Found this gem today.
Other urls found in this thread:
this whole channel, holy shit
Is sad cringe allowed?
sure, user!
I thought that stubble was just shooped in
Anything by a leftist at any time.
Some fresh cringe from everyone's favorite game studio. PC is dead guys. It's over.
Someone post the Dark Souls guy, that shit always makes my day.
Is this what you wanted?
How long can you last?
Heres the second one
Bless you oni-fam
Fucking beautiful.
I don't get how this is cringe, there is nothing wrong with what he is saying.
Have you played the game?
A just cause as any. Wikia is shit even with an adblock enabled, and 90% of the time it's inconvenient to find what you're looking for
That said, that guy just needs to write a script and breathe consistently.
I take it all back
At this point im sure someone can just post [BAIT] and it will still have anons replying
At least Scott was smart and rode the train to moneytown
Because people are stupid, now more than ever, so anyone can post anything stupid and many of us are bound to believe that this user is serious, but again, people are just so fucking stupid nowadays, you, me, and whoever is reading this post (even more than the rest)
These are the people who play videogames now, fucking hell. He may have had a point about the distinction between the equip and inventory screens not being clear enough but it was lost in a sea of retard.
I want to sexually abuse that crying Tails.
Good hopefully they'll stay the fuck off PC from now on.
They won't. They will just continue releasing titles designed for consoles on PC.
As a transfin othermer, this racist, sexist, ableist, anti-fish speech triggers me. I'm going to complain to the UN.
But did you consider being wrong?
Holifuk baby's first rpg?
Has pandalee left him yet?
Wow faggot I bet you didn't even play the fucking game
Is this the new Matthewmatosis?
poor autistic child. dubs
scathing social commentary there, user
Based Hitler.
No, I have never played the game, but that does not mean that he isn't correct. Why would you select an empty box? It is on par with pressing "unequip item" on an empty box.
Some of you should know what this is by the thumbnail alone.
is that fake or really autism?
He deleted his old channel but I heard he has a new one.
That is just dumb. There is no indication that pressing a certain button on a blank square where you're not supposed to press it would open a subscreen. This reminds me of when watching an AVGN episode where the nerd complains that the game requires you press some archaic button combination in order to do a move, such as pressing up, and select at the same time.
Fuck off, Holla Forums.
I agree. I've watched the video a few times over the years I first saw it and I still can't tell if this is legit autism (not memeing, I really mean some sort of mental disorder) or the greatest troll I've seen.
I swear, this blows me away every time I see it.
This is beyond the level of DSP stupidity.
He is sitting there bitching about how "I read the screen, you all stupid" yet he misses that it clearly says A button - "Enter".
I remember he had some other autistic videos on his channel as well.
Also, I think its a thing for autists to take everything literally at face value, hence the "Good Job, Go Straight ahead message", he is unable to decipher the fact that you are supposed to get that message while face the opposite direction.
wew, that must be a terrible feeling, to create something and than have it turned into cancer.
So that I could put something in that box.
I don't know how the fuck I knew, but I did.
Don't forget, you see that message for the first time after you open those doors
What you don't understand is that isn't the inventory screen, like he claims. That's the equipment screen. The premise of that screen is to select a slot to insert a weapon, armor or quickslot item.
Complaining about this is like complaining about Final Fantasy's equipment screen or is that too complicated and "stupid", too?
I think the biggest mystery to me, is how did he equip weapons to kill the Asylum Demon but then complain he can't figure out how to equip weapons ?
Because I know the weapons auto equip, and I think there is a sign where you pick them up that tells you about the sub menu and how to equip it.
Or did he equip them fine but his autism got triggered because there weren't big flashing signs telling him what to do every step of the way ?
I never played that game either. Does that game have you select empty spaces to go to an inventory screen too? Selecting blank areas in order to open a different interface is just bad game design.
Either he somehow used his savant powers to defeat the Asylum Demon or he needs explicit instructions how to do every time, like you said.
I'm pretty sure only quickslot items auto equip, though? I've been playing DS3 recently, so maybe I'm forgetting wrong. Anyway, this means he had to have used the equip screen or somehow beat the boss with the broken sword.
Both possibilities are retarded and amazing.
