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good thing there was a terrorist attack just now so that no one will notice!
They're so fucked.
what a coincidence
That's why it's our job to make sure people notice, user.
im excited, as much as you are OP, BUT THAT IS NO EXCUSE FOR DIRECT LINKING
You're absolutely right. My bad.
So I get to read articles without the qualifier every other sentence that Trump claimed wiretapping "without evidence"?
So tell me burgers,who will go to jail if this is investigated and how much of a jail time can we expect ?
Most likely not. Jews don't let truth get in their way of brainwashing if they can help it
lol no one.
I thought they confirmed there was no wire tapping? What did the cuck news say to make everyone believe this? I was too busy at work to look into why everyone was calling trump a liar.
Fucking media narratives man.
"There was no legal wiretapping" t. kikes
So they just legally wiretapped him? Really these fucks are gonna play semantics now? I shouldn't be fucking surprised.
Wait, what? We were wiretapped by the Obama administration? That's Watergate level shit!
We're calling for an investigation in this matter.
Well, would you look here? Now we have evidence Trump was wiretapped.
Dealing with kikes really is like pulling teeth, isn't it?
Now you understand what would move such a good man like Hitler to feel hate. They're fucking vermin.
That's the whole point of Five Eyes. To provide an end-around to proper wiretapping protocols. So that they can TECHNICALLY say "we didn't wire tap" and be legally in the clear.
It's kike wordsmithing and used specifically for that purpose. To do otherwise illegal shit, but it be "okay" because you're not actually doing the op — the Brits do, in this case.
And I'm more than certain we do the same for them. It's one big orgy of fucking bullshit.
I really like the idea of pull teeth out of kikes.
With jews you lose. Therefor they need to be hanged.
as I said in the other thread, this wasn't happenstance.
Comey carefully parsed his words shortly after Trump made the tweets…"nothing ILLEGAL" I can't find the original statement, just sentiments
What a day. Must suck to be a muslim loving liberal today.
And now we wait with baited breath to see the media rats and SJW worms try to squirm out of the hole they've dug for themselves.
And he only wanted to deport them, when will we become what (((they))) say we already are?
Trump's a Russian stooge, so of course he was caught in a sting operation. He was probably receiving calls from Vladimir Putin himself! That's the only reason he'd get caught in a wiretap situation. We need to impeach Trump!
Spicer is roasting them alive right now. It's great.
It feels like the happenings are slowly but surely getting faster and faster. It's only a matter of time until
I can only hope its sooner rather than later
Now you understand. Same shit happened with science
Once kikes have a hold of something, they'll always go back to it via circular logic. God in the OT even called them a stiffnecked people.
They'll go back to that constantly. Incidentally, that's how a lot of neo-cohen christcucks lost a lot of followers. "We know the Bible is true because it tells us it's true." It's all circular logic bullshit, and if you call someone out on it, they'll look like total retards.
Incidentally, it applies to those fencesitters as well, the people that think they're intellectuals for being aware of the horseshoe theory.
I don't care about muh science shilld who will flood this thread now. Give me all the info you have on the kabbalah, etc. stuff currently in our science. I suspected it for a long time, especially after watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Thanks, man.
Now Trump needs to fire Comey, since it will no longer look like it was for his gain, or that he was firing him to try to cover up anything from an investigation. He is a danger to the American people and this administration since he is such a rogue operator.
And for all their autistic screeching in trying to trump Trump, do they even understand the overarching consequences that would occur if their narrative was true? They act like everyone would just pack up their bags and call it a day.
They're off the map at this point.
They have no idea what to do, Shillary was supposed to be a sure thing.
So London attack red haring?
Do they have them locked away like barn animals and just bag them and let them loose when they need them?
It sounds like large intelligence reports or dossiers were created with all of this "legally" collected surveillance information. Perhaps it was all collected legally and incidentally, but it should have been completely disregarded and it wasn't. There was a political motive to collect and combine everything in order to disseminate it. Obama knew for sure.
At this point, they've already crossed the Rubicon into uncharted waters. Everything they know is wrong and they can't accept that fact, so they're wildly flailing around, trying to regain the status quo antebellum. Reality has invaded their ivory tower and they have no idea how to react, so they've resorted to plainly retarded conspiracy theories. Right now, they're on the level of flat earth theorists. It's fucking beautiful.
FE theorists have actual evidence though, like videos and photos and shit. Shitlibs have nothing.
Correction they have more evidence other than just talk. Although flat earth theory is retarded.
Truly the jew will claw his way, sneaking and gaining every advantage he can. However the jew is predicable and moves in a way thats observable and systematic. Its not always easy, but you can make the jew beat himself at every game.
Videos and photos aren't really solid evidence, but it is better than nothing.
god skype even sounds like shit for the white house, skype sucks so bad, they should switch to facetime
no they should switch to tox
So, now they can ask Comey and all the other traitors in the CIA and NSA who else they were "legally" surveilling and collecting information on? Anyone related to Hillary's campaign? Or is it ONLY Trump's team?
I'm already seeing shill tweets exactly like this.
Nice, so they admit he was being spied on.
Trump knows exactly what he's doing have faith it'll all turn out all right.
What if a link gets established showing this information was fed to the Hillary campaign. It's not even improbable in this timeline.
When they say that they mean it in the most literal sense, i.e. Obama himself didn't put on a hard hat and mosey on over to physically tap the wires in Trump tower. That is the level of transparent bullshit they are trying to split hairs with.
