Lazy Trump meme taking off

I didn't see any threads about this, so here goes. Here's what I'm hearing from normie space. Your experience may differ but today it seems to be the best Trump attack they can come up with - the Lazy Trump meme. Supposedly he's taken a vacation every weekend so far (or something like that) and wastes money on security. Is there any truth to this? The results I'm finding are mixed at best, propaganda at worst. Has anyone else noticed this attack? What can be done to best counter it to the uninitiated or "the well researched" lib?

THIS is what I'm talking about

Yes, I know, shit sources. But normies are eating it up. Have you goys found anything successful or am I just beating my head against the wall or both?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's self-defeating.
Nobody views the Trump administration as lazy who doesn't already want to view Trump in a derogatory light. The sheer magnitude of action he's been raping the headlines with speaks to that.
It's obviously Brock and the leftist propaganda corps newest attempt at stumping him.

They tried to stump a man who gets 4 hours of sleep by calling him lazy. Truly leftist proaganda at its finest.

If we measure the amount of "has done" and "vacation". Even if Trump went on vacation for an entire week, due to how much he has done in his first few months, his "work" percentage would be greater than Obamas. However, from an objective perspective, he shouldn't be taking vacations (unless he is meeting with other high officials as a form of diplomacy). Also, does he pay for these or does some presidential salary pay for it? If it's the prior, at least some of the complaints should be dismissed.

They don't understand the definition of "vacation".

Even if Obama and Trump's travel route are the same and they cost the same.. How does flying from Chicago to Florida end up costing 3.6 million dollars?

Today I've mostly listened and asked for credible sources (as of yet, none obviously). This could be a good way to go about it.

Nor do they understand that he can golf and talk at the same time.

For some reason Trump has already almost cost as much in security as Obama did over 8 years… I can't quite get my mind around that.

It's a jewish redfining of vacation. On weekends Trump tends to meet with lawmakers and foreign officials to discuss policy, and he does it at Mar-A-Lago or a golf course because he can. For fun.

Welcome to the American government, where a hammer costs the DOD 100 bucks and can be used for only one swing before it breaks and needs replacing.


Plus something lazy leftists have no conception of is that when highly successful people like Trump go on vacation, it is hardly a vacation relative to what most people do. You have a man who sleeps 4 hours a night, who like averages 18 hour work days. For him, a vacation is spent only working 12 hours a day and playing some golf or entertaining friends with those spare 6.

Technically all Presidential "vacations" are working vacations. It's not like they get to shut off and "get out of the rat race". He's gotta be on call 24/7. It's one of the reasons being President ages a man 5 years for every 1.

In government it's mandatory (as another user alluded to) to waste all the money in your budget so that your budget isn't cut. It's all got to be used somehow. As for why it's the same, I don't know. One should note, however, that Trump might be on a hitlist (even if one considers him to be a good "goy" he probably isn't as perfect of a puppet as Obama).

Trump feeling pressure to do more and do it faster is a good thing.

I think it's mainly a NO U to accusing Obama of spending most of his presidency goofing off and golfing.

I guess so. According to the GAO pdf in the article it said around $3000 for the fuel and food and all that and the other $3,697,000 was used by the SS and DHS and whoever else. The coast guard only cost $1000 lol.

basically this

every nigger you see on worldstarthiphop flashing a gun is saying "fuck Trump" and libtards want him impeached and killed….

I want him to spend MORE money and to make California fags pay for it

No arguments here.

what about the 4 gorrilion innocents


probably because the kikes are being stingy with fuel and landspace. wouldn't surprise me if they started charging twice as much for everything he needs to do the moment he started running.

NYC in particular had me thinking this too. 35m bill? Come the fuck on.

t. Califag. Send help.

soon brother, soon

sure kiddo

I'm seeing a pattern here the more I dig…

Everytime trump has to go to mar-a-lago for business, the media counts it as a "golf trip".

Mar-a-lago is the new, non-tapped white house. Trump tried the old one. Too many leaks.

Tell your libtard friends his vacations are on his new workplace where he can MAGA without the press fucking around.

