Good Games Thread

We had this thread a while back, let's have it again and hopefully all the posts won't be just me bumping it every 10 hours. Talk about and recommend good games to your fellow user. Whether it's underrated, overrated, obscure, indie, western, AAA, nip or whatever.

Here's Shadow Blade Reload, a pretty fun speedrunner vidya. You play as weeb ninja and you've gotta go fast to do something, you've got air dashes, "assassinations", even a kusarigama for distant enemies. It's a very fun game although I wouldn't call it as challenging as Dustforce, although I'm not too far into it.

Also here's Sanctum, FPS tower defense hybrid. It's great fun but there are two outstanding complaints:
>it's made by the people who made Goat simulator
Otherwise it's very fun and Skye's voice makes me rock hard

Other urls found in this thread:


Call of Juarez Gunslinger was better than I expected, it's basically Bulletstorm in the old west.
Also no Uplay, which is odd for an ubishit published game.

damn, it feels good to be a "dead" gamer playing "dead" games

Top tier roguelike with large amount of content and freedom with good music and graphics.


Isn't enter the gungeon just a binding of isaac clone

If you have the previous thread saved, create a pastebin or info image from that, otherwise it'll be the discussion of same things again and that's pretty meaningless imo

I would welcome that after Sanctum 2. That shit was so bad.

I might be forgetting something, I think there was also some shit with tower selection. The only good thing they did in the sequel was Sweet, she a qt.

Oh god I remember this. I can understand it with the minion limit in OMD because paladins and archers are super OP and you've probably got a place locked down with half the limit gone through but tower limits is just the worse for sanctum. I don't know what they were thinking.

Rune. Third-person hack-and-slash that takes place in a fantasy viking setting.

The only issue is that the multiplayer is dead, and there's no offline bot support for the multiplayer gamemodes (unless you mod them in via RuneBots, and they're not all that challenging, plus they only work on certain levels).

Honestly, besides SiMo being memetastic garbage, I really liked Sanctum 2. It improved it by emphasizing your importance in a fight and having monsters actually confront you if you were close enough rather than just running past you in fights like faggots. Maybe because I like it being a hybrid rather than just a 3D TD game. I completely agree with the low tower limit though. I would have enjoyed at least a 20 or 30 tower limit much more than the 15 or the unacceptable 10 at launch. They leaned too hard on the FPS bit with S2. I just want Sanctum 3 so we could have a better successor honestly.

Shadow Blade looks Strider with Mark of the Ninja art

It's not quite a metroidvania, it's more or less just speedrunner stages similar to Stealthy Bastard.

Strider's pretty good but I felt the map was confusing.

I haven't been paying attention to my 3DS recently, what's hot on that system? Hyrule Warriors came over which looks like it might be rad but I hear conflicting reports on how it runs on the Old 3DS compared to the New one.

I'm playing it on my N3DS and I'm having fuckloads of fun, but its a Dynasty Warriors game so if you aren't into them, I doubt this will convince you otherwise. Can't say how it runs on the O3DS, but I've yet to run into framerate problems on the N3DS for what its worth.

Yeah I'm coming into it expecting Dynasty Warriors Zelda which sounds rad but I worry how well it's handled on the 3DS' limitations.

I suppose it would depend on how much you care about framerate. Because besides that, I hear the only other things that were effected were textures which surprises me since the N3DS version still looks like ass in the texture department, and draw distance, which is varied on N3DS, ranging from decent to "where the fuck did you faggots come from?!" I've heard mixed things about the O3DS version too, but can't say much I'm afraid.

Sanctum 2 was irredeemable trash. Don't even try to defend it.

Yeah I keep hearing mixed things too. Guess I'll pick it up. Worst case scenario I'll grab a N3DS eventually which is probably inevitable because holding the 2DS feels like playing a block of wood.

Honestly I'd wish they'd add those cool perks and different characters deal from Sanctum 2 with the base gameplay of the first.

Rocket jump stomping everything was fun.

Get it used or secondhand so you get a better deal. What little they have for the N3DS is bretty gud, but don't pay full price.

That's definitely the way to go. Is it possible to factory reset a N3DS? Last time I bought a used 2DS and now I know everything about a nigger child named JaKorean including pictures of him.

