What are some comfy space games. I have star citizen now but its not quite there yet. Anyone have anything in mind? Id like something immersive and not too convoluted.
Sci-fi comfy
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You don’t deserve anything else.
How is it a scam? They are still developing it
You made your bed. Now shit in it.
Haha just fucking kill yourself
You spend money on something that isn't finished yet. You deserve to be scammed.
Load it up, turn off the lights, spend three hours just drifting though space and taking screenshots for your desktop.
KSP used to be comfy too, when you had to calculate everything yourself, and there was no "you have to do this to unlock that" bullshit. Sitting down with a few sheets of paper and a calculator to figure out just how much fuel you will need to save your little kerbals.
That's all the comfy games I have. Go kill yourself OP, before you buy even more unfinished trash.
it's not really a scam if they're still developing it. If they just stopped developing it and didnt give people their money back then it would be a scam. I only paid $40 anyway, not like some of these other idiots that spend an upwards of $1000
Giving them any amount of money is bad but at least you didn't give them thousands.
Nice trips Satan
Explain please
You paid money for something that you may or may not get.
It would be as if someone rang your doorbell, asked you for some money so he could get the bus to work, make some money and pay you back on his way home.
Thing is: you can't leave your house and can't control if he actually goes to work. He is also not legally forced to pay you back. For all you know he could be throwing the money into the next well and wish for a ride to work.
I unlike you prefer to remain optimistic. You can call it a scam when the game has finished being developed and has not given what was promised.
That's good bait OP, continue with pretending to be a retard and go back to reddit.
The ship in warframe is super comfy. Just wish there was more to do with it.
Did I somehow end up at cuckchan Holla Forums by mistake?
Outer Wilds
Anyway, get the fuck on Space Station 13 already. spacestation13.com
No, it's summer