Trolling Scholars Debunk the Idea That the Alt-Right’s Shitposters Have Magic Powers

Oh god Vice is losing their fucking minds. They're actually trying to debunk Kek.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope everyone in this board remember to praise kek every morning and every night


Doctor said to stay away from carcinogens, even in archive form. Anyone willing to copy paste the article?

Presidential candidates are losing elections and people opposing the idea are getting heart attacks. I`m pretty sure its real.


saw OPs pic over on halfchan. I FUCKING ==KNEW== this would be from vice.


For user. Shadilay, brother.

Trolling Scholars Debunk the Idea That the Alt-Right’s Shitposters Have Magic Powers

Whitney Phillips, Jessica Beyer, and Gabriella Coleman

Mar 22 2017, 3:56pm

Asserting that alt-right "trolls" were a deciding factor in Trump’s victory minimizes the broader trends that amplified their influence.

Since Donald Trump won the election, journalists, academics, and various online commentators have speculated wildly about the role that trolling, 4chan, and the alt-right's "meme magic" played in Trump's rise. Across countless news articles, hot takes, and Twitter debates, several recurring assumptions have emerged. First, that members of the alt-right (and even members of the Trump administration) are trolls, and more broadly, that the word "trolling" is the best descriptor for the current political climate. Second (and these are points that tend to be baked into broader stand-alone articles), that this "trolling" is interchangeable with 4chan, with the further assumption that 4chan is interchangeable with Anonymous, itself framed to be the Ur alt-right. Third, that 4chan itself, as a website, radicalized users towards white nationalism. And finally, the coup de grâce: that 4chan—and its alt-right trolls—were a deciding factor in Trump's election.

This all makes for a compelling narrative. But what actually happened—what has been happening for the last several years—isn't so straightforward. Pro-Trump antagonism during the election may have been omnipresent, and may have helped amplify Trump's message. But it cannot and should not be tethered to online communities of the past. It was, instead, symptomatic of much deeper, much more immediate cultural malaise.

We can makes this claim, because we've been studying online communities and subcultures for years; the three of us, Jessica Beyer, Gabriella Coleman, and Whitney Phillips, have each published books on hacking and/or trolling cultures, with a particular focus on 4chan and Anonymous between 2008-2014. We're not alone; ours joins the work of other researchers and journalists also writing about trolling and Anonymous at the time, including David Auerbach, Burcu Bakioğlu, Michael Bernstein, Julian Dibbell, Lee Knuttila, Ryan Milner, Quinn Norton, Parmy Olson, Molly Sauter, Luke Simcoe, and others.

Our combined total of over thirty years of research experience—which draws from and is in dialogue with the above research—puts us in a unique position to challenge the assumptions made about 4chan, alt-right trolling, and their role in the election. We are also in a unique position to assert why these assumptions are worth challenging, well beyond issues of semantics, well beyond research quibbles, well beyond academic flag planting. As our work on the contexts and impacts of online mobilization shows, getting these stories right is critical to navigating the overall media landscape.

Now, more than ever, this landscape must be plotted. White nationalism isn't going away. Donald Trump isn't going away. The internet isn't going away. And in this era of disintegrating public trust—in journalism, in institutions, in basic objective truth—certainly isn't going away. It is therefore imperative that we, that all of us, are clear about what is known, what has precedent, and what in the hell we are even talking about when we talk about "trolling" in 2017.

The Variety of Trolling Experiences

The first and most basic point to contest is the idea that "trolling" is an appropriate descriptor for the white nationalist alt-right. Phillips is particularly resistant to this framing (especially when applied to Donald Trump). Though the word "trolling" rose to prominence in the early-mid 2000s as a specific, bounded point of subcultural self-identification, the term has been applied to so many different kinds of behaviors in so many different contexts over the last ten years that big and small, damaging and harmless, progressive and reactionary, are now flattened into one slippery category vaguely suggesting disruptiveness. Forwarding hateful opinions and calling the President out for hypocrisy. Signaling feminist solidarity and signaling violent misogyny. All, somehow, the same underlying thing.

In 2017, the term "trolling" doesn't mean much. And yet it is thrown around as easy shorthand, both to explain what something is and to defend why it's done.

When used to explain or defend the kinds of behavior favored by the alt-right, "I was just trolling" doesn't just muddle the definitional waters. It also gives bigots an easy way to deflect personal responsibility for hateful action, as Aja Romano thoughtfully unpacks. In fact, it allows them to redirect that responsibility to the person who "let" themselves get trolled, despite the truth—equally applicable to offline violence, particularly sexual violence—that the only person responsible for an attack is the person responsible.

This, in turn, normalizes an antagonist-centered worldview, in which the aggressor gets to choose their own terms and assert what the appropriate reaction to their behavior might be—an especially troublesome proposition when the behaviors in question are violently racist, misogynist, and anti-Semitic, as is often the case in alt-right circles. As Phillips argues, "I was just trolling" is, in these instances, the worst kind of cop-out. Alt-right antagonisms—really any antagonisms—should instead be described in terms of the impact they have on targets, not what the antagonists want people to think.

It's not just that the term "trolling" is slippery at best and ideologically toxic at worst. It's that use of the term "troll" when referring to contemporary 4chan users posits a false equivalency—and false uniformity—between those who were described as trolls in the past and those who are described as trolls in the present. As if trolling (or what's referred to as trolling) now is the same thing as what was referred to as trolling then. The fact is, even back then—in the ancient civilization of 2007—trolls were a heterogeneous bunch. Self-identifying trolls could be harmless pranksters, less harmless troublemakers, and merciless abusers. Some expressed vicious bigotries; some expressed more ambivalent bigotries; and some didn't express any bigotries. Some even trolled bigots.

Calling antagonists—particularly white nationalist antagonists—"trolls" in 2017, and furthermore linking these "trolls" to the trolls of yesteryear, overwrites the fracture that always existed within early trolling subculture. This doesn't just tie contemporary "trolls" to a homogenous legacy that never existed, it implicitly suggests that we've been here before; that online trolling is same as it ever was. But we haven't, and it isn't. Trolling never was any one thing, and it certainly wasn't the thing the alt-right has metastasized into. We don't have a blueprint for any of this.

Communities Change

The second claim warranting pushback is the false assumption that alt-right "trolling" is equally interchangeable with 4chan and Anonymous, an assumption that posits static, ahistorical framings of both. Making this claim, either explicitly or implicitly, obscures the one basic, unifying fact of 4chan and Anonymous: that they change, both in terms of demographics and ideologically .

Certain vernacular norms have, of course, persisted over time; components of geek culture, meme culture, and rhetorical strategies associated with early trolling subculture and other forms of transgressive humor can still be found on contemporary 4chan and within groups of Anons, although the same could be said for many spaces and communities steeped in the broader category of internet culture, such as reddit (which itself is home to a number of pro-Trump alt-right boards—most notably r/the_donald—often discussed alongside 4chan's "politically incorrect" Holla Forums board).

But beyond these more aesthetic—and sometimes rhetorical—through-lines, the 4chan and Anonymous of 2017 is not the same as the 4chan and Anonymous of 2008. On 4chan, this shift is most directly attributable to changes within its userbase.

That white supremacists from Stormfront decided to recruit on 4chan's Holla Forums board, for example, in the process drawing new participants into the 4chan fold, speaks to this variability . So too does the exodus of many users in 2014 to places such as Holla Forums, when Chris Poole (aka moot), the site's founder and head administrator, decided to ban all discussion of the GamerGate hate and harassment campaign.

Even if the individuals using 4chan had remained absolutely invariable, however, those who were 20 in 2008 would be nearly 30 today, precipitating its own kind of change. Building on these shifting demographics, the site has seen a number of shifts in on-site affordances, policies, and ownership; and as Beyer highlights, such structural changes directly impact participant behavior.

Members of Anonymous ruthlessly hacked governments and corporations, and eventually embraced domestic social justice, drawing attention both to rape culture and police brutality across North America

The same holds for Anonymous, which emerged not just from 4chan, but a constellation of chans and IRC conversations. Anonymous' organizing quickly moved beyond the chans and 4chan in particular, in large part because many people who did not frequent 4chan began to join, and 4chan didn't meet their needs (which is why, as Coleman shows, some were already talking elsewhere, such as IRC channels). The influx and departure of new Anons from different populations with different objectives over many years (here is an example from 2012) resulted in a number of profound shifts, sometimes in opposing ideological directions, sometimes simultaneously, as Beyer's and Coleman's work both illustrates.

Indeed, the assertion—most conspicuously forwarded in Dale Beran's widely shared "4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump" article—that there exists a fundamental continuity between the 4chan and Anonymous of today and the 4chan and Anonymous of ten years ago is complicated by just how much progressive activism has been undertaken by Anonymous since 2008. Contrary to Beran's account, which grossly minimizes Anonymous' role in Occupy Wall Street, the Anonymous of 2008-2015 displayed an ever growing commitment to social justice issues.

As Beyer's and Coleman's work chronicles, contributions made by Anonymous from this period were substantial, legion, and reverberated around the world: along with assisting every single occupation and revolution in 2011, from the 15-M movement gripping Spain to the first Tunisian flickering of the Arab and African Spring, members of Anonymous ruthlessly hacked governments and corporations, and eventually embraced domestic social justice, drawing attention both to rape culture and police brutality across North America.

These political behaviors, in full swing by 2011, even predated Anonymous' emergence as an activist force in 2008. In 2006, for example, Anons famously attacked the racist radio host Hal Turner, and over the next few years engaged in a number of proto-political raids that blurred the line between trolling and political action.

This faction was never a "skeleton key" to Donald Trump's Presidential ascension —but they sure as hell want people to think they were
4chan, Anonymous, and their freewheeling, offensive culture of lulz thus managed to hatch—or at least served as the breeding ground for the expression of—progressive and violently bigoted ideals alike (not to mention a whole range of ambivalent, hard to place expression) over the span of the same decade. The idea that 4chan and its presumably interchangeable spawn Anonymous is fundamentally "united by a common culture and set of values, fuzzy around the edges, but solid at the core," as Beran argues, just doesn't hold up in the face of the verifiable historical record.

Taken together, all these factors—from shifts in participant demographics to shifts in community norms to shifts within the broader culture—mean that, when it comes to 4chan and Anonymous, none of us can step in the same river twice. Any argument to the contrary is simply false. Furthermore, any arguments to the contrary—like those presented in Beran's article—simply cannot explain how the same cultural bullion has been the stock for such diametrically opposed political soups.

The Dangers of Amplifying False Narratives

The third issue to address is the seemingly explanatory (and, admittedly, tidily appealing) idea that 4chan—and its alt-right trolls—were the lynchpin for securing Trump's Presidential victory.

It is certainly true that the alt-right's pro-Trump "shitposting"—the act of flooding social media with memes and commentary designed to bolster their "God Emperor" Trump—raised the public visibility of the alt-right and its memetic handiwork. And it is also true that this uptick in public visibility forced people to focus on Trump more than they would have otherwise. The shitpost connection reached critical mass in August 2016, when Hillary Clinton held a press conference (precipitated, in part, by Pepe the Frog) denouncing Trump's ties to the white nationalist group—much to the delight of precisely those white nationalists. Without a doubt, this speech and all the alt-right activity that preceded and followed it contributed to the overall momentum of Trump's campaign.

To assert that alt-right shitposters were a deciding factor in Trump's victory risks minimizing the broader cultural, societal, and media trends that influenced their influence

But that activity didn't happen in a vacuum, and wasn't self-propelling. "Trolls" and the alt-right may have played a prominent role in the 2016 election, but that fact is dependent upon and cannot be untangled from journalistic coverage that amplified their messaging—shitpost memes very much included. Phillips describes how media coverage—even coverage condemning alt-right antagonisms—helped conjure this monster, and how that conjuring, in turn, helped amplify Trump's overall platform (which itself was a series of memes).