It's almost a certainty that the Clinton campaign had access to this info. They even gave her the debate questions in advance.
then people need to go to jail, using the nsa and cia against us citizens is highly illegal, and doing it to influence and election is treasonous. they best be handing out life and death sentences for this, or the future of the republic will be in doubt
i agree with you, Satan.
'Herring'. The jihadis get told by the imam, who gets his orders from the Saudis, who got a call from the DNC that the shoe was about to drop.
Kek wills it
And there wasn't a damn thing they found that could used against him. No way to bribe or extort him, no pedo shit, no drug running, nothing. If there was anything damaging in there obama would have leaked it before the election.
the future of the republic is already in doubt
I'm waiting for Caesar to cross the rubicon
They did the country a service in some way.
The republic is no more. We are now the empire! The press, the globalists, the institutions. They're all corrupt and working against the US and the Emperor. Therefore they are guilty of treason. They will be imprisoned and the Emperor will reign for millennia using his new anti aging technology
Kek has spoken!
Trump leading military coup NOW
That is the most jewish use of weasel words ever.
So how is it all totally related to Russians, my fellow liberals?
You know what kind of being has power over life and death?
Mods ban this fucking faggot. SHARIABLUE NOT WELCOME
So what's the official justification supposed to be, if it isn't Russia? Hitler's brain?
I guess trump is such a nasty misogynist that they were allowed to wire tap him.
Shalom, faggot.
(((who))) could be behind this post?
Yeah, you're certainly not a shill at all!
still waiting on that proof of Trump's teams' colluding with the Russians to hack the election.
How do these liberal on the twatter comments think this is going to get Trump impeached and thrown in jail???
NSA..CIA…FBI have fingerprints on these reports and only agency so far that is willing to release is NSA.
FBI and CIA NIGGERS are going down. NSA are looking for big budget for ratting out the others. KEK!
No Chaim, the point is upon your filthy kike shekel sniffer
but it's moon landing level of "evidence"
At this point, they're so obsessed trying to get him impeached that any news about him makes them scream 'IMPEACHMENT!!1!'
Nunes went full spice with the press conference. So many tasty insights on the reports and he only had access to 12 so far with many more unseen. He is troubled about some of the information he saw that it may have been political in nature.
Oh my oh my oh my.
No extradition from French Polynesia, friendo.
The final frontier. Turning the "literally worse than Hitler" meme true.
So we just send him a 3,000lb present. Who's going to stop us?
Some OC
Nothing would make me happier than seeing King Nigger imprisoned
Nigger do you think that the republic is legitimate? Do you honestly believe that the conflicts which play out on the Jews' stage, are anything more than a ballad? Do you believe that the same people who made the president's name (Baraq O'bama = "lightening from heaven" like in Luke) a joke reference to Satan in Aramaic, would allow for opposition to even be a bid for candidacy?
Are you fucking joking?
You think this will upset them? 1. This will only be mentioned once on Jew News, if at all, and given no weight and so 99% of the peeps will never know about it. 2. Even if it became known, they would play it off as if it was nothing.
As for me, I am disturbed that most Americans view Trump as clown which exactly the way the MSM has purposely portrayed him. Even if we know better, the MSM is doing everything in its power to deligitimize Trump's Presidency for most Americans. We should all care about that.
Fucking this. There's more valid evidence for the holocaust then there is for a round earth. It's just another attempt to distance the goyim from The Lord
I was always hoping Obama was going to be impeached, but it never reached the level of complete insanity that these shitlibs are on. I mean they having totally fucking lost it.
I was greatly surprised that Trump kept Comey as FBI Director after Comey just let Hillary off the hook without fully investigating those e-mails. His name isn't James "CYA" Comey for nothing. This is a man who will never rock the boat if it could jeopardize his career or the FBI in any way.
its happening
Do you think the lugenpresse is going to be able to sweep this under the rug? They're at an all time low credibility. I'm just waiting for indictments to start dropping at this point.
Why does he call him president-elect Trump?
He uses the words "intelligence reports". King Nigger is fucked. They constructed actual reports from surveillance information.
Expect more aggressive pushes for impeachment soon. (((They))) want Pence in office
He's probably referring to the timeframe he was wiretapped in that specific instance, i.e. during the transition when he was President-elect.
Damn it. I hate not being able to fully trust Pence.
We've got to win MOOOOORRE
We've got to win MOOOOOOOOOORRRE
Exactly. All Trump has to do is tweet some shit about it and the press will be unable to shut up about it for weeks.
We need more loli-Trump.
Those reporters are all traitors. Death is mercy for them.
This is significant. How the MSM cover it is irrelevant. Trump himself has now been briefed on the intel and there's more to come.
Gas yourself, shill
Explains why Comey's weaseling, but that makes it official. There's no coming back from this. It's absolutely over. Kang Nigguh will hang.
I feel like I need to ask this; what book is this from?
the holohoax did not happen. and it's sad that you think lies from "eyewitnesses" provide stronger evidence than actual fucking photographs.
"Legal" doesn't necessarily mean "legal"
Obama got the warrants from the FISA court, but had to go back after the first one was rejected and may have obtained a fraudulent warrant as a result of omissions.
And the spying done on Trump may not even have been keeping in line with the warrants issued. So some of it might be """legal""" and some of it might not be (but the media won't talk about those parts of course)
It's going to end up having to be a court that decides whether it was legal or not, but it still looks scummy as fuck either way. Especially when "muh russia" apparently wasn't even the reason for the spying in the first place.
