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Tripfags: Cancer or not cancer?
tripfags deserve gulag
tripfags are the fucking worst i swear to god they all deserve to be purged
They're fucking cancer because its an affront to the very purpose of a chan board. I can't stop them so I'm not going to prolapse my asshole over it but it's obnoxious.
It's basically the equivalent of a girl announcing to people on a game that she's a girl.
Anybody with a shred of self respect and decency wouldn't give a flying fuck. Except were not the majority. Which is what makes it so fucking cancerous
this is not designated shitposting thread, please leave the premises and leave everything behind as you found it.
This is not the same thread as the one I cited to you.
You cannot prove that I should not tripfag, not on logical or democratic grounds.
You made this thread after stating directly that you mistrust the majority's decision when it came to the other poll
It isn't the same title either, there are different intentions to this poll and different ideals.
You have no basis for the claims you make. You are nothing but a sophist. Yet you keep blowing hot air, perma. Kill yourself.
Rebel you've become really mean :(
holy fuck you've turned into such a prick s m h
That's rich
this comes from a dubtrack argument where he's being a real prick, I'm justified in this, trust me.
Muir, you're just as bad. You changed the poll wording knowing it will affect the results.
strawpoll is unreliable as fuck and easy to game
just thought i'd improve the accuracy of the results ;^) eliminate a little electoral fraud
Can we do a recount? There should be term limits on tripfags tbh
definitely. this board, among many other things, desperately needs forced user and post IDs. tripfaggotry is identitarian and basically serves zero purpose for discussion.
but you changed the wording and answers and phrasing in general in such a way that you knew would affect the results. This is ideological sophistry at its core.
Irrelevant. You can't demonstrate what reason there is that tripfagging must be attention whoring, and none of you can after my constant questioning when you bring it up. You must resort to this nonsense.
Because your identity is irrelevant to discussion.
And all tripfagging must be identitarian?
There are 2 reasons to use flags, for example;
1. makes it easier to understand each others' views when entering into a conversation
2. it's a e s t h e t i c
Are either of these identitarian reasons?
there is also a 3rd reason
comedic/ironic value
sure I guess
twisting language for polemic reasons IS sophistry. I called you one on 2 occasions. The unfortunate fact that you can't refute this and have to resort to shitty memes says a lot more about you than me, I'm afraid.
I wouldn't call you one in the first place if you weren't one. Duh.
1. Views not in the post are irrelevant to the post
2. No it isn't
do you see the satanflag my dude, also glad to see you're doing well
except you agree they may be relevant to the post. I'm too lazy to sort out when to use it and not based on post content.
but I disagree. hah, subjectivity wins again!
Using a flag is not tripfagging
though it's just about as damaging to board quality
Shit, thought you were replying to a different post
But what's the difference, other than that the flag maintains some ambiguity (which I've already stated is irrelevant to why I trip). Please pay attention to the point of comparison.
nah, the poopsoc, nazbol and anphlegm flags are useful in warning people that the poster is an idiot without making giving them special snowflake attention
Don't forget Ancaps!
"no it isn't", meaning, you're lying if you say that's your reason for doing it, and nothing short of injecting me into your mind can outweigh the burden of evidence of the thousands of others who desired attention from others and then tried to deny it
Rebel is cute!
I'm so glad I wasn't born ugly, and was born with wonderful eyebrows and hair
Ass pic, pls
But I know my own mind, I don't care if you believe it if you can't prove it. You're just proving that the will of others is exactly what not to listen to when judging whether I should trip, and so polls like this are useless and in fact harmful.
Is that supposed to sound insulting? Being phlegmatic is one of the better diagnostics for humors.
God hates flags and flag-enablers.
hmm? this seems like an attempt to score a small narcissistic point rather than any larger more important one. What a waste of time you are.
stop shitposting rebel and go back to reading your bible and sucking your priests cock
trips are there for one reason only:
why would you do this on an anonymous imageboard?
only if you need to identify someone who is of significance by being persons of interest BEFORE and WITHOUT the use of tripcode in the first place
this does not apply to any of the boards tripfaggots who abused this shit to MAKE a name of themself by being obnoxious shitposters shoving their presence into everyones face for no legitimate reason
they should be permabanned until they learn how to properly use chans
also get
i love u and want to suck ur dick stalinposter
oh fuck nice get
I disagree with the premise. There are 3 reasons for trip (at least)
1. aesthetics
2. identification for attention
3. identification for clarity of discussion
of course one of the most obnoxious attentionwhores would say this stupid shit
but just like the others, you can't refute it, yes?
