needs to take it like a woman giving birth.
I'm not a fan of feet. However I won't go into if I like her feet or not.
Never had to deal with a patient with a sounding fetish, but had a patient that enjoyed fucking her cervix. She delivered in no time, seemed to be pretty into the delivery.
Post pics
Looking at your groins would make Cthulu's eyes melt.
Aren't all British people muslim?
Well I seem to have come out fine from it ;^)
Look upon my junk, ye horny, and despair.
Does your waifu have paws or something? You one of THOSE guys?
How do you even figure something like that out?
they might as well be at this point. the stupid bastards wanted diversity, and now they're being overtaken instead assimilated.
Poor decision making and curiosity, I imagine. I learned when she admitted it in private after I saw her for a checkup.
She doesn't but she's not human. When will you stop? You're not making any progress.
You were the one who said you couldn't control yourself around me so no, you just acted as a witness against your own case!
N-no bully~
That's what they get for not embracing FREEDOM
Gas the women
I've made plenty of progress. I know that shes a girl. She might be german. She has feet and is not human.
Good night.
Can you blame me? You're perfect~
Cya next time user~
Do you know just where you are?
how's this?
You delivered
You still should leave though
There will be no gay unless I accept the ship you faggot.
Okay, what's the next step in your master plan?
Make you eventually become best friends with me and tell me.
Or bug you every single thread until you give up the goods.
Who said anything about it being gay?
You have a strange idea of perfect
I'll try to not disappoint you
Traps are still gay.
Great plan. Okay I'll give you one more hint. You would have seen her.
Just try to avoid using your dick for a little while after you pass your stone. It'll tear up your urethra like a colony of termites chewing through a modestly sized log.
my 10 man is consistently wiping on mimiron's hard mode in phase 2 and I don't know what to do about it
nigga wot
In pics you've posted or is she in k-on or YRYR?
I was afraid of this. I'm already on nofap cause I'm terrified it will like want to come out when I'm hard and make the situation that much worse.
Haha wow look at this retard. He doesn't know that this is a gay anime roleplaying thread!
Well you're perfect to me
You're everything I could have ever asked for. I'm lucky to have you.
o-oh, sorry
There's no girls on the internet thogh
No. If you've seen a decent amount of animu you would have seen my waifu's show.
Love is gay and you're gay. Too bad I'm gay.
Look up a guide?
Is everyone geared to the appropriate level?
If there are adds or special phases, are your party members aware of how to deal with it?
Don't let me see you slip up like that again. Now pick a cartoon character that you want to pretend to be, and post your dick size.
I have very specific taste in anime so its unlikely.
Don't do it again.
Well then the clue is useless to you.
I'd say I'm the luckier one. I've discovered things out about myself that I didn't even know were possible.
The clue is just "shes an animu" anyway
There's a reason people want to ban these threads and we're seeing it in action.
I sense some sour grapes!
Really? Like what?
I'd say this sort of thing started a lot of the screaming.
It's pretty much a retarded amount of raid damage all at once and our new druid healer can hardly keep up with my shaman alt. We control the fires just fine but the phase just lasts too long. We might have to put it off for a while.
They really should be banned. Mark's not doing his job.
This is true. One day you will find out but not this day. It's not like I'm going to confirm it anyway. For all you know you could have already guessed who she is.
I have no clue what's going on in this thread anymore. Think I'm just gonna knock out.
So she is the wolf apple girl!
It's going to stay like this.
Come watch Yamato faggot.
Cya next time plank~
wew lad
What a zinger.
The only reason I don't want it banned is that it's the definition of a containment thread.
It's just attention seeking and roleplaying.
Was it 7 or 8 today? I can't remember.
Sounds like the druid isn't geared/specced well. Are you playing a custom server or blizzards?
Why not just bully Mark into banning everyone?
Then why are you bitching in a containment thread?
I like to trigger autistic people.
It's an idea
Then you're doing what I'm doing since my whole purpose of being is to annoy others. Shitposting's a wonderful thing.
9 And that was yesterday
Unless you wanna break that current record :^)
Good thing I'm not autistic
I don't think either of us have the energy for that right now.
My nigga
Is that a Ford Falcon
That's what you think.
No, that's clearly a car.
I took a test and everything! 100% not autismal.
Y'all needs need better taste.
Fucking kill me. I am not deleting my shame.
Although I'd be very happy to sleep next to you.
Yes A car called the Ford Falcon
Y-you f-forgot to spoiler
Well RIP thread.
And why can't we sleep while I'm inside you?
Well, you'll just be playing with fire and your sleep schedule at that point.
No I'm serious. I want to fall asleep inside you if it was possible to hold an erection while asleep. I want to fall asleep as physically close to you as possible with you
That grammar.
I must be REALLY fucking tired.
We can only try. Why not?
Dude weed lmao
Get a room you faggots.
It's not roleplaying if you're actually in a relationship with the other person.
We are being massive faggots and talking about all this shit publicly on an anonymous imageboard despite being in a skype call. I guess we're into PDA, who knows.
You're the homo here, you manage to keep sucking dick so hard in quake :^)
Please stop.
Well at least you play good vidya. You're both guys right?
Well we were going to head to bed until we saw this post. Now we're not gonna stop.
No, I'm not not into dudes
I was gonna, but not anymore.
dnd is over with now and it was alot of fun
sucks to be you fags who missed out on it
Keep going, it's too fun to watch.
Don't worry, I'm just gonna cuddle them in front of you.
did the thread ded?
shoo shoo pedo Holla Forums
That's why I'm posting porn.
post good porn at least
UUUU faggot.
What are you gonna do about it?
you love it too, you gayboi
Come here so I can hold your hand
Just fucking kill me already. I should stop posting so I can fall asleep.
Come here so I can lovingly hold you in my arms and fall asleep next to you~
You fucking cutie.
and suck my dick then faglord
no u
Kill yourself.
Well we're off to bed. G'night anons.
Nighty night kids.
I'll send you a love letter, straight from my heart, fucker! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker! You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! You understand, fuck?
I'll see you in the morning. I love you.
I love you too, you cheeky cunt
I love me too