The collection was legal. But the unmasking probably wasn't, or if it was, it was politically motivated which will have to be explained by King Nigger himself.
No one's falling for it. You gave yourself away when you started saging a sticky
How are they going to defend this?
Oh, the unmasking was absolutely illegal, but either way, the outgoing administration deliberately targeted a presidential candidate, and it wasn't even because of Russia. They're fucked.
the holohoax did not happen, period. are you new here?
who cares if the earth is flat or round, does it really change anything?
Holy fucking shit no one is saying it did
at least it's not a pyramid.
You implied there was good evidence for the holohoax. Also if you sage a sticky the thread is not bumped in the row of stickies.
Are you special, user? It's really fucking obvious he was implying there was no evidence for a round earth by saying the obviously fake holocaust is more compelling
You can look out of your fucking window and see a flat earth right fucking now. Find me one image of a dead jew in a gas chamber.
Imagine how comfy
This must not go unchecked!
I really can't find anything else of Trump-chan. Maybe knows.
How on Earth are you not grasping this?
That is a really weak derail attempt from 53ae0f, by baiting replies with intentionally foolish and inane posts. He is playing dumb.
Wish I could tell you, but I just lifted the image from some random thread.
it's not stupid, it's shill
the press is seeking to minimize the issue of "incidental collection" even though when exercised liberally it potentially allows for the surveillance of everyone.
vid is Sharyl Attkisson from last week
There are photographs of ships in full view from 10 miles away on a body of water. There are zero photographs of jewish lampshade skins. Neither definitively proves the truth of the matter, but one side has more compelling evidence than the other. So how convincing are those holohoax stories to you kids?
This is the new shilling method. Be a supreme retard to try to detail the thread.
It's going to be Andrew McCabe using the JTTF for dirty tricks and political purposes, just wait. He is a clinton stooge that took a $700k bribe to spike the mail server investigation and not press charges against hillary.
the fact that it's coming to this means we gonna get happened soon, exciting!
Its from a non-h doujin called "american billionaires" (millionaires maybe), I saw it on sadpanda a while back
Politicians are usually specific using with titles for past tense events, you see it constantly in the confirmation hearings and such. It was transition team stuff, so the reports were about president elect trump, if it were pre-election it'ld be candidate or mr trump.
They either have to talk about radical Islam or the confirmation that Trump & his team were illegally wiretapped. Check-mate.
If not collusion then Comey's just incompetent, if he truly knew nothing about this scandal.
With Killary approving the sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia while DoS secretary, and Killary supporters maintaining that Trump is actually the Manchurian candidate/ puppet of Putin, I can't even come up with a proper analogy to FE theorists.
When The Donald dismantles their safety nets
Flat Earth is a lie.
Whatever you say, faggot
The jew is terrified.
This is how literally every scandal the prominent dems unfolds, "We aren't actually evil, we're just at a level of incompetence indiscernible from evil" and then the media shrugs their shoulders and accepts it.
Yet no actions will be taken against them, fucking shit
what the fuck are you going on about
That probably comes off as blackpill, but the fact of the matter is that we've been watching politicians get away with obvious, proven and widely-witnessed crimes for our entire lives. It's not surprising that we don't have much hope for justice to be served. In a sense we're already under a feudal system, and the laws of the serf don't seem to apply to the nobility. It's infuriating. I do have some hope that Trump will follow up on this and that people actually go to jail in accordance with the law, though.
The CIA is strong in this thread.
Do you blame them? They're fucking terrified.
MUV LUV was right all along
They've got Schillf on tv doing damage control as we speak
It's happening.
Yeah, they didn't surveil Trump and create intelligence reports based around his wiretapped communications to cause him any harm, it was done with the best of intentions you see. They were just trying to keep an eye on Russian agents to protect the sacred election process and the American people you see. Nobody has ever been prosecuted for doing something perfectly legal with the best intentions. We need to go back to more important matters like impeaching Drumpf for selling a house to a Russian guy 10 years ago.
Fuck off, you anti-science retard. The mathematics works correctly and suggests these various forces exist. It wouldn't be the first time the math has suggested something before it was materially proven.
There's kikes on both sides.
Don Jr already getting his shitposting game on.
The point is that none of those things are understood and/or they're just theory.
No physicist claims to really understand any of that and most do hold them as holes in the standard model. The thing is though they're really nice flavorful things to get dat sweet funding flowing.
Is Obama currently abroad?
The important thing is the "unmasking". The NSA collects a shitload of conversations in bulk in case it's evidence of something, in that way it's incidental. Then agencies can ask to access those collections based on one of the participants (i.e. using a warrant/order). If the guy you're investigating has a conversation with someone you don't know and you consider them of interest you can ask for that persons identity to be unmasked and then search for all conversations that person has had with others, conversations that were just collected incidentally.
The incidental word they're trying to use as a diversion, the really important word is unmask. If they did that to collect information about Trump or his team they're fucked. They did it this way because it gives plausible deniability if they can dream up a reason why they are a person of interest.
I think you mean legal doesn't necessarily mean lawful. You can have a legal contract which breaks the law.
That's news to me. Most of them believe that it's settled science just like global warming.
Comey was briefing King Nigger on the Trump surveillance, or maybe he was briefing Loretta Sheboon Lynch.
