Where the fuck did the stargate thread go?

Where the fuck did the stargate thread go?
It got deleted because of people talking about nudity in season 1?

And where the fuck is the Holla Forums archive?

We don't have one.


kill your self

one of the mods of Holla Forums complained about it ot the Holla Forums admin and had him remove it

Why would a Holla Forums mod have any say in what happens on our board?

Holla Forums has mods?

Holla Forums thinks there's been some conspiracy against them in Holla Forums (just go to Holla Forums for ten seconds, they're constantly talking about us and think every troll that posts in Holla Forums is from Holla Forums), so they weaseled their way into getting input into the board's moderation as a counter measure to control the board culture here to stop what they perceive as attacks against them originating from Holla Forums

Almost every shitpost is met with "Hey Holla Forums" they really think we're behind their rapidly declining board for some reason.

Seems like Holla Forums wants us to make them BLACKED.

yeah these fags are insane, I was just reading a random thread about a canceled Disney movie and it's filled with people arguing whether or not Holla Forums was posting in it:
>>>Holla Forums930639
>>>Holla Forums930768
>>>Holla Forums930899
>>>Holla Forums930905
>>>Holla Forums937124

They also seem to think it's the same guy posting that multiple times in every thread.

Holla Forums really is like a bratty younger sibling crying to mom that Holla Forums is picking on them

We HAD one.

ok what the fuck does this have to do with stargate tho?

no one gives a shit about your stargate thread. this is more interesting.

>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

The BO is being a massive faggot as of late. He's even deleting "offensive" content if someone bitches to him.

Its honestly retarded. Its like recently they became more retarded than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if some rejects from neogaf moved into Holla Forums or if this is R&Mfag's attempt to get back at us.

if anything this sounds like someone is trying to recruit from the least intelligent board some shitposting shocktroopers to dilute the already thin pool of decent content here. I'd go over and dissuade them but idiots like that arent to be reasoned with.


Its true. There's only like handful of sane people on Holla Forums. The rest are just mentally unhinged furfags or furfags in denial.

Holla Forums has become too paranoid for their own good. You can't even start threads criticizing shit like Adventure Time because it somehow means you're secretly a fan who is trying to make discussion of it acceptable.

The Jojofags there are pretty insufferable. They even cried to /cow/ for help when someone started shitposting in their jojo general.

The BO is ded and the single Vol is a retard that no one likes.

It's only a single user posting "Hey Holla Forums" in any thread he doesn't like because he can't get Vol status to purge things. He gets banned on sight.

The guy doing it is 90% the Power Girl Autist that hijacked the board and purged it a while back because he got butthurt by anime. He's the one that made a shit ton of meta threads on both boards calling for them to raid the other one to try and them.

Thinking back, only 3 true autists have ever showed up on Holla Forums, 1 was autistic against anime, 1 was autistic for anime and the other was the Vol checking people's IPs like a madman and screeching, but stopped when everyone worked out it was the one guy on the board who could check IPs.

I think the olsonfag was made a vol. He was always a no fun allowed cuck.

Ebin psychological warfare user. I'm sure only a supreme autist is capable of such tactics to eliminate his target. It won't work though. Holla Forums is aligned with Holla Forums and saboteurs won't change that fact.

Do you have proof it's only one person?

There may be a few more now that use IRC or shit to communicate, but it used to definitely be the 1 guy as they would get banned for a couple days and it wouldn't be posted until the ban expired.


Fuck stargate. Babylon 5 was better.

Both of those are shit. Farscape is the true kino of sci-fi television.

Keep telling yourself that.

I just want the old fucking stargate thread. There were some replies I wanted to see before it was deleted for no goddamn reason

It might be best for you to abandon this thread and try again.


Are you trying to prove how paranoid and autistic Holla Forums is by posting this spaghetti, because you're doing a good job.

Who would allow such a travesty?

How is any of that paranoid and autistic?

Jamal, get back to class so you can read along with the rest of the pre-schoolers.

You mean that queer shit who tried to ban the Jojofags and delete a shit ton of threads but was too stupid to know how to do it right?

Shame on you faggot.

They're probably using that XJ9 stream to communicate. Last time there were a bunch of reddit-tier faggots in it.

Don't forget Val.

You have forced anonymity at your board and are claiming only three autists you have prescribed an identity to shit up your board, including someone "Power Girl Autist" who you have apparently given legendary status to. You are as bad as the the people crying about Holla Forums, and no I don't believe it's one person. You came in here from Holla Forums to do damage control it seems. Seriously, you can't post in Holla Forums without getting accused of being another user falsely. You sound like you're from reddit or NewFag or something because you don't understand how anonymous image boards work or how many people use them.


You are the newfag here, you had to see Powergirl autist's meltdown to understand why he's a legendary autist.

PGA was triggered by the JoJo posting and couldn't delete their thread properly, so he just deleted everything he could.
Not as bad as they were before the exodus.
Stopped posting in recent months and usually stayed in their containment.
Hardly an issue. Just really liked his shitty cartoon.
Kaziklu, Val and truteal are complete niggers. All 3 are pedos with feelings for 3DPD. Luckily, last I saw, Kaziklu was drafted into the Russian army while screeching that his philosophy degree made him exempt, truteal was only posting in Loud House threads which are now ded and Val was perm banned from a bunch of boards and triggered by /cow/ so stopped namefagging outside of the GG threads on Holla Forums.


It's a fucking chan, you faggot, it's filled with people trying shit things up and they come in by the truck load. You think everyone who posts on your board is the same person. It's not and Invision Board, we don't have user accounts. You have no evidence that these two anons are the same person. All you have is your autism.

