23/09/2017 - Revelations

Why is google blacking this area in the sky out?
This is its location if you go into google sky and use infared.

The dragon seems to be on the path to "devour" Jupiter the supposed son from the Revelation verse.

The scariest part about is is not just that it all lines up with the bible, but that we know about the jewish plot most of anybody. A group of jews plotting against the world with incredibly odd motives that don't seem to work or make sense. Rumors that Hillary is the high priest of moloch, bizarre rituals, pizzagate (child sex/sacrifice/cannibalism). Add it all together, google blocked it on purpose. (((Google)))

The prophecy of pol, fake or not had a verse that always struck me: "They are trying to force God's hand…"

Why did they let it appear? It may be too late to stop it from happening.

(Also Fox reported a huge anomaly under Antarctica about an hour ago and also reported North Korea fired a nuclear missile (not even joking…)) – Graham Hancock was probably right.






m8 you best not be serious




















Hope this helps for the people which seek truth

source of these images from PDF


looks like an ork to me. the waaagh is soon lads

I see Op writing words but Can't understand anything he writes.


just look at the images ive posted start with #1

Nobody is going to read all of that shit. You are genuinely insane and should probably seek help.

Is the memeteor we've been all summoning? Any tips on how to make it arrive faster?

Reminder that the futurist interpretation of Revelations is a jewish trick invented by a literal jew to combat the fallout of Martin Luther naming the jew.

shill shill shill


You are insane, tho.
Nobody is going to read that(someone will.)
Here is a bump anyway, interesting stuff.


I skimmed over most of it. It was mostly just some of the stuff my church thumps into the congregation every September or so when thay have no other messages to give, but it's all there. Some of the interpretations of the signs seem to be far-fetched and the writing gives very little thought to comprehensible organization and unless you were raised in the bible belt, raised mormon or from one of the last conservative enclaves of rural California like I was, I doubt most people could stomach wading into this mess un-prepared.

That dragon thing gives me the chills, BTW, but im also slightly agoraphobic and even watching clouds makes me panic slightly deep inside, so staring up at an astronomical dragon of the end times gives me the creeps beyond anything.


Imma firin' mah lazer!

The first post is legitimately spooky, but the other posts were seriously tl;dr, and I honestly tried to read them all.


Looked at the location
13 48 1.0 -8 28 20.5
via Googly Sky and Worldwidetelescope. It doesn't stand out like in the other screenshots suggest, even if you switch to IR views. Google also doesn't censor a small portion of it.

Looks nice and has a certain vibe due to similarities to Pepe & the Cookie Monster but instead of digging deeper into it and trying to find more info of that from astronomical sources, some fag decides to go instantly full christian retard on the whole issue.

Posting over 50 fucking pamphletes to spin it a certain way / narrative doesn't help anyone either.

Anyone got a tl;dr on what this faggot OP is trying to imply?

just give me the run down

Shit thread. Sage for faggotry.

Creepy enough that it deserves a bump.

It's the Cheshire Cat.

shitposting thread by (((someone))) that can't even write \pol\, I mean |POL| right.

It seems oddly appropriate to drop this here, since we are talking about Revelations.

Jesus fucking Christ I wish I could stone you over the internet

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.


Oh shit, Holla Forums. Why didn't we listen?

well, I followed the steps for skyview and OP isn't a complete fag. Almost though

checked and thanks

So we're heading towards Ragnarok eh?

I can't seem to skyview properly, it gives me an error
what does it looks like in other colors? something in visible light?

I can't find anything interesting in any of the other surveys, the anomaly seems to only happen in the IRAS survey

here I'll dump everything from IRAS


looks like the cat from alice in wonderland

Fimbulvetr soon?

Kek, scrolling down this post on mobile delivered the punchline really well

what happens when the cookie crumbles?

kinda looks like an animal face to me.
pic cropped from

ALL Holla Forumsacks in this journey listen

Almost every year there is a "prophecy" about a coming war/ collapse/ end of the world/ Ayy's

Take the information and make of it what you will, but do not let it offer you a form of escapism.

Our best men are waiting to be heroes, they use this against us leading a lot of greatly talented men to be wasted on waiting for their chance to shine. Do not let this shit interfere with your daily life, goals and self improvement.

Always ask yourself what you can do about a situation and if the answer is nothing, ignore it. Not bashing you OP this is interesting however.


Praise him!