The math could be wrong yes. And people consider this. Most physicists put the experimental data above their theory because experimental data is well the only thing that can be trusted. Just because some plebby science journalist writes about superstrings doesn't mean it's something widely accepted in the physics community.
Says fucking who? No one knows what dark matter is. No one knows what dark energy is. Superstrings is just an attempted universal theory.
Do you just assume physicists base all their understanding on the what the theorist says?
Where are you getting these memes? Physicists are not climatologists. You want to start talking politically charged drivel in another field fine but like don't drag that in with physics. Physicists are going to be the first people to tell you that they don't know what these things are or that it's only theory.
Dark matter, dark energy and black holes do not exist. By their very definitions they cannot be observed. Stop believing in fairy tales. The mistake is in not believing electricity and plasma play a large role in space.
Gradually I began to hate them.
This is fucking POWERFUL
Then what are the effects that we have labeled as dark matter, dark energy and black holes? We can observe their effects no so why not label them?
We can't see a proton. We don't even know it's shape. Sure it's much more well studied and known but does it also not exist?
The math DOESN'T work. General relativity and quantum mechanics cannot be reconciled. Quantum mechanics has been used to make the most accurate predictions of any scientific field ever en.wikipedia.org
Nothing actually exists, but that's for a different metaphysical debate. The effects are electrical in nature. The mainstream refuses to entertain that idea and insist on sticking to a gravity centric model of the universe.
>incidental surveillance
this is why there is 'no evidence of wrongdoing"
no evidence obama signed an order to spy specifically on trump or his crew, because obama was already spying on everyone; so spying on trump was now incidental
If you think so make a theory based on that. If you're only allowing people you disagree with to provide detailed answers then those are the only answers people are going to accept.
Everything the General says in this clip is true and needs to be brought up in Congress as well as investigated and prosecuted by Sessions. There is a very key statement that Nunes brought up, the surveillance had nothing to do with Russia. That means Sessions can get in on this. He only recused himself with the investigation on Russian dealings. He can now jump into this and get the ball rolling on indictments.
Done in another country too because if done in the US, then Trump gets to claim he was right to institute a travel ban. He can still make this comment though so the left and cucks really fucked themselves again.
Electric Universe. Look it up.
except for the fact that multiple FISA warrants exist
I don't think they can argue this way though. There definitely was wrongdoing. It may have been legal up to a point, but Trump was targeted specifically by King Nigger here. Was he spying on Hillary too?
Why does everybody ignore that Albert Einstein started heavily disagreeing with other scientists in latter part of his career?
He became a kook, he infamously published a paper "disproving" the universe was expanding that only worked due to a mathematical error.
Albert Einstein hated quantum mechanics because it was an actual scientific achievement and he knew that, if pursued, it would eventually ruin his reputation.
Didn't he resort to outright sophistry at one point? I think he said something along the lines of "god does not play with dice"
Everyone hated it though. Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment created by Schrödinger (the man who formulated the equation that you always start with for QM) to try and highlight how absurd quantum mechanics was at the time.
Yeah. Which is ironic because randomness is actually a fundamental part of reality.
Those reporters are full of shit, especially in the second video. They are so butthurt and upset.
We're Brazil now, there is no "jail" for politicians. There is no jail for niggers either (muh human rights).
Is it a surprise that filling a country with spics makes the country a spic country?
That is how kikes will argue it, yes, but here's the reality to keep in mind:
1) Absence of steps taken by Obama's and previous administrations to compartmentalize from "incidental" information streams that can be used against political opponents is a dire conflict of interest that necessitates organizational reform
2) Putting everyone under surveillance does not somehow mean certain individuals have not been wrongly put under surveillance - it just means everyone has been wrongly put under surveillance and the crime is even worse for that
3) This is an abuse of state powers used to unjustly deprive Americans of their Constitutionally guaranteed rights
Sometimes I wonder if the only way we'll ever get justice against these people is to just take it for ourselves.
What has it successfully been able to model that general relativity was unable to? I'm not some big fucking defender of GR by the way it's just the most accurate current model for space at the moment.
speaking of circular logic:
Comics should be longer than 4 panels.
the point of it is that it keeps going
Yeah, but the math works which is more than we can say of general relativity.
Randomness is still something that is discussed. There's no real mention of randomness in quantum mechanics. All we really have in terms of randomness is what occurs from observations. There's plenty of non randomness in quantum mechanics (in fact the non randomness is the basis of quantum algorithms for quantum computing)
I was 100% sure Trump had something. I've doubted him before, but not this time.
>Begins investigation into fake "Trump Russia connection" to backstab Trump and eventually bring in more neocons and a Pence Presidency I don't mind Pence tbh, he seems ok for now. Better than Kushner and he he's been helpful. Still don't trust him though.
>Uses new FBI Director I think most FBI lower-mid tier average employees are on our side to prosecute the big guys (Clinton, Obama, Soros recently confirmed to be "planning on funding" anti-Trump protests,pizzagate/pedos, santuary cities/Cali, etc).
>Deligitimizes media even further and makes King Nigger into a leftwing watergate Nixon love Nixon, but most normies think he's evil because watergate
Was he playing 4D chess AGAIN?
for mercy. Le Pen France almost at war with Germanistan Caliphate.
True but General Relativity still explains more than Newtonian Gravity. There are holes sure (especially when compared to how solid Quantum mechanics is) but it's not like it's wholly wrong. If we threw out models just because they didn't explain everything life would be much harder for the physicist.
Yeah, they're in a panic and barely able to maintain their composure. Pretty funny.
