am the type of black man who loves and appreciates him some ginger...

am the type of black man who loves and appreciates him some ginger, seeing redheads is a huge turn on…I just want to give a shout out to all the redheads and let you know men like me love you which is a reason why if I ever go to Ireland I may not come back


motherfucker, there's already a thread

your tears sustain me.

Will your upcoming ass whooping sustain you too?


It's funny because it's true. Outside of the pozz centers you will not be making the journey home if an Irish man catches you trying to fuck his women.

sounds good

Because he'll take you out to get drunk together and you won't want to leave your newfound potato cuck family?

Because he isn't cucked and won't take kindly to seeing a nigger on his land, let alone trying to talk to his women. They are trying hard to push pozz in Ireland but it isn't sticking. They hate each other, let alone niggers.

That is not how genetics work.

Big if true. Irish seem to be cucking for rapefugees just as hard as Britain now.

Mods he is starting again, write his name down.

Kys Holla Forumstard.


Yeah, because nobody's CK around here.


the horror

Imagine a future without shitskins, would anyone miss them honestly?

Nobody genuine about their purpose, doubtnigger. Shills and subversive elements do not count.



Sheboons dig guys with red hair, too. It's unfortunate that most sheboons are disgustingly obese and look like shaved primates.

Dear good god what the fuck?!

It just reddipol getting triggered, just hide and move along.

What's wrong with her exactly?

People who like this this are probably getting laid more often than you.

Very attractive girls often make videos having sex with dogs, or even pigs.

But nobody is with you. Interesting world we live in isn't?

animals have innate confidence, lack of higher cognition means they can't question their actions

They're probably suffering more diseases than him too, lover boy.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums racist.


B-but redheads are cute.

I like redheads, only downside is most of the time they are emotionally unstable. its sad but everyone is right about the irish ones being un-bangable, there is a 2% chance you get with your dream waifu

No he's correct. I was comparing niggers to beasts.

So you post logan?



nothing, just a bad picture. poster hes probably a fag



The Irish are literally the niggers of Europe. They belong back on the potato farms.


Wonder how long until she starts claiming harassment against the showrunners.

Would be totally worth it.