Inb4 the sperg who can't detect kino


Are you that Harry Potter sperg?

It kinda drags a bit in the middle.

I think we've found our new fapbait user.

Why don't you like Harry Potter, user?

that guy was a rare treasure. this fag is dross and unworthy of being broken on the wheel of shitposting.

I don't think it does, that's where the film breathes since it's different in it's entire makeup than all previous films being set at school

Eh. I think you could cut out shit like the smelling perfume scene.

I do like the scene where Hermione and Harry dance. It’s an attempt at warmth during a dark time and has some interesting sexual tension.

I didn't even remember what you meant by the smelling perfume scene, but did you know that shot was done practically with Hermione just getting out of the shot and standing back up? That scene fit into where it was in the film anyways no dragging, it was pretty COMFY.

Yea I like dance scene too, the entire sequences from Ron leaving, to godrics hollow in the snow and harry seeing the patronus and the sword/ destroying the horcrux is pretty great tho imo it's a faithful adaptation anyways. One of the most faithful you could say.



The books are reddit too.

It might have been good, or bad, I don't even know which one that is because they're all the same movie, but it was NOT kino, it was flick.

It's the one that is extremely different from the others and in fact all of them are different

The kino maymay is as reddit as it gets.

Reddit as in you've never read it?

Reddit as in it's reddit.

As in you dont like it. Is water reddit?

I'll reddit your face with my car tires

You shouldn't post racists in a positive manner

Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Part I are potterkino.

or what?

trips confirmed

cringe as fuck






i agree you are a cringey redditor





It was a different time


The first, the second and third are memorable, even after all these years. All the rest of them are indistiguishable. You could swap each other and it wouldn't make a bit of a difference.

How are they indistiguishable?

You are a fucking idiot, they are distinguishable completely I just fucking told you that the fucking directors were different and the cinematographers, youre blind as shit and you cant even tell the tone of films. Because all of them are different. Just fuck off already.


not an argument

also, getting this arseblasted about harry potter films
wew lad