The mods on this board are worse than the ones on 4chan

The mods on this board are worse than the ones on 4chan(USER WAS SENT TO RE-EDUCATION CAMPS FOR QUESTIONING BOARD COMMISSARS )


They should delete all the tripfag threads ngl
except the drunkpost one, that was fun

constructive criticism pls

Constructive debate from any side has airways been welcome here

i honestly doubt that


bravo, worst ban I have ever seen

Go to hell you fucking Barneyfag

lol, I've seen bans from people whose reason was listed as "pony" when they were posting on /mlp/

why is it connected to a gas canister…?

evaporated milk

God bless this moderator and his work. Good on him.

thats not how evaporated milk works user…

Pneumatic cylinders got a bit 'a' suction when they're being filled…

Disregard that (and everything) I am retarded.


Well they are anarchists

if autism means not being a retarded bootlicker then I am glad to be captain autism

Almost as autistic as an ancap


Maybe someday he'll make the connection between this experience and real life


pls read a book


to goulag !

don't say his name if you say his name enough times he'll appear like beetlejuice

tbh I would find it hilarious if he started patrolling Holla Forums in addition to everywhere else he is, as if he were taking on a sacred duty to stop ponies from trampling the good name of communism now.

but how would he have time to eat and exercise

wait i just realized who i'm talking about never mind

Is there an uncensored version?


Guess what nigger? You are a nigger