The fact that alt-right participants received so much coverage speaks to an even deeper issue, perhaps the weightiest issue, influencing Donald Trump's rise. More than fake news, more than filter bubbles, more than insane conspiracy theories about child sex rings operating out of the backs of Washington DC pizza shops, the biggest media story to emerge from the 2016 election was the degree to which far-right media were able to set the narrative agenda for mainstream media outlets (This point is ably argued by internet scholars Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, Hal Roberts, and Ethan Zuckerman).

What Breitbart did, what conspiratorial far-right radio programs did, what Donald Trump himself did (to say nothing of what the silent contributors to the political landscape did), was ensure that what far-right pundits were talking about became what everyone was talking about, what everyone had to talk about, if they wanted to keep abreast of the day's news cycle. Alt-right antagonisms—their "trolling"—was one cloud among many in this gathering storm, one roaring towards the mainstream from the far-far right. Shitpost participants adeptly harnessed this energy, were thrust into prominence because of this energy, and were able to transfer greater attention to Trump through this energy. But they didn't create this energy.

Consequently, to assert that alt-right shitposters were a deciding factor in Trump's victory risks minimizing the broader cultural, societal, and media trends that influenced their influence. Worse, when coupled with the aforementioned assumptions about the interchangeable relationship between the alt-right, "trolling," 4chan, and Anonymous, the claim that "trolls caused Trump" bestows a kind of atemporal, almost godlike power to what is no more and no less than a bigoted subset of a faction of an ever-evolving, ever-unstable, ever-reactive anonymous online collective. This faction was never a "skeleton key" to Donald Trump's Presidential ascension—but they sure as hell want people to think they were.

And this gets to the heart of why any of this matters. Taking the time to map—to accurately map—the repeated, fractured, reconfiguring mobilizations emerging from anonymous and pseudo-anonymous spaces online allows us to understand where we are and how we got here. It also allows us to anticipate where we might be going next, for better and for worse. But more importantly, fully contextualizing our present moment—particularly given how tenuous facts in our present moment have become—puts us in a better position to safeguard the actual record, and to carefully parse symptom from disease. All the better to resist doublethink with; all the better to stand up to those who attempt to hijack the narrative.

Kek is like the Idea of Evil in Berserk. It was something named and constructed by man because man needs a god. Then, through the efforts of memes which control the subconciouses of the masses this entity gains a will fit to our own. Thus, a god comes into existing performing that which we wish or is needed.

This concept is called "egregore".


The collective is waking up, establishment is freaked.

Is this a challenge?

Watch out, we have professionals over here.

do they want a heart attack like david brock?

It took 3 of them to write this garbage?

That line got me. I'm not even mad that they attempted to study it, I'm just laughing at the effort exerted. How can so many people deemed "intelligent" by their peers be so fucking dense?

Do these fools think they can possibly understand the powers that are at work in this timeline? Most of us don't even understand what the fuck we are memeing into existance, why would these schmucks think they have the faintest idea of what meme magic truly is?

kek it took THREE writers to make this. Journalism is fucking dead


IDEFK user, just serving copypasta for Kek and his devotees.

Vice better be careful.

Look what happened to Brock.

user, this is the new smart. Trannies are the new normal, 40 is the new twenty like wow get on with the time shitlord !

Isn't vice supposed to be the edgy 20 something year old website?

The fact that they call it the alt-right proves they don't know what the hell they're talking about. A proper analysis would have the alt-right not mentioned, or it would explain it as follows:
In the whirlpool of beliefs that flow through Holla Forums a commonality began to arise. Maybe because people knew it was now or never with respect to presidents. Thus, it was truly picking the lesser of two evils as necessary. With the flow of Holla Forums's conciousness becoming uniform, people saw a group that could be used to form a new group to represent the growing faction of modern politics. Thus, certain people (see Milo et al.) decide to cut through this "conciousness" picking out the parts they like/find most popular and moderating things as necessary. Consequently, a political identity which the average normalfag will identify with is born, and those who do not know its origins are likely to join it/think it's the original. Thus, the alt-right is born, an abberation of the original conciousness from Holla Forums.

All the proof required to assert the point that journalism is dead.

It's truly amazing how much they fear/hate us.

Quality journalism right there.

Quality scholars too.

Not anymore, the edgy thing to do is the whole alt kike thing now.

and even more proof that we do influence them and meme magic is real. In their own effort to deny it and try to prove it wrong they only reassert that we were always right.

This was some of the most poorly written shit I've forced myself to go through. So many unnecessary, cliche sentences "White nationalism is here to stay. Donald Trump is here to stay. The internet is here to stay."

Anytime I read a "…is here to stay" statement by a reader I know that they've got absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. This article just continued to confirm that.

All of their arguments can basically be summed up as: trolling ain't what it used to be back in my day, 4chan and "Anonymous" were actually always super progressive and definitely not racist, and that trolls didn't cause Trump to get elected but they did help.

a whole lot of useless words.

I wonder if they change their mind if they suddenly suffer a prolonged streak of bad luck. Phone calls in the middle of the night, pizza deliveries, strangers appearing at their front door because of some craigs list ads… Kek works in mysterious ways.

I often see goons use these exact kind of sentences.

What could go wrong…





Which is funny because it's absolutely false. It was "liberal" in a particular sense. I.e., a I do what I want I don't care about the consequences attitude. However, this itself entailed racism, getting people to kill themselves,ruining people's lives (with the occassional side-project of doing something considered "justice" as a consequence of ruining someone's life).
Old Holla Forums & 4chan was liberal in the idgaf sense, never progressive. Progressive crap only started existing when normalfags started flooding in, /soc/ becoming more popular etc. (basically when the feel you usually have when you start a niche forum begins to wear off).

Alright, let me demolish these overly-academic idiots.

Bullshit. Majority of old Holla Forumstards have moved onto Holla Forums because it's the only way to have genuine lulz anymore

Everybody knows Holla Forums became NatSoc through the NatSocs managing to out bantz and out argue the other ideologies aside from the lolbergs. Anybody should remember communist general on old/pol/.

laffin tbh

why the fuck did the news media cover the trolls if they were so minor
clearly they had an impact you stupid whore
gas this bitch

Reading through this made me mentally tired.
They waste so many words trying to say fucking nothing and then don't back up that nothing.
How did this idiot get a job?



Her second book, co-authored with Ryan Milner of the College of Charleston, is titled Between Play and Hate: Antagonism, Humor, and Mischief Online, and is forthcoming with Polity Press (2017).

Go back

Jesus Christ dude, how could you even read that shit? Its just a fucking wall of worthless rhetoric - I only scanned it and I feel like I lost a few IQ points by that minimal exposure.

Why the fuck would anyone list that in their resume ? This is top tier retardation.

I actually want to read some of her peer-reviewed articles and see if they're this analytically vapid tbh

By the power of three sluts combined, we have become…

They really think we don't wield occult powers with the combined effort of our collective shitposting.

They're never going to catch up now.

tl;dr: "butthurt rednecks and flip-flopping normalfags helped trump win, so that means the """alt-right""" played no significant role, and also magically disproves the idea of them having magical powers even though its completely unrelated"

Pretty much this. I stopped halfway through and learned nothing.

Anyone thought about messaging these dumb cunts and telling them how wrong they are? Too bad this isn't important enough to have a "personal army request" about. It would be funny for hundreds of e-mails/throw-aways from 4chan/Holla Forums to be spammed at them telling them how retarded/incorrect they are.

This whole article is semantics and pointless verbosity.

It reads like they're trying to convince themselves that they're intelligent.

Well if I was going to hire a writer to peddle lies that sound like things my target audience grew up believing in, I would probably want to see those exact three degrees together. I'd hire a man though, I want actual results, not feminism

All we need to do is retort with pic related

Underrated post lad

Okay "Doctor" Phillips. Clearly we should defer to your vast basin of knowledge and experience.

Or convince their sheep we're harmless and don't influence anything.

It will never, ever, ever, ever die. In 3127 AD, Marxist rebels on Aldebaran IV will still be telling scary stories about GamerGate to their gestating cyberclones.

They aren't being very tolerant of our religious beliefs

I think that they'd be more interested in convincing themselves of that more than anything else.

Bitches can't handle KEK'S power



I'm angry at myself for reading that shit. Fucking woman.


I was a freelance editor when I was 13. I could have banged out a better article, solo, in a few hours at that point in my life. These useless twats took college space and professor time away from capable white males–that's what really irks me. And fuck, if these """authors""" are this terrible, why doesn't someone with actual skill take their place? Oh right, libshits.

These political behaviors, in full swing by 2011, even predated Anonymous
That was Soros and CIAnigger co-opted anonymous, it wasn't us.

Kekites are the true inheritors of the legacy of old Anonymous

Yeah that too but, they visit here and halfchan looking for stories so they see whats going on. I suspect they know they're lying to themselves.

That was us and Hal turned out to be controlled opposition.

Don't forget to get your doctorate in Spurdo Studies and minor in Wojakology.

How are you going to get a job in that meme field? Choose something more challenging, faggot. Something that will better our imageboard.

I was apart of the raids on Hal and him turning out to be a CIAnigger really redpilled me hard.

checked for kek

Name of Article

Spends entire article begging the question that we ain't chanology which anyone would have just plane given.

Holy shit, these academics need to explode

Why is it that seemingly intelligent appearing people often have zero capacity for spiritual or metaphysical understanding and knowledge?

It's like the sperglords who spend their lives trying to "debunk" placebo pills and gimmicks, while simultaneously agreeing that all research shows Placebo's actually work. They refuse to admit the power belief holds over the physical. They refuse to understand that reality is built out of subjective experiences of individual consciousnesses. It doesn't exist "Anywhere" objectively.

Meme magic is unequivocally real. I've seen and used it in real life with tangible effects. I've seen it used by others. They admit only the physical, and deny the spiritual (and even mental) realms exist.

They are golems effectively, and by choice. Lacking any connection to God, any self understanding.

Meme magic is real, anons. It has always been real. The ancients knew it by other names. Our ancestors knew it too. Never forget, never doubt.

Praise Kek!


Gondology is the true path to success.


I'm literally levitating shit around my apartment right now.
You don't know me.

It's been about a decade and they STILL can't figure out what trolling is.

All according to kekaku.

I want to be able to use powers to actually destroy shit the kikes tbh.

*teleports to tel aviv*
heh.. nothin personil jews

Speaking of autism…

You cannot debunk god.

Baneposting just keeps on crashing. Be sure to include that in your studies.

Renowned globalist scumbag David Rockefella dies

On the same day as international frog day

On the same day as Barron Trump's 11th (repeating digit) birthday

On the same day as the international day of happiness

And SJW's be all like "Meme magic isn't real!".


You have to go back.

impossibru, kek is why I'm winning

Thanks kindly user. Here's some ass.

Magic is perspective.

Kek bless you, user.

Yes, we need to praise kek harder.

You're welcome; checked as big guy.

Time to learn the ways of the force properly methinks.




Lol, idiots. I can't wait for the race war so we can slaughter these stupid cunts (and keep the decent looking ones as sex slaves obviously).


They're right, Aut-Righter don't have any magical powers, but that won't stop them from constantly engaging in gay sex magick.

I want all of you Holla Forumssters to know this. I have been with you now for a decade. I LOVE YOU ALL

That's what it was in the 90s. Today it's for aging gen X losers who still wear the Vanilla Ice goatees they had in high school.

Welp,I read it.
So this is what it's like to have kansa,huh?

Thanks JIDF, we love you too.

user… Im so sorry… Its terminal. You have 10 weeks to live.

Boy ain't that the truth. I'm glad to have good old JIDF back

Yeah, they don't even seem to understand that it was the CIA. They still believe the retard normie narrative that the "Arab Spring" was some spontaneous progressive democratic uprising and not a carefully cultivated CIA operation years in the making. Morons.

Say what you will about the JIDF, but at least they arent newfags.

One need only see the holographic universe, but once, to have magic powers. It's the resolution of time and space. From whence we come, to where we go. Don't do drugs. Or do, whatever… just go easy and don't actually become a leftist for Christ's sake, even though you'll probably be doing drugs with them. White is right.