No. The inventory (which might I add is the first item on the menu) is a clear, unambiguous list. The equip screen is identical (aside from the layout) to other classic rpgs, like FF2 shown here:
I don't understand how someone couldn't wrap their head around it, unless they had never played an rpg before.
Only quick slot items auto-equip, and only if you have empty slots and none of that item in your inventory. Armour, weapons and rings all need to be done manually.
I don't recall any RPG doing that, other than final fantasy which someone brought up earlier that also had you select a blank square to open a different submenu.
I can only imagine a pokemon game where opening Bill's PC doesn't allow you to withdraw pokemon, it only shows them to you, and to withdraw, you would have to press "A" on an empty slot to open up the real box where you can withdraw. It is just bad design, which is why nobody could think up of any game that did this other than some final fantasy game that is over a decade old.
Sorry, but I still don't see why it's unintuitive.
You're NOT selecting an item, you're selecting a slot to insert an item.
This is a concept that has existed in RPGs (particularly JRPGs, like Dark Souls) for decades. Select a slot (usually a body part, like left hand, right hand, head, etc) > select an item to put in slot. It isn't complicated.
I meant *don't auto equip.
He had to have equipped at the least his sword.
So he would have had to use the sub menu to equip his sword and/or shield at least once.
Check things you have
Put in the your body the things you have
Good grief, hasn't this bait gone long enough?
That is dumb, I have never heard of a game that requires you selecting an empty slot before showing you your items. What you describe must be utilized by an extreme minority of RPG games. Most games shows item slots, along with the items beside it, without requiring you to "click the left foot to see what left sides shoes you can wear". It is always all the slots with all the items already presented.
You are roleplaying as the loon from the video, right?
No? Some games show the items you can equip in a parallel window, but a lot of them are as I described. Have you played any JRPGs other than Pokemon?
And besides, Dark Souls is designed like that for a reason. It isn't "dumb". It's to minimize inventory shuffling, so you can swap out equipment quickly (nb: DS doesn't pause in menus, so the more time you spend in them, the more chance you have of being surprised by something dangerous). It's a very slick system in practice. Maybe you should try the game out before you criticize it?
Seriously this.
I remember the first time I played it was those two words that cleared up any confusion.
Is pressing a button that hard? Its not like the game is going to explode if you press the wrong thing. Exploring and experimenting with what you don't understand isn't a fucking sin you mongoloid.
Oh boy, be careful, this usually gets the "I don't have to eat shit to know it tastes like shit lmao" argument
Yeah, I guess actually having experience in the piece of media you're trying to criticize is "dumb".
People can't actually be this dense, can they?
Have they never played a tales of game?
Winter Morgan is obviously and alias, while I don't understand what would lead Mark Cheverton (whoever he is) to use his real name.
Winter Morgan sounds like a name from a Twilight fanfic.
Also, I just looked this guy up and he's actually "gameknight999"'s dad. He wrote the series to teach his kid how to handle cyberbullies and apparently his books are selling pretty well.
It's kinda sweet. There's an interview with him on yt.
No, this guy seems like he actually plays the games he reviews.
a friend of mine who is trying so hard to be an eceleb is also a tumblrtale fag
I feel bad for you, poor user
this guys fucking voice
i should just write a damn book, if any retard can do it.
No dude, THIS guy's voice. This guy's hat also.
I can't stand it.
Haven't seen the middle one before. This much anger can't be good for my heart.
user, those people are shills. They arent even hiding it, they have playstation in their name.
Sony always wins baby
What makes you think you're not suppose to press a button there?
What event in someones life could cause such comments?
The closest to what you are describing would be Diablo's inventory system. Even in simple as shit games like Persona you select the category of item (weapon, armour etc.) And then you select the item to go in that slot.
How about you provide some examples where this is not the case? None come to my mind at the moment.
these are the kinds of people game companies cater to now.
Why do these people even try? They don't seem to even have a basic understanding of what number is bigger than the other.
At least they are a constant source of material for threads like this.
Is masturbating on stream some kind of new fad now?
Fucking women, I swear.
Does anyone know if this guy has other accounts? I find him interesting, and he could be a potential lolcow.
Every goddamn time I open the spoiler expecting robots.
facebook cringe is best cringe
It was a genuine accident. dumb girl forgot that the webcam was on
Someone needs to dox these people so we can save them, or enact vengeance for them.