You can be sure that any woman in recent Western works we're supposed to buy as an adventurer/hero/leader/whatever will be a man with tits and not believable as a character. Especially romantically.
Challenge: List recent lead women who aren't men with breasts
Rey from disney wars, she has no breasts
Could you define 'man' for the man with tits?
But Rey isn't a man.
I dunno they look like women to me.
not really recent, but there ya go, write your damn article
Tomoko and Katia Managan.
nobody wants a realistic female lead, not even women
Dude, I've got bigger tits than that bitch.
I never understood this argument, since that would then imply that there is a fundamental difference between the two, and that and adventure/hero/ect would be fundamentally better if it was a man.
Women aren't at all as capable as men when it comes to heroism/adventuring/You Name It. They are weaker, less notably intelligent, more cowardly, more conniving, etc. Outside of obvious waifufaggotry a man would be more believable in many cases (see Moana).
It's not like women have never been notable adventurous, genius, or heroic figures in the past. Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Ching Shih, Deborah Sampson, etc. Even if you want to argue that it's more likely for a man to do such things it's not like women have never done them, so it's not that odd to put a woman in that kind of position.
I think of it as more personality-wise. Starfire/Kori would be fundamentally strange if she acted the same but was a man. In the same grain, someone like Lobo or Hellboy would just be kind of weird to see as a woman. There's a fundamental difference between how Conan the Barbarian presents himself, and how Red Sonja presents herself. It feels hard to explain, but it becomes pretty noticeable if done bad enough. Like a kid acting like an adult in a TV show. You might not be able to put your finger on why exactly it feels so wrong, but you can tell it feels wrong.
I bet she has a feminine penis
I'm not a fan of the term "men with breasts" because I feel like a certain stupid, propaganda throwing, internet feminist created it for the sole purpose of disregarding any good female action character.
While it's not recent what would Ellen Ripley be classified as?
Got flown around by a man.
Was in a team that made a discovery.
Fucked her way in and still needed men around her.
Did little of note in the army.
Yeah it is.
"Man with breasts" is how they got around retconning two of the most historically badass heroines in gaming into fragile enotional messes.
I had some friends argue it was okay in Tomb Raider's case and not in Other M, but I can't remember any if their arguments other than "old Lara was barely a character" (more or less like Samus, unless you are a deepest lore fag who sees character development in the way your character grabs a weapon) and "Tomb Raider was eritten by Rhianna Pratchett so it's good".
I think people are way too harsh on Other M. I think the biggest mistake with the game is that for a lot of the stuff to make sense you have to read the supplementary material which explains certain plot points and aspects of Samus' behavior but other than that it legitimately feels like most of it was either feminists getting pissed over Samus not being a super-collected-badass 24/7 and waifufags getting mad over having their illusion of Samus as generic buttkicking power suit girl broken.
I like how you ask for characters that aren't "men with tits", but then you don't give any examples of female characters done "right." Care to elaborate? At all?
There are several.
Don't know where you get that from, it would simply be different.
And then crashed her own plane, with no survivors.
Maybe, but it's not without merit. A lot of the time, female characters behave almost exactly like men except for the most obvious differences and cliches.
Hey /r9k/ how it's going?
Make a thread that reek of anita screenshot to get some more cash
Can we ban this faggot?
She got another one, and I don't know about her being on a team, but then again, I'm not that guy, so I'll leave that story to him.
Okay, here it really is up to you to prove that she did anything of more particular note in the army than millions of men that history has forgotten.
She's not relevant now.
Amelia flying with a man does not make her not adventurous.
Marie Curie continued to work after her husband's death and having her husband does not negate her intelligence.
Ching Shih' s husband died and she took over in his stead and made her fleet prosper under her jurisdiction alone.
Deborah Sampson fighting in a war alone proves women have the potential of being just as heroic or courageous as men; she doesn't need to be better than the men. There were many other examples of women like her as well, and women-only teams from the USSR.