If you didn't spend entire weekends at your friend's house taking turns playing Power Stone, then you didn't have a real childhood.

Go into Other Settings and Format System Memory. Though the SD Card memory stays the same. Though I'm not sure if it completely resets it since I did this for my O3DS and I somehow managed to get a free copy of Dual Destinies + All DLC.

I think the reason for that is that the game purchased for the system is registered to the individual hardware rather than the account. That's what allowed me to redeem a free copy of Pokemon X on my own Eshop account even though the SD card was gone.

Makes sense. I wasn't complaining considering I actually like Ace Attorney.

Sanctum and Sanctum 2 are really fucking great games and I get the feeling that Sanctum 3 isn't going to happen ever which is kind of sad

Honestly the best multiplayer feature that has ever been conceived is TTS. It's the only reason Moonbase Alpha was played by anyone ever.

Besides the technical issues (Which haven't occurred in the CODEX torrent I got surprisingly), I've been really enjoying WWE 2K16 on PC these past few months, that and Grim Dawn are my GOTYs so far.

Its improved in every way over 2K15, a ton of customization is back, the roster is amazing (Only a few that I want are missing that were in 2K15 like RVD, though they've added dozens of guys I wanted that weren't in 2K15 so it evens out) plus Universe mode is even better, easily my favorite part about the entire game because you get to be the booker and book an entire wrassling promotion.

I'd buy it for the online features but I dunno if its worth buying just for that.


First one came out this year and went under everyone's radar. It is one of the most competently put together twinstick shooters I have seen this decade and it is piss ass cheap as well.

Now to the obscure shit that didn't even make it to cult following. This will cover various systems over the time span of 30 years and more. Good luck with scrooging together physical copies.

The first one is already a oddity. This Arcade game's only home port for the PSX has been released at the end of its life time and has two different names. Burgerclaps may know it under the name Builder's Block. The game itself is about combing colored blocks into bigger and bigger buildings which you ten detonate for points before your opponent swamps your field with gray blocks.

This was one of Sony's first venture into vidya publishing and is actually the sequel to the NES game Solstice. Same deal here: Go into the dungeon and solve puzzles until you get to the boss.

Overlooked inofficial sequel to Turrican with hand drawn graphics. Not much to describe here except that the Negeo version costs a arm and a leg and there is a Dreamcast version of it which is much cheaper.

Fun little C64 exclusive defender clone about a Ayy Dinorider who has to defend planetary mining drones from angry local fauna and amok robots.

Hey user, I'm a fan of Solstice and Equinox too, and there's a spiritual successor that just came out if you're interested. It's called Lumo, and it even features a protagonist in a giant blue wizard hat.

I'm interested, will look up how to emulate.

I remember looking at this, I just didn't think Equinox until now.

Have fun with that. The only version dumped is afaik the DC version. If there was a dump of the NG rom, I would have linked it, because the MVC cart is expensive as hell and very likely put into reality with Arcade Clubs in mind.

Kirby: Planet Robobot is coming out in a week, so if you haven't played Triple Deluxe yet you probably should.

It's pretty great, not Super Star Ultra levels of perfection, but still really fun. Hypernova gimmick is a little bland though.

Oh and since we're recommending Twin Stick Shooters, I recommend Neon Chrome, which is basically roguelite Crimsonlands. Blue Rider looks pretty good though, will keep an eye out.

Oh and I've also found this a few days ago but I haven't played it yet, but it looks very interesting. It's called Brigador, if anyone has played it and would like to drop their two cents I'm all ears.

there was this other twinstick shooter that came out a while back called pineapple smash crew. How was it?

Can't say I've heard of it before, sorry.

Also this is kind of off topic but I've never got what people see in Enter The Gungeon.

I've been keeping it in mind but I'm the kind of guy to wait a few months to get games half off or more. Speaking of which, I do need to pick up Triple Deluxe.

