Free market of ideas


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let all the layers sink in


holy shit, is this a real thing someone unironically said?

But content owners don't want me torrenting.

they don't see the irony


Is that tomato a communist?

red = communism brother

communism of ideas when?

They seem to be against intellectual property.


Calling it now. In 30 years Reagan 2.0 will run on a platform of privatizing ideas. Whoever bids the highest for them gets to tell the state to attack whoever expresses them without permission.

mfw an idea enters my private property, thus violating the NAP so I go over to the edge of it's owner's property and shoot him in the head

reagan was a commie

If I could stop ideas from entering my property without permission then advertising would be impossible.

Guys we need to figure out how we can homestead ideas so that when the Ancaps take over we can claim the concept of private property for our own and thus force them to adopt the socialist mode of production or else face violating the NAP and losing personhood muh privileges.

advertising violates the NAP. kill them

So how does that work with them? How do you get billion dollar movies and vidya in ancapistan if everyone torrents it?

I guess it gets crowdfunded.

On that magnitude?

I guess your movie needs to be really, really good.

But that's the issue with the crowdfunding model. No guarantees.

Ancaps may be against intellectual property, but you can bet the corporations that control ancapistan will feel differently