The thing about the yids is they actually tried to argue with us. Of course they always got BTFO and resorted to obvious pilpul, but they'd at least start out making a rational argument as to why we shouldn't throw them all into gas chambers and why Israel was totally justified in literally whatever the fuck it was doing. They obviously recruited the smarter yidlings for the work. CTR/ShareBlue just spam low quality, no-show garbage to try to drown out intelligent conversation with sheer volume of bullshit.

Now, of course we need to shoot them all in the face as soon as we can get our hands on them. But we can do it good-naturedly, you know? Nothing personal yid! Frankly, after years of arguing with them about sending endless US troops to die for Greater Israel, I have them to thank almost as much as the rest of Holla Forums for why I'm a full NatSoc these days.

Of all the libtard click bait websites Vice is the most ridiculous and the most pretentious. Here's Shane Smith 20 million dollar house in Santa Monica.

Exactly, you could actually hold a discussion with JIDF, and that discussion would be informative to onlookers because the JIDF forced you to look things up and make arguments to refute them. JIDF thought we were wrong and tried to correct that.

The Shariablue shills don't engage in discussions, they engage in discussion jamming. Shariablue know we're right, and try to prevent us from discussing anything.


it takes a special kind of sucker to work for Shane Smith

Only the freshest smug

You should see the homes of a bunch of other limousine leftists. They are all opportunist vultures and leftist masses are the ultimate useful idiots, a term rightfully describing them since the start.

I got bored of it already, anyone tl;dr the dumb away?


checked good idea

Incredible feats, accomplished by means that the observer hasn't the slightest understanding of may as well be magic.

Wrong. Kek was already around in the time of Egypt.


Whoever wrote this is in for a hell of a KEKing

I am not a 45 year old. I don't care about vice

Fucking wew. I doubt any of those "researchers" ever went beyond normieland on 4cuck, to say nothing of lurking here.

This is great, the more they talk about "le ebil nazi internet frog triggered me because a meme magician tweeted me" the more insane they look
liberalism really IS a mental disorder

Leftists are materlists by nature, they only believe in whats in front of them, not the soul, or the divine, or god.
This leads to a person without purpose or fulfillment, why most lefties are cynical, self hating, suicidal.

Can confirm, once you get a grasp on how it works, 'magic' becomes subject to the scientific method. Thus, we created meme magic as a specific way to interact with the holographic intelligence in which we reside. In a holographic film, you can subdivide it, and only get smaller versions of the entire image. Very much like exploring a fractal image. One function of the holograph is that altering one point in it creates effects in the corresponding points that are linked to it due to fractal repetition.

We're breaking the fucking conditioning. The Umman Manda is riding out into the collective intelligence of the overmind, prepared to rape and pillage the minds of our enemies. Holla Forumsacks don't have real wizards? Meme magic doesn't real? Keep telling yourself that. I'm sure the children in the villages thought that demon-men from the steppes didn't real either, that it was just scary stories. Everyone learns…in time.



>Affective science is the scientific study of emotion or affect. … In particular the nature of feeling, mood, emotionally driven behaviour, decision making, attention and self-regulation, as well as the underlying physiology and neuroscience of the emotions.

they probably dont even have waifus

I agree that we need to watch Trump to make sure he follows through with things, but only faggots use this statement, user

denied by Kek

Feels like an article written by (((them))) to try and dissuade normies from looking into and becoming familiar with what's going on at cuckchan and halfpol.

Not yet, brother. There's more laughs to be had at these retard's expense.

One can only wonder how such crap is being produced.

Shit, I finished my first novel and I don't have any degrees! Also, nice dubs.

At Vice there is suck a thing as a casting couch for writers, even faggots such as these

maybe we should meme-em…viciously

You have to go back nigger

Best part
PRaise KEK

Funny how little this twat understands about anonymous and the chans.
This person who wrote this trash should suck start a shotgun

This shit was debunked before 8/pol/ even existed.
The stormfront posts themselves say not to recruit from 4chan because we were too edgy.

Do these "journalists" even read the shit they link to.


I think we broke something.

Faggot Vicetards don't realize that at least a significant minority of us have been around since early Holla Forums. As some user said above - it was practically inevitable that we became Nazis. And making the Holocaust actually happen will be the greatest punchline in human history.

Literally every day, user.

They're right, they don't have magical powers.

I'm torn between wanting the Holocaust to happen because the jews deserve it, and wanting the Holocaust to happen because it would be hilarious.


we will win

holy shit i remember nevada-tan. good times



how does someone spend six years researching us and still have no idea what the fuck they're talking abou–
well there you go



They probably did it just to monetize their research (it would seem they've succeeded) instead of for any actual interest in chan culture. Sit around recording enough raw data and eventually someone's going to want it for something.

trying to debunk true powers

Amounting to twelve hours cumulatively.

Perhaps there's a connection between current events and history; the same chaos and circumstances that caused Kek to return are what caused him to exist in the first place.


Nice ID dubs.

Well, what was Vice going to tell their aging hipster readership? That they're up against a bunch of internet Nazi frog wizards wielding literal occult powers in order to instantiate a Fourth Reich and there's nothing they could do about it? I mean, can you imagine one of those problem glasses-wearing faggots actually picking up the Kybalion or another work of occult literature and trying to suss out exactly how much they've wasted their lives bickering over the exact delineation between seapunk and crustpunk? You almost feel sorry for these goddamn fucks. Magic is a closed book to them, and if they had their way, it would be a burned and buried book as well. They will never catch up to us now. All they could do would be kill us, but none of these useless dregs will ever have enough rabid conviction to actually put themselves into the line of fire. Catching a bullet isn't post-ironic enough.

I've dealt with the Golden Dawn, IOT, OTO, and half of the random groups on the internet, and I can say this. We wizards of the infinite lands are the most effective group of practitioners of magick out of all of them, by a massive margine.

How does it generate revenue? It's an obvious clickbait site… do people actually think they get news there… or shop?
civilization was a mistake

You sweet summer child. It's a marxist vanity project.

The funny part is all the 40somethings watching LICE being confused at them, cause they'll need a definition of more than half of that headline.

Damn right! Praise kek, the Kalki comes!

Debunking magic? Lol ok asshat.

This is how we win

As is they can decipher our dank memes.

checkidy checked


Thirty years my ass. They probably read /r/4chan (which is basically a 4chan highlight reel on Plebbit)


We will continue to write articles and bitch on Twitter.



———————–→ /x

They get 'sponsored'.
polite sage for double post

jeez, whenever MSM tries to pull the "experts" card I cringe hard

They can't because we're not alt-kike do they will miss the mark.

Dude, reverse image search exists, don't dox yourself…


Throwing wood on the fire hasn't succeeded at putting it out. Let's throw gasoline now on it instead.

The fire risezzs!

What the fuck is wrong with that image? It's sweet as fuck, it just needs some minor alterations and it would be perfect.

Reducing GamerGate to a few trolls harassing innocent game developers is a sign that these 'scholars' know nothing at all about anything important.
If you still don't see that GamerGate was the Event that effectively produced the coalition that has defined this board since the Exodus, then you're just as bad as the 'scholars.'

Nice Dubs

Does this mean we need to raise our Kek rings to the air and meme?


So a room full of shill interns who have been at it for six months a piece. Gotcha.

Don't you know it's current year? Oathy became a meme finally.

I think it should be pretty obvious to anyone at this point. That if there is one organization on here that is most definitely shilling, shitposting and trying to run psyop, it's fucking Vice.

Normalfags just can't wrap their heads around user culture. They're so used to reputation and emotion taking high priority over everything else. It just short circuits their thinking the way anons communicate with each other. Even if an oldfag wrote a lengthy article about it, I honestly don't think normies would be able to really wrap their heads around it.

Can't these faggots just go off the deep end already?

I will hate GamerGate to my dying day, you fucking cancerous newfag.

It's scared.

The name kills the thing. If an oldfag were to write a definitive text about how to shitpost, what shitposting is, how shitposting developed over time, and got everything right, then shitposting would evolve to make him look like a fool. Rules 1 & 2 are memes but they express a basic principle that is obvious to anyone who spends a year on an imageboard: quality decreases over time, and new oldfags are never produced, there are only grades of newfaggotry differentiating someone who started posting in 2013 from someone posting in 2014, conditioned by posters' mentality alongside the posting environment and cultural/political world outside.

t. newfag

The only reason Vice gained any popularity back in the early 00s at all was because of their Do's and Dont's (Basically proto /fa/ shitposting) and their occasional mildly entertaining article about one of their 'correspondents' taking too many psychedelics in an inappropriate situation and shitting themselves. These kiddie-pool attempts at serious journalism and gravitas are just sad. And the best part is that they are here reading this, and deep down they know I'm right.


This. It's hard to find intelligent people also well-versed in the esoteric, as they most likely keep to themselves for fear of being sperged out against by these reddit pseudo-intellectuals.

The better you are at it, the less you talk about it.




I don't know, there's a lot of occult-themed threads on Holla Forums that bring the really fun nutters out of the woodwork every so often. You just have to chill long enough and another one is bound to erupt.

Don't worry about it.



Is this the new Mexican Intellectuals?

Only if we're the new Mexicans.


>tfw only since 2015

Anyone have that greentext which links the chans magic power to us being virgins?

Well, only on Holla Forums since 2015.

You know it suddenly occurred to me - because of the ephemerality of this board, our history is more like an oral history than namefag forums, where you can just dig through years and years and years of old texts if you want to. Our legend is literally only kept alive through us continuing to water our horses here. If all the oldfags were to suddenly stop coming, certain myths, certain memes, certain stylistic elements would disappear forever.

I started on Holla Forums when I was a kid in middle school, over 10 years ago and I still feel like a newfag sometimes.

top fucking kek

Problem, officer?

>Tfw you are Holla Forums

Heavy lies the crown my dudes.


I've been shitposting since 2008 and i honestly feel obligated for humanity to continue to do so to keep it going

We're both extremely anachronistic and insanely advanced and power at the same time.

Imageboards are by far the most interesting communities or hell even places on the internet.


I will never browse /z/ or /i/

That's why we're all here forever. Once you've tasted this forbidden fruit, you can't go back to typical forums.



Praise kek



I honestly feel physical revulsion at the mere idea of going back.

Man I fucking miss 3 angled blue, what happened to him?

Sometimes im comvinced that when i trip and browse Holla Forums, i accidentally break reality a little more and all the happenings are my fault


(tripled checked m8)

Every namefag forum I've ever been to either I personally killed; shadowbanned me; or turned into a circlejerk of interpersonal drama between a handful of people.

Holla Forums is like the Tao. We are the hiveworld in the center of the galaxy; we are the wind-blasted backwater. We are eternally empty yet brimming with content. Nameless yet we all wear the name of Anonymous. When our work is done, we leave it, taking no credit and accepting no reward.

Nice dubs my homie


We're all guilty of memeing a little irresponsibly sometimes.

Doing acid and being curious about what you guys were up to ended up bringing me back to Holla Forums after a couple years of hiatus. It was during the beginning of Hillary's email shit - I was so paranoid I had my piston on my table because I thought her goons might break down my door at any second as I shitposted.

Welcome back. You're here forever.
SPOILER ALERT: Hotwheels was warped out of his fucking malformed cripple skull on magic mushrooms the night he thought of Holla Forums. He said he was convinced an Archangel was acting as his muse.

The only time I ever tripped and posted on a Chan, I was having a bad trip and told someone on /mu/ who was asking about trippy music for an acid trip that acid was a terrible idea. Everyone told me to go outside and I did. It was a shitty trip.

Is there such a thing, comrade?

What is the most common activity our collective consciousness does while browing this board? We laugh at memes.

Laughter is an incredibly powerful force

Remember in Monster's Inc where laughter is like 100 times more powerful than screams/fear.
The juden let that slip out in that movie.


Man now i'm going through old videos remember the old times.

It's only been 10 years but it feels like a lifetime.