Didn't oingoboingo go on a golfing trip twice a month or so? I remember people saying that he spent more time on the green than Tiger Wood.

His "vacations" are him getting away from the bugged White House to a place where he has actual opsec. His days there are spent meeting with foreign leaders and drafting new legislation. Not much more than a change of scenery.

I want millions of beaners deported

I can't wait until the wall gets started. It will be like taking the current shitlib freakout and shifting it into second gear.

I want them to riot. All of them. At once. It would be open season on shitlibs.

We need to have a talk. A talk about normies.

Normies don't matter.


Don't get me wrong - its beneficial to get normies on our side, where able… But I have the growing feeling that far too many on Holla Forums and in similar circles are placing too great a priority upon democratic processes, upon appeal to the masses.

Consider the First American Revolution, during which, at absolute most, ~10% of the American population took part. Would it have been preferable to have a greater percentage involved? Perhaps. Was it necessary, however? Obviously not.

Normies are, in my experience, molded creatures - that is to say, they orient themselves to suit the environmental mold in which they exist. This is particularly true of females.
So what am I getting at?
You could sum it up nicely as
Normies don't matter.

Because, IMHO, they don't - its not the normies you should concern yourselves with, but rather, what the extremists are doing. Of course, most of my commentary here relies upon the assumption that violent military conflict is inevitable and on-going - in an on-going democratic paradigm, normies DO actually matter, because they have impact, they are involved in the process.
But as soon as the democratic paradigm is abandoned, it becomes clear that, in the event of initiation of military conflict, most normies will not take part - they will sit quietly, aim to maintain their comfort, and side with whoever wins.

I ascribe to the notion that the great questions of our time will not be answered by debate or majority rule, but by blood and iron, that conflict is thus inevitable (if it is not, one must accept that the alternative to conflict is the gradual elimination of Europeans and the deconstruction of their civilization - IMHO, there will be no peaceful or democratic means via which to avoid this outcome given present variables).
Rather than continuing to try to appeal to normies, rather than concerning oneself over the ideas and views of normies, we ought prioritize appeal to the extremes, and prepare for conflict - prepare to initiate conflict, if need be.

To summarize:
In the context of democratic rule, normies continue to matter.
If democratic rule is maintained, Europeans will be driven to extinction and European civilization will die.
In the context of the absence of democratic rule, normies cease to matter.
If democratic rule is abolished, Europeans have a chance, at least, of avoiding the aforementioned outcome of a maintenance of democratic paradigms.

Thus my conclusion is that we should generally not pay much heed to what normies think, because
Normies don't matter
in the context of the view forward which we ought espouse.

To put it another way:
Stop spending time and energy giving a shit about the television-watchers and comic-book readers, for they will never fight, and thus are largely useless; only a small portion of them having the potentiality for such action, those being the ones we ought focus upon and prioritize the conversion of.
Thank you.

The American revolution was won primarily with German mercenaries and later the french, not American militias.

Nice get. However you are not entirely correct. There are those of us who have family and those we care about that we are going to try to save from the fire, and don't mind going to great lengths, and suffering great peril to do so.

They wouldn't have done squat without the militias. They are every bit as important as the Germans and the French who showed up at the last minute.

Yeah. It goes as follows: you'd get enough extremists to take action such that some actual foreign power supporting you sees that you're capable of winning/will have the majority (probably) align with you if you win. The issue is, at the present time, there is no foreign power that can help the U.S. that wouldn't have some interest in dominating the U.S. itself. It isn't like the French who just wanted to fuck over the British, no, if someone helped the U.S., they'd want some of the U.S.
The only feasible strategy I see is a Jew strategy, i.e., have your collective you know, decide you'll each go into x, y, z sector. Without fail, succeed in each of these. Proceed to have your will had. Although I wish violence could be the answer, unless chaos is caused by a force other than us, we wont have casus belli to act (it might not necessarily matter from a "what people think of us" standpoint since the media will portray us poorly anyways, however, the situation is relevant. Us starting some havoc is small scale and the government could destroy us in an instant. However, if the government implodes and law & order breaks down, the government will have to allocate its resources to fending off foreign interests and, at most, deploy the national guard and alike to maintain order [at least within the first weeks] in the states. During this time, one could have the chance of reaching the top of the power chain and reclaiming the land under new leadership. However, one would have to make some compromises, i.e., your new government has to be able to not lose to foreign interests as the previous one did, hence you'll need someone who knows all the previous tech/command structure of the original government to help transitioning the power structure).

