Nazbols who think they're leftists

All Nazbols need to go back to Holla Forums


Assuming they aren't exceedingly racist, sexist, or bigoted in some way I don't really have a problem with Natbols or Straßerists

Somebody feel like spoonfeeding me on Useful Idiotism? I've only ever heard of it on this board and in a timeline set in the possible future of the Fatherland timeline.

Sums it all up really.

Mostly Russian nationalists who have nostalgia for the USSR and hate le jooz or even sympathize with Hitler. They are a confused bunch.


I'd check out Wikipedia

Basically SLIGHTLY less cucked Nazis

StrA$$erites with red flags

i think they were referring to useful idiotism in general

National Bolsheviks(or National Communists) are communists who are also highly nationalists. Imagine if Nazi Germany had the USSR economy. You don't need to be racist to be a Nationalist, but many of them are.

Strasserists were part of the original Nazi Party but didn't hate Jews enough so they got kicked out/purged.

It's stupid because you're combining one of the greatest ways of life(communism) with one of the worst ideologies ever.

Even if your nation is good, you should hate it to keep it in check. Nothing good can come from loving your nation.

Pretty much. Internationalism, imo, is better than nationalism, especially in the long run. I can see why it's appealing to people, though.


I can also see why fucking a cheese wheel would be appealing, that doesn't make it an intelligent move.



dont judge me

nazbols are good as long as they put being a bolshevik before being a nazi

im gonna guess your a tankie, correct?

I'm going to choose "none of the above", phil.

Damn straight OP