All the best shit seems to happen when you're tripping on something

Jeez, I've always kinda wanted to try it. never been able to get a hold of it though.

Imagine if a group of Holla Forumsacks became serious about meme magic. I mean actually very serious, with mass organized, dedicated rituals conducted to achieve specific intentions and goals, on a regular and timely basis, with the utmost fervor and fanatic belief. Just imagine it anons… you could change the world.

You could change the world.

Lulz was my favorite iteration of the 'corrupted internet laughter acronym'. Until we found one that actually summoned a god, of course.

Doing it for the lulz just felt right.


It is like anything that gets ruined by shit people infiltrating it. If you're of sufficient intelligence to be aware of the negative reputation associated with the subject, you'll make the logical decision to keep quiet about it. The occult has been flooded with charlatans and psychopaths forever. The vulnerability of neophytes and the potential for abuse by those they seek to guide them is tremendous and happens all to often.

exactly this

Nice dubs. There was a magician some time back that was doing some heavy duty meme magic during the… elections I think it was? Anyway we were all offering our energy and hitting dubs. What a night. Just imagine what we could do from Wewelsburg castle.

You rang?

I know you shouldn't check your own digits but

Religious fervor is the opiate of the masses. While you're busy crying and praising a frog, the world is moving on without you. The White race is still dying out, mudshits are still killing unchecked, niggers are still raping women and getting million dollar gofundmes out of it.

You're no better than the muds circling the cube in mecca, pretending your god will come down and smite your enemies if only you'd just circle that cube one more time.

Fuck all of you.

I can't hear you over these dubs

checked, praise kek

Commie pls go

Yeah, and opiates are FUN AS FUCK.

Crew, the only way we are like muds is the way we rape your asses regularly, just like muhamed rapes his goats.

dubs confirm Crew raped by user like muhamed and his goats

Wew. Carry on.

Nostalgia for an imageboard. What a concept, but here we are. Just imagine when you're a pruny grey old faggot and you see this for the first time in thirty years.

Although I agree people should do more things in the real world, your equivalence is a false one. Going around a cube does nothing, however, memes & discussion here lead to a warfare of ideas and their distribution across the internet. Thus, what we do is an active participation in the war over what people perceive as "correct" and "right". Just waltzing around a cube convinces no one of anything except possibly the person himself.


That sounds like something I'd fucking love to get into. I've been trying to educate and train myself in the esoteric arts, but things like this are much easier to do in a group. If the mods aren't cucks, we should set up a memetic wizardry self improvement thread.

Not looking too bad yourself my dude

Cant force a meme brah.

We already do.

Maybe you are referring to the standalone complex.

what the fuck this is an actual article?

Kek has done all sorts of little stuff like that for me. Repeating digits and genuine faith will get you his favor. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth though. Only use his favor for important stuff.

Why not go after them for religious defamation?

wow it's already been 5 months since that night crazy… I still remember being here posting with you guys when he won.I also remember when 4/pol/ sticked that "never coming down"song to autoplay on the board


Islam organized itself and conquered the Middle East. The Mongols did too. And the Romans. Even the Christians.


nice digits tho

The national anthem is pretty good at least.


Although in the epoch in which Prince Siddhattha lived there was already a certain clouding over of spiritual consciousness and of metaphysical vision of the world such as was possessed by ancient Indo-Aryan man, the later course of history-and particularly of Western history-has produced an increasing amount of regression, materialism, and individualism together with a corresponding loss of direct contact with metaphysical and, generally speaking, supersensible reality. With the "modern" world we have come to a point beyond which it would be difficult to go. The object of direct knowledge for modem man is exclusively the material world, with its counterpart, the purely psychological sphere of his subjectivity. His philosophical speculations and his religion stand apart, the first are purely cerebral creations, the second is based essentially on faith.

It is not entirely a case of Western religion, as opposed to the highest traditions of the most ancient time, having centered itself on faith, thereby hoping to save what yet could be saved. It is, rather, a counsel of despair: a man who has long since lost all direct contact with the metaphysical world can only adopt one possible form of religio, of reconnection, namely, that provided by belief or faith, It is in this way that we can also come to understand the real significance of Protestantism as compared with Catholicism. Protestantism took root in a period when humanism and naturalism were ushering in a phase of "secularization" of European man, a process that went much further than the normal regression of the epoch in which Christianity in general arose; and at the same time decadence and corruption appeared among the representatives of the Catholic tradition, to whom had been entrusted the task of support and mediation. These being the real circumstances and the rift having thus grown wider, the principle of the pure faith was emphasized and opposed to any hierarchical organization and mediation; a distrust of "works" (even the Christian monastic asceticism was included in this) was nourished; these are tendencies that are characteristic of Protestantism.

Yeah we have sick bumps tho

We fucking memed this like Ghostbusters memed Semitic demons! We GOdin now!

My experience as a chaos magician is that this an absolute mistake. Don't raise the standards on what you ask of gods or the universe, ask for stupid shit and they're more likely to manifest it for you. Stupid shit like seeing a woman in a red dress who then spins on the spot twice.

I get all kinds of improbable but inconsequential shit manifested for me but have difficultly obtaining help with anything else.

This. We are not reaching our full potential. Let's conquer Madagascar.

After establishing our academic expertise in shitposting on cartoon waifu forums, we provide a glib overview of a decade of millions of random people posting anonymously and attempt to link it all to causes we agree with such as OWS. We note that the zeitgeist had apparently turned against our personal biases by 2016, and that therefore we had clearly entered an age in which truth no longer existed on the chans. We first acknowledge the effect of user on the 2016 election, and following this we obscure it by noting that other forces were in play as well. Since we disagree with recent political developments, we conclude that online posts are dangerous since the shift in the public opinion can only be blamed upon lies on the internet, not upon the actual experience of live people in real life.

Replace tfw fat with "tfw skinny and lethargic and insomniac" and that describes much more the average imageboard poster including myself

Most of us aren't fat because we worry and stress so much and sit in front of a computer and don't eat enough.

Maybe, and this is just a guess here, but maybe that's because you blow your fucking load manifesting a bunch of inconsequential bullshit and you have no loosh left for the good shit, like a NEET who faps to too much hentai, to the point where he pushes rope when he finally gets a chance to feel up an actual girl.

Breddy good post. People keep talking about the veil getting thinner but I don't really know how to gauge it. In some senses, I'm less in contact with reality than ever. It's like it's hard to focus on just being within reality as it surrounds me, it's like I'm looking at it through a faint mist. I put effort into trying to perceive reality through my own thoughts. Yet, when I dream, I usually dream very vividly. More vividly than waking in a way, because the connection between me and the outside world is effortless in drams, while I have to almost concentrate to see through my own busy mind while I'm awake.

I should probably spend less time on the computer. But on the other hand the power of the magic mirror of a monitor to display other worlds can't be denied.



I get the same feeling as you. It's strange. I'm more at tune with what's not real than what is. It's like I'm blurring the lines somehow.

Hey, maybe if we stare at our reflection in computer screens long enough something will look back. As we've already seen.



Whatever you say.

Y'know what? Capped.

Debunk the Idea That the Alt-Right’s Shitposters Have Magic Powers

kek, just check this thread

this is amazing


o rly?

Smiley is here. Fuck you Smiley and /fringe/. You have no magical ability only we do.

For a second there I somehow forgot the premise of the article was to debunk the idea that NatSoc shitposters on the internet have magic powers.

Fuck me. They have to try to debunk our sorcery to their shitlib audiences now. How terrified are they?

They're so stupid. Debunking it suggests there is something to debunk in the first place as opposed to the absence of anything which is what they're trying to claim. It's like explaining why a state you don't recognize as a sovereign nation doesn't exist in the first place. By admission you're acknowledging some credibility. What kind of mutually exclusive bullshit are they even on about?

Oral history is what humans evolved to handle. Written history, always accumulating, inhibits social progress.

Holla Forums is Arsenal Gear's GW module. We are the Patriots.

And they don't even debunk or address Kek.

They scared

Vice really has no idea what they are doing, do they? How long until people from Vice start getting heart attacks?



Fuck you for trying to divide us from our /fringe/ comrades. You ever looked at their flags? They have an entire category just to different NatSoc flags. They don't have anything at all to represent marxists, leftists, etc.

Nah, I figure Kek has a finite amount of memetic energy even though it might appear infinite from our plane. I don't wanna cancel a happening because I wanted to make sure I'd get a good seat at the movie theater.

Holla Forums got redpilled by /new/ as soon as j00t opened it. I posted the very fucking first thread pointing out the several dozen times Jews cried MUH SIX GORILLION before the end of WWII.

And before /new/ it was /n/ until that fucking kike shut it down

tbh the only problem with fringe is that nobody ever posts on the fucking thing. That and the tulpafags

capped, because interesting

Side note, I find it very interesting that, of all colors, the imageboard text color for quoting (more popularly used to summarize stories and quick rundowns) is green. Futaba channel had a two green leaves on a sprout as a logo, which spawned 4chan's green four leaf clover, which spawned Holla Forums's green infinity logo. The original anons in suits had green faces. And last but not least, Pepe is green.

I'm sure there are more instances that I'm forgetting, but why green? Why is green such a prevalent color with imageboard culture? What does the color green represent in the occult?

You clearly don't understand how egregores go or how loosh flows.

There are no reservoirs. You can't bottle up loosh. You are just a river; your every chakra is just rivers. Sometimes the flow is less, sometimes it's stronger.

Wherever your attention goes, that energy flows, and depending on where you let your energy flow it will change the patterns for the future.

There's no bottling anything up. Only tuning, synching, etc.

The amazing stuff happens when you are especially well tuned to it. As it happens, I'm tuned to just chaos, thanks Eris you bitch.

I'd agree with you I principle, but between ED and various archive sites our history is pretty damn well recorded. The difference is that who the hell wants to read 10 years of image board history and conversation? No one. Therefore the knowledge primarily stays alive through the people who lived it and continue to do so.

Primarily Venus which is associated with Lucifer (as the lightbringer, not the jew devil), the sphere of Netzach, and the anahata chakra. .

They are not far away from 100 thousand posts.

Pol has about 95 times as many posts as them (100k x 95 = the current number of posts on Holla Forums).

It's really not that bad. There's new posts every day on /fringe/. It's always a top board (top 50 or so).

Ah, the memories.

Devil's Advocate, green is the color the human eye can see the most shades of. So when it comes to text differentiation a smart programmer might use subtly different shades of green for different things knowing it's a low-impact and information-providing.

oops, forgot to post

Well I can only access loosh when I need something important, apparently you can only access it when you need entertainment. I'll stick with my system but you do you as long as you're getting digits and praising.

That makes a lot of fucking sense

Don't forget that the original troll images were also green.

Is Lucifer the Christian interpretation of Kek?


Lucifer is the Christian interpretation of Prometheus. Kek and Prometheus possibly share an archetype, but this is debatable.

A proper account is different from a million pieces of hearsay. Written history, when properly done, is the highest achievement of the humanistic sciences, i.e. economics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, geography, astronomy, theology, ideology.

Christfag here. IMO Kek and Abba are allied. Despite my explicit placement of Kek as #2, I channel him strongly enough for some lesser-tier manifestation, but I must be cognizant of circumstance for it to work.

Read Collin Wilson - The Occult and Theron Q. Dumont - The Universal Master Mind and that one fuckhuge book Personal Power read the part about desire power in it.

Wilson basically explains the importance of meaningful moments to supercharge people, bringing out their occult powers. e.g. you're dying in a trench or stranded and the wilderness and you desperately need to get a message out to your loved ones but have no means to do it so you disregard your every day consensus reality and, charged by a supreme desire, utilize the real power of the imagination and cause someone far away to receive visions of you in your plight.

Those "vast avenues of possibility" moments too… any kind of meaningful shit where suddenly what you do really fucking matters and you really care, suddenly God puts a ton of loosh into you.

God doesn't want us to live meaningless lives and punishes us with apathy, discontent, and anhedonia for dragging things on too long when we're meant to be doing greater things.