Stop moving goalposts to try and shrug these examples off.
All I said was that she failed her big round-the-earth flight. And for that, she gets celebrated.
I don't think anyone could logically refute that statement. Anyway, who remembers Pierre Curie? Marie's claim to fame is being a woman who won a nobel price, not wining a nobel price.
Don't know enough about this one to continue this branch of argument.
The standards for heroism and courage are substantially lower for women. All they have to do to become famous is to do a man's part.
Goalposts? My initial point was just that Earhart failed. Now I'm addressing your points and argument as you make them, presenting my own opinions.
Not trying to pick sides here, but I always did wonder why Amelia Earhart was so celebrated for failing her goal.
I mean there must be other female pilots that have flown greater distances and not dissapeared right? Why not celebrate one of them?
Can anyone name a man that's celebrated for failing their goal?
I mean shit wasn't there a woman who saved a bunch of people by landing a plane in an emergency where the pilot had a heart attack or some shit?
You're blabbering about nothing. I told you women who are just as adventurous, heroic, courageous, intelligent, etc as men exist. I gave you examples. You can't refute those traits in any of the examples.
Karl Marx–
In all seriousness. Columbus did nothing. He did not reach his destination. He did not colonize the America's, that came later. He wasn't the first to discover the continent. He just pillaged and did war crimes and was too stupid to realize it wasn't actually India he was in.
Every Confederate general.
Probably more.
E;R pointed this out, but Korra (specifically the Wan episodes) felt like the creative team had gone out of their way to not only move away from the previous iterations, but also disparage and belittle them as a means of making the new show seem elevated by comparison. The NuTrilogy does this and we can now add Doctor Who to this list of yet another series where they replaced the old, devalued it, and put a new and notably female lead in its place, ready to further shit on and ruin a beloved legacy.
Hey now, those were some very successful war crimes.
You ask for sources, I bring sources. You argue against things I never said, I humor you and make counter-arguments.
This one I can definitely refute. Doing your job isn't heroic, fighting a war for your more local rulers like a chump isn't heroic, and pirating isn't heroic.
I fail to see the adventure.
Women are actually slightly more intelligent than men on average, but they tend much more toward the average, which is why there are more complete imbeciles and geniuses among men. Women have even more of a herd-mentality than men, however, so what little more intelligence women have isn't doing much for them.
Eh, sure, given the right motivation. Generally shy further away from risk-taking behaviour, though.
What you are doing is cherry-picking a tiny few examples, however. They do not represent women as a group. It's anecdotal. If you could provide some relevant statistics, actual quantitative evidence, that would be more useful for the purpose of your argument.
Flying around the world and old world piracy are pretty adventurous.
Your sources mean nothing. You giving me a source that says Earhart died doesn't mean anything. Your source for Ching Shih literally goes on to talk about her husband dying and her taking over as the captain of the fleet. 90% of the source talks about her life post-husband.
I think we both know you'd probably not dismiss a male soldier. A woman fighting in a war for what she believes in and hiding as a man 24/7 is heroic; that's why Mulan is such a famous myth and a beloved movie.
If that's not enough for you, what about Harriet Tubman? She saved over 300 slaves. Or Malala Yousafzai, who stood up when men with guns demanded to know which one in a bus of children was Malala, the little cunt who insisted on having an education as a woman?
What moron thinks that a woman celebrated for her taste for adventure that she makes it a life goal to fly around the world, not adventurous? What idiot thinks that a woman who commands tens of thousands of ships as a pirate lord and explores as she pleases, isn't adventurous?
What about Sacagawea, then? She may have been something of a victim of circumstance, but she went above and beyond anything asked by Lewis and Clark and if you read about her she clearly had a taste for adventure.
Again, you're blabbering. Averages mean nothing. The majority of characters in media aren't even geniuses, anyway, so shouldn't you be complaining that the men aren't more stupid if we talk averages?
You mean like men, too?
