Tucker vs Lawmaker Who Called Feds 'NAZIS'

Tucker Exposes Why Liberals Are Mind Damaged Cucks
This idiot embodies NWO mantra like a fucking robot, the SJW tries to defending the raping of a 14 year old by illegals. Liberalism, what a sell out.

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Fuck this traitorous, democrat piece of shit!

Go live in Honduras with your pets.

stop replying to yourself on your own thread faggot

Shut up kike

you're going to get banned if you keep doing that moron

I cannot believe that there are people, so called human beings, who are STUPID ENOUGH to support you after what you said on Tucker. You sir are a fucking asshole, and anyone who supports you are either blind deaf or just fucking stupid. How dare you say that ICE agents are basically NAZIS, Not all immigrants are piles of shit like that no good sorry excuse of human shit that raped that little girl, but if they are ILLEGALLY here, then news flash DUMBASS, they are CRIMINALS already. I hope Trump takes away every single bit of federal funding from your shithole town,and I hope that people will not be dumb enough to support you anymore. You are a embarrassment to the democratic party, and frankly, as a life long democrat myself, I have never been more ashamed of my party then I am now, after seeing the childish bullshit that they are doing, all because they fucking lost. New flash, I VOTED FOR TRUMP, not cause I like him personally, but because I FUCKING HATED HILLARY. This was the first time in my life that I voted for anyone outside my party, but hey, I guess I am just another dumb racist un-educated white piece of shit RIGHT. Oh and I forgot, I guess as a registered democrat, I am suppose to say DUH RUSSIAN DID IT, DATS RIGHT, RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA PUTIN RUSSIA. Hey, I had diarrhea yesterday, maybe DUH RUSSIANS hack the company which makes my coffee creamer, and laced it with COLON BLOW. My party has become a damn laughing stock due to dumbfucks like you.

He's right, OP. This isn't halfchan.

Fuck off or lurk more. Either works.

i used to like slamdowns but now arguments make me antsy
am i getting soft?

OP is a faggot but I guess these are the newfag days.


Holy shit
That is how we get nationalism going, savage disemboweling like that

oy vey shut it down

The Democrat party has been a laughing stock since the 80s. And so has the Repuvblicans.

maybe you should look outside the box

You are fucking retarded, OP

What a giant fucking faggot. You can self-bump sure but jesus fucking christ.


Seen a couple of this Tucker guys videos, he is really smart burgers why didn't become a lawyer or a businessman?

Why waste such talent on being a journalist?

Did the fix the error were posting with an image negates that sage or no?

Being here illegally is a crime dumbass! Cohen is a JEW and they are the ones driving this mass migration disaster! While his JU children go to private schools and are safe from these illegal rapists and murders.Cohen like all JEWS equate anything or anyone they don't like to Nazis..get this piece of shit out of our politics. We are tired of paying for these illegal criminals…DEPORT ALL OF THEM

I'm not going to say it..

Wow! Since Millenial Woes shaved his beard he's gotten a lot better at debating.

Typical kike
I'm tired of these same bullshit arguments from kikes like (((Cohen))). That said, it feels great to see them being destroyed on the MSM. Keep pushing that overton window over. Literally Hitler 2024!

That guy is like a drone.



I'm amazed at what's happened over the last few years. So many average people, especially the youth, are wise to the kikes and don't fall for their tricks. They just double down on their whining and guilt-tripping, and they'll keep doing it until they're driven out of the West yet again because they're mentally ill and they're unable to stop antagonizing the goyim.

I just got to that part and came here to say it.


somebody's doing the raping

At first I thought he said Australia and I immediately thought of his grandmother as a fucking kangaroo and almost gagged on the leftover chili I reheated.


Nah, I feel the same way. I don't want conflict, I just want a peaceful life and a future for white children. But according to jews, that's asking too much. Evil bastards.

It's taken him a while to get to this point. He used to be pretty awful, but in the past year or so he probably became one of us.

I think he'll declare a political career sometime in the next 10 years.

Fuck off kike

This shit is enraging. The sneering, barely-concealed concempt on that kikes face the entire time, coupled with Tucker's cuckservative inability to call him out on his rhetoric and quite-frankly his Jewry (something Fox Jews will never address, being a Zionist organization).
I'm just sick of this shit.

