NoE teasing more Mario Kart 8 DLC

I haven't touched the game in months but new courses would definitely bring me back to it

Any predictions on what they could add? I'm hoping for another crossover character it will probably be another Ninty one but I'd be really happy if Pac-Man got in

I want pokemon characters and item drops

haha, enjoy your never ever

should've learn how stingy TPCi is after SMM

If it's as awesome as the first two packs, then it'll be great.
Damn, I should play Mario Kart 8 again, it was my favorite MK since DS.

how about sonic and WOOOOOOOWOAWH YOG

You guys actually buy nintendo games?

You mean people actually bought anything after the gamecube?


as a hanafuda fan i feel betrayed

If Funky Kong comes back then I'll consider it.





I just want some real fucking battle courses and proper battle modes. I can't believe they a) not only fucked battle mode but b) let it remain fucked without touching it. Nintendo seems incapable of admitting it has ever made a mistake. Fucking dipshits.

And I bet a Mario Kart 8 port will appear on NX with all DLC included as a way to bump the library at launch.

Fire Emblem character will probably be a DLC thing since its mainstream trash now


I hate you because you're probably right

>there will never be a sawnic transformed where samus is the ninty guest character
>vehicle is Ridley with his mouth shackled shut and a shock collar with samus holding an energy lasso attached to it, yanking on him to turn and break
>make his ass swim and run and fly
> for allstar, he breaks out of his restraints and throws Samus off his back, starts flying and is able to shoot fireballs while VS Ridley plays
>it ends with samus coming out of fucking nowhere to slam onto his back and snap a new shackle on his face and neck


I barely even played the first 2 considering the 4chan tournament died long before then.
If there's new DLC and enough interest here, maybe I'll set up an Holla Forums tournament and stomp all your fucking shit.

Where is my fucking sequel Sumo?

After Dead Island 2

best fucking cart game I've played in a long time.

I'd rather have a Sega All-Stars fightan game. Not a Smash Bros. clone, but a traditional fightan with a low barrier of entry for kids, like Sonic the Fighters.

It's a shame they dropped it so quickly. If they did cup dlc like MK8, I would play it more often.

Looks like more 64 courses, at the very least.