Can't you filter his posts? You don't have to read what he puts out ya know.
go back to reddit
go back to reddit
aesthetics a shit
identification for attention a shit
identification for clarity of discussion is perfectly possible with flags, or even just a nameless tripcode, if absolutely necessary
refute what? your opinion?
"aestetics"? are you fucking retarded?
this is a chan you stupid cunt, use fucking imagery and be creative in your post
if you had personality you wouldn't need a fucking tripcode
and the other "2" are just what i said
go kill yourself you dumbass faggot bitch
neither do i need to tolerate his existence to begin with and faggots replying to their shit
they need a ban, permanently
#1 is a spook, #2 is the truth (you want attention), and #3 I already refuted.
News at 11
At least he doesn't avatar post, right? Oh wait…
all of Holla Forums is cancer, regardless of tripfaggotry.
pretty much this
He doesn't avatar post…
t. Holla Forumsyp
He did with Mashiro for a while.
Figures a useless idiot like Cheflagfag who gets nothing done and has nothing to report would think identification is unnecessary. Some of us are working on shit. I'm working on something I'm calling Leftism For Dummies for now as well as a novel and will soon be an active activist. Rebel makes popular videos. Even ColourTheory and n1x benefit from trips because their ideologies are super special snowflake. And then me and Rebel and Yui know more about theory than board commoners. Hell I'd argue your use of a flag is hypocrisy and projection since your ideology never comes up and you don't know theory.
Sure, I could go without a username but then how are people supposed to refer to me? I don't have a flag that matches my special snowflake ideology and I'm not an user either, so "user" and "[x]flagfag" don't work. Also, I literally only namefag in lieu of flag.
gay post
OTOH Rebel namefags to tie his activity here in with his videos. Yui just likes the aesthetix.
if you were identifyable by your knowledge you wouldn't need trips
yet again you're proving yourself to be full of shit
if you were working on shit people found interest in without you shoving it down everyones throat with your trips, then in this context your trip is naturally acceptable
prime example: catgrill drawfag
constant shitposting with it is attentionwhoring in order to sell your shit nobody would otherwise be interested in and this is what needs to be banned
you are fucking cancer
I actually like that you tripfag since it makes it easier to hide your posts.
nothing here you say is a good argument though.
they need a ban, permanently
Didn't know you were a mod stalinfag
No I didn't. I post with mashiro because she's a qt occasionally.
What here is an argument against tripfagging? You have made none! You are blowing hot air!
Lol that's not true at all
They do find interest in it which is why I adopted a trip in the first place. I'm not trying to sell anybody anything, I've posted about the novel here all of twice and the other one will be creative commons.
I don't care what Stalinists have to say about me because their opinions are devalued by their choosing to be Stalinists
Do you have a single reason to say any of that?
you're all insufferable faggots and the only decent thing about any of you is that your trips announce this fact and keep people from wasting their time on your posts
it is true
as i said
in context of your contributions, in example like fucking catgrill drawfag, it is no problem
yet you are constantly using it and do so to promote your name, not to be identifiable to be adressed for your contributions
you massive reading inept full fucking retarded cunt
i quite like that
The 'aesthetic' you speak of is simply the imagined accumulation of a story you believe are writing about yourself into minds of everyone you imagine is paying attention.
It is petty, narcissistic and contributes nothing to specific discourse beyond a momentary release of dopamine on your part.
LOL like I already said the name is already a replacement for a flag, if I wanted to form a brand like you think I do I'd start by calling myself something that would resemble a username like ColourTheory or Rebel (not calling anybody out just off the top of my head). But it's literally a flag placeholder, I haven't called myself anything. I guess Stalin trip is an attention whore now! Oops!
What exactly would you even define as attention whoring? Muke had a cult of personality on here before his big blowout, that's obvious, but how is "maintaining an identity so people can hit me up about more personal shit on-the-fly" attention-whoring? Doesn't everyone like to be responded to and have their contributions be valued while making actually valuable contributions?