How did we become so soft? Know what our ancestors would have done in this case?
They'd have lynched the spics. They'd have lynched the school board that acted in such a traitorous context. They'd especially lynch this sleazy kike, and his mudshit staff.
> zekecohen.com/meet-the-staff/

And what do we do? We watch a cuckservative argue with a Marxist Jew and think it means anything at all, think giving this kike a platform to spew his venom so we can watch some cuck argue against it achieves anything or demonstrates any value whatsoever.
I'm starting to think we deserve what we've gotten.

What's that old saying? 'A nation has the Jews it deserves'? Its really starting to feel that way. Its really starting to feel like our cowardice, our willingness to restrain ourselves to words and ideas, our unwillingness to face to bloodshed even as our blood is shed in rivers by invaders and traitors and outright enemies alike.
The very notion that Cucker is going to sit there and let this kike get off the hook with some of the shit he said, and then complains about ICE being compared to Nazis by a fucking Jew pushing Marxist multiculturalism, is just the utmost in fucking disgusting, limp-dicked worthlessness. How in the FUCK is he going to sit there and let that Jew mention the fucking statue of liberty quote without noting that, oh, what's that? THAT WAS WRITTEN BY A ZIONIST JEWESS SOMETHING LIKE 140 FUCKING YEARS AFTER THE US WAS FOUNDED?

I'm fucking sick of these kikes, these traitors, these invaders, and the limp-wristed faggotry of right-wing White America in being unwilling to do what is necessary to preserve themselves.


Calm down, you autist. You can't into subtlety. You can't do a segment like that without knowing you're dropping redpills.


I wonder if becoming one of us has an effect on your IQ, intelligence is changeable somewhat.

Becoming one of us means that you gain a more accurate lense through which to view the world. Your predictions about current events and expectations for the future immediately become more accurate, and your analysis of the past becomes more coherent.


He's a fucking cuckservative pussy on a Zionist news network giving Jews a platform and opposing them with nothing but cuckservative limp-dicked rhetoric.

That may appeal to boomers, but its worthless to me - as is your defense of this cuckservative clown and the Zionist organization that he serves.

There. There's your (1).

you clearly haven't been here long enough

More like +3 Wisdom. See

Calm down dude. Being upset is no reason to abuse your enter key.

Bring me your junkies, your criminals, your drug dealers, your terrorists, your huddled gangsters. When will we be allowed to fight back?!

Worked it out the other day I have been here for over 12 000 hours.

You could add some but pretty much.

This kike is just reciting memorized phrases. His delivery, his tone, his cadence. He doesn't believe what he is saying. How can people fall for that? He's a bad actor, but he says all the right code words.

God damn, son.

Anyone want to put bets on how long it takes Tuck to go full 14/88 at this rate? You can see his hate growing by the day.

I'm TIRED of being CALM. I'm tired of CUCKOLDS like you preaching CALM as our girls and women are raped, as our lands are plundered. Now is not the time for calm - that is long-since passed.

Get angry. Calm is for women and bureaucrats.
And if you're fucking calm after watching this shit, you're no man at all.

Deep breaths user. Furious typing accomplishes nothing.

Cucker will never be 14/88 - if he was going to be, he'd be there by now. Instead, he's interviewing Marxist Jews on a Zionist network and soft-balling the shit out of them while crying about comparisons between our police forces and Nazis, because boo fucking hoo that's such a terrible thing.

Words unleashed in fury have accomplished much, historically.

No, furious words accomplish nothing. Furious actions make a difference.

This is the new tactic, post something that implicates the jews before anybody else does, but jew the beginning of the thread to try and discredit the video in question.

Furious words motivate furious actions, thus they accomplish much.
Your rhetoric is weak and your penis is small.

the fucking kike lawmaker literally used the
excuse, fucking KIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OP is shit, but this was an unsurprising but useful piece. I was at my parents house and it gave a good opportunity for jew-spotting-cred to say what the kike would argue before he did.

If this is what it took to make you sperg, you've got to be painfully new. Is this just now obvious to you? If you want to get angry in the real world where it will spur you to action or make you a more passionate speaker, great. Getting angry on an imageboard ain't going to do shit unless you can make it useful, which you aren't.

he gives people the rope to hang themselves, and this kike did so like the rest. The only thing different was at the end, the guest made a more definitive statement then they usually do.

Show us your tits

I feel you brother.

The logos comes before the action.

Go suck O'Reilly's cock you Ziofaggot.



Sing it.