Its shit. Why? Due to one single flaw, one flaw that overshadows the fact that it made by goons (which doesn't matter, because they don't spout political nonsense) or that the designer didn't code it and one of them is proselyting about game design on a blog no one reads. It even overshadows the bad lore that tells you the story how everything goes to shit on some planet, because its ruler "Great Leader" is died recently and now you have to restore law and order by by making your employers into that Planet's dominant power commit war crimes by shooting pixel people in a game that doesn't even have gore

Its the controls

Here is a video of the game Brigador is based on. Then go get a video of the game play and not the green little arrow. See how that frantically spins around the walkers? Its because most have a hard time controlling were that thing goes. On top of that every kind of vehicle has a different way of moving. The biggest stinker in the control department that makes the game outright unplayable is the aiming. The aiming works with a aim line that also shows you the ballistic curve of the bullet. As a result of this, your projectiles fly anywhere but the thing or the region you want to shoot. This makes shooting explosive shells impossible. Since you can't walk right and reliably annihilate the enemies, they will swarm around you and thus overwhelm you. This is why I got a refund after 6 failed attempts to get away from the same stupid ass plaza in the second real mission. If you still want it, don't even try with the tiny walker, because its gets destroyed in no time. Do not get Brigador for the fundamentals are all wrong in that game.

Actually decent but its again your typical low effort Hipster design when it comes to the graphics. Give it a shot if you can get it for cheap.

Oh that reminds me, I've been playing something called Excubitor. It's also a tower defense hybrid type of game. Like with shadow blade I'm not too far into it but it's very enjoyable so far.

What a horrible shame, Birgador looked pretty interesting.

Speaking of interesting vidya and horrible controls has Slain! been fixed yet? I remember being hyped for that greatly until I heard it controlled like ass.

Also as if this post needed to discuss a fourth game, is Warframe any good yet?

Warframe still sucks and has no hope of improving this late in the game. Once they start hemorrhaging players real bad we might see a big life support update ala Tribes but until then it's going to suck because as it currently stands, they're making too much money to bother making it not suck.

I'd like a second opinion on Brigador. I've been looking forward to it for about a year.

Crimsonland is a gory twinstick shooter that's been remade recently (year/couple of years ago). Both Steam and GOG versions include the original version alongside the HD remake. Plenty of weapons, not too many enemy types (basically it's aliens, spider, zombies and lizards), a lot of power-ups and TONS (10 of em) of perks you earn mid game. Devs did a fine job remastering the HD version and putting back all the nice things back from the original (type-o-shooter, perks in campaign etc). I've spent almost a hundred hours in the Blitz mode (accelerated "Objective: SURVIVE!" mode), it's kind of a white noise game when you get the hang of all the weapons and power-ups.
Looking at their Steam page, it's now in a bundle with Neon Chrome, another game I've seen recommended in this thread.

Assault Android Cactus is another twinstick shooter and I don't have much to go on about since I've only played the demo, but what I did play I liked a lot. Killer soundtrack.

I just played this yesterday.

Pretty nice, but easy and short as fuck.

But it only cost me 1$, so it's okay.

my nigger. Twin Stick shootan's the best.

that spiderdroids level and the final level are the only levels I had not no damage'd on nightmare just yet. It's impossible.
Also there's a pretty cool hidden minigame in the credits, type gembine.

What are some good action games with semi-deep gameplay besides the usual(Bayo, DMC)
Also, any beat'em ups with as much depth as Dragon's Crown?

For reccomendations I'd say Dragon's Crown and Dragon's Dogma, both suberb games

Super Trench Attack is (you've guessed it) a twin-stick shooter with an atmosphere I haven't felt since the very early 2000's. It feels like one of those Sven, Worms or Morhoohn (crazy chicken) games. Funny, never noticed they all have something to do with animals. It's set in the first world war (Blimey guvna, we've done did been in wars and bugger all!) and is a very light hearted little game. Like I said, it's got an old PC game vibe to it. You can die pretty fast if you rush and never upgrade. Super Trench Attack 2 is a turn based strategy game like Valkyria Chronicles or Fire Emblem (not grid based as far as I can tell). Haven't played the sequel, but it has a Mixed review rating on Steam.

Do you like Ninja Gaiden? Pick up NG Black if you have an Xbox or NG2 for the 360 or preferably the PS3. These types of games are never very deep but you take what you can get.

Eh, I've no console.
I've spent a solid week trying to do a no scratch run on the Spiderdroid level. They're supposed to give you experience now after this recent update, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Do you have an Nvidia graph card and a decent rig?
Emulate it!
shit I don't see it on the list. sorry mang

Ninja Gaiden Black's Xbox only user.
I don't know why Temco gave us Yaiba instead of Black/Sigma.

