Remainder that westfags will never get anikino right

Remainder that westfags will never get anikino right.

wtf happened to her face


Kite is totally mediocre.


she wan't gang raped and forced into servitude.

lololol jesus
didnt even have an arm shaver on staff?
couldnt even shoop it out?

look at her neck.
why does she have gills?

Reminder anyone with a shred of self respect for the film medium doesn't care about anime or anime adaptations, besides ones that completely change the anime entirely but keep all the good bits, like Black Swan for example.

It's not even in so-bad-it's-good territory, it's smack in the middle of the it's-just-shit range.

You know how there's people who literally like to eat shit? Is there a similar phenomenon for liking objectively bad media in a non-sexual way?

No loss tbh

does it has the rape scenes?
thats the only reason people ever gave a fuck about Kite

edge of tomorrow was pretty good too

Why does there always have to be rape scenes in japanese stuff?

It wasn't because they changed the original ending where the fuck up and die to a happy cliche ending. I love cruise but its just stupid schlock because of that

Nothing wrong with a happy ending you bitter faglord

Yes, there is, especially when the protagonist is WHITE.

'Cause it's hot.

That would be too hard.

It is universally worse than Perfect Blue, did you even watch the original? Aronofsky is a dumpster-tier director that is only successful because he copies a great one that few people know about.

Perfect Blue is the only Anikino ever made.

Edge of Tomorrow was better than the original overall but the ending was somehow worse, and the ending to the original wasn't even good to begin with.

But there is because now they want stupid sequels, it's the most lazy time travel movie you could think off with exposition and bullshit, KYS

No that would be Cameron and Lucas, jewish directors are usually great

There is something wrong with the ending not making any logical sense though and that's where the adaption fucked up.

well at least you were more subtle with the first post

time travel makes no logical sense

meh, what a turd. fatmerica needs to be nuked

Yes it does if you are a physicist and not a dumb groundhog day bitch

lol no

It makes perfect sense as long as its the branching kind, paradoxical time travel doesn't make a lot of sense but it can work. The problems with time travel movies come when they try to mix multiple different kinds like Looper or the ending of Edge of Tomorrow.

I thought she was going to be the next big thing after Underworld!

This is just an emotional knee-jerk response with no basis in reason.

Surely you mean Western stuff. Anime has rape or attempted rape once in a blue moon.