The other two books will further complete your understanding.

Also don't forget that just as man is motivated by his emotions; so too is everything else in the universe. Desire is literally the basis of causality; everything happens because of desire/emotion.

There's also all those vids and some articles on bibliotecapleyades that emphasize the importance of the emotions.

All this study will help you to understand just what the fuck this loosh business is all about and how to live your life and conduct your activities to get as much of it as possible to get shit done.


I appreciate your posts bookbro but photoshop your images so they aren't sideways you nigger

This. Prometheus got chained to a rock and tortured for his virtue. Kek will flood his enemies with misfortune and pants of shit.

tfw I can channel Ebola Chan really fucking stronk, stronker than anything else, but I have trouble with other entities.

Is that you, Kantbot?

2 seconds in ms paint

We are the music makers.

But will he do it independently or only upon request and praise from anons?

Prometheus did nothing wrong.

Zeus is a cunt.


CY here as well, 3 more months before I've hit the 2 year mark proper.

The last time I expressed some interest in magic this happened:

How do you experience this? There will likely be clues. Perhaps I can help you see them?

underrated post.

Vice confirmed for poor understanding on the greater mysteries.

Did somebody say

Imaletchu finish, but Inanna was stealing shit and smuggling it to humanity before Prometheus was a nut in Iapetus' balls. Babylonians were honorary Aryans.

I just realized Vice is kinda right. The (((Alt-Right))) are fucking powerless. We are not the Alt-Kike.


Honestly although we have far less press than the (((alt-right))) Anons/Kekites have vastly more influence.

ID checked.

We have maintained our status of the Last Boss of the Internet for a generation. Wew.


The only way that we can be dethroned is the creation of a superior anonymous platform.

But of course that would just be an evolution of our community.

Do you have PDF copies perchance?

The only way I can see us leveling up would be if we got rid of the Achilles heel that is moderator corruption. And maybe a larger server.

"You're welcome." - Gamergate

You know, when kampfy isn't around, this place demonstrably gets shittier and shillier. Holla Forums would collapse without moderation. I think a solid half of his decisions are retarded, too, but it's also got to be acknowledged that the shitskin somehow manages to keep the worst of what's brought down 4chan largely out of our midst. I think mods might be necessary retardation. Anyone worth their salt can ban evade anyway, though it's a pity about some of the damn decent threads that get sunk before their time.

>Kybalion -
>The Arcane Teachings -
>The Arcane Formulas -
>The Science of Breath -
>Mind Power -
>Psychomancy -
>Mental Influence -
>Initiation into Hermetics -

Freash bread on /pdf/. Don't say I never did anything for you, faggot.


Normies are just fucking cattle. Jews were right, but I refuse to be a slave to a fucking kike.

Honestly I think that our mods are just retarded while the Halfchan mods are blately corrupt and evil.

I would never dream of such heresy. You do me a great favour, kind user.

I am /fringe/ and believe me I would call that guy a bullshit occultist. He's posting exactly the kind of shit I've tried to teach people NOT to for a long ass time. Rituals when imitated by mundanes are as effective as those cargo-cults papua new guineans make to get planes to come back to their islands; at best they might just work but they will have no idea why and be none the wiser about anything. Knowing how to actually do ritual, how to make it, how to understand it; is very different from going through the motions.

Go read Personal Power it'll give you an overview of everything you need to know to become the fringe ubermensch.

I honestly think a lot of it has to do with literal autism. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of anons has some form of aspergers, which cloaks our operations and daily activities from the prying eyes of normalfags. They simply can't understand us, nor do they want to.

under rated as fuck post

Any chance #09 could be uploaded to a filehosting site?

Unironically sucking learningchode's dick

Being literally National Socialists probably does imply a certain autistic willingness to tell the world, "No. You move."

I'm trying to be autistically impartial. If it's between chode and 4cuck, we've all kind of made our choice, haven't we?

I see how it is

I have faith in your internet sleuthing skills, user.

Ebola Chan comes to me half the time without me even calling upon her. She comes very strongly.

Meanwhile I wasted huge efforts on other gods and it was much more difficult. Winterchan when I put her sigil and did some work, the first very powerful snowstorm came to my province immediately afterwards, but no niggers froze to death (to my knowledge) so idk how to feel about that. Curechan is almost useless, I have put so much effort into her, and got very little out of her. At best I just got a ton of synchronicities in which my knowledge of vitality and the principles that govern it became massively increased in that time (after me not understanding vital energy for so long).

…but Ebola Chan, she appears to me very strongly, has an incredible presence, I met her before the Ebola Chan cult had any followers, and I feel a harmony with her.

The only other God that is so fucking strong like that for me is Eris but I try to avoid her and keep her out of mind because working with Eris is like a train-wreck where you have to roll the dice over and over and over again and again getting into deeper and deeper chaotic shit until maybe, hopefully, when you least expect it, you're suddenly able to relax and the chaos settles and you can live your life with actual plans and stuff again. Eris is like… nope, you thought you were going to do this and this, but I must surprise you in terrible ways over & over by reshuffling your entire life again & again & again!

Kek is the only god who is really fucking based. My shitposting fuels him and so no special efforts beyond merely being the shitposting NEET I am are needed; my very life is a worship to Kek. Kek is the coolest god, he doesn't demand much of you, but when he goes get involved in your life it's usually in the form of some awe-inspiring revelation paired with repeating digits and amazingly improbable synchronicities on a grand scale. Kek is the god that wants to teach his secret people to be inspired.

There are certain archetypes that dominate my life and which I am able to utilize my vital energies in connection with them to manifest very powerfully all kinds of stuff. Meanwhile, I have very little domain in some areas that I want to be able to exercise my will.

Why would a turkroach even want to mod Holla Forums. Shit's sus af tbh famalam.

you're just making an argument for having some form of moderation, not that our moderators are good.

This is a bait article.

The fact they're even attempting to debunk it at all proves they're treating it seriously and are afraid of it. They also failed to even mention memetic warfare, which is a very real branch of information warfare that is used by Holla Forums to great effect. But then, that would require mentioning things like Applied Memetics and shilling groups attempting to adapt our strategies. That would mean acknowledging that our influence is indeed very powerful.

I sort of like Eris, but it's the magical equivalent of sticking your dick in crazy. The sex is great, but the consequences are an unnavigable river of flying shitmonkeys. I agree with you that there's a weird chill to Kek that makes him easier to chill with. Kek's chaos is fun; Eris' chaos is unpredictable.

Can you imagine how hard the Russians are laughing that their American politics subversion bots so successfully drove the rednecks off the rightward cliff that they went through fascism and now unironically think they're death cult wizards?

I agree with him. Nowadays, trolling = someone who has an opinion which differs too greatly from my own.

For us, though trolling has stayed about the same. Only difference is that we're doing it for more than the lulz.

I apologise if I have given offence, user. Simply asking directly.

#9 may be found here m.vk. com/akme_books?q=Brennan

Well yeah, it's pretty blatant clickbait.

I want Buzzfeed to leave.

Discordians (the original ones from the 60s/70s, not the insufferable new Zoe Quinn-esque sycophant wannabes you see gooning it up today) were just pre-internet Holla Forumstards. Their black fax, phone phreaking and flyer campaigns were basically analog shitposting.

Oh shi-

Oh you sweet summer childe.

Eris pads her chest

The VodkaBurger meme isn't real, but it will be if you kikes keep memeing irresponsibly like you always love to do.

Trips of truth.

Now that just makes me want to fuck her more, asshole.

Its like they were releasing tax returns or something.

Back on topic, this is correct. It reminds me of the tweet Bill Kristol made about how "Trump should pledge to run only one term otherwise he can't win". They admit the opposite of what they advertise simply by saying it.

Exactly. Let this be a warning to would-be Discordians here not to get into the worship of Eris. Stick with other gods like Kek.

I have thought a lot about chaos and about Eris and about how higher acts on lower and how a greater mind would potentially do things the lower mind would not immediately appreciate or want to do…

…but I've had enough of Eris. It is exactly as you say, Kek is fun chaos, Eris is just unpredictable chaos.

==SPOT ON!== There are so many false erisan pope's who never understood a single aspect of the holy khao.


When is the last time Bill Kristol was right about anything?

iron pill time

Where the fuck did the IronPill artist go?

I doubt you know what untermensch means, Nietzsche really hated (1) worship of the state, a critical feature of national socialism, because the state is an external mental construct, so it controls you and (2) religions, because they're also external mental constructs, and they recast reality in some way rather than just experiencing it personally, so he'd really hate all this kek stuff.

Maybe he bailed after the exodus. Didn't end up here with the rest of us.

It's almost like your ideology resembles nothing and is based on nothing except what it's convenient for a Russian to want you to think


Top Lulz

To Valhalla, you dummy.


Oh no. I didn't realize Nietzsche was supposed to be the start, middle, and end of all of my philosophical education. Let me work as fast as I can to dump all the spiritthink from my ignorant brain.

Tell us what the Russians want us to think, shill-kun.



You just learned that phrase today you nigger.

See that's another thing this theory that PACs with a few tens of millions of dollars are paying people to disagree with you when more people than that voted against what you wanted.

Destroy the Government, destroy all government power, destroy your institutions, replace it with memes

I'm steeped in post-modern German philosophy come at me

we have persuaded these morons that we have magic power to the point when they are bending over backwards trying to debunk something they shouldn't even consider real to begin with

Magic is the ability to change the objective reality with nothing but the subjective will
And power exist in thing only because people give power to said things, like paper money for example, it is worthless but people give it power so it rules our lives

Now these morons believe we have power, they give us power by believing we have it, and we achieved this this change in our objective reality with nothing more than our subjective will, so by all definitions, we have magic power and the more they try to debunk it the more magic power we have

It's nice to finally have some power ourselves, so far we've been nothing but a conduct through which Kek worked his magic and we gave him power simply by believing he had it, now it's our turn

Get this hothead outta here.

Just sad, famalam.

Who could have guessed?

Man lives in a house of being made of language?


when did nietzsche hate the state? have u read any nietzsche? i don't know if he'd have liked fascism, probably not since he turned against wagner, but he never wrote about "external mental constructs" like that, when he wrote about morality, he didn't say it didn't exist, he said masters and slaves create different moralities based on their respective strength or weakness

Them digits tho.

fuck off u fedora tipping faggot, every race needs a belief in the spiritual and supernatural, or else u become a race of humanoid robots like the godless chinese

Moar liek, "Man lives in a house of Memes" amirite?