The "Hey Holla Forums" poster is PGA and maybe a couple of others doing it for a laugh or with him. He came onto Holla Forums and made meta threads then posted "Hey Holla Forums" for a while as well.

You'd know this if you posted on either board longer than a week, newfag.

Also, stop double spacing new sentences. Are you on a fucking phone in school or something, nigger?

but HOW do you know he's the Powergirl autist?

He doesn't, Holla Forums culture comes from reddit, they can't deal with user, so they attribute identities to everyone who shitposts in there. Complete autism. Saying it was one person is bullshit. Holla Forums has been bitching at Holla Forums for multiple years, it's spillover from GG thinking this was an Holla Forums board or something.

Because he came to Holla Forums, using the exact same trip and name while trying to start a raid on Holla Forums by Holla Forums, and whenever someone told him to fuck off he'd post "Hey Holla Forums".

Thus, when we see someone use the same trip and same post, we can assume it's the same person.

Categorically wrong. Holla Forums doesn't hate any board, however is hated, and rightfully so, for being the entry point for the tumblr crowd on halfchan.

Well we don't now.

No one posts in here with a name or trip you idiot. The one person who tried, go ran out of her with torches. That never occurred.

You sperg out about Holla Forums in every thread now. Nice damage control. GG thread on Holla Forums also hates us because they think shills took over the board or something, and you have overlap with Holla Forums, thus that fag Val posting there.

Hey Holla Forums

Sorry OP must've been an accident, feel free to make a new thread.

wtf is this shit

nope, the thread's about something else now

This is the designated Holla Forums hate thread.

Feels bad when you're a retard. In fact, there's a bunch of people using names right now, like RickAndMortyLover76, or the various D-list celeb waifu posters.
Hijinx used to post on here all the time with name and trip, but you're clearly too new to know that.

This sentence alone tells me everything I need to know about you:
-You post in every single meta thread and take board drama way too seriously, trying to connect dots that aren't there.
-You think everyone that shares an opinion against your own is the one person.

I even post in the Holla Forums threads about Holla Forums defending this board from the misinformation that the autist has spread.

How buttblasted are you to resort to that?

Yeah I got that but how the fuck did this happen, I don't go on that cesspool of a board but I don't think their admin got us to delete that stargate thread. I haven't got a message from another board vol or admin since I started here.

Because it's fun baiting retards?

Wow another Holla Forums eceleb. How surprising. I've even seem some feminazi cunt on Tumblr talking about "Hijinx." I've never seen that person here. I've been on Holla Forums since first exodus.

Projection. You'r ethe one claiming every user shitting up both Holla Forums and Holla Forums is some eceleb you created who trolled Holla Forums a year and a half ago. Get help, buddy.

And then you mention you go to Tumblr. Are you just trying to look at stupid as possible at this point?

Nah. I gave you evidence towards it being a single user, and even admitted it might be multiple anons, while you screeched about me being some boogeyman who always posts in Holla Forums meta threads, which isn't the case.

Who posted this thread in Holla Forums?
>>>Holla Forums937286

You did.


I go there to shitpost and trigger retards. It's just funny a stumbled across a legit feminazi who actually posts in Holla Forums and talks about your autistic board drama that you've made into some kind of spoken word legned of old.

You don't have any evidence, autist. You didn't admit it was multiple anons until after you got called out on it, which defeats your entire theory. I wouldn't be surprised if you're in every meta thread. Someone from there always comes to damage control.

Stop baiting Holla Forums with shitty threads, user. They don't appreciate shitposting. It's a very serious board.


Well, at least I know you're just baiting me. No more (You)s for you, Tumblrtard.

Jesus what kind of monster has this board become

A lot of anons made accounts there to trigger SJWs. How much of a newfag are you?

You were the monster all along.

Maybe the monster is the friends we made along the way?

He's from Holla Forums. They're just retarded, user.

Yeah but I can't even recognize the posting culture here anymore, I basically missed the entire summer so this whole place feels out of whack

Summer wasn't even that bad this year. NeoGAF closing raised Holla Forums by 500-800 UIDs in one day as people were talking about other sites to discuss video games, so naturally some stayed and trickled down to other sites.

Actually, thinking about it, there's been more on-topic threads on here in the last week or two. That's worrying.

There's also a really sensitive pro-gay element among the moderation. See how quick your post disappears if you embed "The Gift"

How the fuck is that worrying? off topic threads get deleted.

it's a living nightmare

Do you twinge every time somebody doesn't get banned for insulting animu here too?


Hey Holla Forums. Just because your BO is draconian, doesn't mean we're cucks.

delete doesnt mean ban

How is Holla Forums's BO draconian?

Holla Forums bans shitposters constantly, it's a reddit board on a chan inhabited by Tumblr users

Wrong Lexx is the only scifi tv kino.

I saw a Stargate thread about a week ago, could be it just hit page 25 and died. Only way anyone can check is if you have the thread number.

With all the fags and pedos on here recently, I wouldn't be surprised if NeoFaggers are actually on here now. Especially after Holla Forums killed one of its members. They're probably trying to raid the boards in some sort of stupid revenge trip.

Good things really do come to those who wait.

That's essentially what Holla Forums's always been. Even before the halfchan exodus, they were pretty much even gayer than /lgbt/ and just as autistic as /mlp/. All the worst aspects of both chans always came from Holla Forums, which is why usually the sjw and libfaggots always used cartoon reaction images or avatars.

How could anything die that quickly on a slow as shit board like this. The thread had barely any replies too

at least Holla Forums actually deletes porn from the front page/catalog

Yeah but sometimes it takes a few days.