Also I'm too fucking lazy to turn it off all the time
you're only proving our points about anti-trippers, stop having a spergout
people who know how to use a fucking chan*
Tripfagging is the most blatant expression of identitarianism on the internet.
literally i thought the problem with identities is when communities just devolve to sucking each others dicks and reputation bullying and shit which obviously is not happening here so
end thyself mine thane
Explain how using trips in the way people have justified themselves is abuse
For the record A.W's trip is fucking bullshit I agree with you there
I'm just 1/2 a tripfag
I post as jerryjewis sometime but no tripcode
only immature youngsters get upset with trip ids
Can't access the poll with the device I'm on.
Trips can be useful if there are lots of trolls and people who want to have serious discussions use trips. I thought this would happen here. But somehow, the people with trips make worse posts on average than the rest here, and I'm including the racists with the rest. I'm baffled by the quantity of posts by a very small number of trips that just say something like "oh, that's interesting" with a "funny" reaction picture and it makes me worry about the mental health of these people.
That means each post needs to contain a enough new data (pageworth) to be sufficient identification. I'd like to point out that I don't see this happening IRL.
Either way, what is this discussion about? If you don't like people with trips, you should popularize methods to auto-hide their posts - but you aren't doing this.
Or does someone really expect to persuade board owner to change his policy? I don't see this happening.
you are all retards
only retards would give a fuck about trips
we're le noneemoos, my ass
Trips are horrible. Trips are cancer. Trips are the worst.
Allow trips, using a trip for a post should make it a sage post and new threads by trips should be on auto-sage.
t. reformist
I think using flags helps keep ideological consensus away, though I don't have much to back that up aside from just looking at boards that do and don't have flags and seeing the diversity of opinions on each, but then, I think tripfags actually support that because I've seen them get, like, followings on other boards.
Really makes you think when people get so upset and bothered over someone having a discernible identity on an internet imageboard.
For real though, I think everyone who's bitching and moaning about trips in this thread has something more pressing to vent their anger at in their lives. Don't take yourselves too seriously comrades.
Rebel obesity is mentally a redditard? Shocking!
Come on, nobody likes it when someone plays with their toys but screws up the ideological balance of their toys by forming a cult following, and that happens, and I don't want a tripfag to be the /only/ respected opinion on any subject, any at all.
a flag does not serve identification, lying little squirming bitch
it's representing the background of the poster
all you ever say is stupid shit, every time i have to reply you get exposed immediatly as being fundamentally wrong, stupid lies, having no ground in reality, like what the fuck it's not even taking effort to show what a fucking idiot you are
fucking kill yourself already you stupid obnoxious narcissistic useless nothing contributing attentionwhoring cunt
as i suggested before
permaban them
this is exactly what i was talking about, tripfaggot
Only tripfags take themselves seriously.
fucking brilliant as always, faggot, you really are a shining beacon of this board, no idea why anyone would question your tripfagging
This. The only good thing about imagrboards is the fact that everyone is antonymous and so the quality of one's posts is the only way to "stand out"
This. Don't just take your cock out and start waving it around the lesbian convention, faggot.
Daily reminder that the majority of tripfags are middle class twitter activists who feel entitled to have opinions about subjects they know nothing about and beg attention for it.
Check the poll results faggot.
report every tripfag post for reason:
attentionwhoring / unwarranted tripfagging
if enough people do it for a long enough period of time we might get this cancer purged off this board for good
if they don't learn how to properly use trips and contribute anonymously as imageboards are intended for, they have to be forced to leave and shit up reddit where this cancer really belongs to
By the way this is a fake picture of Rebel.
The picture I have posted is the real one
just filter them or ignore them if they bother you so much.
or is self reliance against leftypol's ideology?
no option
they hit up entire threads and get too many replies
the only valid way of ignoring them is by actually banning them entirely
the flag suits you
They make bad things happen, those things don't go away by ignoring them. May as well just ignore the state if not seeing something means it's not there and not effecting the world around it.
Holla Forums is literally becoming Holla Forums at an incredibly petty level.
>>>Holla Forums go start a jontron thread.
suck some yui fag dick, cunt
I think the only time I've ever talked to you is right now and yeah a flag is an identity because people know there's only a handful of posters using each flag and each has a distinct posting style.
woah friend seems like you're a little angry hey I think you'd benefit from looking at a cool emoji to stay cool 😎
This guy is a meme
Stalinflagfag (ror) and Cheflagfag (ror) care WAY too much but hey that's just what I always say about stupid people being stupid in every other conceivable way too
quality comment, nothing else to be expected from a elitist cock gobbling faggot like you
uhhh yeah sorry bud you're the mouthbreather on this one
Cancer defined