There was something like 250,000 men drawn from 'the militias'.
I find your claim rather dubious sir - not that it matters: we have similar options at our disposal today.


Not the point lad.
Of course you have emotional attachment to your kin, that's expected, and noble… But you need to be pragmatic.

How many of your friends and family do you REALLY think would be able to be involved in such action? How many are women, thus, mostly useless? How many are too out-of-shape - whether physically or mentally - to undertake such in a valuable context? How many are too young, or too old, to take part?

This is triage, because we are running out of time.
We need the people who can and will act when the time to act comes, or rather, who can and will act when the fact that the time to act has passed us by is finally accepted on behalf of a large enough number of people to spur action.

Getting your mom or dad or little sister or stoner friend, etc, on board has strong emotive incentive, but in many cases, it will be functionally worthless. This is not a LARP, nor a lark, this is a discussion in the context of war for the sake of ensuring the continued existence of our kind, which must be initiated at some point in the foreseeable future - you will likely live to see the start of 'The War', 'The Race War', 'The Holy War', 'The Third World (((Bankers))) War', whatever it may be. Focus on the people who actually matter in terms of capacity for contribution to that effort, which is still yet to begin, because if we should be so lucky as to evade the slow-death of democratic insanity, they will be the ones in a hole somewhere doing what's needed to ensure you don't end up as nothing but a myth for mud-coloured mongrels in some sort of Cyberpunk nightmare.

Impossible given the current context - basically everything must be assumed tainted. I doubt there is a single soul in power in Washington today who is even able to maintain the appearance of being worthy of such trust.

No time… That is to say, no time, unless you want to end up as the Jews have - a tiny power attempting to achieve domination through subterfuge, deceit, blackmail and generalized grotesquery unleashed upon all opposition.

We don't have the time to infiltrate our own government in large number, we've got years, not even decades, in the US at least. Casus belli is ours, in the form of a requirement to secure the existence of our people, threat levied against which has been on-going for decades and has only been exacerbated with time. The acceptance of such as motivation, historically, will depend entirely upon which side rises victorious in the aftermath - either we will survive, and tell such tales as stories of glory and rising to meet the demands of fate; or we won't, and the entirety of ourselves shall be relegated to demonizing propaganda and, eventually, mere mythology.

On your point here I agree. It won't stop me from trying to save as many as I can from the fire. While 90% of normies are utterly worthless in the grand scheme of things, every one that can be elevated from the pit of the normiesphere is worth it imo.

In that fight, every bit of refinement helps. Which is why I make threads like this that pick on seemingly stupid shit. A lot of you would be surprised what finally gets them to start questioning shit.


The thing about memes is they have to be true to work. Leftists are fucking retarded.

You can put them out of their misery and shoot them in the head.

If you have ask, you're either a tard or a shill. Obongo was the laziest fucking nigger ever. That's what leftist trash does, accusing someone of doing what they're doing/have done, is one of the oldest tricks in shitbag politicians bag. Trump sleeps like 3-4hrs a night. He's Tweeting in the middle of the night. It's just more clown world bullshit from these worthless cunts.

It was 2-4%.

You could have just linked to Yuri talking about how they're braindead and CAN'T be converted once they've gone insane.

Yes, Trump is lazy and Obama was the hardest working President since Kennedy.

What a crock of shit.

When Trump vacations he does it with foreign dignitaries, businessmen, and lawmakers. Obama didn't even bother formally meeting with the latter two groups and went golfing all day on the taxpayer's dime. Trump is a hardworking businessman and Obama is simply a lazy nigger in a suit.

Propaganda is propaganda, but this is just nuts.

Trips of truth
They literally cannot meme against us. All memes are intrinsically in our favor. This meme will make the Don stronger only at the cost of a little bit of short term whining from people who already hate him anyway.

He frekkin'….