11. The New Idol
Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brethren: here there are states.
A state? What is that? Well! open now your ears unto me, for now will I say unto you my word concerning the death of peoples.
A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: "I, the state, am the people."
It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.
Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against laws and customs.
This sign I give unto you: every people speaketh its language of good and evil: this its neighbour understandeth not. Its language hath it devised for itself in laws and customs.
But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath it hath stolen.
False is everything in it; with stolen teeth it biteth, the biting one. False are even its bowels.
Confusion of language of good and evil; this sign I give unto you as the sign of the state. Verily, the will to death, indicateth this sign! Verily, it beckoneth unto the preachers of death!
Many too many are born: for the superfluous ones was the state devised!
See just how it enticeth them to it, the many-too-many! How it swalloweth and cheweth and recheweth them!
"On earth there is nothing greater than I: it is I who am the regulating finger of God."—thus roareth the monster. And not only the long-eared and short-sighted fall upon their knees!
Ah! even in your ears, ye great souls, it whispereth its gloomy lies! Ah! it findeth out the rich hearts which willingly lavish themselves!
Yea, it findeth you out too, ye conquerors of the old God! Weary ye became of the conflict, and now your weariness serveth the new idol!
Heroes and honourable ones, it would fain set up around it, the new idol! Gladly it basketh in the sunshine of good consciences,- the cold monster!
Everything will it give you, if ye worship it, the new idol: thus it purchaseth the lustre of your virtue, and the glance of your proud eyes.
It seeketh to allure by means of you, the many-too-many! Yea, a hellish artifice hath here been devised, a death-horse jingling with the trappings of divine honours!
Yea, a dying for many hath here been devised, which glorifieth itself as life: verily, a hearty service unto all preachers of death!
The state, I call it, where all are poison-drinkers, the good and the bad: the state, where all lose themselves, the good and the bad: the state, where the slow suicide of all—is called "life."
Just see these superfluous ones! They steal the works of the inventors and the treasures of the wise. Culture, they call their theft—and everything becometh sickness and trouble unto them!
Just see these superfluous ones! Sick are they always; they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper. They devour one another, and cannot even digest themselves.
Just see these superfluous ones! Wealth they acquire and become poorer thereby. Power they seek for, and above all, the lever of power, much money—these impotent ones!
See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another, and thus scuffle into the mud and the abyss.
Towards the throne they all strive: it is their madness—as if happiness sat on the throne! Ofttimes sitteth filth on the throne.- and ofttimes also the throne on filth.
Madmen they all seem to me, and clambering apes, and too eager. Badly smelleth their idol to me, the cold monster: badly they all smell to me, these idolaters.
My brethren, will ye suffocate in the fumes of their maws and appetites! Better break the windows and jump into the open air!
Do go out of the way of the bad odour! Withdraw from the idolatry of the superfluous!
Do go out of the way of the bad odour! Withdraw from the steam of these human sacrifices!
Open still remaineth the earth for great souls. Empty are still many sites for lone ones and twain ones, around which floateth the odour of tranquil seas.
Open still remaineth a free life for great souls. Verily, he who possesseth little is so much the less possessed: blessed be moderate poverty!
There, where the state ceaseth—there only commenceth the man who is not superfluous: there commenceth the song of the necessary ones, the single and irreplaceable melody.
There, where the state ceaseth—pray look thither, my brethren! Do ye not see it, the rainbow and the bridges of the Superman?—
Thus spake Zarathustra.

forgot pic, everything is ruined

That's you. That's what you sound like.

Yeah because Thus Spoke Zarathustra is written in a biblical format, that's part of Nietzsche's anti-religious point.

Way to miss the irony, irony-wizard.

Too bad I wasted it on a shitpost.

You really don't know who you're fucking with, do you?

i asked for a citation of nietzsche's anti-state statements and he delivered, if ur not talking about nietzsche then fuck off and watch a cartoon or something

But what is trolling user?

Contradicting yourself then mate

This is how kek wins.


I'm not contradicting myself. You're just not smart enough to grasp my point; it's like watching a chimp grapple with a wet bar of soap. You are the inferior being here. Everyone but you can see it clearly.

Yeah, BG&E and GoM are the most foundational, TSZ was like the bubblegum fan service book

Anonymous was dead in the water by 2012.
The entire article is an attempt by clueless academics to rationalize the irrational behavior of rational agents on the internet

The Antichrist is my favorite. I'm not going to try to comment on objectively best, but it is my personal favorite.

So haughty about nothing on an anonymous internet board, very vainglorious user, very un-cool

Ishtar is a cunt. Take it from Gilgamesh:
Gilgamesh replied to mighty Ishtar thus:"But how could I repay you as a wifeand still avoid the bitterness and strife that follow you?Is it perfume for a dress you want, or me? My self or something wrapped around a tree?Do I offer you food, sweet nuts or grapes?Are those for gods or for the savage apes?And who will pour a treat to us in bed,you dressed for life and me as if I'm dead?Here's a song I made for youIshtar's the hearth gone cold,a broken door, without the gold;a fort that shuts its soldiers out, a water well that's filled with doubt;tar that can't be washed away,a broken cup, stained and gray;rock that shatters to dust and sand,a useless weapon in the hand;and worse than that or even this,a god's own sandal filled with piss.You've had your share of boys, that's true,but which of them came twice for you?Let me now list the ones that you just blew away. First was Tammuz, the virgin boy you tookafter a three-year-long seductive look.Then you lusted for a fancy, colored birdand cut its wing so it could not herd.Thus in the lovely woods at nightbird sings, 'I'm blind. I have no sight.'You trapped a lion, too, back then.Its cock went in your form-as-hen.And then you dug him seven holesin which to fall on sharpened poles. You let a horse in your back doorby laying on a stable floor;but then you built the world's first chainto choke his throat and end his reign.You let him run with all his might,as boys will sometimes do at night,before you harnessed his brute forcewith labor fierce, a mean divorce.So did his mother weep and wailto see her child's foot set with a nail. You fondled once a shepherd boywho baked buns for your tongue's joyand daily killed his lambs so coy.So in return for gifts like thoseyou chose to lupinize his toy.And when his brothers saw his penisthey knew you'd done something heinous.Ishullanu trimmed your father's treesand brought you carrots, dates and peas.So mighty you sat down to feasts, then turned your thoughts to raping beasts.You saw him naked once and said:'Come, Ishullanu, into my bedand force your force into my head.Place your fingers where men dreadto touch a girl who's dead.'And he in turn said this to you:'What is it that you'd have me do?I know, kind mother, I won't eatif I can't match your female heat. But would you have me sing and sinas my whistle goes both out and in?'So since he balked to play that role,you switched his jewel into a mole;stuck in the muck of a marshy townhis pleasure can't go up or down.And that is how you'd deal with meif we got friendly, warm, and free."

Holla Forums, I love you guys so, so much. You are my brothers.

Can you guys please explain user culture? I fell like I understand but I do not fully understand.

if u dudes want to read some pomo shit that isn't written by a communist jew then u should check out rene girard, he writes some interesting shit about memetics and desire, and is unapologetically christian



Sad. You have to pretend to be the smartest person in the room even when you're the stupidest. I've read the Prolegomena and you don't know which one.


To whom do you think your superiority is being proved?

>Anonymous didn't exist until after 2011
What the fuck, who let this retard in here.

Lurk moar faggot.

Are we safe?

are we ever?

Don't you know, user? Every post he makes must be submitted to his boss to get that sweet, sweet $00.02

What the fuck does that mean?

Also i'm still really goddamn mad that the CIA and Soros stole anonymous from us and used our name in the Arab spring.

Fucking bullshit.


Nigger, "Anonymous" was stolen from us for fucking chanology. How new are you?

At times I feel safe in my mom's basement surrounded by day old piss bottles with a belly full of warm tendies…. but doubt creep in at night

It was stolen from us during Chanology and it was constantly reused afterwards.

All this Ancient Egyptian frog stuff makes me want to bring back KoG. I wonder if I can meme mindcrush powers into reality. We're already weaving some premium mindfuckery right here on our Tuvan throat and rug embroidery weaving circle.

Fuck. How many years has it been? Looking back at the time, I only saved shitty mostly unfunny motivationals and lewds and not the more meaningful and eventful stuff. I wonder what happened to those flashes too, the one with sageman and shit. Wish jewt hadn't cucked out.


>tfw was 2008 Boxxfag cancer and frequented between Holla Forums and sekrit Boxxy fan forums with their own drama, got semi-redpilled on the holohoax through Holla Forums but only browsed /new/ a couple times and then finally went all in on Holla Forums
What a ride.


Turn into a wolf. She basically gave him a dog dick.


meant for

THese stories are always fun
I legit did not see any of this coming.

Lurk more, you dumb fucking cunt. Outsiders simply CANNOT understand user culture. You need to be an user to understand Anons, you worthless waste of God's gift of life.

Complete and total faggot detected

used to hang out on some emulation forum around 2003-4, somebody made comments about Japanese people being weird because of video games, and then somebody said something like " you mean like 4chan" I was curious because I didn't know what that was. found the place, spent the first few months on /h/ before moving on to Holla Forums and then Holla Forums…. skipped around boards a lot for a few years GG and then the Exodus happened, came here and then the rest is history.

I just wanted to play video games and look at Japanese cartoon porn. now I actually believe Hitler did nothing wrong and I have an ancient Semitic cult trying to kill me and everybody like me.

life is weird.

Shit, that how Megyn used to look like before she got Trumped?


You misunderstand what I mean user. I understand subconsciously, but not consciously. It's a type of understanding i cannot put into words.

kek, cannot unsee



How embarrassing.

I think we all have something special about us like Hitler did.

None of us showed up to your retarded conventions, newfag.

I mean, of all the oldfag memes to breach into meatspace with, and they chose fucking EFG. Speaks volumes really.

Our Ebaums World trick seems to be working

(checking those dank dubs)
i c wat u did thar
But yeah, a nice cup of cocoa and these little stories can be pretty comfy, it's like the precursor to listening to your old grand pappy's stories. I feel like I should've elaborated more into a small greentext story now since people are mentioning specifically how they got to the chans.

Rest was already pointed out, kinda felt lazy at this point to keep going but after typing that and reading ,
I feel like it may be the hopeless romantic part that eventually made me want to fight for my race against all odds despite the crushing weight of millions of useful idiots, shills and an international Jewish cabal. The grim reality of the situation put me in bad place for several years of my life before I dug myself out of the hole somewhat though.

I kinda see it now, fug

checked and keked

Nobody names h8chan, and there are three main reasons

A) You are a normie pleb have no fucking clue we exist
B) You are physically incapable of speaking our name without fear gripping your heart
C) You're one of us and don't wan't to risk attracting any more newfags

Feels p gud.

That's just cute

Wait… What?

"Trolling Scholars"???

So some clown actually managed to get a degree in "trolling"? Is that like underwater basket weaving? What fucking kikery is this? In my day we all taught ourselves how to troll! While walking three miles to school, barefoot and uphill both ways!



Because we resurrected an ancient Egyptian god and have his favor.

Meme magick isn't about being blinded to ideas and truths like Islam, Judiasm and to a lesser extent Christianity are
Meme Magick is about discovering what is true and finding the best way to spread it

debunk all you want, to paraphrase Victor Hugo: you can't stop an idea whose time has come

All books of god are written by the corrupt hands of (((man))). The original text and meaning were polluted long ago

Oops, too late.

Exactly, you change the replication of ideas in something small which is what memetics is you change something larger

Brings back memories.


inb4 caturday, lasers and cheeseburger cats.

this is better meme music tbh

Well, I guess something has to spark the Reading Steiner.

It's been years since I've seen that…

Hopefully it won't go that far.


Someone took liberties with the translation, didn't they? There's no way a literal translation would rhyme like that.



Is that some Ghost In The Shell I hear?

This is the point about Kek most people don't understand because it gets lost in translation. Kek is the god of Primordial Chaos, from which everything was born. Eris is the Goddess of discord and strife - societal chaos.

This is a very big difference, as the Chaos that Kek is in charge of can give rise to anything, while the chaos Eris is in charge of is only bad things.

And still, they know nothing.
"Experts" in name only


It's troubling to think these "experts" have influence and power serving as advisors.

They think humour is their ally?
I have walked the interwebs and found my mind the lost ones that don't have it have shown it to me.
I was born in humour, moulded in it, by the time I was a man it was simply BLINDING


Sounds about right

I know that feel bro
It seems that you really do something as evidenced by your 3 sets of dubs.
Personally, I don't think you are breaking anything though.

vice was kind of cool in like 2003-2007 or somewhere around there. They exuded cred and insight into various scenes.

Now we're the cool kids. We're the hipsters. We're the ones with the subculture that's obscure, abstruse, full of codewords and images and slang, and everyone wants to know what it's all about.

They latch onto us because they fucking ENVY us and realize they're not viewed as cool anymore.

Have more respect for the wizardry user

Is it possible that we have more success because we are not doing it for petty selfish means, but for something greater than ourselves?
Like Trump says, "Think Big!"
We have been aiming high all along,
I remember reading somewhere that crowley spent most of his time trying to magick women and money, which seems small and petty to me.

Man, it's been a really long time. I must have come in around 2003-2004 from YTMND back in the day. I actually got redpilled pretty quickly.

At some point, I dedicated myself to living in this reality and making the best of it. So I learned quickly that everything here is more fucked than I could possibly imagine, got involved in things I can't talk about and some things I can…

I was there when Kek was born again. There's so much I could say.