You can talk about how these examples don't 'represent women as a group' but their existence means that it isn't impossible for women in media to be the way these women are. I'm not saying 'all women are better than men,' I'm saying it IS possible for women to be as heroic, adventurous, intelligent, and courageous as men. And all I need for that is case studies.
Can you not be a white knight beta soyboy cuck?
Malala also whines for people to not oppress muslims, just so her breathen can kill westerners. She's a treacherous dog.
Sacagawea was kept around for sex and littlemore.
Ching Shih steals credit for other's work.
Harreit Tubman also murdered a ton of slaves and probably is also just a feminine front for hard work that men did.
Mulan is made up shit.
Female Pirate Captains did't happen, they're just myths like mermaids, for horny bastards who had no women to fuck in the middle of fucking nowhere on the ocean. Literally /monster/ tier.
Wasn't that like one study that was later debunked when it was shown that men have an average IQ 2 to 3 points higher than the average?
No way, she's too dumb
You really just devolved into nonsense. At the very least don't spout bullshit that can be shrugged off with even the most basic of knowledge.
Hey reddit.
Malala got shot because a) she was a stupid, naive kid and b) because she was the daughter of a high-ranking military official. None of it had shit to do with her wanting an edumacation.
She was well-known for speaking about education where she was from. Part of it was her father but they specifically targeted her to make an example out of her, too.
Her dad himself was targeted specifically because of education. It was all about giving girls an education, retard.
They even made all the fathers/father figures all failures/rotten/disappointing/holding back the millennials. While not holding the mothers/mother figures to any criticism without blaming the fathers (see Toph not being held accountable for her garbage parenting).
Ain't nothin' wrong with being a man with breasts, as long as you aren't hypercompetent, unstoppable, and instantly liked by everyone.
This is a more interesting pattern than whatever dumb tvtrope shit OP is going on about and probably why most the diverse/progressive bullshit in established worlds are met the backlash they get.
Of course he did. He managed to bring Christianity to the natives, which is exactly what his goal was.
Speaking of Christianity, it is kinda funny you guys fail so hart at realizing what the fundamental differences between man and woman are; given the season we are in. If you want to understand how women and man can both be heroic in different ways, you only have to look at the differences between Mary and Joseph or Mary and Jesus.
If Bible was a work of fiction LOLOLOLOLOLOL I would say the female characters are so few, are all bland, have no real agency, and are defined only as mothers.
If you didn't want sources on her crashing her plane, then why did you ask for it?
Soldiers are mercenaries and chumps. Or conscripts (slaves). All wars these days are banker wars. The wars that actually matter are the exception.
It's just flying a plane. You sit there, and you fly in a straight line, maybe you land for refuelling and sleep once in a while, I don't know the details, but it seems more like a job than an adventure. And you don't have to call me names.
Command is a job, not an adventure, but I already said I don't know much about her, no idea what she explored. She may have been an adventurer, I don't know, tell me about her.
I wasn't talking in context of media. I thought we'd moved pretty far from that topic.
No, relative to men.
Well of course it's not impossible for women in media to be any way, media can be completely made up.
And I don't contradict that. Women as a group just tend less toward risk-taking behaviour. The individual and the group are not the same. What part of that don't you understand?
Actually, that was another guy. You should probably not think you can identify who you're talking to on an anonymous image board.>>doesn't provide any proof of his claims
Don't know, can you find it?
Like potter
>badly at it since they got lost
Don't take a source and parrot it user. The pilot and the navigator are two different thing doing two completely different things
Not really. He came back and brought tomato….was the other expedition that started to kill people
Fucking underage faggot, that's not how it works, you have no clue how aviation works and no idea of difference between nowadays aviation which can be sit and fly if you know what to do and old aviation. Go back to Reddit or any shithole you have crawl out
Well that's ridiculous, there are lots of strong women in the bible. Like Lot's daughters. The whore of babylon. Queen of sheba. Jezebel. Delilah. All very complex and 3deep5u characters.