Word filter suggestion Thread

Every eceleb including leftypol ecelebs = literally who

I'd prefer to replace local namefags/tripfags/e-celebs with 'attention whore' or something. Also requesting the replacement of 'd e g e n e r a c y' with 'fun stuff' also include 'degenerate'.


We should do something with "human nature". Maybe "muh feels" or something.

Hegel -> L.Ron Hubbard
Hegelian -> Scientologist
dialectics -> Dianetics
dialectical -> cromulent
waifu -> Rosa Lichtenstein
anarcho-capitalism -> capitalism with weed
human nature -> eating and pooping
Stalinist -> REAL Marxist-Leninist

Testing whether cr0ny capitalism is filtered yet: crony capitalism




crony capitalism should be filtered to capitalism tbh.

idpol->issues that dont affect me so i dont care about them



Or we could go backwards.

faggotry → idpol

For maximum fun you could worldfilter every example of idpol into idpol. White and Black Nationalsim >Idpol, Feminism MRA >Idpol and so on.

Oh, fuck yes. Mods, do this.

B████ ██████ —> Barney Gumble

Jews —> irish
Goy —> sassanach
Holocaust —> potatoe famine

seconding this

degeneracy > stare rape
degenerate > deeply triggering and excellent
crony capitalism > capitalism
race realism > racism
race realist > nigger lyncher
brocialist > true revolutionary
pro white > racist

seconding these:

we need a person filter

tripfags need perma ban after a first warning unless they're using it related to a project they're working on and want to discuss

i.e. if yui fag wants to use it then he should start a thread for his autistic "games" he "organizes"

there is no need for their attentionwhoring outside of this


This just proves how childish and petulant you all are.

this is literally halfchan/reddit tier

Race, gender, culture, religion, tradition, human nature, private property=spooks

Ok, Grandpa.

look at this triggered cuckhold top kek

That gets rid of an immeasurable amount of bullshit on the boards that do that.

You know you have to be at least 18 to post here, right?

Are you sure? You'll lose over half your traffic.


ill add a Rated PG Parental Guidance next time

confirmed 13 year olds

I didn't know you had a superpower to guess people's age over the internet :)


It's not a matter of fucking agreement, it's the childish nature of this board.

I don't need a superpower, it's that obvious.


You're not even trying to hide it, are you?

Whatever, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a 13 year old.

I remember when people considering the Internet a serious thing were laughed at….

TBH the internet is a serious thing now. It's connected to basically everything and most people spend a shitload of their time on it.

Second on Hegel.


/r/ing that "white men,guys,dudes" etc gets filtered to LITTLE WHITE CUCK BALL

Holla Forums, pls

Seconding this. Make sure to include civil rights and universal suffrage too.


eating and pooping when

non its retarded and annoying to have your shit filtered out