Really? Strange, could have sword I'd seen ps2 ads of it in the past. Oh well.

Prototype + Hulk: Ultimate Destruction = Ultimate Spider-man!

All open world, all superpower oriented, two were even developed by the same studio. Ultimate Spider-Man is supposedly very similar to Spider-Man 2: The Game on PS2, but again, I haven't had the cahnce to play ps2 release.

I see Sanctum and I suggest Orcs Must Die 1/2. Everything about Orcs Must Die is way, way better than Sanctum. Enemies, traps, characters, story, FPS elements, progression, difficulty, difficulty curve, extra modes.

I'll also suggest Sengoku Rance. Yes, it has anime breasts and pixelated crotches, but it's one of the best games ever made. Everything about that game is perfect or near perfect, except for FFA mode which is 100% avoidable and in no way connected to the main game. Amazing music, too.

I've only played the first OMD, is the second any good in singleplayer or is it more co-op focused?

The second one's single player is just as good. It's basically the same as the first one in all aspects, except slightly improved. And you can play co-op on top of it.

I take back what I've said on Excubitor, I'm not enjoying it after the second level for some reason and it's not really that indepth as a TD game. It's more a mediocre shump than anything.

I'm looking for a new TD to play, how's Defense Grid?

Speaking of Ubishit games that are better than expected, I'd recommend Red Steel 2. Nowadays I guess you can compare it as an earlier build of Shadow Warrior 2013, except on the Wii and with a Western Samurai setting.

speaking of samurai western, play that, it's great.

Damn, Gunlord looks cool.
Boggles my mind that there are still games being developed for the Dreamcast, official or not.

I'm not into TD vidya at all, but I know Mack from Worth A Buy on youtube is, check out his channel, you might find something good.



Bumping this post(pls answer)

Try this. I had a lot of fun with its Multiplayer mode.

Nice trips, is the singleplayer also fun?

Yes. If you get the hang of it. Got pretty far as well.

Holy shit. That design is ten times greater.

Can't be bothered to post covers because mobile:
A very solid horror shooter (3rd person, optional 1st person) wiyh an interesting yet cheesy story. Last boss is bullshit hard, some enemies are nearly impossible to dodge and there is next to no handholding. You'll die a lot and don't forget to DODGE! protip: fat guys are only vulnerable to fire and the fire axe

The de-facto early 2000's 3rd person shooter in my eyes. Can get bland at times and some gimmicks can get annoying, but the combat is fun enough and there are supposedly a ton of hidden audio comments/quips if Bruce Campbell isn't full of shit.

From the creators of Hitman and Tomb Raider we have a slightly wonky but still good third person shooter with a bit of squad command if I recall correctly. Just be sure not to have an overpowered Cpu, otherwise the game becomes hyperactive.

Speaking of freedom…

The suffering is floating around for free since forever:

Bumpan. Shadow Blade is mighty fun and so is Defense Grid.

Nuclear Throne clone

It's a mix of the two. It has the rooms and long play sessions of Isaac while shooting, weapons and ammo management from Nuclear Throne.

I didn't care much for it, played it for a couple of hours but it just didn't tick with me.

Zeno Clash is on of a kind.
You beat up enemies unarmed or with primitive weapons. It's like a street fighter game in a weird primeval world.

How's the second one?

worse in every way except plot, but still ok

I'd say it's better in every way but it's open world for some weird reason and it introduces weird and pointless stat upgrades.


I'll advocate for Brigador.
You're misattributing your taste to fundamental game flaws. You like twin stick shooters, which is great, but Brigador controls like an old tank shooter. Tank shooters have inherent clunk, but that's part of the charm. I also like the challenge of ballistic aiming.
Bad parts of Brigador: ammo management is irritating and takes away from gameplay, the crosshair isn't good, some vehicle types (hover) are obnoxious to control.

Video is a shooter you guys might like. Not a full twin stick, has driving controls, but it's lots of fun.

Gameboy shauntae better than riskys revenge what the fuck?

I don't often see Bonk's Adventure or its sequels talked about, despite the games being the arguable "mascot series" of the PC-Engine/Turbografx-16. The use of Bonk's head is really unique and satisfying to take advantage of, and the games have loads of charm alongside solid level design. Also on the PCE is The Legendary Axe, which is a Castlevania-like platformer that I personally like quite a bit.