Have to get rid of Andrew McCabe, too. In fact he needs to go first so there's no way he could be interim head of the bureau. Need some candidates for replacing Comey.
Note that he says the FBI is dragging its feet and basically not cooperating.
Of course, because the JTTF is the one doing the surveillance. They don't want to admit the supposedly counter terror division is nothing but a DNC political tool.
Nobody cares about London, and the Left is freaking out about Comey admitting surveillance took place. So it's not being ignored, just getting respun to say Russia was the real target and Trump was just collateral damage so to speak.
Oh and I skimmed this part but they are still mad at Comey about Clinton and the election. Just give Trump time to get his people in place and he'll clean house I'm sure, which is why they're fighting so hard to stop his appointments.
thanks user
Good job with all the videos. Saved most of them.
The mental gymnastics are astounding.
Pretty good.
Thank you.
Who would be more appropriate to brief? The people planning a coup attempt?
Does anyone have the transcript of yesterday's testimony by Comey (FBI) and Rogers (NSA) to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence?
This to find the exact questions and wording they used. This revelation could be used to show they committed perjury to Congress and the American People.
At the least, it confirms the "Deep State" theory and these two are shills for them as they said they found NOTHING but turns out there actually is SOMETHING.
Is that real? Is this really the cover they're running?
The day of the rope nears.
Yes, I saw it myself at the grocery store just today.
Take your pointless debate elsewhere shitsack, and stay on thread topic.
This was my first thought as well.
Imbedded related:
Perjury starts at 1:49 then again at 2:55. Suffering through it again to find other instances. Tweet these out to Trump Jr. etcetera.
Anyone else balking at the use of the words "incidental collection"
We should meme it.
Shamefully undermemed.
Welcome to Washington.
Does anyone have a good handle on what they're talking about exactly when they say names were "unmasked?" I've never heard the phrase before when people are discussing intelligence reports.
think un-redacted
You're supposed to cover up names of US citizens. So a masked name would come out like "US personnel #1 said something." Unmasking means putting his real name out there so it becomes "John Doe said something."
Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information
So normally in a report like what's being described, specific individuals or entities will be referred to as Person 1 or some other "place holder" name to sanitize a document so as not to reveal who or what it's concerning. Unmasking refers to ability to fill in those blanks with the names they're standing in for. This authority (to unmask a name on such a report) is limited, and seems to be specifically appointed similar to other special restrictions and authorities in the government.
Just out today. KEK!
Some more instances:
Possible perjury 4:22
Sheboon segment is useless.
Avoids perjury 21:43
Pretty much. You don't want some rando secretary or janitor to walk by your desk and see the federal government is investigating someone specific. There's all kinds of nefarious shit somebody could do with that information, as we're seeing.
the memes
Surprise! The FBI is not cooperating with the investigation the NSA is. It's been noted in the thread, but it's good to highlight the instance. Embedded related.
Comey is trying to save himself after lying before Congress. The FBI needs to be openly investigated.
That is one sweet gondola you got there. Musik?
more like "Wiesel words".
(pronounced "viz-ELL" apparently. Learned this from the gratuitous hagiography pumped out by NPR when this despicable propagandist kike finally shuffled off this mortal coil. Good riddance.)
Mfw comey is the culprit of all of this
If that's the way it was pronouncing it would be spelled "Weisel". "Wiesel" is pronounced like weasel.
When does king nigger and friends (jews/ traitors)/ the Clintons go to jail?
It isn't 'The FBI', it is a group of deep staters and democrat operatives centered around the JTTF. The field agents wanted hillary in cuffs, the HQ cocksuckers are all globalists.
Amen, Satan
user, you don't understand. You can only incidentally collect things and skirt the law when it is your solemn duty to uphold it as part of a sacred bond with a people you actively work to subvert the continued existence of.
Underchecked doubles.
it was real in my mind
The journalists asking such questions are acting like foreign agents at this point. The investigation is far from over but they're already trying to decide what it should conclude.
How can deepkike actors be uncovered without an investigation? There's no one at the FBI looking for them, at least not openly. But in reality, what can the few field agents conducting their own private investigation/s accomplish? They need open support from the DOJ. Holla Forums knowns (((they've))) been there since before the election, since the beginning. This is a perfect opportunity to conduct an open investigation. Uncovering them, and then trying them in a public setting, would be a huge redpill.
Doesn't seem like he's playing.
I already hear keyboards typing away about how they are going to spin this.
Edit that shit to make it tweetable faggot.
What would you do if you were being taped?
Would you blow things out of proportion? Would go big and loud?
Exactly, Mark Twain.
Also your Huck Finn book was terrible.
What if they have the backing of the new Attorney General? Because the AG can wreck some shop, especially in his own house. And the FBI is part of the justice department. You know how when Trump goes quiet, it means he's about to kick somone in the balls? Where has Sessions been lately?
He cant make his own OC so he wants you to muh PR yours.
Tom sawyer better tbh
Yeah I heard that never read it I was required to read Huck Finn because "Muh Niggers".
Just as predicted
this needs to catch on
It's up there it's "cohencidence"
From tomorrow's Spicer press briefing:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and Pudd'nhead Wilson are bretty gud tbh
Huck finn is a mediocre road trip story, tom sawyer is a fun story about kids doing dumb shit and killing injuns
I hope this is the case. It's what I assume is going on behind the scenes. Sessions being quiet lately could indicate a happening. It does feel like something big is about to happen.