This is fucking hysterically misguided. This is playing right into the rules we've concocted. Every person who reads this is now another node in the formless magical landscape being built across the internet.

Symbols of power can be removed from the physical world. You cannot remove mental symbols of power from the minds of people who have been exposed to them. Everyone who read this article is now carrying the meme that Pepe and Kek are symbols of intense power that others believe to have the power to alter reality. Every future instance of meme magic now resonates with them in the dark corners of their mind. It's like turning these people into broadcasting/receiving towers for our signal.

And just as a quick aside: It's fucking hysterical that they claim to be experts on user subculture and don't even understand that neither 4chan nor Holla Forums are alt-right sites. Likewise, my sides have transcended into smug-vana skimming over this article. "These shitposters have no power! They mean nothing! THEY AREN'T IMPORTANT!" in their excessively long article all about people like us. So unimportant and impotent that we need countless "experts" to carefully (and inaccurately) take their critical lenses to our actions and methodology.

i can leftypol crying and wanking in the corner tbh


What's even funnier is that their repeated insistence that "the alt-right" is behind this shows they have a massive ideology blindspot. They don't know when they are being memed on.

These people don't understand the alt-right isn't a cohesive group. It isn't really anything. It's a half-baked attempt to be the "classical liberals" of the conservative side that got dusted off a couple years ago. Whenever the (((MSM))) and politicians and academicians talk about THE ALT-RIGHT all they are doing is lumping together everyone they don't like.

They just assume everyone who doesn't march in lock-step with their groupthink, who doesn't praise "equality" and "diversity" and so on, must be part of a monolithic organization. They unintentionally use it as an umbrella term and now they actually believe that the alt-right is an actual thing, and that everyone they hate conveniently aligns with this political movement that they can't even describe, let alone ascribe any values or agendas to.

I like him; he put in the effort.

the alt-right is just another buzzword they can throw around and blame for their utopia being an impossible childish dream

Praise KEK my dude.

noticed they didn't say KEK once in the article they are afraid to invoke his powers

It's right up there with feminists blaming "Meninists" for ruining things, when meninism is 1) a parody twitter account that switches pronouns on things feminism has said, and 2) isn't a fucking real thing with beliefs or ideology.

Conveniently, "anti-feminism" falls under the alt-right umbrella whenever they need to insist that the alt-right is even more dangerous and evil.. Y'know, when they aren't insisting that the alt-right isn't even all that big or dangerous, like they are doing in this article.

m-m-m-magic isn't r-r-real!!!! we have our top scientists disproving it every day!!

They didn't even mention meme magick, never mind how it has complete precedence in the canon of occult lore. 0/10 shitty article.




Basically it's b8 for the lulz.

So this means they lurked for 3 years… They probably got lost in 2014 and went to 4cuck for the first time and they htink they're part of it.

These writers are shit. Daily reminder they won't be writing for NYT ever.

These useless "journalists" belong to the rope.






Well, Holla Forums, seeing as how tomorrow is the anniversary of the Holy P{lane Crash, what are y'all going to sacrifice to Kek?

Memes that did not come true ( from memory)

Even if you don't invent something, psychs can be useful tools for working through emotional distress, and may help a person find direction when he's lost.

If you see the face of the void staring back at you, don't freak out; you've found a friend.

Ebola is still a threat and recently spread to India
they wont tell you that publicly
the ice age is coming thanks to the Maunder Minimum


Well, Holla Forums, seeing as how tomorrow is the anniversary of the Holy P{lane Crash, what are y'all going to sacrifice to Kek?

I'm the guy from that webm and I bought a quran to burn in protest of m-103, might as well make it a dual purpose event.

The media who is known to be corrupt and owned by corrupt political parties who have a disgusting lobby and 90% of monopoly even have low rates and people watching much more the 10% who aren't owned by DNC whas in wikileaks, and these disgusting, arrogant, trash, corrupt left-wing commie elite and establshment with all their monopoly and manipulation to try to elect the piece of shit of democrats party, are angry and try to manipulate people against any opposition media who don't follow their narrative, propaganda, candidates, cover up of shit, traitors controled opposition, the left-wing media smells like shit and nobody will forget nothing about then and they never will accept lose lobby and monopoly so the people will just feel even more disgust of the media and the default DNC candidate who they always shill, everything recorded in videos, emails hain wikileaks, proves, facts, evidences, but they are so disgusting, cynical, trash, they are the media opposition party owned by DNC and want to pretend to be the norm when they are corrupt propaganda of one political shit party?

Why left-wings don't have mainstream media labels? It's because these trash want to manipulate for their corrupt commies parties and old establshment? Anyway the word alt-right was subverted for something good since people have natural deep disgust of left-wings corrupts and don't matter how they try to pretend that they are the norm when they aren't the norm, and everybody knows that their media is corrupt, garbage, even more after 2016 and know what corrupt political party and candidates are owners of their media, and the american disgusting media is one of the most horrible, sick, corrupt, cheaters, dirty tricks, disgusting media in the whole world, maybe UK and some other european countries who have traitors in the power of their countries, corrupt media and Unelected European Union burecrauts.

Understand their social engineering with the label alt-right to pretend that they are the norm, and everything who don't vote for DNC/DEMOCRATSPARTY are grouped with some label who they want to relate with something bad to make the possible for the corrupt garbage candidate of democrats party wins, within of republican party also have cheap whores like John McCain, Bush, who sell their ass for corrupt DNC establshment, media, owned by these disgusting trash

Don't let yourselves be manipulated by their social engineering manipulation, at least be aware of this.








Summary: they're worried that the whole Kek Magic thing, and trolling culture related to the Alt Right (really any who are anti-SJW are using it now), is becoming too strong. They're afraid the kids will think it's cool. It's really just a "shut it down" thing.

I think they're confused, because fighting it simply makes it stronger; brings it more attention.

Was it intentional to make the "brain" look like a parasite sucking on the head? Leech/10

You're pretty cucked. Kek doesn't require anything beyond shitposting.


sure whatever
aaaand you're still totally ignorant of this culture
lurk for another 2 years thanks

bonus points: notice how the 3 womyn who are from Vice had to attach themselves to that huge group of researchers to seem legitimate

This is a good method to detect a confused and muddled mind: They'll think that 'real magic' is the sort of magic that can't exist. This is when you know that person's vocabulary is employed as honorifics and not in accord with any realism.


>tfw when eternal newfag ;_;
▲ ▲

See nothing wrong with that, vice.

how do those degrees qualify her for talking about trolls? maybe CS or even sociology.

I bet you they wouldn't even get that.

He didn't have a map of meaning that he needed to conform to.

Any of y'all anons interested in ePub translations of these PDFs? I'm probably going to do this as a form of study. It works better for my e-readers.

Me and you both my friend.

How's your approach in this?
I admit, I'm not very much into the occult so I basicly do what I did all my life with god:
I pray a lot.
I don't get an answer but then again I don't exactly expect one.


Kikes memeing responsible is just not going to happen, so you might as well start planing for a future where the Vodkaburger meme will be reality.

trolls for the troll throne

Jordan B. Peterson is doing an ama at r/iama at 7pm est.

He also hates SJWs and got shit for not not "respecting" people with a made-up gender.

Wasn't there a thread some time ago where an user posted a Tarot card reading website and everyone that replied was some Variation of a Lunar Hermit Magician or Sorcerer?

Checked, but all hail discordia. We're not having another attempted d&c in here. Goons fuck off. Eris is not your waifu and doesn't like you, is bored of your bullshit entry level Discordianism, has broken up your shit with a schism in her own ranks, and remains a loyal soldier in the entourage of Kek as long as our war is fun.

Discordianism: y'all are doin' it rite.

Letting them out of the kitchen was a mistake, Holla Forums was right again

The Kek that existed in ancient Egypt is not the Kek of modern day. Or, to be precise, the Kek that existed in ancient Egypt was not until recently the Kek of modern day. The power of Wyrd, the deepest and most fundamental structure in the folk religions of the western European people, is the power to retroactively influence the past by passing it through the filter of our own self-created present. And in so affecting the past, we also alter the present state of the world, twisting our fates and the fates of all on earth. Time isn't a line, it is a feedback loop.

The Star and Strength. What does this mean user? I want to be esoteric meme wizard, but it seems that fate has other plans for me.

And yet they still get everything fucking wrong. I don't know if it's just women or normalfags in general, but I doubt they will ever grasp user culture. Ever.

Truly the Women's Studies of meme degrees.

Personally, if you aren't going into webmology, you should kysfam

I have her book on maskfaggotry. It's nothing.


Hard to believe they've got the balls to write that line.

I have over forty years of using online communications starting with dad's office telex machine. BFD.

I know someone with both undergrad and graduate journalism degrees. On her first big assignment at a paper I used to have to copy edit for her. (I never graduated; I learned later she probably sucked every professor's cock for As.)

Hah, this. Three authors who've all been using the internet since 2007?

Impressive stuff.

But honestly chaos gods get a bad wrap. There are more then a few Erisians left on this board. Once you get used to the train wreck you begin to realize that if you just relax and go with the flow you're gonna get to your destination faster.

Flat is Justice

I'll take my Kekology with a side in Societal Chaos. CHECKED

In Triplicate


Well - there's certainly no want for predictive power in the old school/real Discordians. Their influence brought us the Illuminati game, and I think Steve Jackson himself would probably start shitting his pants if he found this place. Of course, Eris didn't give him a hint of a break, either - remember the FBI break-in when he was designing the game?

Oh yeah, and the Discordians were elbow deep in the JFK assassination, through, one presumes, absolutely no fault of their own. Lee Harvey Oswald was roommates with one of the big Discordian guys when they were in the army apparently and the Feds thought he, the Discordian, was probably some kind of pinko for being so autistic. It's a really interesting story and if you don't know about it I can try to find it. Can't remember even a little where I found out about it though.

I never thought it was fair that the Discos got lumped in with the commies. They were clearly their own completely unique brand of insufferable faggotry.

Kek. They did generate some pretty good salt and lulz, for their day, at least.

sure cucks, we don't have egyptian gods and aryan mummies on our side

Graud Greyface is just Moloch in a suit tbh

Hail Eris I guess, the dumb greedy slut.

Ironic digits from Kek?

kek was stronger than the satanic demon worshipped by the satanist woman in the hacked emails who end in wikileaks of podesta, the satanist woman who was with Lady Gaga, and have this old satanist called alinsky, i don't remember exactly his name, who was friend or something of Hillary Clinton in the past.

Kek was stronger than these pathetic demons.

These dumb niggers don't realize that trolling has been around since the 90's and comes from a fishing term. I'm not even an ancientfag and I know that. This whole article is fucking hilarious. "We promise you that Trump's hateful supporters don't have magical powers." What point did we reach where this was a necessary headline? Too bad they're wrong.

smdh fam

Pay up goyim

I'm pretty sure right wing extremists DO have magical powers.

but i enjoy the joy of satan in the past, but since i'm some kind of atheist wanting to believe in non-human things, the joy of satan at least for me don't give luck for my life, nothing against other people who think lucifer was a blond blue eyed demonized aryan against establshment of someone wanting everybody living in lies, slavery and submission, but i don't attack cristians too since stopped joy of satan and tried to be back cristian, but since joy of satan and jesus don't give luck for me, the only thing who give luck for me in this time was praise kek, i'm some sort of atheist, but in doubt i like to have luck, and kek give luck for me, i don't know if i believe in luck or not, but in doubt, praise kek!

I don't want to divide, i experimented every kind of shit in the last 5 years even being atheist, but wanting to have luck and wanting to believe in these things, so i experimented being cristian, satanist, and everything, and nothing happened (Two times in the last year i had risk of die, maybe the satanism i experimented give bad luck for me, so i stopped, but i never tried the joy of satan really, but i apology for cristians, god, in doubt, even being atheist, i don't know if this give bad luck for me, so i stopped, and i apologized for god in doubt to maybe stop bad luck, even being 85% atheist, while praise kek worked to give good luck for me, i want to buy a subtle frog symbol not related to pepe, any cool frog symbol and use this to give more luck for me

Bot's back. And it's weirdly improving.