Seconding Assault Android Cactus. I feel that the game comes off as overly-easy and not too concerned with its main gimmick (the battery system) when you're just playing through levels normally, but the game really gets good when you're playing in Pro Mode and going for those S+ ranks, in which you're constantly in a rush to manage enemy placement and keep up your chain. Only major complaint is that one of the characters (Shiitake) could've only sounded good on paper and is really unfun to play as, but that's only really a concern if you're looking to S+ every level with every character, which the game acknowledges but doesn't really reward to my knowledge.

Okami is better than many Zelda games, and its only fault is being too easy. Just don't fall for the "It's furshit" meme.
Strange Journey is a solid contestant for the best SMT game, and a great dungeon crawler. Reminder that going Neutral is the only correct answer or you are an edgelord or a cuck. Mastema is an OK guy for an angel though
All of the main Yakuza games are good and make for an excellent telenovela overall.

How much worse is thr Wii version compared to Ps2?

Can I just jump into this one without prior knowledge to get the smt experience? The Snes ones are putting me off with the anime student life aspect (yes, I've only played them for 5 minutes).

I haven't played it on the Wii, but all things considered, apart from having to use the Wiimote it should be the same experience since the Wii, despite it's hardware failings, is one generation after the PS2.

Sure. The story is self contained, like most SMT games.

Well, the mainline ones at least, the spin-offs like Purse Owners and Raidou share characters and plot between them. The main SMT only have returning or mentions of previous characters as lore or bonus bosses, with some people theorizing the games occur in different or branching dimensions.

I got this game for free from that one time sega was recently cool, I'll give it a shot.

I say; I've really enjoyed Nocturne.
True, I've lost my save file on lvl 96 and right before I could get the true ending on hard mode, but overall, I've enjoyed it.

It was the only JRPG that could get me into grinding, because power was one of the few things that mattered in the setting.
I didn't had to follow any gross and forced romance that MC's usually get themselves into.
I had no annoying sidekicks, and could kill all my asshole friends.

I wish there would be more games like this.

Bumping this thread because this is the nicest thread I've seen in weeks.

Heavy Bullet. A pretty short, but a very fun game with some replayability, but not enough to put it up in ranks with the likes of Binding of Isaac and such. It really felt like a first person BoI hunting game. You die a lot in your first couple of tires, but then your brain attunes to game's bullshit rules, so you won't be rushing ahead, but instead listen to your surroundings and survey the area before barging in like skelly grandpa.
What's keeping it from being great is it's length and low amount of items. Visuals can be a turn off for some people too, but I liked it. I'm a sucker for the low poly/80's color schemes despite the indie hipsters shitting on it.
I recommend playing it, it's a fun game.

my eternal nigger

There's only 1 SNES SMT that has a student life aspect. And it's only in Nip. SMT 1 has nothing to do with a school setting and SMT 2 takes place 30 years after 1. /autism

To answer your question, yes, you can jump into most SMT games without prior knowledge. I would recommend Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga as starting points.

I got translated SNES roms of the first two games from emu-paradise.

Don't you die on me!

How's the translation work for Equinox (assuming it wasn't western developed)? Sounds like a neat game. Also, do you need to play Solstice before it, or are both stand-alone?

XboxAhoy style?

Huh? Not entirely sure off the top of my head what you mean (though I am a bit low on sleep right now, so that might be why). Trying to make an infographic on it, but since I'm indecisive on how much to be including on it, it makes it a bit hard to determine how big a canvas (IE: workable area) it's going to require so that I can get a background set.

Just tell us what the series is and get it over with.


Fine. Started playing the Shadow Hearts series a while back. Nice mix of darker elements you usually don't see JRPGs have to them (to the point some of the Japanese playerbase actually whined that they felt the first PS2 game was too dark and freakish, which the devs took as a complement but their publisher got on their case over), an odd and at times warped sense of humor (which certainly gives the games personality), and a neat combat system that, while turn based, tests hand/eye coordination to be able to pull off actions successfully (kind of similar to how Paper Mario and Paper Mario TTYD have their action commands, though not quite the same in execution), complete with risk vs reward in that hitting the more narrow targets on the Judgment Rings allows the character's action to be stronger than normal, but at the risk of overshooting and flubbing the action. Covenant and From the New World also effectively have hard mode rings that further boost output at the cost of being even more punishing and easier to screw up (and as such are aimed at players used to the battle system and feel they can handle something more advanced).

