Youtube animation channel start becomes politicalized

Why does this always happen?

Not just animation channels. It happen to game grumps to

It surprises me how assblasted people are about Trump when he's basically the same as any of the other candidates would have been. He talked a good game and then behaved just as any other candidate would have once elected.

Being able to draw animate edit videos etc does not make you enlightened on politics. Once you forget why people came to you in the first place you will lose a few but once you get in to politics you also alienate half your audience for good.

Because people came to these channels to entertained, not lectured by some numale on how they should think.
It doesn't help that most of the time people in the animation industry seem to be complete retards when it comes to politics.

The people who are assblasted are the kind that eats all the bullshit that the media/celebrities tell them to believe.
On a side note, anyone kind of find it funny that the same people who claimed that the 2012 had too much mud slinging are the ones flinging the most at Trump?


Not to mention the pooing on FCC man. I thought they were assblasted when Trump won but goddamn they are throwing all of their diversity equality based foreigners running our country out the window over him.

They have over 12 million subs and they still put out videos regularly. They're hardly forgotten.

When people get a taste of attention and approval, it makes them feel validated in their actions and beliefs all around regardless of what it was that yielded attention and approval in the first place.
This becomes a problem when the creator feels validated enough to start recklessly injecting more of their political opinions into the work. They stop telling fun stories, and start preaching what they want you to think are their morals.

That means nothing in modern Youtube. Annoying has 6 millions sub. And put out more videos regularly than college humor.

Yes, but Annoying Orange's content has been made (read: dumbed down) for kids since the cartoon aired. Whereas CollegeHumor's demographic is made of teens and adults.

Fuck off ya filthy cuckchan refugee.

And why should we give a shit about them?



Never said they were intelligent adults.

user don't reply to obvious bait.

Collegehumor isn't an animation channel it just occasionally features animations to justify paying an animator, and it was always entry level L.A. left wing. They didn't feel the need to whine about their politics as much during Obama.

Oh and shit OP. Really shit OP. Basically an entire thread dedicated to "nuh uh leftards".

They are soy licking cuckholds Who came up with the thanks Obama meme to cry when someone question him. They directly worked with the Obama campaign to pump out propaganda.

Kid, you're trying way too hard to fit in.

You mean the Annoying Orange was sophisticated humor before the cartoon?

Don't feed the fucking redditor user.

Because people don't want to have politics flung at their faces by channels they normally use for escapism.
This is not limited to animation channels and is the reason why smarter entertainment channels avoid preaching as much as possible.

Not just animators but vidya modders and even fucking porn artists are jumping on the "fuck Trump" memewagon. I recall seeing on Holla Forums some long rant from some (I think) furry artist who complained about Trump supporters and that he was going to remove all of his art to "punish" them and his fans for "indirectly supporting Trump" by not shilling Hillary hard enough or for voting for Jillstein or G Nasty. I have to wonder what makes them think their little tantrum means anything to people? Nobody gives a fuck what the dude who draws furry foot/fart/hyper/macro/etc. fetish porn thinks about politics, they just care about his furry foot/fart/hyper/macro/etc. drawings. Nobody who voted for Trump (either directly or "indirectly") is going to care, and his fellow degenerates are going to more pissed about their blasphemous masturbatory aids being taken down in a (completely one-sided) protest to appreciate the political sentiment.

Is it really so hard to keep their political powerlevel hidden? They don't have to like Trump, they just have to not go "fuck Trump fuck white people" at the mildest provocation. Hell, if they really HAD to show their political views they could just play the role of "muh objective fencesitter who shits on everyone equally," that ways they can whine about Trump and still take jabs at social justice warriors since it's now socially acceptable to mock them.

The weird thing is the people who hate Trump actually like what he's doing… as long as the person presenting it tells them that Bernie or Hillary said it. They've tested it several times and it's a common gag now for 'man on the street' interviews. What happened was the vast majority of the public was conditioned by a constant blitz on TV and social media to associate Trump with bad feelings. So, now Trump is just bad, regardless of what he does or how he's actually helping all the people who hate him unconditionally.

Something there ain't adding up, then, because even with 12 million subs, they are barely breaking half a million views. Most youtube sub counts are pretty much bullshit, and more likely than not, either paid for, or propped up by the swarm of bots used by click-farm services that let people buy the illusion of e-fame to fuck with youtube's awful algorithms.