Did Jeb finally achieve full tortuga?
Now that I think about it didn't Mark Twain invent an entire genre of anime?
Maximum damage control
at least they're willing to go down with the ship
Yes, steins;gate was actually originally titled Twain's;gate, but had to be modified for legal issues
worth a watch.
CIAniggers have their tranny and pony fuckers working on the Compost article.
>the same people who complained about russians hacking the dnc which they didn't, seth rich was the leak are now telling people to stop focusing on how information was leaked
I don't want any of this I just want to live in a nice comfy all white country with a loving family and when I look on the news I see white men and women reporting about the mars expidition instead of slimy kikes pushing bullshit constantly
"Love on a Real Train 2008" by Tangerine Dream. The film Risky Business uses a different version of the song. There might be an even older version of it but I'm not sure.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read. The 1st amendment's protection of the Press should not apply to obvious lies and unsourced bullshit.
The Attorney General's Guidelines For Domestic FBI Operations:
Use 7 proxies behind 7 VPNs, user.
Du wos?
It's pronounced veez-ELL.
Weisel would be pronounced VIZE-ell.
Ok, what the fuck, what kind of sentence is this?
Naturally, of course he did.
Does a .gov site really need that?
she gets paid to lie like this
Apparently a former NSA and FBI contractor, Dennis Montgomery, came forward to the FBI and Intelligence Committee with claims of illegal spying on Trump and vote manipulation in Florida in 2008 by intelligence agencies but was blown off.
Fucking idiot, cunt.
[UN Officals] said the information was not drawn from [the leaked dossier], though [the dossier] also suggested coordination between [Trump] and [Russia]
basically wiesel words meant to obfuscate the illegitmacy of the dossier. Most people will just kind of glaze over the poorly phrased first part and just take away that a dossier had also (notice that the word "also" implies that it is an addition to an already existing body of evidence despite that not existing) suggested collusion between Trump and Russia. Essentially, it's meant to reinforce the Trump/Russia narrative while still giving plausible deniability when called out
the worst part is the people who will say that the surveillance was legitimate because of the trump russia narrative
Capitalize the "O" in "obama" and you're golden. Nice work.
a kind user made a template for photoshop a while back. my.mixtape.moe
Set your happening clocks to 6pm on March 24. I've got a feeling Nunes isn't going to respond.
to add on to that, it also seems to me like they imply that the dossier mentioning trump/russia connections lends an air of legitimacy to the dossier, which in turn is being used to legitimize the trump russia narrative.
jews were a mistake
Nothing to see here.
Reminder: Comey, inadvertently, confirmed that it was CIAniggers conducting these "Russian" (((intrusions))) embedded related
The "fact check" is actually more ridiculous than your picture. archive.is
The NYT article (archive.is
Self-fulfilling. There was a reason they have been beating the fake RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! drum for months.
It's nearly impossible to find a more perfectly jewish denial of reality.
"No, one of the words in your sentence was wrong even though everything about it was basically correct, so what you said wasn't true."
I fucking love Don Jr's bantz. He has a good edge to it.
You know what else is fucked up about this? King Nigger and his administration viewed these intelligence reports on Trump. Yet Trump was not allowed to see them until today, after they were leaked anonymously. I do believe King Nigger is up shit creek without a paddle.
He can't fire the FBI director. That's not how it works.
Mr President with those cheeky retweets.
Bill Binney still goin strong
Smoking gun right there actually- Russians aren't going to be "noisy" they are going to kill the lights. Curious to see what other "wonders" are released about the CIA that will continue to blow the narrative. Hurry up Gandalf
Yea i'm pretty sure he is in charge of all executive branch enforcement agencies.
It's funny because I only saw Trump's tweet once, and I can remember it specifically put "tapped my wires" in fucking quotes because of the Twatter character limit. Fuck, our enemies are dumb as shit. It's obvious what he meant.
They should really just go to the gulag, though. I can't stand arguing with these morons.
trump likes playing games with his enemies. decades of being in business have likely taught him not to open his mouth unless he knows what he's talking about, and that goes double as president. so he throws out some big claim like obonobo wiretapping him, lets his enemies all take their stances while new enemies appear, and just lets the whole thing play out until everybody else looks like the idiot they thought he was
I feel the same way
Actually yes he can. Slick Willie even did it:
Man I fucking knew he was doing that with the wiretapping thing. Makes me wonder what he's using the travel ban for.
Play shit like this in the background of every communication.
I make it a point to post a webm with everything if I can.
Hi NSA, FBI, CIA, and DHS. If you actually want to Make America Great again, give me a call.
Don't use my cell, I never answer unknown numbers. Instead, leave a message on my parents answering machine.
That should be fairly easy, as they've had the same number for 30+ years.
Most seem to think all the fuss about the travel ban was to keep libs distracted from the ICE crackdowns.
Playing TAD streams at random intervals, for several hours, triggers Mr. CIA Nigger.
Feed them misinformation by calling a friend and telling him to be in (insert location here) to dead drop the weapons by (insert time here).
read "art of the deal" he's been playing the media and his competitors for decades… pushing stories and "leaking" info he wants, to help him reach his end goal. he's better at this than anyone else on the planet probably. he was able to defeat the entire establishment/msm to win the presidency while spending like 1/3 of what hillary did. he's got friends like mark burnett and vince mcmahon who are also masters at crafting storylines/narratives for maximum dramatic effect and ratings. he's surely learned a few things from them (if not currently being helped by them). we are watching reality political theater crafted by a grandmaster who now has the full power of the government and IC to help him push any narrative he wants and access to all top secret information and the ability to declassify it at will to fuel his stories. it's really a joy to watch and exciting to wake up every day to see what happens next.