Perhaps not a series for everyone, but it's stuck me as one worthy of more anons trying out (at least the ones that like or tolerate JRPGs, anyhow).

Got this made up so far to test how much room I was currently needing on it. It's not what I'd call finished, but even as a work in progress maybe it'll help some people get interested.

This game used to be 5 dollars on ebay… it's 40 dollars now.

Way to go youtube.

Shit, I remember that. It was so much fun, I really need to upgrade my PS3 hard drive for me to fully get comfortable playing with my PS3 again.

The controls on this are a bit odd, even with tank steering but it's quite fun so far.

on Renegade Ops or Brigador? RenOps can be kinda bouncy and physical with the driving, and it's a bit fish-taily

It needs some serious work. Mega Man Zero Collection for the DS is an absolute must, and Valdis Story in the same rank as Aquaria is a disgrace. Aquaria is at most a Good tier, and you can argue Valdis Story might as well be God tier.

As long as it's not as bad as GTA IV, I'll be able to have fun with it.

X-Com Enforcer
A much simpler game than all the other X-Com and UFO titles. I always imagined it would be a perfect title for your little brother (or son even) who would see you play the original X-Com and want to play it, but be a little young for that kind of a complex game. So you'd introduce him to the series with this fun little title. Has a couple of actually challenging stages, but it's pretty easy on the whole.

Feels like the Space Marine game in the way it sticks out of the general Strategy genre with which the franchise is generally associated. That, and they're both 3rd person shooters.

Should I get the whole series or just one of them?

They're both fine. I personally liked the first one better.

How is space marine anyways? Just a God of War clone?


No Hogan.

Although I must ask, how are CAW portraits handled? I didn't like how 14 had 3D models of your CAWs alongside regular photos.

Sorta, but only in the way you heal. You have an OG Halo health system: rechargable shield and non-regenerating health. Health can only be regained when you finish off a stunned enemy (this is the only God of War similarity I can think of). Other than that you have a selection of weapons ranging from a combat knife to a warhammer and from a regular bolter to a plasma cannon. Melee is pretty satisfying albeit shallow and the jetpack segments are short, but sweet.

I liked it a lot.

I propose a game that will earn you better games.

The best choice here is accepting our saviour so we go to paradise so we can fuck like animals.
See, religious talk is very silly, I mean, we live in a world of very shady people that don't love you much, friends of lying and behaving like morons and they seem to have gods that never answer prayers, does this mean atheism is true? no, because these shady people of this planet that seem to hate you, have this notion that atheism is a very smart thing to do. Instead we are going to be stupid as fuck, we are going to do somehting they really consider stupid and moronic; say this with your mouth: save me Satan. From now on, you've just met the saviour and you will feel that indeed your soul gets saved, but if you want, we will pretend we are going to hell where we will have sex of all kinds and all manner of depravity that was never sin, but fun, and these people lied so we displeased Satan.

And there's no other approach with these people, because they have a thousand temples of all kinds filled with child rapists whose gods ingore them and they don't notice that somehing's weird as if they were associated to something evil, and I assure you that if I took notice that the saviour was Satan, is because when it comes to supernatural things, you can get to see enough to las for a lifetime in 2 hours.

Guaranteed results, even atheists and possessing spirits will want to "save" your soul now.

Remember: We are just silly demons who want only to serve Satan, we listen to no saviour of souls, we like going to hell because we are stupid like this.
Yep, them child rapist are the saviours, we the evil guys.
Dooming ourselves here.
Believe them, really.

I'm gonna be so bold as to recommend this baby right here in relation of
Because playing five hours in it showed me that it has most of the things I loved in Nocturne. Such as power being the main motivator, having a charming style, and that you can customize the SHIT out of your party.

It's an old Xbox game that just got introduced to steam so it doesn't count as "on release", and has a little promotional discount going on. Regardless, I'll wait till summer sale, and see how it goes then. Maybe someone stumbles upon a few game-breaking bug which gets repaired by then.