JoSM some iffy-ass lore to say the least, but they are redpilled as fuck on the JQ and their energy meditations fucking work, so take from that what you will.

nogs are very superstitious, mescans too, and apparently the jews at the top have conned themselves into believing ooga booga, so why not push the narrative of our overwhelming magic powers for keks and profit? Like if a nigger fucks a White girl it turns them gay, Whites have powers to make you feel bad so stay away from them, Whites have put a spell on their homes that curse black thieves if they break in, etc.

These "scholars" need to lurk more and realize that "meme magic" is a meme in itself to make atheistic normies underestimate our hard work and resolve at undermining their degenerate way of life.

Holla Forums memed Trump, Mattis, Sleepy Negro, Sessions, and Bannon into the White House, not some ancient African frog god.

This seems to me like the end of the denial phase.


I got the death card and the emperor card paired.

(((Mainstream))), please.

Only Kek's followers are entitled to Jew gassing magic.

Kek isn't goyim. Don't stop worshiping our kosher god. Don't stop tipping that fedora. There is a reason we keep writing articles about tipping.

I good goy always leaves a tip, because they are euphoric.



This is the greatest. (((They're))) getting crazier by the day. And the more (((they))) talk, the stronger Kek becomes. It's just reinforcing the meme strength.

I knew vice was jewed but holy shit I just looked at their youtube page. It's almost tumblr tier degeneracy now.

you used to be good goyims

Adding that the media here, for the most part have been very vary of us since basically day one, well almost

It's interesting that they're going after things like animeposting, fashwave, and meme magic. What it tells me is that they've been here lurking for a long time, trying to find a crack to tear open. All they've found is in-jokes and jovial cruelty. Do they seriously think this kind of article will make them look good?
They're stupid fucking spastics and every time they try to attack us they trip over pocket spaghetti and fall ass first into a pile of shit.

(half heiled)
they will become us
More insiders inc


They only appeared insightful because you weren't familiar with the the scenes they discussed. Now that it is about something you know deeply, their surface level knowledge and shilling becomes evident.

This AUTISTIC frog worshiping anime NAZI is casting SICK MEME SPELLS, and basically you're fucking retarded. Click this link to find out how to defeat him and his army of anime girls

You know what to do.

Before we know it, we'll have them buying spells from wizards at the renaissance fair.

Yea, i was thinking of doing a crashcourse in that field. I have already filed a list


Holla Forums is like being exposed to radiation, though; any amount of exposure while lurking increases exponentially the likelihood of being redpilled. I wonder how many SJW lives have been shattered.

What's this reference pls?

Something about this phrase rolls of the tongue really, really nicely. God, I love this place.

Best thing about that Gin, 88 proof.

Jews are cattle as well, but the deem themselves more equal. Only people with both soul and spirit aren't biological automatons, but real human beings.

Alas trolling is not what it used to be. Most of our dozing and life ruining departments were cannibalizes into the propaganda department and now all we ever do is meme and shitpost. Those are great things to do but we really need to get back to our roots of lulzy irl action.

When you arrange 1488 in computer code for colors, you get comfy Christmas shades of red, green, and blue.

Green is also the lucky color for Wood years in Chinese astrology, and Wood in Chinese corresponds with Wind in Western astrology; both are tied to higher reasoning and empathy.

I still need a Goebbels waifu. I can't into drawing.

Could someone please post the caps wherein the Soros foundation tried to supply voting machines which were probably handed over to the Clinton foundation before, and the cap showcasing how the US government boasted of having botsimitating human speech which they called 'Metal Gear'.

The audacity of these people. And yet they still wonder why deities and nature despise them?




Que? How?

Green is an unusual colour because in 'real life' it's pretty much generated from 'white light' only as an interference pattern typically.
You can perform Goethes experiments at home to confirm this. ROYGBIV etc = the green only appears at a distance once individual colours have interfered to create additive mixing.
Most lasers are available in pure colour diodes but green still has major colour shifts if you investigate them with a spectrometer. They have cyan/aqua bands at lower thresholds and temperatures and higher IR bands too if you are paying attention. I probably shouldn't have mentioned this lol.
Older DPSS/diode pumped lasers also used frequency doubling to produce 532nm green.
Basically a pure green source is uncommon in physics and nature.
It is also the brightest colour to the eye (555nm a bright lime green) in photoptic vision scenarios.

Plants appear green usually because they reflect 10-15% more green than other colours. The fact that green is 3-4x brighter per watt than red+blue means this small percentage works out to lots (for our vision system anyway).

Royal blue and royal yellow + additive/subtraction will make all colours in life. It's an esoteric secret and part of why royal blue + yellow are common in royal and occult.
Another thing to note/prove this, leds make broad spectrum light by stokes conversion/phosphor conversion of blue light. They combine blue and yellow pretty much. Laser projectors can also make white with blue (445-460nm) and yellow (in 570-590nm or so).

Forgot to add; nature tries to show you this.

Author confirmed for Gollum.

doesn't Sony own that mushroom cloud clown? that was for an "Explosion of Fun" ad some years back. I remember because it was a fake rumor about a new Twisted Metal.



Even if you don't believe in the supernatural, "meme magic" is a perfectly explainable and understandable phenomenon. If you've read The Selfish Gene, where the term meme originated, the analogy becomes even more clear.

Anonymous image-boards offer an environment where natural selection applies to memes and ideas in a far more rapid and effective manner than any other kind of environment. Without durable identities, the only quality that determines whether or not a meme is popular and frequently reposted/altered is how interesting, intriguing and appealing it is. The complicated social hierarchy that applies to normal social interaction (such as on a regular forum) or office politics adds an immense amount of noise to the process. A terrible, unappealing idea may gain prominence simply because the person who came up with it or spread it is physically attractive or popular - but on an image-board, none of that matters.

As a result, anything that is frequently reposted on an anonymous imageboard is something that can connect with a large number of people and has some kind of appeal. The content created here is far more intriguing than anywhere else, and it spreads through various vectors (alt-right, facebook pages, cuckchan, etc) to the mainstream, carrying our views and ideas (i.e. memes) with it.

Not taking your major in Fine Gondola Curation. It's like you don't even value cultural heritage.

Really fired up my synapses

The most successful memes are the ones which touch a currently forbidden strain of feelings, and create a sense of participation and validation for those feelings. In other words they hit a nerve in the zeitgeist.

Which is why stupid shit like the purple bird is never going to gain traction for academic meme engineers. To make this stuff work they would have to really, literally endorse the forbidden. And that wouldn't be professional.

True meme magic can only work for things which the people crave but the powers that be make unspeakable.

The name alone should tip you off to their allegiances.

This entire article is kike goobledygook. It's meaningless word salad. They should all be gassed for mental retardation. and for being fags and kikes

Keystonefag here, you're welcome America! :D

If dubs, we assimilate vice.

Something is going to happen to them.


This is legitimately frightening. These people are proudly taking the role of "context creators." This article is full of lies, but it shows that they themselves KNOW IT IS AND STILL SPREAD IT. They know how it works yet still only seek to destroy us. This is akin to Stalin killing off major party members and then crudely trying to shop them out of all historical pictures in an attempt to erase history.

ANYONE with good memory remembers Anonymous, and how they threatened to hack Facebook, failed, then shortly after all the main hackers got found out and arrested by the alphabet agencies. I guarantee the former Anonymous all work for the CIA or are dead in a ditch now. Modern Anonymous is dead, its fully taken over and run by CIA, just like many other formerly conscious groups. Now you see it mentioned and spread in the normiespheres, where mall shops sell the masks to teenagers to pretend to be edgy anarchists. This nu-anonymous are the ones embracing social justice and feminists.



fug :DDD


They don't get it, they never will.


God damn that is boring

I was diagnosed with it and yes

that's my attitude.
In a democracy nothing it greater than the individual, meaning my view is worth just as much as the rest of the world's views and should be taken equally serious, numbers matters not.

I also understand things better than the world, which is why I'll beat it at its own game.

I think respect for the classics more so?

My Heavens Just Look at the Time!


Nasheedposting has always triggered me a little bit if I'm being perfectly honest.

We are the Sons of Liberty, but this time, we won't fail because the "Patriots" are on our side.


Kek. Ironic Shitskinposting is still shitskinposting.

That's a interesting statue. Black and gold always looks luxurious. It's a shame statues like that aren't commonplace anymore.

Kek debunks the idea that libshit "trolling scholars" have intellectual capacity.

:D had it in 1998. Best time for internet and also games was around 2004-2007.

That's a rare gondola. Rarer than a muslim male reaching adulthood with a virgin ass.


i love how they can't stop talking about us especially given how we're supposedly so irrelevant according to them.


I like this term, a lot


That's genius

How time flies

Also does anyone have an archive of the election thread(s) when PA flipped. I'm from PA and I hadn't gotten my PC then. Would be greatly appreciated anons.

Also I knew vice was shit long ago.

user i know your heart lies with the right place, but, you need momentum.

implying the jews havent been trying to convince humanity the material world is all there is for the last 6 gorillion years

(praise kek)

Well Hitler's Wizards are getting younger, don't you know?

Me too, user.

The tarot school website has a way more enticing and morale boosting description of it though.

kek does not approve of false idols like smiley and his fanatical not!wiccans

Vice sold out so fast and so hard, but Shane and Suroosh are such inevitably leading-edge hipsters that you can just bet they're all fashy'd out now and not on this hairy pitted HWNDU shit. Lol.

Does Ebola-Chan use a weird accent with you? She uses this weird accent that sounds slightly European, but isn't like any accent I've heard before.

I can tell you from experience that, this Kek is infact the same Kek from Egypt. He's a very dark, powerful and deeply chaotic god.



Funny how everyone is against Transhumanism, but this is what we're actually doing. Normies and media being pulled into the drag of cyberspace, where we are literally lurking like a giant Kraken to eat their faces and have self-proclaimed scientists trying to decipher 4D shitposts for half a decade, while fucking over the "elite' and billion dollar heavy counter-intelligence efforts with a single meme.

There is a clear boundary between normie space and our reality. The entropy, the form of communiation and the way of thinking seperates us from them, yet we bleed into reality like a kosher slaughtered lamb. This is what the pioneers of the internet have envisioned, but they had the wrong idea how this would work. In the early days they thought that some kind of "hivemind cooperation" would create peace and make people lick each others asses with digital participation. Yet, they underestimated the power of free running logic combined with autism and a keyboard.

We are the first generation of the modern human, capable of trespassing the tethers of reality at their bidding, only traversing between their basements and pizza deliveries.

If dubs the owner of Vice will have a heart attack.

Terrible idea on their part. They created a hivemind of their worst enemy.

We could still do that, you know. Ping me a message.

if dubs Soros dies soon

Imagine the following:

Everyone who has been on this train for the past 10 years probably talked to each and everyone in this group.
In a way a band of brothers, who never met and never will meet… until kek wilst it.


I do all sorts of shit throughout the day to do so, like always putting volume settings on dubs, trips, 7s, etc.
I also subtly say "Checked" under my breath when I see that the time is reading dubs.



Couldn't stop laughing after I read that part.

Did you know that Holla Forums has roughly over thirteen million combined years of shitposting experience?

Holla Forums missionary arrives at and curses Holla Forums



Trips confirmed Eris a shit

8 is the most magical number, Terry Pratchett was right.

Eris is just deeply insecure because she pads her bra. She'll calm down with enough headpats and bullying.

Sounds accurate enough, she's the daughter of Nergal after all. I don't know if there's anyone still alive using the accent of the people who worshipped him.

I had a dudeweedbro at college claim to be an expert of "Internet absurdity".

How I got a 4-year degree without killing myself I'll never know. Hardly in debt either


posting in an ebin kek thread

Nietzsche-user's Magic 101

Underchecked digits.


Checked, long live anonymous, the vanguard of Truth!



White cuties with Kek, that's what you need for dubs