Isn't that a Franz Ferdinand song?
Adam Schiff - complete dickhead.
Why is stock footage and pictures of people always funny?
Very much this. The Donald has been doing this shit all his life, he is no stranger to jew tricks and playing dirty, he's better at it than they are. Why do you think david brock had a heart attack? He can't handle all the WINNING!
because the sterile and alien feeling most stock scenarios evoke remind us of the alien world we find ourselves in these days. The exaggerated expressions is a manifestation of the funhouse reality where nothing is stable and everything is an illusion. Looking at a stock photo forces us to confront the most terrifying truths of reality, and so we laugh. We laugh because if we did not we would cry
He uses their own momentum against them like a master martial artist. He makes an extraordinary claim that's true but offers no proof, so his enemies call him a liar, then proof that he's right mysteriously surfaces. Like clockwork. Or kekwork, if you will
I like it.
Political drunken master fighting technique, even though he's a tee-totaler. Draw your enemies in, and then snap their long bones as they barrel past you. He is the trickster Lao Tze.
It certainly explains Trump's timing with everything. Master timing once again.
.22 caliber checking
Dubs confirm:
Control the tempo, control the game
Checked. It also explains why Trump is letting this "muh Russia" thing play out. The fact that it is coming out that shit was probably placed on Trump's servers to essentially frame him is going to have serious consequences. I don't always say this but it's seriously happening.
How to Wiretap someone by "accident" and "incidentally"
You find excuses to wiretap all the people around him like advisors. Saying things like you think they might be compromised by foreign ties etc. You just so happen to have your TAP active when they also contact trump and you "ACCIDENTALLY" save that convo and send it to OBAMA for review so he can spread it all around.
The FBI and CIA are totally corrupt. They were acting politically for the Obama admin and also on behalf of hillary. They just didn't think she would lose.
you got it
not really. They'll just defend Islam like always, and pull the "say something bad about Islam? YOU'RE RACIST" bullshit; though the power that once held is quickly waning.
More and more people still need to get properly told what Islam IS all about, and why it's so fucked and backwards.
A fucking million times this.
This is a good troll but you refuse to give any concrete theory beyond "It's electricity I don't have to explain shit".
lets see who took my quads
cute tbh
if you allow that massive currents do indeed travel interstellar distances via plasmas then magnetic fields and electrostatic fields can and do have effects that can account for the galactic motions and distributions that are attributed to dark matter / dark energy
still not observed
I'm seriously considering taking some form of action if le pen loses this election.
There are no-go zones all across eurozone. Surely a couple of co-ordinated domestic terrorist attacks could render water supplies poisoned, dams shattered, power grids down etc.
The kikes don't have any money left to fix shit. That's why they want to get rid of whitie. Because predators have a population cap and when prey productivity goes down the predators have to fight for spots on top.
Does anyone have the original where the mudslimes were wearing bomb vests?
Seconded. Great job on these videos. Saved them all.
Tell me anons, do you think it likely that the House Committee will officially declare that Obama ordered these taps? I ask because I'm thinking about making a bet
There's no way they'll implicate King Nig as "ordering" these taps. They may implicate him as signing off on them, but "ordering"… not going to happen.
King Nig will have a fall-guy. And then there'll be claims that King Nig dindu nuffin'.
I think signing off might be enough.
Is it likely?
This. Merely being aware of them will not be good for Obama let alone anything else. He may not get hit hard but everyone else involved will most likely which will lead to people outright stabbing each other in the back. In the end, I do think this will make its way back to Hillary who is probably behind all of this. She's such a perennial fuck-up I can see her aura of stupidity radiating out to all persons involved.
we'll find out Friday
Nothing will change, because nothing can change. As Mike Rivero predicted months ago, Trump is quite literally trying to balance between drifting towards a world war, and a Soviet Union style collapse. To give some perspective, bear in mind that in 2015, CNN reported that under Obama, 307,000 veterans died due to the Department of Veterans Affairs deliberately denying medical care under a system some might call "Death Panels". Given a neutral platform, how do you think the American people would have reacted to such a revelation in 1970? Or 1960? How about 1950? I think it is safe to assume the American people would have reacted negatively, and there would have been some dramatic changes. Unfortunately, the political Overton Window has drifted to far to the Left that Trump and his supporters are simply overwhelmed by the scope of corruption, and short of arresting half of the FBI, CIA, DoJ, and Department of State, Trump is just as likely to shrug and continue focusing on restoring the economy. To paraphrase the original prancing faggot himself "Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
It's not my theory fuckwad and if you don't know what I'm talking about then you're a basically dumb af.
These are all cuckservatives we are dealing with. Their greatest fear is being called a racist, so no, they won't do shit to King Nigger.
He's doing the "3 suspects in 3 interrogation rooms - tell one that the others are about to talk and watch them sweat" routine.
What people don't realise is that there's a universe sized prison we're in.
We're ok now, but when it get's too cramped.
Though that being said, our universe theory is no better than the flat earth theory - universe scale wise.
Thank you satan.
But fuck republics we need empire.
Since Obongo is now an ex-kang, the House Committee's investigation is nothing more than a circus for cuckservative clowns to virtue signal to their donors and masters. A mere formality. DOJ can take this as far as they please.