Wasn’t there a Skyrim a fuck trump Skyrim modder that turnout to be a pedophile after he pulled his mod?

Youtube inflates view counts for political reasons

This is yet another problem that started to get worse slowly in 2007 and just keeps going with no signs of getting better.
I remember when forums were kept on topic, with several boards for specific things about what the forum was about, and a single off-topic board for everything else. Nowadays everything is mixed up. People are incapable of staying on topic anywhere, and this isn't limited just to making political commentary in places where they shouldn't, but these retards are going all out since last year.
I mean, fuck, we're talking about this shit on Holla Forums. I know it's a meta thing about how retards keep injecting their shit opinions on Holla Forums material but discussions like this were not that common back in the day.
I want normalfags out of the fucking internet.

It's any of these? furfags seems to have special fascination with writting rants about how Trump is literally killing them in this right moment and well what did you expect? Furry artists are colossal faggots that want to virtual signal everytime they can. Plus they seem to believe that the porn they make is a kind of show of how "free" and "progressive" they are (because somehow the goal of social justice is being able to draw a dog with tits and a 10 inch dick) and someone like Trump "threats" that.
user, they are social justice warriors they can't make fun of their fellow comrades

How is any of this Holla Forums, go to Holla Forums or fucking Holla Forums we get spammed with enough of these threads.

You're a real genius, aren't ya?

No, but at least it didn't have fidget spinner videos, let's plays, or down syndrome commenters who can't even type properly.

you are retarded.


You really are a special one aren't ya?

Stop trying, it hurts watching you trying to justify the existence of the annoying orange. Seriously, consider killing yourself.

A lot of furfag artists are dumb, but that's expected in outlets where you have to use imagination frequently in private outlets. You end up with a lot of socially-stunted dumbasses who think that reality functions like the media they see.

Just switch to an SFW fandom that's right-leaning like /k/ or /auto/, it has a lot of laidback people who aren't braindead because they're required to go outside instead of being triggered from reading sensationalist articles about GRONALD BLUMPF on their smartphone. You can even try a blend of /k/ and geek fandoms like furry and it'll contain laidback people.

Hey "Hey Holla Forums" guy.

Hey "Hey "Hey Holla Forums" guy." guy.

Hey "Hey 'Hey 'Hey Holla Forums' guy.' guy." guy.

you guys are idiots, it's the role of comedians and artists to take on Trump. It's the only way to stop him…

Soyboy meme is real


Hi Ajit

I know you're joking, but there are dumbasses who unironically believe that.



Why does this always happen?

Pre-2014 culture is lost.

Redditors, just look at this trash

Just report the thread for shit quality.

See: every funny or interesting webcomic series.

Mind you this plays just as much on Holla Forums as anyone else. While most entertainment is left leaning, there isn't a single thread on 4chan without someone bitching about niggers or cucks. It's the eternal summer problem, the internet was never good. Go look up videos talking about it from the 90's, it was no different there was just a lot less people and the average age was a bit older.

Same reason why any type of media that is used as a soapbox falls into obscurity. This has been the case since the 60s, why haven't retards realized this yet? They had nearly 80 years of history to learn this simple lesson.

You also have to remember that you are talking about nu-Holla Forums. Comedy that rings truth somehow makes it even funnier. Look at Don Quixote, it's pretty damn funny but if you read between the lines then it gets oddly depressing.

OP, just let the shitty thread die.

Thanks for the mp4. OP is a fag.

Being called a Nazi is enough for people to treat them as a Nazis.

user stop talking to yourself.

You have problems.

Trump is basically a business Democrat from the late 90s, only more liberal on social issues.

Where the joke? It just makes college humor look Butt hurt

Trump is dumb as fuck, BLACKS rape as much as TRICE as Latinos, the fact that people enjoy it afterwards means shit, AFRICANS are a menace due to their genetics!

Styx is that you? Never pegged you as a comic book fan.

Hey Holla Forums.

Just so you guys know brentafloss released practically the exact same thing three days before this one.

Like Collegehumor themselves.



Hey Holla Forums

spite bump for sperg

Hey Holla Forums

I think actually he was separately noting that the posters are shit and the thread is report-tier shit. Both true, in my opinion.

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#Resist #Nov4 #BlackPower #SocialistRevolutionNow #NoHumanBeingIsIllegal #RefugeesWelcome #NotAllMuslims #FuckWhitePeople #Antifa #PunchNazis #ImWithHer