I was confused about this case until I spoke to some people at work about it. Despite the Snowden leaks and everyone talking about 1984, the general public still thinks that the only way Obama could "wiretap" Trump would be to literally go to Trump tower, open up a network panel, and splice a radio transmitter to eavesdrop on calls. They don't know about the surveillance programs even though they were talked about on mainstream news.
also the general public still has the idea that landline telephone systems are >pic related
stuck in the 19th century.
Are you saying he did not have the authority as President to replace the FBI Director with his own choice? I did not know that.
I know that feel user, especially when fellow whites just seem to be sounding boards for jewish lies. I alternate between loving my people, wanting to fight, and just wanting them all to burn down so I can piss on their ashes.
sounds like a great idea. why not start there?
This. Baby steps after all.
It's hard to tell how many really believe it though. Democrat strategy is clearly to make any attack they can, no matter how ridiculous, to try and delegitimatize Trump (or better yet get him assassinated) and gaslight his supporters. It's not very effective, but it's all they've got, and for as long as they can leverage traitorous deep state elements it has some impact. E.g. uninformed normies hear he's under FBI investigation, and assume that means the muh Russia narrative must have some credibility.
A phrase which ironically perfectly describes Trumpniggers.
MMM, that's the good stuff
I love that this basically happened at a town hall meeting.
Speaking as a person who pulls teeth on a daily basis, I can confirm.
fucking normalfags, I thought they loved whistleblowers
He can. He chose to keep Comey on
I sought this answer out. Here you go brother:
"Currently, thanks to the ridiculous political judicial opinion of the 9th Circuit, the entire professional left and Democrat party are on display trying to block President Trump from protecting the American people. As a direct consequence they own any negative outcomes, including any act of terrorism, that might happen in the next several months.
Why would President Trump remove that political liability? If he’s smart, and he’s proven he is way beyond smart, he won’t.
Behind the scenes, and unrelated to the judicial ruling, President Trump can use his cabinet team to construct immigration and visa review policy that accomplishes the security goal. The Attorney General (Sessions), DHS (Kelly) and State Department (T-Rex) can execute departmental policy objectives under existing legal authority.
President Trump never really needed the majority parts of the executive order to carry out the security agenda. However, using the XO provided a highly public approach toward showing the American electorate he was fulfilling a campaign security promise. Tightening the visa approval process and executing “extreme vetting” doesn’t require anything except a policy and procedural change.
If President Trump does nothing, the underlying challenges to the Executive Order continue forward in the courts, while he gets his SCOTUS pick -Gorsuch- on the bench. If he so chooses, the DOJ can eventually bring the case to the Supreme Court, where almost everyone admits the Ninth Circuit and Judge Robarts decision will be overturned and all of the protestation from the left will have been for naught.
In the interim of the slow case proceeding, ANY instance of violence and terrorism provides President Trump the opportunity to use his bully pulpit -and Twitter- to hang the occurrence, foreign or domestic, like a millstone around the neck of Democrats up for elected office in 2018.
There is no downside on the domestic security agenda for President Trump; however, the Democrats are fraught with fear that something might just happen. Ultimately, THIS, the politics behind the entire construct, is the reason for the ninth circuit tonight asking for an en banc hearing of their own judicial ruling."
This comic has so much potential. All we need is a redraw without drawing tools like circles or squares. You know, like Polanball.
Twain was a mason.
SIAP, more at the link
What caused the NSA to throw the rest of the deep state under the bus? Some sort of agency rivalry?
Dammit, seeing that webm depresses me because of how fucking smooth that looks compared to current simpsons
He was to kind, never did he hurt a fly.
Checking those digits.
So basically, they went after his family?
missed this from 2 weeks ago. like burnett from cnn, raddatz probably regretted having mukasey on her show.
(check em)
Anyone know who the chick is in the third video?
her name's liz wheeler. too pro-israel for my taste
Why is anyone even debating whether or not anyone was "wiretapped" when literally everyone on the planet is under warrentless dragnet surveillance.
Snowden said he could have pulled up everything on the president with just his email address.
It just seems silly to act as if we don't know what was revealed.
He kept people around to either give them a chance or appear that he was going to play ball and not rock the boat when he first came into office. I hope that this and the whole Ryan health care was some 4d chess to get these guys out and his people in. Also who would he put in the FBI that is not already established there and also be taken seriously by the rest of the FBI.
I think he intends to remove all sorts of people but he's going to take the long road since Trump tries to be careful with his shit.
Trump's leaking/wiretap tweets coincide with days that Obama's old Secret Service director was leaving.
Feb14 - It is announced that Secret Service director will step down on March 4th.
"Secret Service director to step down, giving Trump a chance to select his own security chief"
Feb14 - Trump starts calling out leaks.
"The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington?"
"Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost"
"The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy."
"The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!"
Mar4 - Director is officially gone and Trump straight up calls out obama on tapping/leaks.
"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory."
"Devin Nunes Confirms Surevillance Of Trump Transition team - Press Conference"
Feb14 - SS director announced stepping down. First tweet about info being leaked.
Mar4 - SS director leaves. 4 tweets claiming obama surveilled.
Mar22 - Nunes press conference confirming Mar4 claims.
trip 7s. meme magic is real. numerical clues have been left for us in this simulation.
praise kek
neoneo/pol/ is truly indistinguishable to SJW regarding science.